The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 437 The bright moon illuminates the blood

Gao Xian said sarcastic words, but he did not forget to use the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword to put Sha Tianjing away.

Helping the enemy to deal with his or her funeral affairs is the most basic quality of a benevolent and righteous gentleman, and it is also a necessary safety procedure. Of course, the most important thing is to handle the various items gifted by the other party.

In a flash of white light, the dead Sha Tianjing disappeared.

Gao Xian really wanted to pose and tease Xiao Hongye. Thinking that Yue Shenxiu was watching from behind, she gave up on this coquettish idea.

We are all fellow Taoists walking together on the great road. In fact, there is no need to separate ourselves from each other. However, other fellow Taoists may not be so philanthropic, and may not have his broad-mindedness.

For the sake of harmony and friendship among everyone, he still has to restrain himself.

"Senior brother,"

Xiao Hongye had a look of surprise on her face. Gao Xian appeared so timely, as if it had been calculated.

But she knew that Gao Xian was not that boring, and there was no need to play tricks with her.

There must be someone behind Sha Tianjing, and they must be plotting against Gao Xian. She was also a little shocked when Gao Xian instantly killed Sha Tianjing in front of him.

There was so much she wanted to say, and she didn't know where to start.

"Sha Tianjing still has accomplices and senior brothers,"

Before Xiao Hongye could finish her words, Gao Xian said: "I know everything. It's dangerous here, you leave first."

He quietly used his spiritual consciousness to pass a route map to Xiao Hongye, "Get here as soon as possible, I'll be there soon."

Gao Xian didn't say what he was doing here, mainly because it was inconvenient to say too much.

"Be careful, I'm leaving first."

Xiao Hongye had great trust in Gao Xian, so she turned around and walked away with her sword without asking any questions.

Gao Xian held his sword and stood in the distance, silently watching the numerous golden elixirs speeding towards him a hundred miles away.

"Wu Liuji, Yue Huafeng, Bai Zhongming, thirteen golden elixirs...what a huge battle."

Gao Xian was not surprised to see these enemies, but it was not easy for these people to get together.

After all, they belong to different sects and have their own interests, so it is impossible to truly unite as one.

They think there are many people, but in fact they are just gathered together and cannot be regarded as a whole.

This group of people must be like wolves and tigers when the wind is favorable, and they are unstoppable.

If it encounters a headwind, it will inevitably fall apart immediately and run away in confusion.

Before taking Pure Yang Jade Qinghua, Gao Xian did not dare to fight with so many golden elixirs.

More than a dozen golden elixirs activated magic weapons at the same time, and more than a dozen powerful spiritual consciousnesses were locked on him. He really couldn't bear it.

After taking three Pure Yang Jade Clear Flowers, his soul was protected by the pure Yang light, and the golden elixir level secret technique could no longer shake his soul. Not to mention that with Sister Lan, his soul power can be doubled.

He would not suffer even if he faced the Yin Shen of Wu San Mountain.

The power of his spiritual consciousness has also increased, and the sensing radius has reached 45,000 steps, which has exceeded Wu Sanshan in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Wu Liuji and his group are still a hundred miles away. Gao Xian can see them through the flower appreciating mirror and can also sense them with his spiritual consciousness.

Wu Liuji and the others could see him through secret techniques and magic weapons, but their spiritual consciousness was too far behind to sense Gao Xian's spiritual consciousness.

If Gao Xian is willing, he can trigger spells and magic weapons to attack these golden elixirs from this distance.

But if the distance is too far, the power of his spells and magical weapons will naturally decrease.

But because the opponent was fighting at close range, he was able to fight against him at the spiritual level.

It is also difficult for the Nascent Soul Master to kill a powerful golden elixir from a hundred miles away, unless it is through the method of out-of-body Yin Shen.

The three people with the strongest spiritual consciousness among the group of people are Bai Zhongming, Yue Huafeng, and Wu Liuji.

If he wants to kill the three of them, the distance between the two sides must be at least ten miles, so that the power of his spell can reach its peak and be enough to suppress the opponent's consciousness.

If the opponent has a powerful spiritual weapon, the difficulty of killing him will continue to increase.

If you want to kill the opponent quickly, it is most reliable to fight at close range with a sword.

Gao Xian gave up the idea of ​​killing these people from a distance. He wanted to talk to such people and make things clear.

You can't just punish someone without teaching them.

Wu Liuji and others also saw Gao Xian through secret techniques. A group of people were a little surprised and confused. Where did Sha Tianjing go?

Just now they could faintly see the light of a thunder sword shining, but they didn't know the details.

The distance was too far, and there were various restrictions on observing through secret techniques. They could not know what exactly happened just now.

Seeing Gao Xian standing still, everyone felt a little uneasy.

This kid didn't run away when he saw a group of them? !

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

But at this point, they had no room to retreat. If Gao Xian is not killed this time, it will cause serious trouble.

They also wanted to see what Gao Xian could rely on to be so confident.

Everyone who can refine the golden elixir is a determined person, so naturally they will not be intimidated by Gao Xian like this.

"I'll go up and entangle him in a while, and we'll join forces to kill him. Don't give him a chance."

Wu Liuji said in a deep voice: "It is said that his escape skills are superb. If we let him escape this time, we will have no chance to kill him."

As he spoke, he pressed his chest, and the golden dragon head embedded in his chest was activated. Golden light flowed out like water and soon spread all over Wu Liuji's body.

When the golden light solidified, it turned into a set of golden dragon scale armor covering the whole body.

The main body of the armor is made up of layers of fine dragon scales, with dragon-head shoulder pads on the shoulders, and a coiled golden dragon inlaid on the chest to form the heart armor.

Wu Liuji has a dragon-horned helmet on his head, and even his face is covered with a layer of translucent golden armor.

The entire set of golden dragon scale armor is majestic and gorgeous. Wu Liuji, who was wearing armor, had a bit more domineering power that swept across the world.

Yue Huafeng couldn't help but look surprised. Although he had never seen this armor, he had heard of its prestigious name: Tianji Golden Dragon Armor.

This armor is the most precious treasure of the Hunyuan Sect. It is said to be made from the dragon skin of the ancient golden dragon, and possesses all the incredible powers of the divine dragon.

Such as controlling wind and thunder, resisting all kinds of magic, flying into the sky and entering the water, changing as desired, etc. It is said that it also contains the ancient dragon soul, which can make the cultivator as powerful as a dragon.

Yue Huafeng suddenly understood that it was no wonder that Wu Liuji was so confident. With this precious armor, he was already invincible.

Even if others don't know the name of Tianji Golden Dragon Armor, their confidence will be greatly increased when they see Wu Liuji's majestic and domineering appearance.

Wu Liuji was blessed by the power of the dragon soul in the armor, his consciousness was so strong, his energy and blood were surging, and he felt that one punch could smash the whole world to pieces.

He clenched the Jiuyue Dinghai Stick in his hand and couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile on his face.

The last time Gao Xian defeated him with a clever move, his reputation plummeted and he became a joke in many people's mouths.

No matter where he went, he could hear this mocking voice.

Wu Liuji didn't know how many bad-mouthed people he killed, but he couldn't stop others from talking about it.

This kind of depression made him extremely uncomfortable. Only by killing Gao Xian could the root of the problem be solved.

At that time, no one in the world would laugh at him for this.

Such a strong obsession made Wu Liuji desperate to take revenge on Gao Xian.

The Yuehua Peak next to it is actually similar to Wu Liuji.

Since his defeat to Gao Xian, his status in the sect has plummeted. Many enemies laughed at him about this.

This is not only a matter of reputation, but also involves huge interests in all aspects.

Yue Huafeng tried his best to move out True Lord Qingyang, but still failed to kill Gao Xian.

When he met Wu Liuji, they hit it off immediately.

As for the Yuelun Sect, it is the least important role in the cooperation between the several parties. The purpose of bringing in the Yuelun Sect was more to let the Yuelun Sect take the blame.

Sha Tianjing was pulled over by Wu Liuji to join in the fun. Now it seems that the sand sky is full of misfortune and bad luck.

Yue Huafeng knew Gao Xian's character very well. This guy was cruel and vicious. If you fight with him in private, you will almost always be killed, no luck.

However, how can people like them lose to a wise man? ! Absolutely not possible.

In a place like Ziyun Valley, could anyone help Gao Xian stand up?

Yue Huafeng didn't believe it either. At most, there were multiple Xiao Hongye. In such a battle, Xiao Hongye's influence can be ignored.

A group of people came to Gao Xian's front aggressively and stopped a hundred steps away.

Wu Liuji raised his voice and said, "Gao Xian, what did you do to Sha Tianjing?"

Sha Tianjing was his good friend, and he didn't believe that Gao Xian could kill Sha Tianjing in such a short time. It's possible that Sha Tianjing fled far away and was too embarrassed to see him again.

No matter what, always ask first.

"Sha Tianjing broke the rules by pursuing fellow Daoist Xiao Hongye for no reason."

Gao Xian said unhurriedly: "True Lord Qingyang said that anyone who kills his comrades will die. I followed True Lord's teachings and executed this black sheep."

Although everyone had expected it, their expressions changed slightly when they heard what Gao Xian said.

Sha Tian Jing Tian Dun's sword skills were so good, but he was easily killed by Gao Xian!

Wu Liuji's heart also sank. He and Sha Tianjing also used each other, but in fact they didn't have much deep friendship.

Just hearing the news of Sha Tianjing's death can't help but feel sad. Such an extraordinary person would die at the last word...

Gao Xian looked at Wu Liuji and praised: "Fellow Taoist's armor is so beautiful."

He turned around and asked casually: "You guys are coming here in such a strong manner. I don't know what you want to do?"

Before everyone could speak, Gao Xian added: "I want to remind you first that private fighting is strictly prohibited in Ziyun Valley, and violators will be killed without mercy. Although you and I are a little unhappy, don't seek death..."

Yue Huafeng said angrily: "When will it be your turn to implement the rules of Wanfeng Sect, who do you think you are!"

He took out the Four-Elephant Sealing Heaven Flag and pointed it at Gao Xian. A huge tortoise and snake intertwined with the Xuanwu Dharma Image and the White Tiger Dharma Image appeared at the same time, pressing behind Gao Xian.

The other two golden elixirs took out the two flags of Qinglong and Suzaku, and also activated the two huge statues of Qinglong and Suzaku.

Four Dharma ministers, dozens of feet tall, guarded one side respectively, surrounding Gao Xian in the middle.

The Four Elephants Sealing Heaven Formation seals the four directions into a closed magic circle. The restraining power of his magic circle pressed heavily on Gao Xian.

Gao Xian felt his whole body tighten, and his magic power and consciousness were suppressed at the same time.

Wu Liuji laughed ferociously: "Gao Xian, please die!"

He raised the Jiuyue Dinghai Stick and jumped into the air, and he entered the Four Symbols Sealing Heaven Array.

Yue Huafeng and others controlled the magic circle and put all the restraining power on Gao Xian. The magic circle had no effect on Wu Liuji.

The gap is too big.

Wu Liuji raised the Jiuyue Dinghai stick and was about to smash it down, but countless golden lights flashed above the void, and instantly condensed into a huge golden character: Ding!

The golden light formed by the golden characters shines in all directions. Wu Liuji and Yue Huafeng are covered with golden light. The golden light even penetrates the skin and muscles of the robes, goes straight into the bodies of the golden elixirs, and shines into their souls.

Many golden elixir souls were suppressed by golden light, and their consciousness and magic power were frozen for a while.

Yue Huafeng was horrified: "The Shangqing Yuchen Calming Talisman!"

He recognized the origin of the talisman, but it was still inevitable that his soul, consciousness, and mana would be immobilized by the talisman.

The green shadow flashed, Gao Xian had already escaped from the Four Symbols Sealing Heaven Array, and with a twist of the four-foot cold blade in his hand, it turned into a flawless silver-white moon that illuminated the nine heavens.

Yue Huafeng sensed that something was wrong but was unable to use his magic power at all. He could only watch the perfect silver-white moon shine across the sky and fall.

Silver Moon seemed bright and clean but was extremely sharp. It easily broke through Yue Huafeng's robe, flesh and blood, and chopped him diagonally into two pieces.

Before Yue Huafeng's consciousness fell into darkness, he saw Bai Zhongming and other golden elixirs standing there stunned as they were swept by the moon.

The bodies of many golden elixirs shattered at the same time. Under the clear moonlight, the bursts of blood were so bright...

(I solved most of it in one chapter, so you can ask for a monthly ticket~)

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