The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 103 Nether Heart Demon Thunder

The opening of Longfengtian made the ancient domain of Longfeng Mountains truly noisy.

Although they already knew that there would be a lot of people this time, when the three Celestial Chongs arrived at the place, they were also shocked by the sight of locusts passing through.

"Don't these people care about their own strength? There are only a few in Longfengchi. With the strength of these people, I'm afraid they won't even be able to meet one of them. Is it possible that they are just here for a formality?"

Tian Chong doesn't understand. There were so many geniuses from the seven major sects in the Qiyao Holy Realm, but those who actually participated may not be as much as one percent of those here now.

"Haha, Brother Tianchong doesn't know. I'm afraid not a few of these people are really here for the Dragon and Phoenix Golden Pond. Most of them just want to take this opportunity to make a name for themselves." Muchen could see it clearly and smiled. explained.

"Let's go to the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient City. That's the place closest to the opening of the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven." Muchen pointed to the depths of the Dragon and Phoenix Mountains and said.

Tian Chong looked over there and could vaguely see the outline of a shockingly majestic city.

Xiao Xiao looked around curiously, then nodded indifferently.

Muchen saw this and took the lead to rush out, and the other two immediately followed.

Ten minutes later, the speed of the three of them gradually slowed down, and their eyes looked forward with slight shock.

I saw there that the towering mountains seemed to be forcibly squeezed together by a powerful force, and even giant-like palm prints could be vaguely seen on the giant mountains.

Above the huge mountains, an ancient city towered into the clouds with no end in sight.

The city is covered with mottled marks of time, and the ancient aura of wilderness is permeating the air, making the whole world shrouded in a sense of vicissitudes of life.

At this time, Tianchong had already put away his Ice Spirit Divine Butterfly, so the three of them turned into streams of light and swept into this ancient city, and then stopped on a noisy street.

This kind of sudden scene is already familiar to people on the street, but after the appearance of the three insects, they still attracted many eager eyes.

There was no way, just as Muchen was worried, with a charming fairy like Xiao Xiao around, they couldn't keep a low profile even if they wanted to.

As the person involved, Xiao Xiao seems to have been used to this kind of constant attention, so he can basically ignore it very naturally...

On the other hand, Muchen was a little helpless, because after seeing Xiao Xiao, those eyes paid attention to him and Tianchong as expected, and the hostility in their eyes could not be concealed.

"Haha, doesn't it feel like beauty brings disaster?" Tian Chong looked at Muchen's expression and couldn't help but chuckle.

But his words made Xiao Xiao glare at him, and the charming charm between the girl's eyebrows killed many men on the street instantly.

"Let's go, let's get out of here. I don't like being treated like a monkey..." Muchen immediately urged him.

"You are the monkey!" Xiao Xiao was really defeated by these two men. One said he was a disaster, and the other said he was a monkey. They are really two dead straight men!

Soon, the three of them came to a golden attic. This was the Dragon and Phoenix Pavilion located in the Longfeng Ancient City. In the past, the news about Longfengtian came from here.

This Dragon and Phoenix Pavilion has a unique shape, with dragons and phoenixes singing together, vaguely, as if there is a real power of dragon and phoenix permeating the air.

When the three Tianchong people arrived, there were many lights and shadows in the entire ancient city passing towards this place.

Relying on his powerful perception, Tianchong can detect that the figures that are rushing here are generally stronger...

Obviously, most of the people who are qualified to come here are the elites of the younger generation in the northern realm, and some people who think they are not strong enough naturally dare not enter easily, lest they humiliate themselves and lose face.

After entering the Dragon Phoenix Pavilion, it was obvious that the noisy environment around them gradually became quieter, and many people focused their attention on the three of them.

Yes, it was indeed the three of them, because after seeing Xiao Xiao's charm, many people immediately cast their envious and jealous eyes on Tian Chong and Muchen.

Tian Chong just paid it back. As a fifth-grade supreme, his powerful spiritual power made those people look away in fear.

But this way Muchen would suffer...

Muchen looked at all this with a calm expression, and just found a corner with Tianchong, and then sat down quietly.

According to the known information, there will be someone in the Dragon and Phoenix Pavilion who will announce the information about Longfengtian. They only need to wait here.

"How is it? How strong are the people here?" Xiao Xiao glanced at the surrounding eyes with interest, then looked at Tian Chong and asked.

"It's not bad. There are some quite extraordinary auras upstairs, but we won't know how strong they are until they actually fight."

Tianchong relied on his spiritual consciousness that was far beyond these people to explore everyone upstairs and downstairs, and found that the so-called top ten in the Dragon and Phoenix Record were indeed inferior to those of the chief disciples of Qi Yaotian.

At this time, Muchen also noticed that a cold gaze fell on him. He knew without looking that the only one who could look at him like this was Liu Yan from the Xuantian Temple...

At this time, the small circle that the other party belongs to is a group of people with good reputations among the younger generation in the north, and there are two figures in the center.

One of them is naturally Liu Yan, the fourth in the Dragon and Phoenix Record, and the young master of the Xuantian Palace.

However, the real protagonist in the circle is not him, but a stunning figure wearing a fiery red dress with a soul-stirring charm between her brows.

Compared with Xiao Xiao's charm, which has an awe-inspiring and inviolable nobility, this woman gives people a desire to dominate her at just one glance, which makes people want to stop.

If the two are compared in this way, the verdict will be decided!

"Haha, what a beautiful little sister."

The woman in the red dress looked at the charming Xiao Xiao, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.

Immediately, she glanced at Tian Chong and Muchen next to Xiao Xiao, covered her red lips with her little hand, and said with a sweet smile: "But these two little brothers are very strange. Did I appear in the North Realm again?" A handsome young man who doesn’t know?”

"That young man in green is the new commander who recently broke out from the Great Luo Heavenly Realm. Hehe, he is quite capable, but Liu Ming was wasted in his hands."

Liu Yan smiled faintly and said: "Originally, I kindly reminded him not to come to participate in Dragon and Phoenix Heaven, but looking at his current appearance, he doesn't seem to have taken my reminder to heart."

"As for the man in white, I've never seen him before. Maybe he's not from the northern border..."

In fact, it is easy to guess the identities of Tian Chong and Xiao Xiao outsiders. After all, although the Northern Territory is not small, if there are such two talented and powerful young men and women, they must have already become famous far and wide. , how could it be possible that neither of them could recognize him.

"I didn't expect that this kid would get involved with two outsiders. Moreover, the young man in white couldn't even see through me. It seems that he is not an easy person!"

Although Liu Yan looked calm, he had already remembered the Celestial Chong in his heart.

It just so happens that the enmity between myself and Muchen can be tested...

Thinking like this, Liu Yan's eyes seemed to unconsciously glance at the young strong man next to him who was close to him.

As a qualified bitch, he naturally understood his master's hint easily. He stood up and walked towards Muchen's direction.

"Brother Liu Yan wants to invite you to come up and sit down. Boy, come with me."

As he spoke, his palms fell on Muchen's shoulders. However, what surprised him was that the figure in front of him was as motionless as a rock.

Muchen's face was calm, and his slightly cold voice slowly came out.

"If you want to take action, just do it yourself. If you let these unworthy things come, you won't be afraid of weakening your reputation as the young master of Xuantian Palace?"

This scene made many people in the entire Longfeng Pavilion look over with interest.

Needless to say, Liu Yan's name goes without saying. As the fourth person in the Dragon and Phoenix Record, how could everyone present not know the name of the young master of the Xuantian Palace.

As for Muchen, people are a little curious. They don't know where this young man got the courage to directly shout at Liu Yan.

However, at this time, Liu Yan was still condescending, looking at Muchen with a faint gaze, without any response.

With the current gap between the two of them, there is really no need for him to respond to the provocation of a "clown", as that would only lower his status.

At this time, Tian Chong and the two people sitting next to Muchen also regarded themselves as people eating melons. Xiao Xiao even secretly sent a message to Tian Chong: "I didn't expect that this guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he didn't know this." What kind of trouble did you cause to have someone knock you out and slap you in the face..."

However, Tian Chong smiled slightly and said: "If you don't even have the ability to cause trouble, then why do you want to have such a big career? Why don't you just stay at home?"

"I don't think these little shrimps can do anything to Muchen. Even if the guy upstairs takes action himself, he might get slapped in the face..."

Xiao Xiao's beautiful eyes lit up slightly, as if she was a little surprised by Tian Chong's words.

"You quite believe him..."

"Haha, did you know that when I first met this kid, he was only at the spiritual wheel level? Only three or four years have passed, and he is already a third-grade supreme. To be honest, this kind of cultivation speed is I didn’t even expect it…”

Xiao Xiao nodded. If this is the case, then Muchen is indeed a talent that can be made.

While the two were chatting secretly, Muchen had already had a direct conflict with the man outside.

"It seems that this friend thinks that my Snow Dragon Mountain is not heavy enough... Haha, with the strength of Daluo Tianyu, I actually have the qualifications." The man smiled, with a sarcastic look in his eyes, and said: "However, Do you think that you also have this qualification?"

"Snow Dragon Palm!"

While drinking, a cold air like a glacier swept out of his palm, and a huge snow dragon rushed out, bringing overwhelming snowflakes to cover the area where Muchen was.

"Tsk, tsk, it's really impulsive. Are we considered a disaster..." Sensing that the opponent's picture actually included their location, Tian Chong couldn't help but tsk.

"Haha, it seems that their target is not just Muchen..." With Xiao Xiao's ice and snow intelligence, he could naturally see the other party's intention, and he immediately looked at Tianchong with a bright smile. "Why, aren't you going to take action?"

Judging from the opponent's outburst, this prodigy from Snow Dragon Mountain has also touched the edge of the fourth-grade supreme, and is much stronger than Muchen...

But as long as Tian Chong takes action, I'm afraid he won't have any chance, and he can be eliminated with a casual move.

"No need, just leave it to the Muchen boy..." Tianchong smiled lightly, but there was no sign of any action.

Xiao Xiao also didn't pay attention to the huge and fierce-looking snow dragon, but after listening to Tianchong's words, he turned his attention to Muchen, wanting to see how he would respond.

Muchen felt the gazes of the two men and immediately knew what they were thinking. He couldn't help but give these two guys a roll of his eyes.

But since the other party is targeting him, he naturally won't expect others to stand up for him.

He picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip. At this time, the terrifying cold air swept behind him, and even snowflakes appeared on his hair...

His behavior made everyone in Longfeng Pavilion puzzled. Could it be that this guy was actively seeking death?

Regarding the performance of the three of them, Lu Yang in Snow Dragon Mountain couldn't help but feel angry. None of them took him seriously, right?

"Since you are looking for death, then I will help you!" He yelled angrily in his heart, and the snow dragon in his hand suddenly sped up a bit.

Then, suddenly...


The moment the corner of Lu Yang's mouth curled up in a cold arc, a soul-shaking sound of thunder penetrated all his defenses in an extremely weird way, exploding directly from the depths of his soul.

The appearance of Lei Yin was so strange that Lu Yang was not prepared at all. The spiritual power in his body lost control at this moment, and even his mind was in a trance under the random surge of spiritual power.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Lu Yang's mouth without any warning.

The roaring snow dragon suddenly exploded and turned into snowflakes floating down all over the sky.

Looking at Lu Yang, who was bleeding from all his orifices, Muchen moved his feet, and appeared in front of him like a ghost, and his palm landed lightly on the opponent's chest.


The majestic spiritual power spurted out, and Lu Yang's body immediately flew backwards. As the blood spurted wildly, a long trace was drawn in the Dragon and Phoenix Pavilion along the way. Finally, the window was smashed with a bang and the dragon and phoenix flew out. Pavilion.

The entire sound in Longfeng Pavilion fell silent at this moment.

Xiao Xiao's eyes flashed with light at this moment, and he said to the Celestial Chong: "What kind of method was that just now? Did you see clearly?"

A traceless attack method like the Inner Demon Thunder is very rare even in the vast world.

"This method is very similar to the legendary Netherworld Heart Demon Thunder..."

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