The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 102 Three people walking together

Feeling the chill radiating from the girl's body, Tianchong quickly said, "I didn't say that!"

"But you definitely think that!"


Xiao Lin next to him smiled secretly, looking happy.

After being glared at severely by his elder sister, he approached Tian Chong and said, "My sister has a strange physique and often falls into deep sleep, so she looks the same on the outside."

Tian Chong suddenly looked astonished.

As for Muchen next to him, he was also a little embarrassed. Fortunately, no one else noticed his expression before.

After all, his expression just now was similar to that of a celestial insect. When he thought about the vicissitudes of his heart beneath this girlish appearance, he subconsciously got goosebumps.

Xiao Xiao knew very well what the two guys were thinking just now, but she didn't pay attention. Instead, her eyes were fixed on the Celestial Insect, and she suddenly said: "According to you, is there really true dragon essence and blood in the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven?"

Tianchong replied: "I just heard about it. After all, I am not from the North Realm. This time I decided to participate temporarily after hearing some information about Longfengtian on the way."

"If you want to know more, Miss Caixiao, why not ask Little Brother Muchen. He was born in the Great Luo Heaven Territory and is considered a landlord in the North Realm. I think he should know more information..."

Muchen did not hide anything when he heard this, and even told the two of them all the information about Longfengtian.

"Sure enough, there is true dragon essence and blood." After hearing what Muchen said, Xiao Xiao's bright eyes also flashed slightly.

When Xiao Lin on the other side saw this, his heart skipped a beat and he said quickly: "Sister, don't think of any crooked ideas. We didn't come out this time for those dragons and phoenixes. The mission assigned to us by dad has not been completed yet. …”

"Just do the task. I plan to go to Longfengtian..." Caixiao said nonchalantly. "Although the essence and blood obtained this time is of great help to Xiao Cai, it is still a little short of fully evolving. If I can get the true dragon essence and blood, it will be no problem at all. Then I will no longer have to fall asleep from time to time. .”

"Ah?" Xiao Lin said hurriedly: "You want to go alone? No, dad said you can't act alone! If he finds out..."

Although he didn't say it, he could tell from Xiao Lin's eager expression that if Xiao Yan knew that his son of a bitch dared to put his precious daughter in danger, he would probably go crazy on the spot and beat his son of a bitch severely.

"How would dad know if you don't tell me?" Cai Xiao winked at Xiao Lin, then raised her fist at her brother and said, "You know the consequences of betraying me, right?"

"Sister, don't do this!" Xiao Lin wailed, and then he glared at Tian Chong and Muchen who were standing aside. If he had known better, he would not have invited this guy to dinner.

At this moment, the celestial insect looks at its nose with its eyes, and its nose looks at its heart, completely invisible.

As for Muchen, he had already sensed the danger, and his instinct immediately made him prepare to stand up and leave...


But before he could retreat, Cai Xiao's eyes full of charm were projected on her. She smiled and said: "Then I'll trouble you again and take me to the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven."

For a moment, Muchen froze, and then he accidentally touched Xiao Lin's flaming eyes, and suddenly felt a layer of white sweat on his back...

At the critical moment, Muchen suddenly realized what he was doing and immediately saw the Celestial Chong next to him.

"Actually, I am just a small third-grade supreme. With low cultivation, I can only be a burden to you. However, my elder brother Tianchong is a powerful fifth-grade supreme. Even if he is in the top ten in the Dragon and Phoenix Record, he is definitely not him. The opponent..."

When Tian Chong heard this, his eyes instantly widened.

Damn it, you bastard, is this how you deceive your friends?

Unexpectedly, Muchen didn't show any signs of weakness and immediately stared back...

Then you didn't let me take the blame before, this time we are even!

Seeing that their eyes were about to pop out, Xiao Xiao suddenly found it interesting and chuckled: "Don't be too modest. It just so happens that the three of us are together, so we can take care of you..."

Muchen immediately twitched the corner of his mouth, he still couldn't escape in the end... In fact, the girl in front of him was a pleasure to look at. If they could go together, ordinary people would not be able to ask for her.

But Muchen could feel the mystery and power of the two people in front of him, so he didn't really want to negotiate too deeply with them.

As for Tian Chong, he actually has no objection to traveling with Xiao Xiao. After all, she is also the daughter of Emperor Yan and has one of the thickest thighs in the world. As a lonely person, he can hug this thick leg. It's still not easy.

But this time Xiao Lin was so anxious that he objected directly: "No!"

If his father and mother knew that he actually dared to let his elder sister go to the so-called Dragon and Phoenix Heaven alone, and also with two strange men, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as simple as beating him up. Then his father would have to take him The skin was peeled off.

Seeing Xiao Lin's reaction, Muchen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Facing two strangers, and two people he can't afford to offend, he instinctively doesn't want to have too much contact. This way, he won't feel at ease, and neither will the other person. If anything goes wrong, he will be the unlucky one. , so he is reluctant to do so.

Looking at Tian Chong who looked like an old god next to him, Muchen was speechless. You are treating yourself too much as an outsider. What you are talking about now has nothing to do with you, right?

"Brother Tianchong, what do you think?"

Muchen decided to drag this guy down.

Sure enough, after listening to Muchen's words, Xiao Lin, whose eyes were already on fire, immediately set his sights on the Celestial Chong.

Tianchong looked at the two of them, sighed, shook his head, and said: "You two, you don't understand women so much. Do you think we are still qualified to offer opinions now? Then I want to ask brother Gu Lin , can you convince your sister?"

"Uh..." Xiao Lin's expression was suffocated, and then he looked back with some sarcasm.

Cai Xiao's slender legs were curled up, her pointed chin resting on her knees, her beautiful eyes looked at Tian Chong with interest, and she said calmly: "I don't see it, do you understand women quite well..."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Tian Chong to speak, he glanced at Xiao Lin and Muchen once again, and said: "As he said, your objections are invalid!

I have already decided, so even if they don't take me there, I will find someone again. Anyway, with so many people going to Longfengtian now, I don't have to worry about finding someone to lead the way. "

The last words he said were to his brother, and he immediately killed Xiao Lin.

Muchen was relieved after hearing this.

He doesn't care if this woman goes to Longfengtian, as long as she doesn't follow him!

But Xiao Lin was about to cry at this moment...

"Sister, if you do this, people will die!"

His voice was extremely desolate, making the Celestial Chong who were watching the show speechless.

This guy is so strong, but he was beaten to death by his elder sister. This shows his status in the family.

Xiao Xiao didn't care at all about his brother's sad expression, and said with a smile: "Now you have two choices, let them take me there; or, I can find someone to lead the way myself."

Xiao Lin's delicate face couldn't help but twitch, because he knew very well the character of his sister, and since she decided to do something, even his words would have no effect.

Muchen wanted to leave even more now. The girl in front of him was on the same level of beauty as Luo Li.

It's not like he has never encountered such a thing as beauty causing trouble. A girl of this level is basically in a high-risk area. If you take her with you, you can foresee how many troubles will come to your door.

Unfortunately, compared to letting his elder sister find someone she doesn't know to lead the way, Tianchong and Muchen are obviously more suitable, so Xiao Lin will choose to give in in the end.

Tianchong knew this very well, so he didn't just want to find a chance to leave like Muchen did.

"ok, I get it."

Sure enough, Xiao Lin finally didn't have the courage to refuse when faced with his elder sister's half-smiling expression.

Then he walked between Tian Chong and Muchen, patted their shoulders, and said solemnly: "In this case, I will leave my sister to you two..."

Muchen's eyes twitched: "Are you really relieved?"

Muchen didn't know what he was thinking about handing over a girl as beautiful as a flower to a stranger whom he had only met once.

And judging from Cai Xiao's spiritual power fluctuations, she seems to be far less powerful than Gu Lin, and even worse than Tian Chong.

"Don't worry, no one in this world who can take advantage of my sister has been born yet." Xiao Lin smiled and said mysteriously: "If you underestimate her, I'm afraid you will suffer a big loss."

Muchen was startled, but couldn't help but look at Xiao Xiao one more time.

"Two brothers, please help me this time. Although we have known each other for a short time, I think you are still more trustworthy than others." Xiao Lin said with a smile.

Of course, there is another thing that makes Xiao Lin feel so confident in making this choice, and that is that this old lady has a keen perception that is different from ordinary people.

Since even she doesn't exclude Tianchong and the two, it means that these two people have no ill intentions.

For someone who can maintain such a state of mind without resentment after being blackmailed by the two siblings, there won't be any problems.

In fact, Tianchong also thought of something in his mind, but the other party didn't say it.

With Xiao Lin's current strength, it would be easy to use some tricks on these two supreme experts, and I guarantee that they would not find out. If the two of them really had bad thoughts towards Xiao Xiao, they would probably Without the latter taking action, they would die miserably.

After understanding this, Xiao Lin believed that the two of them did not dare to have any inappropriate thoughts, so he could leave with peace of mind.

Do you really think that Emperor Yan's son and daughter are so easily plotted?

"Okay, we agree!" Tian Chong stopped Muchen who was about to say something and said directly to the two siblings.

"It's just that Long Fengtian's words are not very dangerous this time, and Miss Caixiao's own strength is not bad. I think there should be no problem if the three of us join forces..."

"Smart." Xiao Xiao smiled immediately after hearing this.

It's just that her every frown and smile exudes a charming charm, which makes people's eyes uncontrollably straighten. Fortunately, both Tian Chong and Tian Chong have good concentration, so they don't lose their composure. I guess this is also the case between the two. The reason why the siblings looked at the two of them so highly.

The next morning, the four of them woke up early.

Xiao Lin gave a few more words to his troubled sister, and then watched the three of them set off.

Because Tianchong, the spiritual insect master, is here, the three of them naturally don’t have to waste their spiritual power on their next journey...

But I don’t know if it’s because of the bloodline of the colorful sky-devouring python, Xiao Xiao is also not interested in centipedes, so Tianchong can only put away his Dragon Flame Golden Centipede, and then use the Ice Spirit God Butterfly comes instead.

But this scene made Muchen's eyes brimming with excitement.

You must know that the dragon flame golden centipede gave him a stronger feeling yesterday than him, even similar to Jiuyou. Now there is a divine butterfly with the same level, how can he not be frightened?

"Brother Tianchong, didn't you return to the Spirit Zerg tribe before? Why did you come to the northern boundary this time?" Along the way, Muchen finally asked out the curiosity in his heart.

You know, now he is no longer the stupid boy who has never seen the world. Only after he came to Daluo Tianyu did he really have a preliminary understanding of this world.

But just these understandings have opened his eyes...

He really didn't expect that in such a vast world, the two of them could meet again.

This can be considered fate...

Tianchong smiled slightly when he heard this, patted the down on the back of the Ice Spirit Divine Butterfly, and said: "It's nothing, but after staying in the Spirit Insect Clan for a while, I felt restless, so I came out to travel..."

"It's a coincidence that I came to the northern border this time. I got into some trouble before. I originally planned to find a remote place to hide from the limelight. I didn't expect to meet an old friend here."

"But why did you come to Tianluo Continent? Shouldn't you be in Beicang Lingyuan now?"

Muchen nodded after hearing this explanation, a little curious about what the trouble Tianchong mentioned was.

However, even a fifth-grade supreme being who possesses several powerful supreme divine insects needs to avoid them. This is quite a trouble, and it is not something that a small third-grade supreme being like him can get involved in, so I won’t say more. .

"It's just a coincidence that I came to the North Realm. Brother Celestial Chong should still remember the Nine Nether Bird, right? It's because of her that I came to the North Realm and joined Daluo Tianyu, one of the top forces in the North Realm... "

Both of them briefly talked about their experiences, and after this conversation, the strangeness that had been caused by time suddenly dissipated a lot.

Of course, Tianchong didn't think that the other party would really trust him because of these conversations, but it was just that being able to take care of each other would be more beneficial for the subsequent competition between dragons and phoenixes.

Next to him, Xiao Xiao's bright eyes fell on the Ice Spirit Divine Butterfly sitting down. The latter's beautiful figure made the girl like it very much.

Listening to the two men talking about their respective experiences without concealment, she also gained a deeper understanding of these two guys.

"The Spirit Zerg Tribe, I heard it from my father before, but I heard that this race suffered heavy losses during the ancient war, and now it can barely rank among the superpowers in the world. I didn't expect that such a genius could be born... "

"What is the identity of the previous owner of the golden blood essence that can make Xiao Cai improve so much? It seems that after returning this time, I will let my mother see the changes in Xiao Cai..."

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