The situation was a bit bad, but it was not beyond Gao Xian's expectations.

Yue Shenxiu has long said that the Tianji Golden Dragon Armor is the most precious treasure of the Hunyuan Sect.

Judging from the combat situation, this is indeed the case.

The body-refining cultivator is armed with the Heavenly Golden Dragon Armor, which at least doubles his combat power.

This top-level fourth-level spiritual weapon is indeed better than all other fourth-level spiritual weapons in his hand, and is slightly inferior to the Baidi Qiankun Transformation Sword.

It is indeed qualified to be the treasure passed down by the sect.

Wu Pokong actually dared to hand such a treasure to Wu Liuji, and it was obvious that he valued this disciple.

For the sake of the treasure and to avenge his disciples, it was actually reasonable for Wu Pokong to come here.

As for True Lord Baiyang of Tianxing Palace, he is True Lord Nascent Soul who is responsible for external law enforcement.

Yue Huafeng was the true successor of Wanfeng Sect, and his death in Ziyun Valley was actually not a big deal at first.

Wanfeng Sect is too big, with thousands of true disciples, and the death of one is nothing.

It should be Yue Huaying who was behind the scenes and brought True Lord Baiyang with him.

There is no doubt that Yue Huaying is targeting him.

This was indeed unexpected by Gao Xian, and Yue Shenxiu did not expect Yue Huaying to be so capable.

There were people waiting outside, so Gao Xian was not in a hurry to go out.

The other party came all the way to join in the fun, so let them wait first.

Gao Xian has Yueshenxiu to report the situation, so he can grasp the situation outside. The outside world doesn't know his situation.

The enemy is in the open and we are in the dark, which is also a great advantage.

After waiting for more than ten days, the crack above Ziyun Valley became more and more violent, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time.

At this time, the other cultivators had already left Ziyun Valley. In such a large Ziyun Valley, Gao Xian should be the only cultivator left.

Gao Xian also thought about going back to Qingyun Sect directly. He didn't need to explain anything. No matter how stubborn Wu Pokong was, there was no way he could reach Qingyun Mountain.

As for the Wanfeng Sect, it is unlikely that they will mobilize their troops to cause trouble for him.

Although the Qingyun Sect ranks lower among the thirty-six sects, it is located on the edge of the Eastern Wasteland.

The subsequent invasion of Donghuang made the Qingyun Sect become very important.

At this time, the Wanfeng Sect would coax the Qingyun Sect and would never cause trouble for Yuehua Peak.

However, doing so will ultimately have many consequences. It is equivalent to transferring the conflict to the sect.

Gao Xian treats the sect as a company and does not have much loyalty.

On the other hand, he would not throw the blame on his sect.

If he didn't go out, the entrance to Ziyun Valley's passage would be closed, so Gao Xian slowly left Ziyun Valley through the passage.

Hundreds of miles away on the Golden Crow flying ship, True Lord Qingyang was guarding the Wanli Round Light Mirror.

In the center of the huge light mirror, a figure in green with a sword stood out in the steaming purple air.

True Lord Qingyang couldn't help but smile, this kid finally came out.

He flicked the hanging jade chime with his fingers and informed several other Nascent Soul Lords.

A bald man appeared out of thin air. He was tall, with long eyebrows and deep eyes. His skin was light golden, and he was wearing a deep iron-gray robe.

This man seemed to be made of gold and iron, and every part of his body was as tough as steel. Even the eyebrows are as straight as wires.

Qingyang Zhenjun stood up and nodded slightly: "Wu Zhenjun."

The other party is the leader of the Hunyuan Sect, and he is also the True Lord of Nascent Soul, but his status is faintly above him. Of course True Lord Qingyang should be more polite.

Wu Pokong also nodded, and asked in a deep voice: "Is this person Gao Xian?"

"Exactly." True Lord Qingyang had seen Gao Xian and naturally he would not admit his mistake.

He actually quite admired Gao Xian for defeating Wu Liuji with one move, which was very beautiful.

The romance painting book I wrote is also very nice and interesting.

This time Gao Xian is going to be in bad luck. I wonder if he can pass this test? !

The figure moved, and True Lord Baiyang also arrived.

True Lord Baiyang was wearing a platinum robe. He looked like he was middle-aged in his thirties or forties, but his expression was stern, and his eyes had a circle of platinum divine light, making him look very majestic.

True Lord Qingyang actually disliked the master of the Tianxing Palace. This person has a harsh nature and is extremely harsh on everyone. He likes to solve problems by killing people.

True Lord Qingyang is still very polite on the surface. He has great authority. Although he is responsible for external affairs, he has control over the sect's internal affairs. Although he is not afraid, he still has a group of relatives and disciples, and he does not want to offend this person.

True Lord Baiyang just nodded and did not speak to True Lord Qingyang.

The golden light flashed, and True Lord Jin Yang also arrived. This person is actually quite generous, but he just doesn't like to talk.

The four Nascent Soul Lords looked at the round light mirror together, looking at the man in green clothes with a sword.

Wu Pokong had a stern look on his square face, and there was no trace of evil in his eyes.

That's the kind of character he has, he never hides it when he wants to kill someone.

True Lord Baiyang looked a little scrutinized. He had heard of Gao Xian, but this was the first time he saw him in person.

In terms of image and temperament, this man really makes people feel good about him.

After a moment of silence, Wu Pokong said: "This man killed my disciple, robbed my sect's most precious treasure, and handed him over to me. Do you fellow Taoists have any objections?"

Wu Pokong is very powerful, but with three Nascent Soul Lords of the Ten Thousand Peaks Sect around him, he also has to do some superficial work.

True Lord Jin Yang said nothing. This matter has nothing to do with him.

His responsibility is to send people to Ziyun Valley and ensure that nothing happens on the way back and forth.

The feud between Gao Xian and Wu Pokong is not his business. Even if he could manage it, he wouldn't want to conflict with Wu Pokong.

There is no need for this.

True Lord Bai Yang glanced at Wu Pokong and said, "Something happened to Yuehua Peak, my sect's true sect. I want to ask Gao Xian about this matter."

Wu Pokong said nonchalantly: "You don't have to worry yet. Leave this kid to me, and I will take care of your affairs together."

True Lord Bai Yang frowned slightly, but said nothing more.

Wu Pokong was obviously anxious, and he could understand that losing the sect's treasure would even shake the sect's inheritance. Of course Wu Pokong would be anxious.

He would insist on arguing with Wu Pokong now, and he didn't know what this old guy would do.

Wu Pokong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two Nascent Soul Lords had no objections.

If these two people insist on stopping him, things will be difficult to handle.

Wu Pokong had no intention of trying to reason with Gao Xian. He wanted to catch this kid first. If the other party obediently handed over the Tianji Golden Dragon Armor, that would be fine. If he didn't obey, he would extract the kid's soul.

Just when Wu Pokong was about to take action, Qingyang Zhenjun suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Wu Pokong, "Wu Zhenjun, wait a moment."

Wu Pokong was a little stunned. Both True Lords Jin Yang and Bai Yang had no objections. The greedy and lustful True Lord Qingyang wanted to interfere with his affairs?

He looked at True Lord Qingyang coldly: "What do you mean, fellow Taoist?"

True Lord Qingyang smiled apologetically and said: "Master Wu, it's not that I am nosy. It's just that our duty is to protect the practitioners of the Thirty-Six Sects.

"Wu Zhenjun went up to capture Gao Xian. With so many people watching, it will be difficult for Jin Yang and I to spread this word."

He paused and said, "Yun Zaitian came to visit, how should I explain it?"

Wu Pokong heard something was wrong. This Qingyang was deliberately looking for trouble.

His expression suddenly darkened: "Gao Xian killed my disciple and stole my treasure, and you still want to protect him?"

True Lord Qingyang waved his hand hurriedly: "Don't get me wrong, Lord Wu Zhen, I don't dare, absolutely don't dare."

He then added, "Wu Zhenjun must have a reason to take Gao Xian. At least let everyone know why. In this way, even if Yun Zaitian comes, I will have an explanation."

Wu Pokong said coldly: "Do you really want to go against me?"

Qingyang Zhenjun shook his head repeatedly: "How dare I, how could I. Wu Zhenjun, don't be angry..."

Both True Lords Jin Yang and Bai Yang were a little surprised. Why is Qingyang so crazy?

Then they realized that the old boy had taken money from Gao Xian!

They were also a little curious about how Gao Xian got in touch with Qingyang and how much money he gave Qingyang to dare to fight Wu Pokong Hard Steel.

Wu Pokong was really angry, and the fists in his sleeves were clenched.

At this distance, he was sure to smash Qingyang within ten moves.

Jin Yang and Bai Yang's expressions were a little ugly. No matter what purpose Qingyang had in stopping Wu Pokong, Qingyang was the Nascent Soul of Wanfeng Sect after all.

This is the territory of Wanfeng Sect, Wu Pokong cannot be allowed to act recklessly.

True Lord Jin Yang silently used his magic power to suppress Wu Pokong with his spiritual consciousness.

The fighting spirit in Wu Pokong's eyes became stronger, and his aura became stronger.

"Wu Zhenjun!"

True Lord Bai Yang gave a low drink, reminding Wu Pokong not to be too presumptuous.

Wu Pokong was silent for a while but calmed down his momentum. No matter how angry he was, he could not really fight against the three of them.

He is not afraid, but there is no benefit in turning against him like this.

Qingyang Zhenjun had long expected that Wu Pokong would not dare to take action. He politely said to Wu Pokong: "Wu Zhenjun, I called Gao Xian over and asked him about it. He really did it. I tied him up and handed him over." To the real king."

Wu Pokong remained silent.

Zhenjun Baiyang said: "You really need to ask clearly. As long as we are here, we can't let him deny it. Don't worry, Zhenjun Wu, I will give you justice."

Wu Zhenjun glanced at Zhenjun Qingyang gloomily, and then nodded slowly.

True Lord Qingyang also smiled bitterly in his heart. Before he could get the fourth-level spiritual weapon, he offended Wu Pokong to death. He didn't know whether he made a profit or a loss.

However, as long as he doesn't leave Wanfeng County, no matter how powerful Wu Pokong is, he can't do anything to him.

"Gao Xian, come here."

True Lord Qingyang sent a message to say hello and called Gao Xian directly.

Gao Xian also speeded up a bit, and the yin and yang sky landed on the top deck in turns.

The Golden Crow spaceship is very large, and the top deck is spacious enough for hundreds of people to stand on it.

There were only four people standing on it, but it seemed very crowded. Mainly due to the auras of the four Nascent Soul Lords, the place was filled to the brim, and Gao Xian felt tremendous pressure.

Gao Xian's face remained calm. There was no need to show weakness in front of several Nascent Soul Lords. The more calm he could do now, the better.

Nascent Soul Lord will not respect the weak, they will only appreciate the strong.

After killing Wu Sanshan, Gao Xian lost his previous respect for True Lord Yuanying.

After eating Pure Yang Jade Clear Flower, his consciousness was strong enough to compete with several Nascent Soul True Lords present.

Gao Xian bowed his head and saluted: "Qingyun Gao Xian pays homage to all the true kings."

Wu Pokong shouted sternly: "Gao Xian, do you know your guilt?"

His voice was like a thunderbolt, vibrating and roaring in the sky, causing the surrounding clouds to stir up huge waves, and the huge Golden Crow spacecraft buzzed and swayed in response to the voice.

Many cultivators on the airship were shocked by the sound, and their whole bodies trembled with awe.

In an instant, it felt like the earth was shattering.

Thunder Sound Mantra is also one of the top spells of Hunyuan Sect. Propelled by the Hunyuan Divine Power Channel, it can intimidate its gods, attack its hearts, and destroy its forms, and its power is extremely domineering.

What surprised Wu Pokong was that although Gao Xian's face was a little pale, he remained unmoved. He held the sword with his hand and his brows were filled with sharp and unyielding sword intent.

Gao Xian said slowly: "Senior, why did you say this? Please make it clear."

"Play dumb!"

Wu Pokong failed to intimidate Gao Xian. He raised his thick eyebrows and the evil aura in his eyes became stronger.

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