The Great Immortal with Boundless Magical Power

Chapter 439 The situation is not good

The true disciples of most sects will leave their names in gold books and light their life lamps.

As soon as Wu Liuji died, the Hunyuan Sect would immediately know that something had happened.

Even if Nascent Soul True Lord Wu Pokong doesn't care about Wu Liuji's life or death, he can't ignore the Tianji Golden Dragon Armor.

Yue Shenxiu had heard about some of Wu Pokong's deeds. This Yuanying boss had a hot temper and a vicious style.

According to this person's character, it is not unusual to run outside Ziyun Valley to guard him. It is even possible to break into Ziyun Valley.

This is no small matter.

The Heavenly Golden Dragon Armor has been in the hands of the Hunyuan Sect for thousands of years, so the center of the spiritual weapon must have been imprinted by the Hunyuan Sect.

Storage bags also cannot isolate this type of imprint tracking.

If Gao Xian was really caught by Wu Pokong, the situation would be very bad.

When Yue Shenxiu talked about this, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Gao Xian didn't care, "My sword contains the universe, and the Tianji Golden Dragon Armor should not be found inside. As for Wu Liuji being beaten to death, what does that have to do with me!"

He grabbed Yueshen Xiu's hand and said: "Time is precious, let's find a place to rest and have a good rest first..."

Yue Shenxiu felt that this was a bit too serious, so Gao Xian said casually: "I'm drunk today, and I'll be worried tomorrow. Don't worry about it, just be happy first."

"Kiss baby, I'm here..."

"You are so disgusting..."

Having said that, Yue Shenxiu couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth, and couldn't hide the joy in her bright eyes.

Men and women in a state of passionate love can only like or not, and there is no numbness or numbness.

Gao Xiancai killed a group of powerful enemies, and felt extremely happy and a little excited.

He and Yue Shenxiu studied the secret method enthusiastically, studied all the details thoroughly, and became addicted to learning and could not extricate themselves.

Forgetting sleep and food, working tirelessly and concentrating, listening to the chickens dancing, day and night...

Yue Shenxiu actually wanted to explore other places in Ziyun Valley, but this taste was really addictive and hard to extricate himself from.

Love is actually only a small part, the important thing is that the two people are in the same mood and have the same affection.

In the vast world, the two trust each other and rely on each other. The two of them also have a tacit understanding of their interests.

Although Gao Xian is not serious, in addition to that, he has great knowledge, has his own unique understanding of everything, and can always express some thought-provoking philosophies.

At the level of magic and swordsmanship, although Gao Xian's level is not high, at the level of golden elixir, he is extremely subtle and logical, and he has vaguely grasped the origin of magic.

Yue Shenxiu not only gained happiness from being with Gao Xian, but also learned a lot from him.

She thinks this is what a Taoist monk should be like.

Gao Xian also temporarily put aside other things to kill powerful enemies and fall in love sweetly. These are all the joys in life.

He didn't know what the future would bring, but he knew that this moment was his favorite state, and he had to learn to enjoy it all.

Mr. Lu said: Happiness is the purpose of life and the highest inherent good.

Happiness is not about indulgence, but about making rational and prudent choices, overcoming the various inherent flaws of human beings, and pursuing physical and mental balance and perfection.

Gao Xian deeply believed in Mr. Lu's teachings in his previous life, and the same is true in this life.

Immortality is never the goal, it is an important means to enjoy life.

Gao Xian recalled the past, and most of the beautiful moments in his life were related to beautiful ladies.

These beautiful women with different styles make his life full of vitality, beauty, sweetness, happiness and tranquility.

Because of this, he loves life more and more and is full of expectations for the future.

He also treated these beautiful women with all his heart and felt no debt to them.

No matter what the outcome is, each other has shined brightly in each other's lives, and that's enough.

While Gao Xian and Yue Shenxiu were sweet, they also took the time to sort out their harvest.

The fourteen golden elixir masters don't have many spiritual stones with them, and their total number is only 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

After all, we are venturing into Ziyun Valley, and no one can bring a lot of spiritual stones.

The real harvest is the magical weapons, elixirs, and talismans on the numerous golden elixirs.

Ziyun Valley is so dangerous, and the Jindans all hold the best magic weapons, including three fourth-level spiritual weapons.

Heavenly Golden Dragon armor, splitting light sword, waning moon wheel.

The light-splitting sword is Sha Tianjing's sword. This sword splits light, dark, and yin and yang. It is very strange and of high grade.

The Waning Moon Wheel belongs to Bai Zhongming and should be the top spiritual weapon of the Moon Wheel Sect. Coupled with the Taiyin Han Minglun in his hand, there are probably only a few of the Moon Wheel Sect's fourth-level spiritual weapons left.

As for other robes and magical weapons, they are all of the third level.

In fact, third-level magic weapons are easier to deal with, because there are more golden elixirs, the demand is also large, the price is not too exaggerated, and it is easier to circulate.

Especially the magic talismans and elixirs are not marked at all and are easy to take.

Gao Xian found Qingfeng Sword and Xuan Yue Feijian inside. He couldn't help but sigh. Apparently Li Ye and Xuan Yue were dead.

How can I put it, he doesn't like Li Ye very much, and he doesn't like Xuan Yue either.

It's just that the two of them were implicated by him, which was indeed very unlucky.

Thinking of this, Gao Xian felt a little uncomfortable.

The world of cultivators is so cruel, but there is nothing we can do about it.

Xuan Yue died and Zhou Yuling lost her teacher, but she could move in with him.

Gao Xian still has feelings for Zhou Yuling. She doesn't have much hope on the road, and at least she still has more than two hundred years to live, so it's good to enjoy life.

Li Ye's place must be properly settled after he returns. Fortunately, this man is lonely, has few family members, and few disciples.

Gao Xian calculated and found that on average, each golden elixir was worth 20,000 to 30,000 high-grade spiritual stones. The total number of fourteen is almost 300,000 high-grade spiritual stones. This is a great harvest.

Of course, it is impossible for all of these to be converted into spiritual stones. Some things cannot be sold, and some things should be handled with caution.

Some of the things that are inconvenient to sell can be given to the Li family.

Gao Xian originally wanted to give a portion to Yue Shenxiu, but Yue Shenxiu looked down upon most of these, so he picked some special talismans.

There are a total of forty-three purple cloud flowers on the numerous golden elixirs. It is estimated that many of them were stolen by them.

Purple cloud flowers are very useful, so Gao Xian gave him twenty Yueshenxiu flowers. There are so many purple clouds left, enough for business.

The two were tired of being together for more than a month. Gao Xian saw that the time was almost up, so he made an excuse and said he wanted to find Yun Qingxuan.

Although Yue Shenxiu was a little reluctant to give up, it was not easy to stop him. She was tired of staying in Ziyun Valley, and now she had no intention of exploring.

Since Gao Xian left, she simply went back first.

Gao Xian sent Yue Shenxiu out of Ziyun Valley, and then activated the Daluo God Transformation Technique, and the main body and the Taixuan God phase exchanged positions.

When leaving the Nine Nether Abyss, Gao Xian left Taixuan Shenxiang there, mainly guarding the Pure Yang Jade Flower.

This direct replacement saves him from rushing.

Gao Xian came out of the Nine Nether Abyss and waited on the Netherworld Sea for more than twenty days before he met Xiao Hongye who was coming over.

After traveling for more than a month, Xiao Hongye encountered a lot of troubles along the way.

Xiao Hongye was actually very uneasy. Ziyun Valley was too big. He kept flying forward without knowing what was ahead, and he didn't even have a companion by his side.

Evil spirits and monsters are very powerful, and if you encounter one, you have to do your best.

Fighting all the way like this, she was exhausted physically and mentally. The key is that she doesn't know why this is happening, it's all because of Gao Xian's words.

However, she has extraordinary trust in Gao Xian.

For this reason, Xiao Hongye rushed to Mingxing Sea regardless of the situation.

The vast and deep sea of ​​stars made Xiao Hongye even more confused. She didn't know what to do or where to go.

It wasn't until Gao Xian appeared that Xiao Hongye truly relaxed.

Gao Xian also thought that Xiao Hongye would give up halfway, maybe because he lacked confidence in this business and didn't want to run around, or maybe he encountered a powerful monster and was injured, etc.

Fortunately, everything went well, Xiao Hongye trusted him, and he would not betray Xiao Hongye's trust.

After the two entered the Nether Star Sea, they encountered a fourth-level strange fish, but Gao Xian killed it on the spot with the Zixiao Tianshu Demon-Conquering Golden Whip.

Now he is very comfortable killing these fourth-level monsters.

Unfortunately, the star power of the Nether Star Sea is gloomy and filthy. The flesh and blood of this strange fish are extremely poisonous, and it does not have a fourth-level spiritual core, so it is a waste of time.

Gao Xian had been here several times and was already familiar with the place, so he took Xiao Hongye to the place easily.

Seeing the Pure Yang Jade Flower, Xiao Hongye still had a little reaction. She didn't know this thing, but she instinctively felt that it was a top-quality spiritual object.

Gao Xian didn't explain anything and directly helped Xiao Hongye take Chunyang Jade Qinghua.

When Xiao Hongye opened her eyes with surprise on her face, Gao Xian felt very relieved and happy.

Being able to make the people you like happy is a happy thing in itself.

This matter is more than just a matter of happiness. With the pure Yang Baoguang, Xiao Hongye can prove the Nascent Soul.

Gao Xian actually didn't expect Xiao Hongye to help him. It was already great to have such a beautiful and considerate woman walking with him on the long road. How could he ask for that...

After solving Xiao Hongye's matter, the trip to Ziyun Valley will be successfully completed.

The time was almost up, Gao Xian took Xiao Hongye and returned immediately.

When leaving, Gao Xian still left Taixuan Shenxiang behind.

The Pure Yang Jade Flower will not dissipate immediately after being collected. It can last for about half a breath, which is only one second.

Any remote transmission cannot be completed in one second.

However, the displacement between the divine form and the main body can be completed instantly.

Maybe you can try to forcibly pick the jade clear flower and transfer it out through the divine aspect.

Of course, forget it if it doesn’t succeed. There is nothing we can do about this.

Gao Xian and Xiao Hongye rushed to the entrance of Ziyun Valley. Along the way, he helped Xiao Hongye pick a few purple cloud flowers.

There is no need to rush at the entrance. There will be various signs if the entrance is to be closed, and it is impossible to seal it immediately.

The two found a secret location and had a good make out.

After dozens of days like this, the spiritual energy above the entrance to Ziyun Valley began to fluctuate unsteadily. Gao Xian asked Xiao Hongye to leave Ziyun Valley first.

Gao Xian didn't stay with Xiao Hongye, mainly because he had many enemies. In addition, it would not be good for Yue Shenxiu to see it.

After waiting for two days, Gao Xian was about to go out when he received a message from Yue Shenxiu.

Through the Qiankun Yin Yang Creation Cauldron, two people can communicate with each other from a distance using their spiritual consciousness.

"The situation is not good. Wu Pokong from the Hunyuan Sect has arrived. Yue Huaying and Zhenjun Baiyang from the Tianxing Palace of the sect have also arrived..."

(Sorry, I will try my best to adjust the update time~)

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