When Muchen and others led the army to join the other kings, they did not know that they had been targeted.

On a solitary peak, the Prince of Netherworld, dressed in deep black clothes, took the scroll handed over by the spy with an indifferent expression, and then opened it, his eyes flickered slightly, and after a moment, he smiled faintly, and looked at the man beside him who was also dressed in black robes. , said: "The mouse that had been hiding for a month finally showed up..."

Hearing this, the man in black robe suddenly had a strange look in his eyes. He nodded slightly, and an unpleasant hoarse voice came out.

"When I absorb the power of his mind, Zhan Tai Liuli will be the next target."

This person's name is Lin Ming, and he is a famous fighting genius in the Netherworld Palace. His talent is no less than that of Zhan Tai Liuli from the Divine Pavilion, and he even looks down on Muchen.

When Muchen got the opportunity to become a battle formation master, Liu Ming also became a battle formation master. In order to make himself stronger, with the help of Prince Netherworld, the Netherworld Palace army began to fight for Liu Ming. Hunt other battle masters and let the former absorb the power of their thoughts to advance to a higher level.

Their first target was Muchen...

But this is not an easy thing.

After all, Muchen now has the five kings' army to protect him, and with his status as a battle formation master, Prince Netherworld and others really don't have much confidence that they can defeat them unless they use all their strength.

So this gave Muchen time to react...

In four days, with the full efforts of Muchen and others, they had crossed half of the Fallen Battlefield and arrived at the inner domain of the Fallen Battlefield.

This place is more cruel and chaotic than the outer realm. After all, those who have the courage to enter this inner realm are the famous first-class forces in the northern realm. Some of these people are only afraid of top forces like Da Luo Tianyu, but they are not Not afraid.

Moreover, Prince Netherworld and others were also very high-profile during this period, and attacked everywhere, destroying many powerful forces.

Moreover, what made Muchen wary was that the forces attacked by Netherworld Palace were all forces with geniuses with fighting spirit, which had to make him think of more possibilities.

"There are still two days to go before the meeting point. During this time, we should be more vigilant, especially those in Netherworld Palace..." Muchen said to Jiuyou, Split Mountain King and others around him.

But before he finished speaking, he noticed a large army heading straight towards them in the distant sky...

"Be alert!" Muchen shouted immediately.

"Are they from the Demon Sect?" King Split Mountain couldn't help but asked as he looked at the approaching army.

Muchen signaled everyone not to take action yet, and then looked at the familiar and beautiful figure opposite...

That beautiful figure was wearing a red dress, which set off her voluptuous curves, and her peach blossom-like cheeks made her look even more charming.

This woman was none other than the demon sect Hongyu that Muchen had met in Longfengtian. She was also a famous voluptuous beauty in the northern realm.

"May I ask if Brother Mu is here?" The red fish appeared in front of the Daluo Tianyu people, and then spoke softly, and the soft voice made people's bones feel numb.

Muchen couldn't help but be startled when he heard that the red fish was looking for him by name. After all, they had nothing in common...

The Split Mountain King and others on the side had playful eyes and smiles on their faces that all men knew.

Muchen could only smile helplessly at this, but he still took a step forward to talk to Red Fish.

What everyone in Daluo Tianyu didn't expect was that this red fish actually came to ask for help...

The reason is actually very simple, that is, everyone from the Demon Sect encountered Netherworld Palace before and took action. The final result was that the fighting genius from the Demon Sect remained unconscious.

No matter what methods the demon sect used, they could not awaken the genius with fighting spirit. In desperation, Hongyu had no choice but to become a doctor and bring people to find Muchen.

She thought that Muchen was also a genius with fighting spirit, so he should be able to find some clues.

After a simple communication, Muchen did not refuse the Demon Sect's request. After all, Netherworld Palace had bluntly stated that it wanted to cause trouble for Daluo Tianyu and Muchen, so both sides had a common enemy, and this could also give him an ally. Why not do it.

Muchen got bad news from the unconscious fighting genius of the Demon Sect.

That is, I don't know what method the Netherworld Palace used to destroy a person's mind and directly destroy a battle master. This made Muchen and everyone in Da Luo Tianyu feel troubled.

However, the enemy has already come to the door, and Muchen and others are naturally not people who are afraid of trouble.

What's more, this kind of thing cannot be avoided, so Muchen can only make complete preparations in advance to deal with the Netherworld Palace.

Of course, as one of the top forces, the Demon Sect has suffered such a big loss this time, so naturally it will not give up, so the two parties easily reached an agreement on cooperation.

What Muchen didn't expect was that the Netherworld Palace would move so quickly, defeating the Ice River King who was at the forefront of the ten kings before all the kings of the Great Luo Heaven Domain had fully gathered...

This time, not only did the opponent defeat the Ice River King's army, but even the Ice River King himself was seriously injured and captured. The Netherworld Prince even openly issued a provocation to execute the Ice River King in the Skeleton Mountains, in order to lure the kings of the Daluo Heavenly Domain. Go to the rescue.

Although they knew that this was a conspiracy, the other kings of the Great Luo Heaven Domain headed by King Shura still had to come to his door.

Otherwise, if the Netherworld Palace really dares to execute one of the kings on their side in public without taking any action, then their Daluo Tianyu will no longer be able to say that they are one of the top forces in the north.

Therefore, after the kings of the Great Luo Heaven Territory gathered together, they headed towards the Skeleton Mountain Range without hesitation.

Of course, this time I went to more than just Daluo Tianyu...

The people of Netherworld Palace made such a big noise, whether it was those who had grievances with them, such as the Demon Sect; or those who had grievances with Da Luo Tianyu, such as Xuantian Temple and Shen Pavilion, they were already secretly fighting against each other. They were very concerned about this matter, and they all secretly headed towards the Skeleton Mountain Range.

Of course, in fact, after this incident happened, the undercurrent had already begun.

Simply relying on the power of Netherworld Palace, it is naturally impossible to really swallow all the power of Daluo Tianyu. After all, the power of the top forces in the north is almost the same, and there is no such thing as one party crushing the other.

So when Prince Netherworld decided to cause such a big scene, he had already secretly united Xuantian Temple and Shen Pavilion...

Muchen also thought of this.

But his countermeasures are also very simple. You can find allies, but why can’t I?

He had already reached an agreement with Demon Sect Red Fish to fight against Netherworld Palace together...

Moreover, Muchen also knew that among the seven top forces in the northern realm, there was a lot of grudge between the All Saints Mountain and the Divine Pavilion, so they were also targets they could fight for.

In this case, it's three versus three, and no one suffers...

With such a big commotion, the Fallen battlefield was naturally in uproar, and the Celestial Insects who had just penetrated into the inner domain also heard the news.

This immediately made him aware of the opportunity to gain...

"It's a war between the top forces. Isn't it too much to compensate the defeated party for hundreds of thousands of fallen source pills? It seems that it is necessary for me to participate..."

Now is not the time to enter the Fallen Battlefield on the first day. According to Tianchong's speculation, these top forces have at least 200,000 Fallen Origin Pills in their hands at this time, which is a huge amount.

Under this temptation, the Heavenly Chong, whose strength had greatly increased, naturally would not let go of this opportunity. He immediately found out the location of the Skeleton Mountain Range, and then rushed over happily.

The Skeleton Mountain Range at this time was indeed unexpected and became the focus of the entire Fallen Battlefield. Countless forces gathered here, including the seven top forces...

In such a battle, everyone didn't mean to talk nonsense. It was just revenge for those who had a grudge, and revenge for those who had an injustice.

Daluo Tianyu, Demon Sect and Wansheng Mountain faced off against Netherworld Palace, Xuantian Palace and Divine Pavilion. The grievances between the six top forces made many onlookers quietly retreat a little.

After seeing this scene, the only remaining top force, the Snake Temple, wisely chose not to help each other and prepared to be a quiet bystander.

This choice is very correct, enough to allow the Snake Temple to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, and even if they want, they can get the benefits they want from one party at any time...

From this, both Muchen and the others, as well as the Netherworld Prince and the others, could see that this cunning Snake Temple was obviously ready to reap the benefits.

This made the originally aggressive Nether Palace a little embarrassed, because when both sides were equally matched in strength, this battle could not be fought at all.

Obviously, everyone in Netherworld Palace did not expect that Daluo Tianyu could win so many allies.

In the end, Lin Ming, the fighting genius of Netherworld Palace, stood up and prepared to use the Ice River King to threaten Daluo Tianyu, asking him to redeem the Ice River King with 200,000 Fallen Origin Pills...

In this way, they not only benefited, but also stepped on the faces of everyone in Daluo Tianyu, and they were able to achieve their goals.

But what he didn't expect was that there would be a guy crazier than him in Daluo Tianyu...

After Muchen experienced rapid growth, his strength had already been recognized by the kings of the Great Luo Heaven Territory, so he stood up directly on behalf of the entire Great Luo Heaven Territory and was about to make a huge bet of 400,000 Fallen Origin Pills with Netherworld Palace.

This directly shocked everyone present...

You know, even with the strength of Netherworld Palace, there are only about 400,000 fallen source pills in hand now. If they take them all out, then they don’t need to continue and just pack them up and go home!

Of course, if they can defeat Muchen's challenge, then the person who packs them home will be the other party, and the outcome will probably be even worse.

Everything depends on whether both parties are confident in their own strength!

At this time, Liu Ming and Netherworld Palace were both on fire. If they didn't fight, they would be the ones to be embarrassed this time. The effort to make such a big noise before was really to make wedding clothes for others.

And if they accept the challenge, they must win, otherwise they will not be able to bear the consequences...

However, Prince Netherworld still had great trust in Lin Ming, who had become a battle master. He did not believe that Muchen could be stronger than Lin Ming, so in the end Netherworld Palace agreed to the gamble, and Lin Ming, who was already angered, also Take action brazenly!

It has to be said that with the support of a strong enough army, the strength of the battle formation division is very terrifying.

After gathering the fighting spirit of the entire Netherworld Army, Lin Ming even directly exploded with terrifying strength that surpassed that of the Sixth-Rank Supreme...

But what everyone didn't expect was that Muchen had actually become a true battle master. Even after commanding the armies of the kings, his power was no weaker than Lin Ming's!

This was actually within Lin Ming's expectation. After all, he had prepared a big gift for Muchen.

What he didn't expect was that when he displayed his strongest and most domineering fighting spirit and prepared to defeat Muchen, he found that the other party was actually more domineering than him.

Muchen, who gained the idea of ​​Nine Tribulations Thunder Prison, directly defeated Lin Ming with a more domineering fighting spirit...

Just when Lin Ming was suppressed by Muchen, a hoarse voice came to the ears of the anxious Prince Netherworld and King Tianxie, the first king of Netherworld Palace.

"Hehehe, it seems that all of you have underestimated Muchen. I don't know if you, Netherworld Palace, can get it out of 400,000 Fallen Origin Pills!"

The two of them couldn't help but frown when they heard this, and immediately knew the identity of the speaker.

"Old Monster Ten Thousand Pythons, what do you mean by that?!" The Evil King was distracted and chilled, and Senhan's voice rang in the ears of Old Monster Ten Thousand Pythons, who represented the Snake Temple.

"Hey, it's nothing, I just want to make a deal with the Evil King..."

King Tianxie and Prince Netherworld were moved when they heard this, as if they understood each other's intentions.

"Taking advantage of the situation..." Prince Netherworld thought to himself, but this old monster probably didn't dare. He probably just wanted to get some benefits from them.

Of course, if the other party can choose to join their camp, Prince Netherworld and King Tianxie would not mind giving him a taste of sweetness.

"Speak directly about your conditions!" the Evil King said without mincing words.

"Hahaha, so refreshing!" Old Monster Wan Python let out a harsh laugh. "Fifty thousand fallen source pills, I will join you with the members of the Snake Temple to fight against the Great Luo Tianyu..."

"Didn't Muchen say he wanted to bet 400,000 Fallen Origin Pills? Then we can see if he can come up with that much..."

"After the matter is completed, give me another 100,000 Fallen Origin Pills!"

It has to be said that this snake-playing old monster really has a big appetite. He opened his mouth and asked for 150,000 Fallen Source Pills, and he also asked them to pay 50,000 pills in advance...

This is no small number.

However, if the Snake Temple really joins their side, then their side will have an absolute advantage. When the time comes, the Heavenly Evil King will not believe that the Wansheng Mountain and the Demon Sect will dare to stand on the side of the Da Luo Tianyu.

By the time they wipe out Daluo Tianyu, they should still be able to get hundreds of thousands of fallen source pills. Then it won't be a problem to let the old monster take the majority...

When they thought of this, both Tianxie King and Netherworld Prince agreed to each other's conditions without hesitation.

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