Wu Sanshan's gloomy and fierce voice echoed endlessly in the sky, causing the void to seem to be constantly vibrating and echoing.

All the might of the Nascent Soul Lord was released without reservation at this moment.

The distance between Gao Xian and Wu Sanshan was about twenty miles, and there was no obstruction in the sky. He could see each other clearly even without a flower-appreciating mirror.

The old man has gray beard and hair, and his pale old face is full of deep wrinkles, like a portrait that was crumpled and then unfolded, which looks a bit weird.

The old man's black robe is as deep as ink, with a dark gold dragon pattern entwining the robe, and a huge dark gold dragon head on his chest.

Just now the old man urged the long dark gold dragon on his robe to block the Xuanming arrow.

The aura of the dark gold dragon is deep and cold, and its aura changes are vaguely similar to the Xuanming Arrow, but it is of a higher level.

Gao Xian secretly sighed, the opponent's robe was really gorgeous and majestic, and it was not at the same level as other evil demon cultivators. He was worthy of being the True Lord of Nascent Soul.

Although the old man has great momentum, he is too old and has obviously entered the last stage of his life.

Compared with Yun Zaitian and other Nascent Soul Lords, the old man is a little less profound. Obviously far behind in terms of background.

A dying Yuanying in its early stage would never be able to survive the second wind tribulation, so he had the guts to kill Yue Shenxiu.

Of course, the old man was completely crushed against the Golden Core level.

If Yue Shenxiu and Yun Qingxuan were here, even if their souls were protected by pure Yang Baoguang, their consciousness would not be completely suppressed by the old man.

Gao Xian was three points behind the old man in spiritual consciousness. This was actually a huge gap. However, with the perfect state of the Great Vajra Grandmaster, his perfect form and spirit are as strong as a vajra, which is enough to withstand the pressure of the old man's spiritual consciousness.

With this foundation, he could observe the old man calmly and confront the old man.

If the spiritual consciousness of the old man is completely suppressed, the cultivator will become deaf and blind. Even if the magical power is strong and the magic weapon is powerful, the old man will easily solve it.

Wu Sanshan was also a little surprised. The spiritual consciousness he exerted with all his strength was unable to really suppress the opponent. How could this little golden elixir be so pure in cultivation! How can the consciousness be so powerful!

Wu Sanshan took a serious look at Gao Xian this time and saw that the man in green clothes and sword was handsome and elegant.

He immediately thought of the origin of this person. He was number one in Tianying Records, and he was the most talented person in both magic and sword.

"He really has some ability, but it's a pity that he will die today! Even if he has a peerless talent, what can he do..."

With a movement of Wu Sanshan's spiritual consciousness, he controlled the Seven Evil Blood Yang Sword and slashed straight at Gao Xian.

Just now, Gao Xian used his escape method to get rid of the Seven Evils Bloody Yang Sword. That was because he was distracted by dealing with Yue Shenxiu and did not pay too much attention to Gao Xian.

But this time it was different. Since Yue Shenxiu ran away, he would kill Gao Xian first.

Wu Sanshan is not a swordsman, but at his level, controlling a flying sword is not easy.

The Seven Evil Blood Yang Sword is a fourth-level high-grade spiritual sword. Under the influence of his divine consciousness, it is a great threat to the Nascent Soul of the same level, let alone a small golden elixir.

"The opponent must be killed within three swords!"

The Bloody Comet-like Seven Evil Bloody Yang Sword suddenly accelerated and struck in front of Gao Xian in an instant.

Gao Xian didn't dodge either. The flying sword was too fast. He could only avoid it by activating the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel to the extreme.

It's just that such a top-speed state is not stable. The opponent is the Nascent Soul Lord, and it will be difficult to deal with it if you use some means to interfere with him.

On the other hand, Gao Xian also saw that this man was not good at swordsmanship, and the flying sword was just used as an ordinary magical weapon.

The power is very strong, but without the superb swordsmanship of a swordsman, this flying sword becomes a dead thing.

The most powerful thing about the flying sword is that it can defeat enemies with its sharpness, but its weakness is that it is too thin and difficult to attack.

This is the characteristic of the flying sword itself, no matter who controls it. It's just that a skilled swordsman can skillfully control the flying sword and find the enemy's weaknesses. It can also change the characteristics of the sword with its tyrannical sword intent.

Gao Xian is a first-grade sword elixir, and his swordsmanship is far superior to that of his opponent Yuanying Zhenjun.

As soon as he saw that the other party Yu Jian was rigid, he knew this was an opportunity.

When the flying sword, which was as red as a comet, struck in front of him, Gao Xian held the Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip and swept it across. The four-foot golden whip hit the flying sword.

Purple, gold, and white gold lightning burst out at the same time. In the earth-shattering roar of thunder, the bloody flying sword was smashed out. Like a comet, the bloody sword energy simultaneously shattered into bloody light all over the sky.

The fierce and unparalleled blow almost destroyed the spirit of the Qi Sha Xue Yang Sword.

Wu Sanshan's consciousness, which was controlling the flying sword, was shaken, and he lost control of the Qi Sha Xue Yang Sword.

Dui Hong's magic power was so violent that his consciousness condensed on the flying sword was shattered.

Fortunately, there was still the imprint of his spiritual consciousness deep in the central magic circle deep in Feijian. He quickly locked on Feijian again and recalled Feijian with his spiritual consciousness.

Wu Sanshan looked at the dim Seven Evils Bloody Yang Sword, feeling shocked and angry. This fourth-level high-quality flying sword was almost broken by that kid.

The main reason is that the golden whip in the boy's hand is also at the fourth level, and it is blessed with thunder magic, which is extremely strong.

What's even more powerful is that the boy's body and soul are perfect. When he takes action, his body and soul exert force at the same time, and the power of the instant burst is not much worse than him.

Wu Sanshan was a little confused again. This kid was also proficient in body training! At such an age, how could he have mastered the art of body refining to such a high level that he has already touched the fourth level?

The two common spiritual weapons in his hand are the Nine-Zi Mu Yin Demon Banner and the Seven Evils Blood-Yang Sword.

As a result, both spiritual weapons were restrained by the opponent's golden whip and suffered setbacks one after another. This made Wu Sanshan very uncomfortable.

The majestic Nascent Soul Lord actually suffered at the hands of a little golden elixir. If this is spread, other Nascent Soul Lords must not laugh out loud.

On the other hand, Wu Sanshan became interested in Gao Xian again.

He couldn't see what kind of spiritual body or Taoist body Gao Xian was. It was just that Gao Xian was perfect in form and spirit, and his life source was powerful and long-lasting, becoming more and more vigorous.

If he could seize such a tyrannical body and absorb its power to feed the Yin God, he would be able to live at least thirty or forty more years.

Thirty or forty years may seem short, but if he can cultivate, he can make more arrangements to increase his certainty of reincarnation.

From this point of view, this Gao Xian really has some value and cannot be wasted.

Wu Sanshan has lived for two thousand years and naturally has all kinds of magical powers and secrets. He thought that it would not be difficult to kill Gao Xian.

It's a bit troublesome to capture Gao Xian alive.

Wu Sanshan's mind turned and activated the giant spirit dharma. This was the fundamental Taoist dharma he practiced.

At this time, there is no need to pretend anything.

The cyan giant spirit has a fierce and ferocious appearance, a tall and sturdy body, holding a sky-shattering hammer in one hand, and the magic power around his body is as thick as a mountain.

Under the urging of Wu Sanshan, the giant spirit image suddenly expanded into a giant more than a thousand feet tall.

The Dharma Appearance of the giant spirit is as majestic as a mountain and as strong as steel, but at the same time it is as ethereal as the wind and as ethereal as smoke.

Gao Xian, who was ten miles away, suddenly felt tremendous pressure.

Obviously, the opposite Nascent Soul Lord is here for real. The previous two attacks were just to activate the spiritual weapon casually, and they didn't take him seriously at all.

This huge statue arrived in front of him in just one step. Then a giant green palm fell from the sky.

The Dharma Appearance was huge but extremely fast. With one palm strike, it was both majestic and erratic. The giant palm even covered an area of ​​hundreds of feet in radius.

The unparalleled palm power transformed from mana caused a loud explosion in the void, and a huge palm print a hundred feet deep appeared on the sea below.

Such earth-shattering magic power truly demonstrated the power of the Nascent Soul Lord.

Gao Xian knew without even trying that he couldn't catch it. The magic power gathered by the giant spirit was ten times or more than his.

This is a huge amount of magic power that only Yin God can control. No matter how strong his golden elixir is, he is still far inferior to Nascent Soul Yin God in this regard.

The huge palm of the giant spirit's Dharma form covers all directions, and the power of the palm's movement naturally gathers inward.

Gao Xian put away the golden whip for subduing demons. Now is not the time to use a powerful spiritual weapon.

He pulled out the Green Lotus Sword and moved the sword forward. The half-circle of sword light was missing, and it was the Waning Moon Sword.

The arc-shaped semicircular cyan waning moon cracked the Nascent Soul True Monarch's consciousness that was bound around him, and also opened a thin crack under the power of Wu You's palm.

When Wu Sanshan saw Gao Xian trying to run away, a sneer appeared on his face. If the giant spirit could make Gao Xian run away, that would be a joke!

The green giant spirit Dharma image suddenly roared loudly, and the sky and sea shook suddenly with the roar.

While Gao Xian was fleeing far away with his sword, he was scattered by the sword light blasted by invisible sound waves, his body shook, and his flight suddenly stopped.

The five fingers of the huge cyan palm were about to catch Gao Xian in the palm of his hand.

Gao Xian just couldn't match his opponent's magic power, and his consciousness and soul were not completely suppressed.

Realizing that the situation was not good, he put away the long sword in his hand, and both the man and the sword disappeared without a trace.

This style of Hui Yue Hidden Sky combined with the Tai Chi Xuan Guang Invisible Heavenly Clothes can truly make you invisible.

Wu Sanshan was also a little surprised that Gao Xian completely disappeared from his consciousness.

This kind of swordsmanship is so unusual!

No matter how advanced his swordsmanship is, Gao Xian is only at the third level. How could he hide his Nascent Soul induction? !

There is no such thing!

Wu Sanshan's eyes flashed with blood, and he had already seen Gao Xian hiding in the void.

This boy is cunning and clever, extremely skilled in magic and swordsmanship, and has all kinds of incredible magical powers and secrets.

We must not let him escape!

Wu Sanshan's eyes flashed with blood, leaving a bloody mark on Gao Xian's body.

With this magical sword that turns evil into blood, he left a mark on Gao Xian's body.

In this way, Gao Xian would never be able to escape from his grasp.

Wu Sanshan took advantage of this opportunity and urged the giant spirit to smash the sky-shattering hammer.

The Sky-Blowing Hammer is actually more like a long cone. When it hits the bottom, it immediately penetrates the sea surface, leaving a deep pit hundreds of feet deep.

This hammer blasted out all the silt and rocks from the seabed, and the agitated seawater slurry shot straight into the sky.

What surprised Wu Sanshan was that Gao Xian failed to avoid the blow and was directly smashed into powder by the Sky Hammer in the sea.

"Just die like that?"

Wu Sanshan instinctively suspected that something was wrong, so he activated the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword of Sea-consciousness and Heaven-consciousness, and sure enough, he sensed that tiny bit of blood again and was quickly diving into the depths of the sea.

"It's a method of incarnation outside the body. It can change directions instantly. It's really exquisite."

Wu Sanshan is quite familiar with the method of incarnation, which is the method that Nascent Soul Master prefers.

Gao Xian's method of cloning was more advanced than his, which aroused Wu Sanshan's curiosity even more.

After this delay, Yue Shenxiu was at least a thousand miles away. He has even returned to the sect. You can't catch up if you chase! Might as well go all out to capture this kid.

This kid is so abnormal, he must have a big secret. Another body suitable for seizing a body.

Seeing Gao Xian continue to dive into the bottom of the sea, Wu Sanshan made up his mind to catch Gao Xian no matter what!

(I’ve been having insomnia these past few days~ The updates are a bit unstable, I’ve tried my best~ Please support me with a monthly ticket~)

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