The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 106 Dragon Transforms into Demonic Ape

Muchen couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Tian Chong controlling these bloodthirsty monster insects as soon as he took action.

Sure enough, the ancient races that can survive from ancient times always have their own uniqueness.

For these spiritual insect-like creatures, the spiritual insect race is their natural nemesis. No matter how ferocious the insect is, it will always be easily controlled when encountering them.

Looking at the people around him who were forced by the strange insects and had to use all their strength to protect themselves, Xiao Xiao asked the Celestial Insect with some curiosity.

"What kind of bugs are these strange bugs? They can ignore spiritual energy defense..."

While using the sound of the flute to control these strange insects to kill each other, the sky insects explained via sound transmission: "These bugs themselves are not that powerful. They should be something similar to soul-eating bugs, but they should have swallowed up the dragon and phoenix in the sky." The essence and blood of dragon and phoenix mutated, which is why we have the terrifying scene today."

"But these bugs have very low intelligence, and their minds are filled with bloodlust and killing, so they have no value in cultivating them. Let's leave this grassland first..."

After seeing the terrifying abilities of these bugs, Tian Chong has already tried it. Although these monster bugs can be forcibly controlled by him, they have no intelligence and are very bloodthirsty. Unless he keeps activating the insect control spirit patterns to control them, Control them, otherwise they will attack all life they encounter, which disqualifies them from becoming insect masters, and the sky insects will naturally be too lazy to pay attention to them.

Ten minutes later, the three Tianchong people easily emerged from the crimson grassland insect sea, but the others were not so lucky. Even when Muchen looked back and saw the red mist in the sky, there was an unprecedented look in his eyes. A solemn look.

"This is really a heavy casualty!"

There were at least a thousand strong men who had appeared in this grassland just now, but probably less than a hundred people had escaped at this time. This kind of casualty rate made even Muchen feel numb.

The danger of Longfengtian was far beyond his expectation.

Tian Chong didn't care so much. He directly raised his hand to use his spiritual power to construct a map of Long Feng Tian, ​​and then looked at the light point closest to the three of them.

"Let's go. Although the danger of Longfengtian is a bit beyond our expectations, it is not all bad for us. At least there are fewer competitors, right?"

Tianchong glanced at Muchen, and then said calmly.

Muchen nodded solemnly, then followed behind Tianchong and quickly rushed towards the location of Longfeng Pond.

The three of them were very careful along the way, because the target of the spirit insects was too obvious. After entering the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven, the heavenly insects put away their spirit insects. There were only two that could change the size of their bodies. Dragon Centipede is now hiding in his sleeves, one on the left and one on the right, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

Three streams of light passed quickly in the sky, and then they were seen suddenly falling into a high mountain in front of them, and then completely hiding their aura.

Soon, there was a sudden earth-shaking feeling in the distance, and the space shook. Then hundreds of huge alien beasts flew past, and the roaring sound was full of bloodthirsty.

The three Tianchong people hid in the darkness, looking at the groups of strange beasts flying by, and couldn't help but shake their heads.

"I originally thought that those strange insects before were just special cases, but I didn't expect that the number of similar beasts and insects in this dragon and phoenix sky would be so huge...

These alien beasts and insects have extremely low intelligence, but they all possess extremely terrifying power because of the essence and blood of real dragons and true phoenixes that fill this space, which makes them even more dangerous. "

Xiao Xiao and Muchen both nodded slightly after hearing this.

To be honest, it was the first time for the three of them to enter this place, so their understanding of Longfengtian was really limited. Even though they had prepared before and learned a lot of information, compared with other people on the Dragon and Phoenix Record, Still at a disadvantage in this regard.

Of course, there is also the reason why Daluo Tianyu has not paid much attention to Longfengtian.

According to Mandala, these so-called young geniuses could kill a large number of people with just one breath. How could she be in the mood to slowly train them...

In the past, it was not that no one from Da Luo Tianyu came to participate in the fight for Dragon and Phoenix Heaven, but they were often killed before they even found the target. Therefore, among the top forces in the north, Da Luo Tianyu knew the least about Dragon and Phoenix Heaven. .

This virtually added a lot of difficulty to Muchen.

"It shouldn't be too far from the Dragon and Phoenix Pond." Xiao Xiao looked around and then said softly.

Tianchong nodded, because at this time he could clearly feel that there was an extremely strange wave in the distance...

That kind of fluctuation is filled with a kind of powerful pressure. Even if it is only perceived from a distance, the spiritual power in one's body can be slightly stagnant.

The only thing that can make me feel this way is the Dragon and Phoenix Pond, which contains the power of a true dragon and a true phoenix!

"I wonder what kind of fierce people will take a fancy to this dragon and phoenix pool..."

Muchen's eyes flashed slightly and he said.

After all, only five dragon and phoenix pools were detected in the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven this time, but the number of young strong men who poured into the Dragon and Phoenix Heaven was particularly terrifying.

Not to mention anything else, the guys in the top ten of the Dragon and Phoenix Record will definitely target these dragon and phoenix pools, so you can imagine how fierce the next battle for these only five dragon and phoenix pools will be.

The three of them moved forward cautiously. At this time, the herds of beasts they encountered were getting denser and denser, and the strength of these beasts was getting stronger and stronger. The three of them were not worried about this, but felt a little relieved.

After all, this shows that their direction at this time is correct, and the map of the location of Longfeng Pond provided by Longfeng Pavilion is also correct.

These beasts are the natural guardians of every dragon and phoenix pool. If you don't have powerful concealment methods, you can only force your way through...

But with how powerful these alien beasts are now, if they try to force their way in, the casualties will only be more severe than those on the red grassland before!

With the caution of the three of them, they arrived at the location of a Dragon and Phoenix Pond marked on the map.

This is a collapsed land...

On the earth, abysses criss-crossed each other, and their ferocious appearance had obviously experienced a terrifying battle that shook the world.

At this time, in the center of the collapsed earth, there was a majestic mountain standing.

This mountain towered into the clouds and seemed to have a faint pale color. After carefully examining it for a long time, the three of them suddenly discovered that it was a mountain of bones!

A mountain made entirely of huge bones!

On the bone mountain, ancient light patterns can be vaguely seen. Those light patterns are slightly fanning, as if they have some kind of vitality.

A terrifying coercion emanated from the bone mountain, making the three of them feel extremely heavy in their hearts, as if they were being pressed down by a stone.

"It seems that the Dragon and Phoenix Pond is on this mountain." Muchen looked at the top of the Bone Mountain with some excitement.

I saw clouds lingering there, and that's where the terrifying pressure that made the three of them feel heavy came from...

Tian Chong looked at the high mountain in front of him and the dragon and phoenix pool with spiritual patterns on the mountain, and said lightly: "It seems that we are not the first to come here. There are many strong people on this mountain..."

Xiao Xiao looked at the two people around him.

Although Muchen looked a little excited, he did not lose his mind because Chongbao was in front of him, and he was still able to maintain sufficient concentration.

Not to mention the Celestial Insects, this ordinary dragon and phoenix pond was not that important to him, so he didn't look anxious.

Xiao Xiao didn't feel any surprise about this.

After all, the three of them have been in contact for a long time. After such a long time together, she has a good understanding of their temperaments. She knows that although these two people are not old, they have a mind and determination that far exceed those of their peers. .

This kind of mentality may not be a big deal among the people Xiao Xiao usually interacts with, but to the outside world, it is enough for them to have the conditions to become strong.

But just like what Xiao Xiao was thinking, not everyone can remain rational enough when faced with the temptation of Longfengchi.

Just as the three people were hiding around, there were already dozens of figures unable to restrain their greed and rushing towards the Dragon and Phoenix Pond on the top of the mountain...

Then, there is no more.

A terrifying ape-like beast tore out of the mountain of bones. With just one slap, it turned dozens of figures into meat paste, and then stuffed it directly into its own bloody mouth.

Following this giant ape beast, there were hundreds of smaller apes with bone wings on their backs. As soon as these strange beasts appeared, they began to chase the supreme and powerful men, and then grabbed these people one by one. They were all torn apart and devoured.

This bloody scene made Xiao Xiao frown slightly, and even Muchen couldn't help clenching his fists.

"It seems that the essence and blood of the true dragon and true phoenix have completely alienated this space. I don't know how many such low-intelligence but extremely bloody guys have been bred..." Tianchong narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered.

Anyone who saw this bloody scene of their own kind being eaten alive would probably not be indifferent, but their reason prevented the three of them from taking any action.

The dragon and phoenix pool is the place with the richest essence and blood of dragon and phoenix, but how could it not be protected by such a powerful alienated beast?

The individual strength of those bone-winged white apes is only first- and second-grade supremes, but with their large numbers and the huge alienated white ape king sitting in charge, I am afraid that even if all the people on the scene rush forward, the most they will do is to this group of alienated people. The beast just sends blood food.

At this moment, many people were frightened out of their wits. They didn't care whether it was Dragon Phoenix Pool or not. They had to save their own lives first!

Of course, not everyone is frightened by such bloody scenes. There are also some young strong men with good strength and good character who can stay calm...

"Everyone, we cannot continue to let these white apes slaughter. Although these white apes are powerful, as long as we work together, they will not be able to stop them." Finally, someone with a keen mind took the lead to speak out, and the majestic voice was wrapped in spiritual power. resounded throughout the sky.

And his proposal was recognized by many people, and immediately hundreds of strong men gathered together, and then worked together to kill the white apes.

This immediately reversed the situation.

After all, although these white apes are cruel and bloody, their strength is just that. If they really face the alliance of these proud men, they will naturally suffer heavy casualties.

But everyone knows that these little ones are just appetizers. Their real trouble is the terrifying giant ape at the top of the mountain.

"Should we take action?" Muchen looked at this scene and asked.

Tian Chong smiled softly, "Don't worry, we are not the only ones around who want to be fishermen..."

Under the reminder of Tianchong, Muchen also discovered a lot of spiritual power fluctuations hidden in the dark. These people were obviously much stronger than those currently fighting. They were obviously waiting for the cannon fodder above to do something for them. Clear your own path.

"Haha, let's see who hides deeper."

Muchen smiled, his eyes full of high-spirited fighting spirit, no matter what, he would decide on this Dragon and Phoenix Pond.

The bloody battle continued, and occasionally some of the alienated white apes that came close to the three of them were easily dispatched by Muchen.

It wasn't until everyone finally rushed to the top of the mountain again that the huge white ape that had been silent until now reacted.


The violent roar shook the heaven and the earth, and the endless bloody evil energy surged out, directly sending away the few people rushing at the front.

While people were still in the sky, these unlucky guys spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then lost their combat effectiveness.

Tianchong looked at this scene, shook his head slightly, then looked at Muchen, and said: "This giant ape should be a dragon-turned-demon ape that has obtained the essence and blood of a true dragon. Its strength is comparable to the fourth-grade supreme. If you add that If you use the terrifying dragon scale defense, your strength will be even stronger. How about it? Are you confident in killing it?"

After hearing this question, Muchen looked at the terrifying beast on the top of the mountain with a solemn expression, and then said solemnly: "No problem, it's just a beast without intelligence. I can still kill it."

Tianchong smiled softly, nodded and said: "Well, we don't need to waste time with these guys anymore. Muchen, you go and deal with the giant beast, and leave the other matters to Caixiao and me. This Dragon and Phoenix Pond, It’s ours!”

Tianchong knew that there were definitely more than five dragon and phoenix pools in the dragon and phoenix sky, and his goal was not just to occupy one dragon and phoenix pool.

Rather than scheming with these guys here, it would be better to occupy this dragon and phoenix pool directly, and then go find other ones...

After hearing Tian Chong's words, Muchen no longer held back. He instantly waved his large Sumeru Demonic Pillar and rushed forward, and then the pillar hit the dragon-turned-demon ape's head.


Although the defense of this dragon-turned-devil ape was astonishing, his head was still bruised and bloody by Muchen's pillar. His head was even buzzing from the smash, and he was unable to fight back for a while.

Naturally, Muchen would not miss this opportunity. The big Sumeru Demonic Pillar in his hand was like a phantom, and his moves could not leave the demonic ape's head.

Both Tian Chong laughed when they saw this scene. They didn't expect this guy to be so rough when they started fighting.

However, although the two of them were not prepared to take action, they still appeared on both sides of the mountain top, one on the left and the other on the right. They secretly used their momentum to target those who were preparing to become fishermen and warned them not to have any bad thoughts...

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