After leaving the Dragon and Phoenix Pavilion, the Tian Chong trio were ready to find a place to rest temporarily, waiting for the opening of the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven.

After passing through the streets in the ancient city, when they reached a sparsely populated place, the Celestial Insect in front of them suddenly stopped.

Then, Tian Chong suddenly raised his hand towards an open space behind them and grabbed it...

Suddenly, layers of ripples suddenly appeared in the space, and then an embarrassed figure fell from the void. When he looked up, he saw a dark magic pillar glowing with lightning smashing down on his head.

In a hurry, the figure quickly stretched out a slender palm, and then lightly patted the big Sumeru Demonic Pillar, causing ripples visible to the naked eye to ripple out.


The earth cracked, the Great Sumeru Demonic Pillar was pushed back, Muchen's body was also shaken heavily, and the stone slab under his feet turned into powder.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I still have some abilities..."

Seeing that Muchen was easily repelled by the opponent, Tianchong also smiled lightly.

The next moment, countless invisible sword energy burst out from his hand, shooting towards the figure who had already stabilized his figure silently.


Without any warning, the figure saw cracks appearing on the white clothes on his body, and then a stinging pain spread to his mind, making him immediately realize that he had been hit.

However, this person was obviously not a mediocre person. After discovering that he had been attacked, his whole body suddenly emitted thousands of starlights, and a majestic spiritual power rushed out of his body, instantly annihilating the invisible sword energy of the sky insect.

It's just that at this time, his ragged clothes and blood-stained appearance made him look not only embarrassed, but also a little miserable...

"Stop! I mean no harm!"

At the critical moment, the man quickly raised his hand to stop, and he also escaped Muchen's attack again.

Seeing this, Tianchong and Muchen both stopped attacking, and then looked at each other coldly...

"Who are you? Why are you following us?" Muchen frowned.

"I'm sorry, because I overheard your conversation, and I am also slightly interested in it, so I want to cooperate with you..." The man in white looked at the embarrassment on his body, and with a thought, the wounds on his body had stopped bleeding. , the blood stains were also dissolved by spiritual power. Although his clothes were still ragged, he finally regained some composure.

"Cooperation, do you think we need it?" Tianchong looked at this person with some interest.

If nothing unexpected happens, this person should be Fang Yi from the Shen Pavilion. In the original work, it seems that this guy took advantage of Muchen and Xiao Xiao by virtue of his void escape technique.

However, facing Tian Chong, who is already a fifth-grade supreme, his so-called Void Escape Technique instantly loses its effect. Even if Tian Chong really has murderous intentions, he can temporarily trap the opponent in it. Void, let’s see how this guy can escape when the time comes!

The man in white looked at Tian Chong, with a strong look of fear in his eyes, and then said: "I didn't expect that you are a fifth-grade supreme, and you are under Meng Lang. But you are not from my northern realm, right? Although the fifth-grade supreme being is powerful, he is not yet powerful enough to act recklessly in the northern realm..."

"Eh, threatening me?" Tianchong raised his eyebrows and looked at the other party with some amusement.

"I'm just telling the truth..." the man in white said calmly.

"To be honest, there is a price to pay..."

After hearing Tian Chong's words, the man in white's eyes suddenly condensed, and his figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.


But the moment he disappeared, a sword energy of tens of meters suddenly appeared on the spot, and then slashed directly at the void.


Wherever the sword energy passed, the space shook. The invisible sword energy seemed to penetrate the space, and then instantly struck an entity.

Looking at the few drops of blood dripping from the void, Tianchong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"This guy is quite powerful. He can actually sense my invisible sword..."

Xiao Xiao, who was next to him, looked at Tian Chong with some curiosity and said: "I didn't expect that a spiritual insect master like you could have such strong swordsmanship... I have never heard of the Invisible Sword. It seems like you are so powerful." The guy is also very lucky."

Muchen thought about the elusive sword energy that Tian Chong had displayed before, and felt a slight chill in his whole body.

If the man in white were himself, I am afraid that he would have been bruised and bruised by this invisible sword energy. It was really a terrifying swordsmanship!

"If I'm not wrong, this guy is probably Fang Yi from the Divine Pavilion who is ranked number one on the Dragon and Phoenix Record." Tian Chong told the two of them his speculation.

"Ah, counting the time we were in Longfeng Pavilion just now, have we offended almost all the top five people on the list?" Xiao Xiao said in surprise, but the smile in his eyes could not be hidden. .

Muchen's face darkened when he heard this, and he felt that he was really unlucky... Originally, just Liu Yan was enough to trouble him, but now he suddenly found that there were so many inexplicable enemies, and he suddenly felt bad.

But looking at the indifferent Tian Chong next to him and the mysterious Cai Xiao, Muchen suddenly felt relieved.

Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up. Whether it is Tian Chong or this mysterious Cai Xiao, their strength is definitely much stronger than the top five in the Dragon and Phoenix Record.

Seeing the change in Muchen's expression, Tianchong and Xiao Xiao immediately knew what he was thinking, but they didn't care...

These so-called geniuses in the north are really just like that in the eyes of the two of them. There really is nothing worth worrying about.


"Did you hear what Fang Yi threatened me just now? When the time comes, Cai Xiao, please don't burn bridges and sell me out at the critical moment!"

Tian Chong glanced at the beauty beside him and whispered.

"Are you afraid now? Aren't you from the Spirit Insect Tribe? Why are you afraid of these mere low-level supreme beings in the North?"

Xiao Xiao rolled his eyes at him and couldn't help but said.

"This is not the Spirit Insect Continent. My identity is of some use. Moreover, I am a low-level Supreme Being. We are like little shrimps in front of others, and we can be crushed to death with one hand. If they don't respect martial ethics, they will treat me... Take action, I can’t stop you!”

Xiao Xiao's pretty face showed a look of disdain, and her smart eyes were full of suspicion...

"How do you know I'm not afraid of those Earth Supremes?"

Tian Chong chuckled and shook his head: "That brother of yours can actually see through the natal spiritual insects that transform in the space of my Supreme Sea. Do you think this is something ordinary people can do?"

"With such a powerful brother, I don't believe that the beautiful girl Caixiao doesn't have any special means of saving her life. So, as long as I follow you, it will be absolutely safe!"

Hearing this, Xiao Xiao's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, "Okay, I was admiring you just now. Do you want me to go out and stand up to you?"

After finishing speaking, he pouted, turned around and walked towards the street.

Tianchong just smiled when he saw this, and then quickly followed, leaving Muchen, who had been ignored, watching this scene alone. His whole body was filled with loneliness, desolation, and misery. surrounded.

"Luo Li, I miss you..."

The next day, when the first ray of morning light tore through the night and shone on the ancient land of the Longfeng Mountain Range, the spiritual energy in the entire world seemed to begin to boil faintly.

Countless figures rushed towards the Dragon and Phoenix Ancient City, waiting for the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven that was about to open.

Tianchong and Xiao Xiao stood on a high place in the city, looking at the morning glow on the horizon...

There, the space is constantly rippling like water waves, and there seems to be a vague aura of vastness emanating from it, permeating the world.

That's where the dragon and phoenix heavens are opened.

Time passed slowly, until the scorching sun was high, the number of people in the entire Longfeng Ancient City had reached a terrifying level, and waves of spiritual energy were turbulent, directly making the space between heaven and earth become somewhat distorted. .


Suddenly, the spiritual power between heaven and earth began to become violent like boiling water.

The vast spiritual power gathered in the sky above the ancient mountain range. Faintly, one could actually see that the vast spiritual power seemed to have turned into substance and was overwhelmingly crushed down.

The space there is becoming more and more distorted by the surge of spiritual power...

A space crack suddenly opened from the horizon, and a sound like the roar of dragons and phoenixes transmitted from ancient times sounded clearly, echoing in the world.

The terrifying aura that belongs to dragons and phoenixes permeates the air, making everyone tremble from the bottom of their hearts...

The Dragon Flame Golden Centipede on Tianchong's shoulder shrank its head, then quickly crawled along Tianchong's arm to his wrist, and then got into its master's sleeve.

As for Xiao Xiao's companion, the colorful sky-swallowing python Xiaocai, is still sleeping in his master's arms, so he has avoided being frightened by the power of the dragon and phoenix.

The dragon and phoenix sky opens!

The next moment, countless excited people rushed into the space crack like locusts.

The three Tianchong people watched this scene, and then followed the crowd into the space crack...

The moment he rushed into Longfengtian, Xiao Xiao's little hand suddenly grasped Tianchong's palm, and the cold jade-like touch made the latter slightly startled.

But soon Tianchong also reacted, and directly grabbed Muchen's shoulder with his other hand, and then the three of them appeared on a strange land in the distortion of space.

Looking at the scenery under their feet, they were standing on a grassland hill.

The gentle breeze carrying an ancient flavor blew in, and the dark red grassland stirred, as if a sea of ​​blood was surging, giving people a slightly terrifying feeling.

Looking at the crowd around him, he found that although there were quite a few of them, they were far less numerous than those who had just rushed into the space rift, so that meant that they had been randomly teleported to a location.

And when Xiao Xiao took the initiative to hold Tian Chong's hand just now, it was not an act of ambiguity, but to prevent them from getting separated.

Tianchong also knew this, so he quickly reacted and caught Muchen.

It's just that as a grown man, he wouldn't hold another man's hand, so Tianchong directly grabbed Muchen's shoulders and pulled him over...

"It feels like there is an unknown aura in this grassland..." Xiao Xiao didn't think too much. After entering here, she had already let go of Tianchong's hand. At this time, she was frowning and looking at the scarlet surroundings. grass.

Muchen looked at the dark red grassland, his brows also furrowed deeply, and he felt vaguely uneasy in his heart.


And just when that uneasy feeling surged into Muchen's heart, suddenly the dark red grass on this dark red grassland flew up, and then disintegrated in mid-air, turning into countless dark red blood mist.

The next moment, the blood mist swept away dozens of figures who were the first to fly...


The dozens of strong men reacted very quickly, and immediately the spiritual power in their bodies burst out, trying to shatter the dark red blood mist.

However, when the two came into contact, the majestic spiritual power had no blocking effect at all. Dark red blood mist swept past, and they turned into white bones and fell from the sky without even uttering a scream.

This scene made the whole world fall silent, and then everyone was shocked.

"What it is?!"

They were able to swallow up a supremely powerful person in such a short period of time, and their spiritual power was not effective against them. How could such terrifying monsters appear in this world!

That's right, if you look carefully, you can find that the blood mist that sweeps past is composed of small blood-colored monsters...

Those strange insects were no more than the size of a thumb, but their number was astonishingly huge. No grass grew wherever they passed, especially since they could even swallow spiritual energy. This put the group of supreme beings who entered this place into a huge crisis.

When Xiao Xiao saw this scene, his delicate little face was also filled with solemnity, and then a colorful spiritual power swept towards the dark red grassland from the tip of his finger...

As the spiritual power passed by, all the red grass was seen taking off, turning into patches of blood-red insect mist.

Muchen's scalp was numb when he saw this scene. What kind of grassland was this? It was obviously a sea of ​​insects!

"Let's go! Let's go!"

The huge crisis immediately made Muchen turn around and prepare to escape.

But before he could take action, a calm voice stopped him...

"Hey, don't be so timid. Have you forgotten that there is a spiritual insect master beside you?"

The one who spoke was naturally the Celestial Insect.

Although this sea of ​​​​insects is terrifying, if they encounter spiritual insects like the Sky Insects, it can be considered that they have met their nemesis...

In Muchen's surprised eyes...

Under Xiao Xiao's interested gaze...

Tianchong raised his hand and took out a white jade bone flute, and gently put it to his lips.

Woo woo woo...

A melodious flute sound came from the bone flute, and then turned into layers of sound waves, centered on the three people, and spread in all directions.

At the same time, a tornado storm formed by a dark red sea of ​​insects was rushing towards the three Celestial Insects, but it happened to be swept by the sound of the flute...


The original insect sea storm suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if the entire time and space between heaven and earth suddenly froze.

The next moment, the insect sea storm changed its direction and swept towards its own kind on the other side...

Thanks to book friends Qingcheng Mountain Yuluo, Autumn Wind Disturbing Han Cicada, Snow Demon Moon, and Meng 566 for their rewards! Special thanks to book friends Listening to Purple Wind Chimes for their continued support, thank you!

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