The silver moon-like sword light slowly dissipated, and the group of golden elixirs that were split apart by the sword light also disappeared with the sword light.

Gao Xian held the four-foot snow-like sword in his hand and stood there adjusting the changes in the sword's energy.

Although the Shangqing Yuchen Calming Talisman is powerful, it cannot last for too long.

Any golden elixir that breaks away from the shackles of the talisman will cause trouble. If there is a slight delay, all twelve golden elixirs may escape control.

The twelve golden elixirs each have protective auras, robes, etc. Even if they stand still, they are not that easy to kill.

Gao Xian took out the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword and used Jiuzhou Mingyue with all his strength. The perfect sword power covered several miles in radius. The sharp sword Qi killed many golden elixirs on the spot.

Such a domineering and sharp sword shocked Yue Shenxiu who was hiding behind him.

She felt that she already knew Gao Xian quite well, but she did not expect that Gao Xian had such a powerful fourth-level sword and such a powerful and peerless swordsmanship.

The relationship between the two is completely different. She is not jealous or jealous, but is sincerely happy because Gao Xian has such ability.

This guy is so capable of causing trouble that he could easily be beaten to death if he didn't have the ability.

Yue Shenxiu didn't care at all about Yue Huafeng's death. She already hated this man. He had a complex mind and little intelligence, no brains and was arrogant.

The personal feud between Yue Huafeng and Gao Xian was not a big deal at first, but he was entangled endlessly.

They even gathered a group of people and went to Ziyun Valley to ambush Gao Xian. No matter from every aspect, Yue Huafeng was wrong.

Besides, no one is selfless.

Since she and Gao Xian are on good terms, she must be devoted to Gao Xian.

Even though they both have the same surname as Yue, their relationship is too far apart. How can a person like Yue Huafeng be compared with Gao Xian? The two cannot be compared together at all.

Yue Shenxiu felt that Gao Xian killed well, so that the trouble could be truly solved.

As for the Golden Pills of Yuelun Sect and Hunyuan Sect, they deserve to die even more.

If you want to kill others, you must have the consciousness of being killed. They were defeated and there was nothing to say about being killed.

Yue Shenxiu's eyes fell on the only remaining Wu Liuji. The Tianji Golden Dragon Armor on this person was really majestic.

Wu Liuji also sensed Yue Shenxiu's gaze at this moment. The distance between the two sides was ten thousand steps, but the other party activated the magic talisman and shocked many golden elixirs in one fell swoop.

Wu Liuji was not immune to the attack, but his sect's most precious body protection quickly got rid of the control of the Soul-Calming Talisman.

It's just that Gao Xian was too fast and took the opportunity to kill all the others.

Wu Liuji, who originally wanted to take action, was frightened by Gao Xian's sword.

Not to mention that Gao Xian had Yue Shenxiu's help, even without Yue Shenxiu, he couldn't defeat Gao Xian just with his sword skills and the powerful sword in his hand.

Wu Liuji realized this and turned around and ran away without hesitation.

The dragon scales of the Tianji Golden Dragon Armor shrink inward, and the wind magic power flows in the center of the armor, and establishes a connection with Wu Liuji's eyebrow golden elixir.

Wu Liuji felt his whole body light up, and his whole body seemed to be integrated with the endless wind aura. He naturally mastered the wind escape method that comes with the armor.

The golden light on the golden dragon scale armor shimmered slightly, and suddenly shot towards the distance.

This fourth-level top-level spiritual weapon flew extremely fast and rushed into the sea of ​​clouds in an instant.

"Still want to leave?!"

Gao Xian sneered, it was okay for Wu Liuji to challenge him, but gathering a group of people to kill him was a violation.

With so many people dead, it would be a joke if Wu Liuji, the culprit, ran away.

What's more, the affairs between him and Yue Shenxiu cannot be known to outsiders.

These people deserve to die, but Yue Shenxiu helped him kill people but couldn't let it out.

Gao Xian tried to suppress Wu Liuji with his sword intention, but his sword intention was blocked by the Tianji Golden Dragon Armor.

The Heavenly Golden Dragon's armor is tight and seamless, its magic power is self-contained, and its sword power cannot be forcibly invaded.

This suit of armor was more powerful than he expected.

Gao Xian gave up trying to take advantage, and the Yin-Yang Heavenly Wheel spun rapidly behind him, speeding up to catch up with Wu Liuji in an instant.

No matter how fast the opponent flies, there is no way he can compare with the upgraded Yin Yang Wheel.

Wu Liuji also realized something was wrong, and he suddenly turned around and drew his stick.

The Jiuyue Dinghai stick crashed down, and the violent and fierce mana impact smashed open a hole several kilometers in diameter in the sea of ​​clouds.

Wu Liuji was already known for his strength, but with the blessing of the Tianji Golden Dragon Armor, his strength at least tripled.

This is also due to the power of a dragon soul in the armor, which can in turn bless his form and spirit, allowing the power of the armor to be combined with his form and spirit.

The Jiuyue Dinghai stick is already strong, and with the power of such a battle armor, this stick really has the power to smash the sky.

Gao Xian was a little hot-blooded when he was pressed by the magic power of the long stick. He really wanted to take out the big vajra and hit it with hard steel.

Considering that the giant vajra is his secret skill to protect himself, it is not suitable for showing off. Moreover, there is no reasonable explanation for being seen by Yue Shenxiu.

Gao Xian resisted the urge to use hard steel, and turned the White Emperor Qiankun Transformation Sword in his hand lightly and pressed it against the long stick that was being pounded towards him.

The clouds are light and the wind is light, a sword technique specially used for defense. Its sword intention is soft and ethereal, and its emptiness and softness can accommodate all changes in invading mana.

The power of Wu Liuji who controls the Tianji Golden Dragon Armor is too violent. If he cannot harden steel, he can only soften the hardness.

The sword, as soft as flowing clouds and as empty as the breeze, swallowed up all the power on the Jiuyue Dinghai Stick.

This extremely hard and fierce blow made no sound, it was so light and gentle that it left no trace.

Wu Liuji felt extremely awkward. The stick seemed to have hit the ground but not yet. It was difficult for him to judge whether it was true or not.

He hurriedly put back his strength and turned the stick. No matter how good the opponent's sword skills were, he would only defeat him ten times with one force.

Gao Xian turned the long sword in his hand, and the hair of the sword turned like rain and clouds.

Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds is actually the most important sword technique in the Fengyun Sword Classic, and its overturning changes are the general outline of the Six Sword Intentions of the Wind, Cloud, Rain, Snow, Thunder and Lightning.

He mastered the Wuji Tianxiang Sword Technique, and his sword power also improved accordingly.

The violent mana absorbed by Yun Danfeng Qing before was transferred back to Jiuyue Dinghai stick after Fuyu Fanyun's sword.

Even though Wu Liuji was strong, it was uncomfortable to be counterattacked by his own strength. In addition, when he was about to put away the stick, the superposition of the two forces suddenly swung the long stick away from his hand.

The Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword in Gao Xian's hand went straight forward, and a series of seven swords pierced Wu Liuji's face.

Wu Liuji felt bad and instinctively contracted his magic power.

The Heavenly Golden Dragon armor also naturally shrank, and the golden translucent faceplate became thicker with the support of shrinking scales.

The visor was stabbed with lightning, but it didn't pierce, it just left a deep sword mark on it.

The impact of the chain of fast swords was unbearable for Wu Liuji's neck, and his head fell back violently.

The sharp sword intent that seemed to be able to pierce through everything also made Wu Liuji's soul feel as if it had been cut by a sword, leaving him unaware of where he was for a moment.

Gao Xian was also a little surprised. This suit of armor was actually so hard that it blocked the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword.

If he really wants to use all his strength, he is still sure to break through this armor. After all, the White Emperor's Qiankun Transformed Sword is of a higher level, and he can also exert the power of a cloned sword fused into one.

However, this set of armor was so exquisite that Gao Xian was reluctant to part with it.

He drew out the Zixiao Tianshu Demon Subduing Golden Whip with his left hand, and while Wu Liuji was still dazed, he struck Wu Liuji on the head with the whip.

The purple-gold electric light suddenly exploded, Wu Liuji's neck was twisted and deformed, and Wu Liuji, who was already confused, was shocked to death by the violent force. The person suddenly fell down from the clouds.

The Nine Heavens Gang Wind was extremely fierce, and Wu Liuji's body was floating and rotating in the Gang Wind like fallen leaves, constantly accelerating downwards.

Yue Shenxiu appeared next to Gao Xian. She looked at the falling Wu Liuji and said, "You can't kill him if you fall like this."

Gao Xian was a little embarrassed: "This set of armor is of extremely high quality. I don't want to break it."

"Let me help you take off the armor."

Yue Shenxiu said, holding Gao Xian's hand, "The divine light of yin and yang can strip away the form and spirit. This armor is a foreign object after all, and using the divine light of yin and yang is enough to cut off the connection between the armor and his golden elixir."

When a cultivator controls a spiritual weapon, he or she must use spiritual consciousness and magic power to communicate with the spiritual weapon.

When you reach the level of the golden elixir, you must use the golden elixir to establish a stable connection with the spirit of the spiritual weapon. Only then can you control the spiritual weapon like an arm.

Generally speaking, such internal connections are very close and it is difficult for external forces to interfere.

The yin and yang separation and divine light are different. This is a powerful talisman spell that is enough to separate the fourth-level evil spirits.

It would be too easy to deal with Wu Liuji.

Yue Shenxiu ate Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower, and he could barely activate this method with his own magic power.

Now that Gao Xian is here, it will be much easier to borrow the power of Gao Xian's soul.

Under the urging of Yue Shenxiu, black and white intertwined yin and yang divine light fell from the sky, shining on Wu Liuji.

The golden dragon scale armor suddenly shrank into a ball, completely exposing Wu Liuji.

Gao Xian was delighted, and the next moment he was at Wu Liuji's side.

Wu Liuji, who was physically strong, had now woken up and saw Gao Xian falling next to him.

Wu Liuji was horrified and was about to activate his magic power when Ruxue's sword flashed and the four-foot blade had penetrated Wu Liuji's head.

Wu Liuji's vitality was extremely strong. He was not dead for a moment. Instead, his blood and energy flowed like a river in his body. His eyes shone with divine light, and it seemed that the sword that penetrated the center of his eyebrows did no harm to him.

However, Gao Xian knew that Wu Liuji had returned to his former glory, and his Hunyuan divine power had given him strong vitality, and he could barely maintain his vitality with the support of his body.

Gao Xian asked: "Why, do you have anything else to say?"

Wu Liuji stared at Gao Xian: "You are so shameless!"

Gao Xian is obviously so powerful, but he pretends to be similar to them. He also colluded with Yue Shenxiu.

A group of them were unprepared for this, and they were killed by this pair of bitches as soon as they met.

If they do it openly, a group of them may not lose!

Gao Xian was a little amused: "You brought a large group of people to kill me, you are not a hero. Let's not blame each other."

He said as he took off the golden Tuanlong Breast Guard from Wu Liuji's chest, "The Tianji Golden Dragon Armor is pretty good. I won't need it anymore. I'll put it away for you. You're welcome."

Wu Liuji's face was full of resentment: "My teacher will never let you go!"

Gao Xian nodded: "Thank you for the reminder, I will be careful."

Wu Liuji was furious. He wanted to say something but had no strength. The light in his eyes quickly faded, and he lost his breath in the blink of an eye.

Gao Xian pulled out the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword and put Wu Liuji into the sword.

At this point, all fourteen Jindan who ambush him have been destroyed. Gao Xian was also very happy. These guys wanted to kill him, but they were all killed by him!

However, this is also a good thing. A group of guys are all golden elixirs, each has a rich net worth, and they all deliver the goods to your door. They are really a group of good friends!

Yue Shenxiu landed lightly next to Gao Xian. Seeing that he was thoughtful, she asked, "What's wrong?"

Gao Xian smiled and took Yue Shenxiu's hand, "I still have a lot of stumbling blocks on the Qiankun Yin Yang Creation Cauldron, and there is still a lot of time. Let's find a place to discuss and study..."

Yueshenxiu's face couldn't help but blush a little, her bright eyes filled with spring, and she seemed to deeply agree with Gao Xian's proposal.

Gao Xian actually just said casually that he was still thinking of finding Xiao Hongye.

Seeing this, he could only take the initiative to change the subject: "Wu Liuji threatened me even before he died. I wonder what kind of person his teacher is?"

"Wu Pokong is a powerful person. He holds grudges very much. The Heavenly Golden Dragon Armor is his sect's most precious treasure. You really have to be careful..."

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