The king of Zhou was in a state of panic, and the king of the country was in a state of panic.

Nezha was riding on a wind-fire wheel, hovering in the air, looking at a village below. Countless people of the Shang Dynasty, who could not even afford to eat at home, were still offering sacrifices to the temple in the town. He could not help but feel angry.

He turned his head to look at Yang Jian beside him and said, "Brother Yang, King Zhou is really so stupid and incompetent that he allowed these Western thieves to spread the evil ways of the Western religion in the territory of the human race at will."

Nezha had a very difficult childhood. He once witnessed his father, Li Jing, the general of Chentangguan, sealing off his mother, Madam Yin, from death in order to maintain the dignity of the heavenly court.

He had also witnessed his father and brother being persecuted by the Heavenly Court, and his heart was filled with hatred for the Heavenly Court and sympathy for the human race.

In the end, it was with the help of his master, Taiyi Zhenren, that his family was resurrected and a clear line was drawn with the Heavenly Court.

At the same time, Nezha believed that King Zhou, as the emperor of the human race, should protect the interests of the human race, rather than allowing Western missionaries to do whatever they wanted within the human race.

Yang Jian was not surprised by the comparison. Their family was also like this back then. They would offer sacrifices to the gods during every festival, but in the end they were still persecuted by the gods sitting high in the Heavenly Court.

Although he did not have any good feelings for King Zhou, he also knew that King Zhou had reached the point of using any means to maintain his rule, so he had to collude with the Western Church.

And the Western Church also cooperated with King Zhou in order to spread its doctrine among the human race and expand its power. In this war, no one is absolutely just, and no one is absolutely evil.

Yang Jian's majestic eyes swept over the bloated outer disciples of the Western religion below, whose cultivation was only at the level of earthly immortals, causing the Western religion disciples below to feel a chill all over their bodies.

He sighed inwardly. Although the Western religion missionaries were not highly cultivated, they were good at deceiving people.

They used the human race's awe of the gods and fear of the afterlife to spread the teachings of the Western religion, making the human race believe that as long as they believed in the Western religion, they could obtain eternal life after death.

But how could this eternal life be so easy to obtain? Although the teachings of the Western religion seemed beautiful, they were actually an illusory fantasy.

If the human race really believed in the Western religion, they would lose their own independent will and creative thinking, and eventually become puppets of the Western religion.

The Western religion would also take this opportunity to take root among the human race, and eventually replace the human race and become the ruler of the human race, the protagonist of the world on this continent.

"The human race is weak, and all living beings can be plotted!" Yang Jian said slowly. A trace of worry flashed in his eyes. He knew that if he wanted to change this situation, the human race could only become stronger.

After all, among the human race today, the practice of immortals has long been desolate. It is not that the spiritual energy of the world in the prehistoric world has withered, but that the talents of the human race have been passed down from generation to generation.

It has long become the qualifications of ordinary mortals, and even the human geniuses of the acquired world have not appeared for ten thousand years.

In these long years, the glory and splendor of the human race have gradually been erased by time, leaving only some legends left in history.

And if the immortals want to break through the realm of the Golden Immortal, they must practice Hou Tu practitioners to reverse their innate qualifications, and the realm of the Heavenly Immortal requires acquired qualifications of the middle grade or above.

Among the human race today, unless it is an ancient family, there are no genius disciples with acquired qualifications. In addition, the scarcity of immortal methods among the human race naturally leads to the increasingly desolate human race.

Although the Jindan martial arts does not require high qualifications for human practitioners in the early stage, when it comes to the time to enter the immortal realm through martial arts, without the qualifications of the immortal path, one will not be able to take that step.

The advantage of the Jindan martial arts is that with the day-and-night polishing of martial arts practice, the impurities in the eight meridians in the body can be removed, and the limit of mortal qualifications is to be upgraded to the top level of acquired qualifications.

However, this is just a compensation. If you want to truly reach the peak of the immortal path, you still need to have innate qualifications.

However, the human race has lost this talent. They can only keep groping forward on the road of martial arts, but they can never touch the true meaning of the immortal path.

In these endless years, human practitioners have been exploring, hoping to find a path that suits them.

Both Nezha and Yang Jian understand this, but as members of the human race, they also know the importance of their own qualifications.

And they can break through to the current golden immortal realm because they each have extraordinary experiences.

Nezha is the reincarnation of the magic bead.

The East China Sea was stirred up by the raging waves, and the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea had to report to the Heavenly Court. In the end, Taiyi Zhenren had no choice but to go to Yuxu Palace to ask for the sixth-grade lotus platform to reshape Nezha's body.

His own qualifications naturally reached the level of the best innate sacredness, which was not inferior to the innate creatures in ancient times.

As for Yang Jian, it was even more extraordinary. His mother was the Chaos Stone of the same origin as Emperor Haotian, and his father was a pawn of the Saint Zhunti.

However, the body contained the origin of the Bodhi seeds on the ancient Bodhi tree, the body of Zhunti, which made Yang Jian have the top innate qualifications when he was born.

In addition, he was taken to Kunlun Mountain by Yuding Zhenren to practice, and was appreciated by Yuanshi Tianzun, who gave him the origin of the Hunyuan strongman to help Yang Jian reshape the Tao fetus.

His own qualifications have reached the level of the best innate sacredness like the Twelve Golden Immortals, so he can be famous in the prehistoric world in just ten thousand years.

At this time, Yang Jian suddenly thought of his elder brother Yang Jiao, and said to Nezha:

"Don't worry, my elder brother Yang Jiao is ready to settle in the Tiandi Sect Dojo after this catastrophe to teach the human race to practice the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

I believe that before long, the human race will surely rekindle the new martial arts fairy fire, and the human race will also usher in a new trend."

Hearing Yang Jian talking about Yang Jiao, no matter how proud Nezha is, it is not good to show off in front of Yang Jiao.

Because only after the battle with Yang Jiao did he understand how terrible Yang Jiao was among the three generations of disciples of the three religions, just like Yuan Ji was among the second generation of disciples of the three religions, riding away from the dust.

In addition, the mysterious Master Yuan Ji behind Yang Jiao, Nezha also knew that there was nothing in this world that Master Yuan Ji could not do.

After all, these were all learned from his master Taiyi Zhenren when he was free, and he also saw the respect and admiration for Master Yuan Ji from his master's eyes.

After the two chatted in the sky for a while, a figure appeared in front of them. It was Yang Jiao himself who found the two.

Yang Jiao said anxiously: "Let's go, go back to the Western Zhou army camp first, and discuss with the uncle and others how to deal with the Western disciples in the human territory."

Nezha Yang Jiao nodded when he heard this, and then several other disciples of the three religions who were exploring in Dashang gathered together.

Seeing this, Yang Jiao turned around and prepared to leave with everyone. At this time, Nezha behind Yang Jiao flew to Yang Jiao and asked:

"Brother Yang Jiao, what is the paradise in the mouth of the Western disciples? Why can the Western disciples brag so much?"

Yang Jiao heard Nezha's question and shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. I haven't asked my master about the Western Paradise. I just know that it was created by two saints of the Western Church."

Nezha heard Yang Jiao's answer, and a trace of doubt appeared on his face, and then he said: "In this case, should we go forward? Let's go and find out what the Western Paradise looks like. "

Yang Jiao thought for a moment after hearing what Nezha said, and then said: "No, let's not talk about whether the Western Paradise exists or not. It is the world of the Western Church. Entering it without reason is just to die."

Yang Jian on the side also agreed and said: "Brother, what you said is very right. Let's wait until we return to the Western Zhou military camp to ask our master and uncles about this matter!"

After hearing what Yang Jiao and Yang Jian said, Nezha put aside his curiosity and followed everyone back to the Western Zhou military camp.

As soon as he landed, Nezha rushed to Taiyi Zhenren and hurriedly reported the various evil deeds of the Western Church disciples in Dashang and the matter of deceiving the human people to offer life-saving food.

Then he began to ask about the Western Paradise, curiously asking:

"Master, is the Paradise that the Western disciples talk about so beautiful? I heard that mortals who enter it can break through the realm of Daluo Jinxian!"

The disciples of Jiejiao, such as Jinling Shengmu, laughed when they heard the question from Nezha's nephew, and Taiyi Zhenren was so embarrassed that he didn't know how to answer.

Yang Jiao, Yang Jiao, Lei Zhenzi and others on the side also smiled and stared at the embarrassed Taiyi master and disciple. Although they didn't know the secret of the Western Paradise, they would not ask such unbelievable questions in front of the uncles like Nezha.

Even so, Taiyi Zhenren did not get angry. After all, his disciple was really difficult to teach. Now that he could ask questions about the cultivation world, Taiyi Zhenren was already relieved.

At this time, Chi Jingzi, who had not spoken yet, said: "I once asked Senior Brother Yuanji about the Western Paradise, and I know a little about it."

Hearing Chi Jingzi say this, everyone

His eyes moved away from Master Taiyi and his apprentice and stared at Chi Jingzi.

Seeing this, Jade Ding Zhenren on the side also nodded to signal Chi Jingzi to continue, so Chi Jingzi gradually revealed the secrets of the Western Paradise.

After listening, everyone understood that the so-called Western Paradise was just a scam by the two saints Jie Yin and Zhunti to win the faith of all living beings.

According to Chi Jingzi's retelling of Yuan Ji's explanation, the so-called Western Paradise was first evolved by the saint Jie Yin through the law of illusion and the law of cause and effect, and finally added the law of rebirth realized by the saint Zhunti.

These three laws are intertwined to form a special spiritual world. In the vast world of the Western Paradise, every living soul that enters it is isolated in a small spiritual world alone.

In this small spiritual world, they can complete all their ideas through their own will.

If you want to eat delicious food, there will be delicious food delivered to your mouth; if you want to wear gorgeous clothes, there will be gorgeous clothes on your body; if you want any magic weapon, there will be any magic weapon in your hand.

There is no pain, no sadness, only infinite happiness. And all of this is because they believe in the Western Paradise and the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti.

However, all of this is fake. This is just a scam created by the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti using the desires of all living beings. They control the minds of all living beings and make them immersed in the Paradise, unable to extricate themselves.

And everything that all living beings enjoy in the Paradise is a fantasy in their own hearts. These fantasies make them lose their cognition of the real world and forget their original intentions.

It is precisely because of this that the Western disciples who entered it were all fallen, and none of them entered it alive, which is why Jieyin and Zhunti were afraid of being exposed.

The soul is like being confined in a small world, and can express all kinds of desires in the heart anytime and anywhere like a cage, so that the soul will eventually exhaust its origin in it.

Directly annihilated in the paradise of heavens and worlds, becoming the cultivation of the two saints of the Western Church, but all the Western disciples and believers of the Western Church do not know it.

Jie Yin and Zhunti would not let them know the truth. After listening to Chi Jingzi's retelling, the three generations of disciples on the side hated the Western Religion even more.

At the same time, they also secretly took note of it so that they could be on guard against the calculations of the Western Religion disciples in the future. Nezha on the side was already dumbfounded.

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