After the episode of the Western Paradise, the disciples of the three religions understood why the Three Pure Ones disliked the Western religion. It was because the Western religion was too exaggerated.

During this period, Zhao Gongming, who was the earliest and gossipy disciple, told the three generations of disciples of the Chan and Jie religions about the battle between the Dao and the Demon.

The Western continent was broken. In order to gather the luck of the Western sentient beings, the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti went around the Eastern continent to collect money.

Although the Jade Ding Zhenren understood that the Hunyuan Saint was omniscient and omnipotent, it was a pity that Jieyin and Zhunti were saints of the Heavenly Dao.

During the Great Tribulation of the Primordial World, the two saints on Mount Xumi were unaware of the random arrangement of the Heavenly Saints by Junior Brother Zhao Gongming.

Therefore, Jade Ding Zhenren and Jin Ling Shengmu did not stop Zhao Gongming, and they intended to let the three generations of disciples know the scandal of the Western Religion.

Zhao Gongming was very eloquent, and he vividly described the various ugly deeds of Jie Yin Zhunti on the Eastern Continent. His narration made the three generations of disciples listen with relish, and also made them have a deeper understanding of the Western Religion.

Jade Ding Zhenren smiled at Zhao Gongming, he knew that Zhao Gongming's character was very straightforward, but he also admired Zhao Gongming's courage and sense of justice. Jin Ling Shengmu listened silently, she thought:

"Zhao Gongming is right, the Western Religion is indeed exaggerating, we should let the three generations of disciples know the truth, so as not to lose to the Western Religion disciples."

During Zhao Gongming's narration, the three generations of disciples exclaimed from time to time. They didn't expect the Western Church to be so unbearable, nor did they expect the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti to be so shameless.

Zhao Gongming also liked the interesting things in the prehistoric times, so he used his late-stage quasi-saint peak magic power to show scenes of the development of the Western Church in the void.

At the same time, these nephews also saw the scene of the Western Church forcibly plundering the creatures of the demon clan from the hands of the Nuwa saint after the witch and demon calamity.

The three generations of disciples of the three religions were full of admiration. They really couldn't understand why a person who had achieved the truth and become a saint would use such inferior means.

The other quasi-saints of the three religions entered the space opened up by Xuandu before, and began to discuss how to deal with the disciples of the Western Church.

Jade Ding Zhenren spoke first: "I'm afraid that Yang Jiao and others' investigation of Da Shang has long been known by the Western Church pharmacist."


The Golden Spirit Holy Mother exclaimed, she couldn't understand why the Western Church Jieyin Saint would send his own disciple into the prehistoric world calamity.

The others also looked solemn. After all, the pharmacist and they were of the same generation, but he had deeply learned the true teachings of the two saints Jieyin and Zhunti when he traveled in the prehistoric world.

If it weren't for the great masters in the prehistoric world who were concerned about the two saints behind him, he would have died on the way to travel in the prehistoric world.

Now facing the pharmacist again, everyone's eyes were full of disgust and wanted to kill him.

Jade Ding Zhenren looked at the eyes of everyone, and then said: "When Senior Brother Xuandu left, he told me that the reason why I sent Yang Jiao and other three generations of disciples was just to let the Western disciples relax their vigilance."

At the same time, he said: "In the Conferred God Calamity, 365 heavenly seats still need to be filled by the Western Church and other great masters!"

Speaking of this, Jade Ding Zhenren took out the golden elixir that Xuandu gave them when they left for this battle with the Western Church. Jade Ding Zhenren distributed all the golden elixirs to everyone.

After receiving the Seven-turn Golden Pill, the other second-generation disciples also understood what Senior Brother Xuandu meant, and each began to prepare secretly.


In the newly built Tianyin Temple in the Song City of the Great Shang Dynasty, the Medicine Master looked at the tens of thousands of Western Religion disciples below the stage with a solemn face and said:

"From today on, you will immediately set up the Ten Thousand Buddhas Brahma Sound Heavenly Array in the west of the Song City of the Great Shang Dynasty to destroy the disciples of the three Western religions. Those who have made contributions in this war can be like the Western Paradise."

As soon as the Medicine Master said this, the disciples who had just come from the Western Lingshan below smiled happily. Since they joined the Western Religion, they have been hearing about the Western Paradise, but they have never seen its true appearance.

Now that the Senior Brother Medicine Master has agreed to them, the outer disciples of the Western Religion have already regarded the disciples of the three religions as tickets to enter the Paradise.

And the Medicine Master made this decision because he had investigated the Western Zhou army and found that only the three generations of disciples of the three religions went down the mountain to help Zhou attack Shang.

These three generations of disciples are the elites of the three religions and have the best strength.

It was just the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and the pharmacist was fully confident that he could defeat them all.

At this time, Dizang, who had just broken through the early stage of Quasi-Saint, looked at the pharmacist and said:

"Big Brother, if we kill the three generations of disciples of the three religions in this way, I am afraid that the three religions will pursue us relentlessly..."

When the pharmacist heard that Dizang was so incompetent, he scolded: "Junior Brother Dizang, this is the great calamity of the prehistoric world. If the three generations of disciples of the three religions do not fill the list of gods, do we have to fill it with the disciples of the Western Religion!"

When Dizang heard this, he was immediately suppressed by the aura of the late Quasi-Saint emanating from the pharmacist's body, and dared not say anything more.

Seeing that Dizang no longer opposed him, Yaoshi spoke again:

"Junior brother, now we are in the catastrophe, no one can get out of it completely. Now only by letting the disciples of the three religions enter the list of gods first can the disciples of the Western religion die less."

And Yaoshi had another sentence that he didn't say, that is, "Only in this way can the disciples of the Western religion survive the catastrophe better."

The implication is that Dizang needs to understand it himself, and he is unwilling to say more, so as not to make him, the eldest brother of the Western religion, lose face.

And facing the Western religion disciples who began to use the treasury of the Shang Dynasty privately and gradually disintegrate the court of the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou did nothing.

He still showed a leisurely look, as if all this had nothing to do with him. He was incompetent and oppressed the people, making the people of the entire Shang Dynasty live in dire straits.

However, behind his image of a tyrant, hidden is his second personality, an evil existence that is gradually controlling his body.

In the deepest part of the imperial palace, blocked by heavy bronze gates, is a huge underground blood pool. The blood pool is constantly plundering the blood of the creatures in the Great Shang, and these blood gathers together to form a powerful force.

This force constantly erodes King Zhou's consciousness, causing him to gradually lose control of his body. His second personality is gradually rising, beginning to devour the consciousness of the main personality and control the entire body.

King Zhou's main personality is full of contradictions and pain. He knows that he is heading towards a road of no return, but he can't extricate himself.

He used to be a wise and powerful monarch, but now he has become a tyrant, and it is too late to wake up now.

He has been completely sealed in the dust, and the blood beads in his body are bound by strange blood-colored chains, watching his empire gradually fall.

With the sound of war drums resounding through the sky, the Western Zhou army launched a general attack on the last Chaoge City, and huge cloud ladders were erected on the walls of Chaoge.

The soldiers of the Western Zhou Dynasty, wearing rattan armor and holding bronze swords, rushed to the wall of Chaoge City, the capital of the human emperor that they had once guarded together, and cut off the heads of the Shang soldiers guarding the city with one sword.

In their eyes, they lost all their awe, and were more longing for the establishment of the new dynasty, the Western Zhou Dynasty, because King Zhou of the Great Shang Dynasty had made them lose their wives and children, and they were full of anger and hatred towards King Zhou.

Under the city wall, huge giants of the Longbo clan, holding huge bronze pillars together, attacked the gate of the Great Shang imperial capital that no one dared to shake for hundreds of thousands of years.

The Longbo clan giants were allies of the Great Shang Dynasty. They had resisted countless foreign invasions with the Great Shang Dynasty, but now they had to join the Western Zhou Dynasty with Wen Zhong for their own survival.

On the chariot in the back, Wen Zhong's eyes flashed with the grand scene of him helping the first generation of the Great Shang Dynasty emperor to unify the human race.

He was the Grand Master of the Great Shang Dynasty. He had made countless contributions to the prosperity of the Great Shang Dynasty, but now he had to face the inevitable end of the Great Shang Dynasty's demise.

The Shang army of millions, who led the demon creatures in the north of the Shang Dynasty, saw countless absurd things on the way back, which were constantly happening in various regions of the Shang Dynasty.

Then he deliberately checked and understood that the current King Zhou had lost his awe, and saw that there were no disciples of Jiejiao in the court of the Shang Dynasty.

Instead, the disciples of the Western Sect preached in the human territory, and countless Shang people died in ignorant beliefs.

In anger, the Grand Master Wen Zhong led the army to join the Western Zhou camp that attacked the Shang Dynasty.

At this moment, Wen Zhong was filled with endless sadness and helplessness. He knew that all this was the fault of King Zhou, but he could not save it.

He could only watch the Western Zhou army rush into Chaoge City silently, watch the flags on the walls of Chaoge City of the Shang Dynasty being lowered, and watch the Western Sect monks being chopped down by the swords of the Western Zhou army.

At this moment, his heart was filled with longing for the Shang Dynasty and resentment towards King Zhou. He knew that the Great Shang Dynasty had become history.

And he will disappear in the long river of history along with the Shang Dynasty.

However, as a living being who has practiced for hundreds of Yuanhui, Wen Zhong's state of mind is also extremely powerful. In a moment, he thought to himself, "If that's the case, then I will end it myself..."

Then, under his command, the hundreds of millions of Western Zhou troops attacked Chaoge.

Above Chaoge City, the pharmacist saw that the time was ripe, and he didn't care that Chaoge City below was about to be captured, and immediately activated the Ten Thousand Buddhas Brahma Sound Heavenly Array.

With the pharmacist's light shout, the whole sky instantly became golden, and huge Buddha statues slowly emerged from the void, and the sound of Brahma resounded through the world like thunder.

The pharmacist stood in the middle of the Buddha statue, forming seals with his hands, chanting something, and driving the Ten Thousand Buddhas Brahma Sound Heavenly Array to start operating. I saw a series of light beams shooting out from the Buddha statue, covering the entire three generations of disciples of the three religions, and a series of Brahma sounds began to invade the consciousness of Yang Jiao and others like maggots attached to the bones.

The outer disciples of the Western Religion saw this and sneered: "Hahahahahahahaha, these are the three generations of disciples of the three religions. Today, we will send you to the Conferred God List."

Their laughter was full of disdain and contempt, as if Yang Jiao and others were already in their pockets. Yang Jiao and others heard this sarcasm, and they couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in their hearts.

They knew that this was a conspiracy of the Western Religion, and they wanted to use the Ten Thousand Buddhas Brahma Sound Heavenly Array to weaken their strength, and then catch them all in one fell swoop.

However, they already knew that the Western Religion had a quasi-saint sitting in the seat, and at this moment they were just acting for the next ending.

Even if they were acting, under the erosion of the Brahma Sound, Yang Jiao and others felt that their consciousness began to blur and their thinking became slow.

They knew that this was the power of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Brahma Sound Heavenly Array. If they could not get rid of the influence of the Brahma Sound in time, they would be controlled by the Medicine Master and become his puppets.

So, they all used their skills to try to resist the erosion of the Brahma Sound. However, the power of the Brahma sound was too strong, and their skills seemed insignificant in front of the Brahma sound.

At this moment, a series of sounds rang out around them, isolating all the Brahma sounds.

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