The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 135: Destroy a Thousand Troops with One Palm

In the battlefield, Muchen was full of fighting spirit. He held a huge battle flag in his hand, and the 18,000 battle patterns on it exuded endless coercion.

Under everyone's disbelieving gazes, Muchen had already controlled the battle flag, roaring down with an indescribable momentum.

Lin Ming's eyes were about to burst, and his teeth were gritting loudly. Facing Muchen's terrifying attack, he shouted angrily: "The method of swallowing demons, swallowing demons to death!"


Above Lin Ming's head, the dark skull's giant mouth formed by the fighting spirit of the Netherworld suddenly opened...

I saw black ripples rippling crazily, and with a final hiss, it turned into a black light about a hundred feet long and shot out.

That black light was extremely strange. There was no fluctuation in it, as if there was deathly silence. Moreover, wherever it passed, even the spiritual power on the earth seemed to be wiped out by that light.

At this moment, many powerful people in the world feel the domineering power of the black light, and their scalps feel numb.

If he is hit, I am afraid that even the spiritual power in his body will be temporarily wiped out, right? Lin Ming's methods were really overbearing and cruel to the extreme.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help holding their breath, looking at the collision between heaven and earth with burning eyes, wanting to know how far the collision of two extreme powers could reach...


In everyone's expectant eyes, the battle flag was already closely intertwined with the dead light.

And at the moment of collision, there was no unexpected earth-shattering impact.

Some, just the soft sound like a knife cutting through tofu...

That battle flag was like a sharp blade that created the world. At the moment of contact, it lightly and skillfully passed through the dead light.

The battle flag swayed slightly and passed through the light. Muchen's eyes were like ancient wells without any fluctuations. The black light full of destructive waves split in two in front of him, and finally flew out while slapping his head.


The light finally broke apart and turned into diffuse black light spots that gradually dissipated.

The pupils of countless people in the world suddenly shrank, and no one thought that such a terrifying blow from Lin Ming would appear so fragile in front of Muchen.

"The overall situation has been decided!" King Shura stood in front of the kings of the Great Luo Tianyu, and he couldn't help but reveal a smile on his tough face.

Compared with the relaxed atmosphere here in Daluo Tianyu, the Netherworld Palace opposite was already depressing to the extreme, especially at this time, Muchen's battle flag had broken through Lin Mingchong's protection and directly impacted itself.


Lin Ming himself could not bear the terrifying fighting spirit. He was severely injured in just one move and almost lost his fighting ability.

As for Muchen, he would naturally not let go of such a good opportunity and was ready to kill him as soon as his eyes turned cold.

At this moment, the Heavenly Evil King suddenly shouted: "Don't do it yet!"

The next moment, his own vast spiritual power instantly formed a thousand-foot huge spiritual power palm print, and suppressed it fiercely towards Muchen.

Once the Seventh-Rank Supreme took action, he showed unparalleled strength. Even a casual blow was comparable to the all-out attack by Muchen and Lin Ming earlier.

Similarly, after the Heavenly Evil King took action, the powerful men in the Netherworld Palace who were originally behind him launched their own attacks.

Although this scene was unexpected, everyone in Daluo Tianyu was always vigilant, so they reacted immediately. The kings headed by King Shura also took action directly to block everyone in Netherworld Palace.

At the same time, Xuantian Palace faced the Demon Sect; Shengge faced the All Saints Mountain.

However, they did not act rashly, they just stood firm and guarded each other, and they had fulfilled their obligations as allies by not letting the other party intervene in the battle.

If that's the case, then this battle is most likely to end in vain, or if both sides get the upper hand, both sides may suffer.

And just when everyone around them was wondering why Nether Palace would make such a reckless decision, the Snake Temple, which had always remained neutral, suddenly took action...

Led by a fighting genius under the command of Old Man Python in the Snake Temple, the huge Snake God Guards burst out with powerful fighting intent, and a bloody divine python appeared in the sky, although it was not as good as the two real fighting formations of Muchen and Lin Ming. Master, but this bloody divine python also has combat power comparable to that of a sixth-grade supreme.

"The Snake Temple actually took action?!"

Countless people looked at this scene in shock. If this happened, the original balance would be broken instantly.

No wonder Netherworld Palace would make such a move to start a full-scale war. It turned out that they had persuaded the Snake Temple to side with them. If this happened, Daluo Tianyu would suffer...

This kind of thing was not only noticed by the people around him, but also the expressions of King Shura and others changed drastically.

"I didn't expect you to win over the Snake Temple. You are not afraid that the old snake will swallow you too because of its excessive appetite!" King Shura said with an ugly expression.

As his opponent, the Evil King smiled coldly and said: "As long as I capture your Da Luo Tianyu, I can fill his appetite no matter how big it is!"

With the addition of the Snake God Guard, the Netherworld Guard, which was already on the verge of collapse, miraculously managed to survive under Lin Ming's control.

As a result, Muchen was caught between two sides. Even though he had condensed eighteen thousand battle patterns, he couldn't hold on anymore!

Seeing this, the old man behind Ten Thousand Pythons let out a hoarse and cold smile. Then he raised his hand and waved, and a giant python transformed from ten thousand feet of spiritual power roared out...

Old Man Wanmang's move was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, directly foreshadowing the defeat of Daluo Tianyu.

At the critical moment, a red-gold dragon descended from the sky, breaking the attack of Old Man Wanmang, a seventh-grade supreme powerhouse, with just one blow.


The deafening roar of the dragon resounded throughout the world, and then the dragon appeared. It turned out to be a huge dragon centipede with ferocious horns...


Feeling the terrifying dragon pressure on the opposite side, as well as its aura of spiritual power that far exceeded his own, Old Man Wanmang was instantly shocked.

Unfortunately, there was no answer to his questions. Even the powerful men from the Snake Temple behind him were completely frightened by the sudden appearance of the dragon centipede, and could not even escape...

Tick ​​tock…

Sweat began to flow from the foreheads of everyone in the Snake Temple, but facing a super beast that might be the eighth-grade supreme level, the group of them might suffer a devastating blow if they made the slightest move.

That is to say, while the sudden appearance of the dragon centipede shocked the entire Serpent Temple powerhouse, a figure appeared silently in the sky above the many snake god guards, then slightly raised his palm and pressed it downwards... …


Endless bloody thunder erupted from the figure's hands, instantly covering a land with a radius of hundreds of miles...

The many onlookers in the periphery only felt a flash of blood in front of their eyes, and then the huge battlefield in the sky disappeared, and their vision was completely filled with blood.

The bloody thunder lasted for as long as a cup of tea. When everything settled, the battlefield situation that reappeared shocked everyone.

I saw that more than half of the tens of thousands of Snake God Guards at the center of the bloody thunder were killed by this blow, and the fighting genius who led the Snake God Guards was directly reduced to ashes by the thunder!

On the battlefield, Tianxie King and others, who had obvious signs of fire on their bodies, looked at this scene tremblingly, and their whole bodies were in unbelievable shock.

"Destroy a thousand armies with one strike! Who is this person?!"

Everyone in Daluo Tianyu who was deliberately avoided by Lei Lei was also shocked, and some could not believe what happened in front of them.

Muchen, who was closest to the figure, was the first to recognize the identity of the person, and then a surprise came out along with an unbelievable voice.

"Brother Tian Chong? It's you?!"

Yes, the person who suddenly appeared could only be a celestial insect. This was actually made clear when the terrifying dragon centipede appeared.

It's just that everyone was fighting at the time, so they didn't pay that much attention.

As for the guys in the Snake Temple, they didn't know that there was a terrifying super beast like the Ancient Sky Dragon Centipede sitting on this side of Daluo Tianyu, and it was also the absolute natural enemy of their Snake Temple.

"Haha, little brother Muchen, you are really worrying. We have only been separated for a short time, and you have caused such a big fight..."

Tianchong smiled lightly and came to Muchen's side easily and casually.

After the attack of the soul-eating blood thunder just now, although the Snake God Guard, as the main target of the attack, suffered heavy losses, the Netherworld Guard led by Lin Ming was not much better, and also lost more than 60% of its personnel.

It can be said that Tianchong directly destroyed the armies of the two top forces, Snake Temple and Netherworld Palace, with this single power. This terrifying strength directly suppressed all the strong men and major forces present!

"Brother Tianchong, your strength is really getting more and more abnormal..." After glancing at the remaining Netherworld Guards and Snake God Guards who were all full of fear on the opposite side, Muchen couldn't help but complain.

Tianchong smiled slightly and said: "Okay, stop talking so much, let's get down to business first..."

After listening to Tian Chong's words, Muchen also put away his smile and looked at Tian Xie King opposite... There was no way, Lin Ming was specially taken care of by Tian Chong in the attack just now, and now he has turned into ashes. Therefore, the only one who can talk to Netherworld Palace is the Evil King of Heaven...

"Tsk, tsk, how can I say that Netherworld Palace is also one of the top forces in the North Realm. I originally thought that although you are unbearable, you still have the honor of being a top force and will not break your word. I didn't expect that I was wrong..." Muchen As soon as he opened his mouth, he ridiculed directly.

The Heavenly Evil King's teeth were almost broken. Now he really wanted to risk his life to kill Muchen, but when he saw the figure next to Muchen, he had no choice but to suppress it. Got angry.

"This time, I, the Netherworld Palace, lost. I can make the decision to let the Glacier King go. Let's write off today's incident!" the Heavenly Evil King gritted his teeth.

"Haha, you have a beautiful idea!"

As an old rival, King Shura couldn't help but sneered and said.

"The current situation is that you lost the bet and shamelessly wanted to tear up the previous agreement. Now that all your plans have been shattered by us, you still have the nerve to say this. Your strength is not very good, but this But I am the most shameless in the room!"

"you shut up!"

The Heavenly Evil King with blood-red eyes finally couldn't help shouting angrily.

But looking at the situation around me at this time...

Everyone in Xuantian Temple and Shen Pavilion had already retreated far away. In the thunder just now, because they did not take action and were far away from the center, they barely managed to survive without much loss. But just now, Tianchong took one hand It really scared them, so at this time the two families already regretted getting involved in these bad things.

As for the Snake Temple, the current situation is worse than that of the Netherworld Palace. The old monster of Ten Thousand Pythons is still suppressed by the ancient dragon centipede of the eighth-level supreme realm, and has become snake meat on the chopping board...

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Tianxie King knew very well that now they had lost the qualification to negotiate with the other party.

Of course, if they were prepared to die together, it would also cause huge losses to Daluo Tianyu, but he would never choose this kind of thing, in which he would injure the enemy eight hundred and lose one thousand, unless he was forced into a desperate situation.

"Where did this evildoer come from? How come he is on the side of Daluo Tianyu..." Looking at the heavenly insects, the evil king couldn't help but think in his heart.

With just this one person, unless someone stronger returns from Netherworld Palace, the other party can destroy them all.

Didn't you notice that the Son of God in the Shen Pavilion next to you was killed by others, and the three mountain masters were destroyed by others. Now that they saw it, they still shrank to the side, and they didn't even dare to fart.

Taking a deep breath, the Heavenly Evil King suppressed all his anger and said in a cold voice: "It's impossible to get 400,000 Fallen Origin Pills. I can spend at most 200,000, and then release the Ice River King. This is the bottom line of my Netherworld Palace!"

King Shura frowned and heard the determination in King Tianxie's words. He knew that the other party was already the maximum concession they could accept. If they pressed any further, the other party would really have no choice but to fight to the death.

King Shura looked at Muchen, as if seeking his opinion...

Muchen's thoughts at this time were similar to those of King Shura, and he also knew that this was the other party's bottom line. The best result now was to agree to the other party, and then show it to the entire Northern Territory with a victory.

However, Muchen did not agree rashly, and was still prepared to ask Tian Chong for his opinion.

But what he didn't expect was that Tian Chong was very easy to talk to. In other words, as long as there were benefits, he would be easy to talk to...

"I want half of the Fallen Source Pill, and you can talk about the rest yourself..."

With these words behind him, Tian Chong floated directly towards the Snake Temple... For him, this was the highlight.

After listening to Tian Chong's words, Muchen was also speechless. It seemed that apart from being interested in the Fallen Source Pill, he, the Celestial Chong elder brother, didn't care about anything else at all.

As for the people in the Snake Temple who were watching the Heavenly Insect walking toward themselves and others, they all showed fear...

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