The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 133: Rare Object Ten Thousand Years Blood Thunder Heart

The power of the demon-suppressing stone seems to be somewhat beyond Tianchong's expectations, and its ability to restrain these demonic energies and demonic thoughts is extremely strong.

"I just don't know how much this thing is..."

In his memory, the so-called magic-suppressing stone did not appear in the original text of the Great Overlord, and he had only seen one magic-suppressing stone after traveling through rebirth for such a long time, and even the spirit insect tribe's own There are no relevant clues in the records.

Of course, the reason why this demon-suppressing stone is so powerful, it can suppress the demonic thoughts of a demon king, and can also destroy the demonic thoughts of a peak demon general, so the sealing formation engraved with this demon-suppressing stone as a carrier is also crucial.

Even with today's understanding of the array formations of today's insects, the mysterious array patterns on the demon-suppressing stone are all understood from seven or six orifices - nothing is understood at all.

If the sealing formation can be studied and understood, even without the demon-suppressing stone as a carrier, it will be of huge benefit to the world.

"It's a pity that the great war that year caused many powerful secrets and formations to be lost in the world of cultivation. Even after tens of thousands of years of development, today's world has still not regained its former glory!"

Just through those few words in the original work, Tianchong can also imagine how powerful the world was back then...

The ten original Dharmakayas, the Nine Ancient Emperors, the Goddess of Luohe...

A powerful emperor-level expert holds up half of the sky of the world, and also gives the world a chance to breathe and recover.

While Tian Chong was sighing, the demon shadow suppressed by the Demon Suppressing Stone had already calmed down.

But what Tianchong didn't expect was that the demonic shadow did not disappear, but returned to a transparent state, as if a breeze could blow it away...

Tian Chong looked surprised for a while, looking at the weak shadow in front of him, looking at the magic-suppressing stone that had returned to its normal state, and said with some hesitation: "Are you Lin Tian?"

After listening to Tianchong's words, the shadow fluctuated for a while, and then an ancient and desolate weak voice came out.

"Lin Tian... So this is my name."

Tian Chong: "?"

Frowning his brows slightly, Tian Chong looked at the other party, thinking of everything that had just happened, he also had an answer in his heart.

It seems that because it has been invaded by the demonic thoughts for too long, the phantom of the soul is now seriously damaged, and it can no longer even remember who it is.

"Did you rescue me?" The weak voice sounded again. When Tianchong looked at the shadow, he found that it had become more illusory, and it was obvious that it could not last much longer.

Nodding, Tianchong said: "You were invaded by demonic thoughts into your soul. I sealed the demonic thoughts with the demon-suppressing stone, but I think your current state is very bad..."

"Haha, thank you..." Xuying chuckled. He was not sad or disappointed because he was about to dissipate. Instead, he looked somewhat relieved.

"My soul has been damaged, and all my memories of the past have been lost. I'm afraid I have no chance of repaying you."

Just when Tianchong wanted to be humble, he heard the other party speak again: "But there is one thing in my memory that should still be preserved, and it is also my only item now, so let's take it as a reward..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the nearly transparent shadow began to fluctuate again. He was speechless. He just nodded to the Celestial Insect, and the next moment it completely disappeared into the air.

Without the support of their demonic thoughts and souls, the two corpses quickly turned into dust, leaving only a pitch-black halberd and a blood-colored crystal jade stuck under the halberd blade. The beating heart of...

"This is..." Tianchong's eyes suddenly condensed and he looked at the two things on the ground.

Needless to say, the pitch-black halberd was the "Demon-Destroying Divine Halberd" mentioned by the demonic thought before. However, at this moment, the halberd was filled with demonic energy. It was obvious that it was a powerful magic weapon, not the one it had before. Said holy thing!

But this heart... what is it?

Obviously, it is impossible for Lin Tian's heart to be preserved, or it is impossible for a person whose body has turned to ashes to leave a heart...

And the heart is still beating, as if it's alive.

Just when Tianchong didn't know what it was, Jin Chan's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Hey, this thing is... the Blood Thunder Heart?"

Tianchong raised his eyebrows.

Bloody heart?

This was the first time he heard this name. Could it be the heart of something?

The golden cicada turned into golden light and flew to the side of the bloody heart, and carefully stretched out its forelimbs to touch it...

The next moment, bloody lightning flashed, directly filling Jin Chan's body and crackling with electricity.

However, with Jin Chan's defense and resistance, even the blood thunder, which gave Tian Chong a creepy feeling at a glance, did not cause any harm to him.

"Well, it's confirmed. It's indeed a blood-thunder heart. And if I feel right, this is a ten-thousand-year-old blood-thunder heart that was very rare even in ancient times!"

"I'm just going to tell you why a ninth-grade Dzogchen-level supreme expert can kill demon generals and even preserve his spiritual thoughts for tens of thousands of years. It turns out that this thing is supporting him..."

Listening to Jin Chan's soliloquy, Tian Chong suddenly felt unbearable and asked quickly: "What on earth is this Blood Thunder Heart?"

"This so-called blood thunder heart is actually a kind of strange thing in the world. In my inherited memory, this thing was more common in ancient times. It is a kind of innate thunder spirit that was born in the body. The crystal stone is shaped like a heart, hence its name..."

"Strange object?" Tian Chong nodded slightly. This thing Celestial Chong has heard of. They are some magical items born from the heaven and earth in the world. They have all kinds of strange abilities. Although they are not necessarily powerful, they are definitely rare.

Jin Chan continued: "This object is warm and soft to the touch. It can be integrated into the heart and gain the ability to control soul-eating blood thunder. It also has super recovery power. Even if it is seriously injured, it can regain its strength as long as it finds an opportunity to lurk for a period of time."

Of course, these are just ordinary Blood Thunder Hearts.

And on top of the ordinary Blood Thunder Heart, there are Thousand Years Blood Thunder Heart, Ten Thousand Years Blood Thunder Heart...

"If the ordinary blood thunder heart is already a rare thing in the world, the thousand-year blood thunder heart is a rare treasure level. As for the ten thousand year blood thunder heart, it is an existence that even the top super powers will be moved by."

"The ability of the Thousand Years Blood Thunder Heart to control the soul-eating blood thunder is extremely terrifying. Once it is activated, the entire area of ​​thousands of miles is enveloped, the world is in chaos, and becomes a dead zone. All living beings turn into divine thunder and explode.

As for its super recovery power, even if its soul has been annihilated, as long as the blood thunder heart is not destroyed, the body can be completely restored within one breath. It can be said that with this thing, even if you want to die, it will be difficult. "

"And this kind of terrifying recovery power is useful even for the earth's supreme power, so as long as he has a ten thousand-year blood thunder heart, then an earth's supreme power can easily become invincible at the same level!"

But don't look down on the words "invincible at the same level"...

You know, when you reach the level of Earth Supreme, every slight difference will cause a huge gap in the combat effectiveness of two people at the same level. If you want to be invincible at the same level, it is simply impossible unless you are the protagonist of the story. .

In other words, a ten-thousand-year blood thunder heart is enough to make an ordinary passerby instantly take on the aura of the protagonist and embark on the road of invincibility...

Jin Chan's words made Tian Chong's heart beat wildly. He looked at the blood-red heart below and wished that it could merge with him right now.

"How to fuse it?" Tian Chong held the ten-thousand-year-old blood-thunder heart in the palm of his hand and turned to Jin Chan and asked eagerly.

"It's very simple. Using the blood of your own heart as a guide, this thing will automatically merge with you..."

When Jin Chan just said the method, Tianchong could not wait to follow it.

A drop of dark golden blood was forced out from the heart. The moment it merged into the bloody heart, the latter immediately flew to the same height as the heart of the celestial insect, and finally squeezed in forcefully.

"Damn, this fusion method is very simple and crude..."

Rubbing his chest, Tian Chong found that his heart had indeed changed, and a terrifying vitality began to flow along his blood to his limbs.

And the blood actually has traces of blood-colored electric light...

Tian Chong gently raised his finger, and the next moment, a bloody electric current shot out from his fingertips, directly shooting through a black stone on the ground, leaving a black and transparent hole.

It's very strong, and it's like instinct.

Of course, what surprises Tianchong even more is that what this thing seems to consume is not spiritual power, but his own blood... In other words, these soul-eating blood thunders actually exist in the heart of the ten thousand-year blood thunder, and are not needed. Tian Chong then used spiritual power to stimulate it.

Of course, because this blood thunder heart has been fused with the Celestial Insect's body, the power of these soul-eating blood thunders will be restricted by the strength of his own body.

If the Celestial Insect's physical strength is insufficient, the power of the soul-eating blood thunder of the Ten Thousand Years Blood Thunder Heart will be greatly reduced, which will seriously affect his combat power.

Fortunately, for Tian Chong, physical strength is not his shortcoming, but his strength. With his current physical strength, I am afraid that many high-level supreme powerhouses who do not have high-level body-refining methods will be unable to do so. Far inferior!

After getting the biggest harvest this time, Tianchong noticed the rich Origin Qi of Fall in this space at this time...

These were all released when Lin Tian dissipated just now. With his powerful flesh and blood essence and spiritual power realm, the Fall Origin Qi condensed by one person was comparable to that of an army of thousands outside.

After quick refining, Tianchong directly harvested nearly 20,000 Fallen Source Pills again, which increased the number of Fallen Source Pills in his hand by one-fifth.

Hundreds of thousands of fallen source pills are definitely a huge amount of cultivation resources for Tian Chong, and are even enough for Tian Chong to raise his spiritual power to the peak of the sixth level, or even break through the seventh level.

Of course, because he had just broken through to the sixth level before, it was not easy for him to improve his spiritual power for the time being. At the very least, he had to stabilize the space of the Supreme Sea that he had just expanded.

After all the dust settled, the original scene of birds singing and fragrant flowers had completely disappeared. What appeared around the sky insect was a dark land. The traces of ravines and fragmentation proved that this place had experienced a horrific event thousands of years ago. Great war.

Looking at the scorched black marks left by those thunderbolts, Tianchong also had a clearer understanding of the power of the ten thousand-year-old blood-thunder heart in his chest.

"It's time to go out. I don't know if Muchen and the others will get there. Without my intervention, his trajectory will develop according to the original plot..."

After confirming that there was nothing else in this ruins, the Celestial Insect also decided to leave.

However, he did not intend to deliberately look for Muchen and others. Anyway, with his current strength, it is not difficult to enter the depths of the battlefield, so he can act alone. There is no need to get together with the group of people from Da Luo Tianyu. Together.

At the same time, in a certain barren mountain range of the Fallen Battlefield, there was a giant hand of war intent that was thousands of feet high in the sky.

That giant hand came through time and space like an ancient giant. It was covered with ancient war patterns, and terrifying waves of fighting intent rippled out, directly causing the space to vibrate violently.

Looking at the giant hand covered with war patterns, even a strong man like the Split Mountain King couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and his expression became particularly solemn.

In the sky, Muchen stared at the giant hand with fighting intent, and then with a wave of his sleeve, the giant hand with fighting intent turned into a point of light and dissipated.

The vast fighting spirit that filled the sky also began to subside, and finally roared down and fell into the five armies below.

"Is this the power of a battle formation master? It's really terrifying." The Blood Eagle King and others stood there and couldn't help but admire.

Afterwards, except for the Blood Eagle King, everyone else's faces showed joy.

Split Mountain King even cupped his fists and said with a smile: "Congratulations to King Mu, from now on, our Da Luo Tianyu will finally have a real battle formation master. This time in the great hunting battle, King Mu will probably have a big battle." Show off your skills."

What Tian Chong thought was indeed correct. After being separated from him, Muchen and others did break into the ruins of the Heavenly Formation Emperor as in the original work, and obtained part of the inheritance of the Nine Tribulations War Emperor and the incomplete Nine Tribulations Thunder. Thoughts about prison...

Muchen also succeeded in becoming a true battle master after this experience, which greatly improved his strength and status in the entire Da Luo Tianyu.

At this time, the situation in the fallen battlefield was also changing rapidly, and a lot of unexpected information kept coming, which made Muchen and others feel a sense of urgency and crisis.

"Right now, the Fallen Source Pill in our hands has completed its mission. So I suggest that we join the other kings first, otherwise, changes will inevitably happen." After hearing some of the things that happened after he retreated, Muchen pondered for a moment and solemnly The way.

His proposal was also recognized by everyone. Nowadays, the fallen battlefield is becoming more and more dangerous, especially after the appearance of the battle formation master, which has increased the degree of danger to an extreme level. Even the sixth-grade supreme They began to fall continuously, so the kings of Daluo Tianyu were no longer safe, and joining together became the safest way.

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