Wu Sanshan had been waiting for almost two months, and he was getting a little impatient.

Having lived for two thousand years, he is not impatient.

It's just that the situation in Ziyun Valley is special. The ancient cave here has a strong malice towards True Monarch Nascent Soul.

It is said that none of the Nascent Soul Lords who entered Ziyun Valley could leave alive.

This rumor is definitely exaggerated, but it also proves the danger of Ziyun Valley.

The Nascent Soul Lords would rather believe that they are there, and no one is willing to take risks in Ziyun Valley.

The two Nascent Soul Lords of Wanfeng Sect were waiting a hundred miles away from Ziyun Valley. There were only a few golden elixirs and foundation builders guarding the entrance.

If Wu Sanshan hadn't come to the end of his life, he wouldn't have gone all the way to Ziyun Valley to calculate for a junior.

If the True Monarch Nascent Soul can survive continuous tribulations, he can live to be three thousand years old.

However, his Yin God was severely injured and there was no way he could survive the first wind disaster.

It's not difficult to seize other people's bodies, but he was severely damaged by the Yin God. Seizing someone else's body is equivalent to changing a piece of clothing. It does no good to their Yinshen, but does harm to them.

Of course, if there are some particularly powerful spiritual and Taoist bodies that can really seize the body, there will be considerable benefits.

It's just that such a person can't be easily found.

As the majestic Nascent Soul Lord, Wu Sanshan was of course not willing to die like this.

With his ability, he has no way to reincarnate as a ghost. In fact, even the Taoist Transformation Lord dare not say that he can successfully reincarnate.

Even if someone with a little innate spirituality can be reincarnated, they will be blinded by the mystery in the womb, and it is almost impossible to awaken the memories of past lives on their own.

However, if a strong person is willing to help, there will always be two more chances of reincarnation.

The strong man also made a promise that as long as he was reincarnated successfully, he would be accepted as his disciple and he would not be treated badly.

Wu Sanshan actually knew that his chances of reincarnation were slim. But he got a magical weapon by chance. Although he couldn't control it, he could barely use it to protect his Yinshen.

In this way, the chances of reincarnation are greatly increased.

Of course, even if he succeeds in reincarnation, the strong man may not be able to find him, nor may he be willing to look for him.

It's just that people are going to die, so they have to give it a try.

Even if it's a one in 10,000 chance, it's still better than waiting to die.

As for how much trouble killing Yue Shenxiu would cause, he didn't care at all.

Everyone is dead, even if the world is turned upside down, what does it have to do with him.

Wu Sanshan did not expect that things would go so poorly.

Even after consuming a precious Black Crane Talisman, Yue Shenxiu could not be found.

There was no choice but to wait patiently near the Sea of ​​Stars.

There were several times that Wu Sanshan wanted to leave, but he was reluctant to give up the chance of reincarnation, so he held it back.

When Yue Shenxiu finally ran out, Wu Sanshan couldn't help but immediately released his spiritual consciousness to lock Yue Shenxiu.

By this time, he was no longer too lazy to conceal his identity.

Let’s kill Yue Shenxiu first!

Even if Yue Wanfeng has extraordinary abilities, there is no way he can be traced for a while.

By the time he found out, he would probably be dead long ago.

Wu Sanshan unleashed his spiritual consciousness unscrupulously, but he was also afraid that Yue Shenxiu would run away.

Such a direct descendant of the core of a large sect must have some life-saving tricks. For example, long-distance space moving spells, secret techniques, etc.

Long-distance space movement is a very sophisticated and subtle magic. One slight mistake and the spell will fail.

Locked by his powerful spiritual consciousness, any space spells and talismans will be easily destroyed by him, and he will never give Yue Shenxiu a chance to escape.

Of course Yue Shenxiu also understood this, and she could sense that the other party's strong malice was aimed at her.

Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan were only implicated by her.

Yue Shenxiu was also a little puzzled. Why would True Lord Nascent Soul come to plot against her?

The opponent was obviously a demon cultivator, and he couldn't hide his powerful demon aura even if he wanted to.

Even if the demon cultivator likes to hunt talented golden elixirs, it is impossible for him to go to the hinterland of Wanfeng Sect. It was even more impossible to go to Ziyun Valley specifically to find her.

There must be a reason for this.

Yue Shenxiu couldn't figure out the reason for a while, but the most important thing right now was how to escape!

She never thought of fighting back, as the other party's consciousness had already crushed the three of them. Not to mention that the other party is the True Lord Nascent Soul, who has fourth-level magical powers, spells, and magic weapons.

She and Gao Xian can kill thousands of phantom mirages together, but that's because their intelligence is too low.

The same yin and yang separation and divine light will be decoded by Nascent Soul Lord before it can be activated, and there is no chance to use it.

Even if she manages to use it, Nascent Soul Lord will definitely be able to find a suitable way to deal with it, so there is no way she can just stand there and let her do it.

Yue Shenxiu didn't want to drag down Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan, so she said to them: "You are here for me, you go first."

Since the Nascent Soul Lord wants to kill her, Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan still have a chance to escape.

Yue Shenxiu thought that with the pure Yang Baoguang protecting his soul, he should be able to hold on for a while, enough for Gao Xian and Yun Qingxuan to escape.

As long as the two of them can leave alive, the Nascent Soul Master will not be able to escape!

Yun Qingxuan looked at Gao Xian. She would not care about Yue Shenxiu's life or death. After all, the two sides had not yet reached the stage of friendship, but she could not ignore Gao Xian.

Gao Xian understood what Yun Qingxuan meant, and he said to Yun Qingxuan: "Brother, you go first."

Yue Shenxiu looked at Gao Xian in confusion. This matter had nothing to do with Gao Xian. Why was he staying?

Just because she has a divine connection with the Yin-Yang Cauldron of Creation, Gao Xian will stay with her through life and death? !

She was both unbelievable and touched.

Yue Shenxiu wanted to persuade Gao Xian to leave, but Gao Xian took the lead and said, "You must try your best. Fellow Taoist, you don't have to think too much."

He then said to Yun Qingxuan: "I have my own plan to escape. Let's meet outside Ziyun Valley."

Yun Qingxuan still trusts Gao Xian very much. Since he said this, he must be sure of it.

She nodded to Yue Shenxiu: "Fellow Taoist, take care, I'll take the first step."

Yun Qingxuan identified the location of the Nascent Soul Lord, and she activated the Juntian Wheel to fly in the opposite direction.

The Nascent Soul True Monarch's spiritual consciousness locked on her body was swayed by the clear light of Jun Tianlun's perfect wheel, and a crack was immediately torn open, and she could no longer be trapped.

Taking Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower also greatly enhanced her spiritual consciousness. Although she couldn't confront True Lord Nascent Soul head-on, it was impossible for the other party's spiritual consciousness to lock her in from a distance.

"Still want to leave!"

Wu Sanshan, who was dozens of miles away, let out a low voice with some disdain, and pressed the seal with his hand to trigger the blood-threaded net.

Blood streaks like long hair emerged out of thin air, criss-crossing and intertwining into a dense network, covering a large area of ​​the sky, including Gao Xian, Yue Shenxiu, and Yun Qingxuan.

Yun Qingxuan was about to activate Jun Tianlun to fight when he heard Qing Yue's sword chant.

Then a sharp cyan rainbow penetrated the sky, tearing apart the blood network and opening a straight passage.

Yun Qingxuan knew that it was Gao Xian who had drawn the sword, so she immediately activated the Juntian Wheel to speed up and leave the passage.

She didn't look back at Gao Xian, nor did she say anything. Because it is not easy for Gao Xian to use the sword to unleash the magic of Lord Nascent Soul, she must seize the opportunity instead of falling in love with Gao Xian at a critical moment.

Gao Xian was very satisfied with Yun Qingxuan's decisiveness, that's right!

Wu Sanshan, who was dozens of miles away, was a little shocked. This boy was so powerful with his swordsmanship that he actually broke through his spell.

If Gao Xian and Yue Shenxiu escaped together, the matter would be easier to solve.

The problem is that only one of them ran away. If he had to use all his strength to chase him, it would be easy for Yue Shenxiu and that kid to escape.

If I don't use all my strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the escaped woman. The opponent's control is obviously a powerful spiritual weapon!

After weighing the pros and cons, Wu Sanshan decided to leave the woman alone and just run away, as long as he captured Yueshenxiu.

This is Ziyun Valley, and the news cannot be conveyed for a while.

He is not afraid of revealing his identity, as long as he is not caught on the spot by Yue Wanfeng, he will be fine.

One of them ran away as soon as he started. Although it had nothing to do with the overall situation, it made Wu Sanshan a little depressed.

He was not interested in talking to Yue Shenxiu anymore, and directly activated the blood-threaded net to cover the two of them.

This spell is made of dirty blood condensed into threads. Its blood-colored threads are soft and unbreakable, and are not afraid of wind and fire, and can even resist thunder.

Although the boy slashed a passage with his sword, the thick bloodshot veins immediately returned to their original state.

Wu Sanshan didn't even think about using this spell to kill the two of them, he just had to trap them first.

Yue Shenxiu looked at the falling red silk screen, and she flicked out a red talisman.

The talisman turned into a ball of red flames in the air and opened like an umbrella, protecting her and Gao Xian below.

The Three Yang True Fire Umbrella is a powerful protective spell. The power of the Three Yang True Fire is so strong that it can restrain the magic spells.

Yue Shenxiu had drawn these spells on the talismans in advance, and this third-level top-level protective spell could be activated at the click of a finger.

What surprised Yue Shenxiu was that the Three Yang True Fire couldn't burn the dense blood.

Gao Xian said to Yue Shenxiu: "I will block him in a while, you go first."

Yue Shenxiu was silent for a moment and said, "Why?"

Gao Xian held Yueshenxiu's hand and said proudly, "Because I am Gao Xianyi and Bo Yuntian!"

After Gao Xian and Yue Shenxiu started practicing together, they already regarded Yue Shenxiu as their girlfriend.

If he had the ability, of course he would try his best to protect Yue Shenxiu. Well, even if he doesn't have dual cultivation, he is still willing to help Yueshen show off.

By nature, he is a more moral and emotional person. Of course, he didn't want to say something too disgusting.

When picking up girls, you can’t be too low.

Yue Shenxiu felt warm in her heart. The reason Gao Xian said was a bit funny. Because of this, his magnanimity became even more evident.

"To be honest, I have the method of incarnation to escape."

Gao Xian said: "When he kills my incarnation, you run away again. He will definitely chase you first. This way we both have a chance to escape."

When Yue Shenxiu heard Gao Xian tell the truth, she was even more moved and couldn't help but kiss Gao Xian.

She said softly: "If I can escape this disaster, I will never let you down."

"It's a deal."

Gao Xian smiled cheerfully at Yue Shenxiu, and he rushed forward with his sword, facing the thick clouds of blood on his head.

In an instant, the unrivaled sharp green sword light struck in succession, as powerful as a thunderbolt, as powerful as thunder, and as fast as lightning.

The green sword light surged violently, cutting the dense blood streaks in the sky into pieces.

Yue Shenxiu took the opportunity to activate the Ten Thousand Miles Flying Electric Talisman, and the electric light around him flashed and flew away.

Wu Sanshan could tolerate Yun Qingxuan's escape, but he could never let Yue Shenxiu go.

He was really a little angry now. The other party really didn't take him as the Nascent Soul Lord seriously.

He repeatedly used his swordsmanship to ruin his good deeds, and even a small swordsman dared to be so arrogant!

Wu Sanshan raised his hand and pointed, and the Seven Evil Bloody Yang Sword in his sleeve shot out.

This fourth-level mid-grade flying sword was polished with Blood Yang Stone and refined with the Qi of Seven Evils. It took tens of thousands of cultivators' blood sacrifices to make it.

The crimson sword light formed by the Seven Evil Blood Sun Sword pierced the sky, and dragged out a long and long bloody flame behind it, like a magnificent bloody comet.

Wherever the bloody sword light passed, the sky and sea were dyed crimson, and the blazing sun in the sky was covered by the strong bloody sword light.

Such power made Gao Xian's heart sink. The Nascent Soul Demon Lord's flying sword was really powerful!

The flying sword hasn't arrived yet, but the sword's power already has the power to split the sky and the sea.

Fortunately, his spiritual consciousness is powerful, and his perfect form and spirit are as solid as a diamond, but he cannot be intimidated by a flying sword. Not to mention that his soul is protected by pure Yang Baoguang.

Sister Lan is an inseparable part of him. He is protected by pure Yang Baoguang, and Sister Lan also has Pure Yang Baoguang.

Together, he and Sister Lan definitely beat each other in the sea of ​​consciousness. Unfortunately, this kind of battle in the sea of ​​​​consciousness is extremely dangerous, and the opponent, even the Nascent Soul Lord, will not easily risk breaking into other people's sea of ​​​​consciousness.

At the same time, Wu Sanshan summoned the Nine Mother Yin Demon Banners.

On the long banner, the nine evil demons roared and turned into nine evil winds and black air, flying towards the distance to become more beautiful.

The Nine Sons Mother Yin Demon has no body and flies extremely fast. Yueshenxiu can't even think of running away even if he is blessed with the Wanli Electric Talisman.

What surprised Wu Sanshan was that the man's platinum halo circulated, and he instantly turned into a stream of light and caught up with the Nine Sons Mother Yin Demon.

The man held a four-foot golden whip in his hand, which he fired with a violent and powerful purple-gold thunder light, blasting the Nine Sons of Yin Demon into thousands of wisps of black smoke, destroying most of the Yin Demon's spirituality.

Wu Sanshan had to take back Jiu Zimu, and after a delay, the purple and gold thunder light crisscrossed the sky, and wiped out all his consciousness, cutting off his lock on Yue Shenxiu.

Wu Sanshan activated his spiritual consciousness and was about to track Yue Shenxiu when he suddenly sensed something wrong and activated the Yin Dragon on the robe.

The dark golden Yin Dragon appeared silently on the black robe, shattering all nine transparent invisible ice blades.

Wu Sanshan was even more angry. The boy dared to attack him with magic. He was really looking for death!

Before he could get angry, dozens of red-gold divine lights had already shot out.

Wu Sanshan held a roll of the Yin Demon Flag in his hand and put away all the red gold flames.

The second hundred red gold flames arrived again, this time there were one hundred and eight red gold flames, shooting towards him from all directions.

This is mixed with an almost shadowless transparent ice blade.

The opponent's instant spell was very powerful, and even with his ability, he had to defend it.

In a hurry, Wu Sanshan didn't have any easy way to deal with it.

After fighting like this for several rounds, Wu Sanshan discovered that Yue Shenxiu had lost touch with his spiritual consciousness.

Wu Sanshan's face turned ugly. His eyes fell on Gao Xian and he said sternly: "Boy, how do you want to die!" (End of Chapter)

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