Although the disappearance of the Butterfly Emperor made Tian Chong sigh, it had no impact.

Of the three spiritual butterflies, the first one to be promoted was Xuan Ye's hunting divine butterfly. Unfortunately, he did not successfully acquire the bloodline of the Insect King. His spiritual power was only improved a lot, and he actually reached the mid-eighth level.

After all, the original essence of the Insect King is the most essence of energy left by the earth's supreme powerhouse. It can even be compared with the spiritual liquid. It is helpful even to the earth's supreme powerhouse, let alone the spiritual insects in the supreme realm.

The increase in the strength of the spiritual insects made Xuan Bo's strength greatly increase. When he looked at the two spiritual butterflies of the heavenly insects that were still in the process of transformation, an inexplicable color suddenly appeared in his eyes...

Of course, this look did not last long before disappearing, because he saw the Celestial Chong release a dragon centipede with a calm expression, and judging from the aura, the aura of this dragon centipede was actually better than that of the Hunting God after his improvement. Die was still strong, and all thoughts in his mind were dismissed in an instant.

Two eighth-grade supreme realm spirit insects may even have at least one Insect King bloodline spirit insect. This kind of strength is probably not weaker than those of the so-called Holy Sons, right?

I didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune that I met such an evil guy...

Gritting his teeth with hatred in his heart, Xuan Chan chose to leave.

After all, the opponent's main goal at this time is to protect the spiritual butterfly's transformation, and he will definitely not make too much noise easily. But if he waits until the opponent's transformation is completed, it will be different.

Xuan Chan didn't believe that the other party would live in peace with him when the time came.

After seeing the other party leaving, Tian Chong really had no intention of pursuing him. After all, the most important thing now was to see if his two spiritual butterflies could be successfully promoted.

"I don't expect both spiritual butterflies to be promoted, but at least the Ice Spirit Divine Butterfly with the most matched attributes cannot fail. This makes no sense..."

In this way, in the tense atmosphere, Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly took the lead in ending the transformation. Unfortunately, it also failed to awaken the Insect King's bloodline, but its spiritual power improved a lot, and it was directly promoted to the eighth-grade supreme peak. The level is even stronger than that of the Ancient Sky Dragon Centipede.

Pointing his finger at the hot head of the ancient Heavenly Dragon Centipede lying on his arm, Tianchong chuckled and said: "Your position is not guaranteed now..."

"Hiss, hiss..."

Obviously, the ancient dragon centipede could understand his master's words, so he began to neigh like a coquettish voice. He obviously wanted his master to help him improve himself, otherwise his former younger brothers would all ride on his head. Okay, where does this put its face?

In response to this, Tianchong laughed, and his mood was obviously much better than before.

Now, not long after entering the space of the Insect Emperor's Tomb, he has only explored one of the Insect Emperor's Tombs, and his strength has been greatly improved, and it is even possible to be on par with those ninth-grade supreme-level saints. , which made him feel good.

"After the Ice Spirit Divine Butterfly is promoted, it should be able to break through to a level equivalent to the ninth-grade supreme at least. In addition, Jin Chan is already in the middle of the ninth-grade. My strength should be able to rank among all the people who entered the Insect Emperor Tomb space this time. The top five..."

The biggest reason for being so confident is naturally Jin Chan.

Ten days later, the terrifying cold air once again stirred up in the originally dead space. A crystal-like spirit butterfly, mainly ice blue, slowly flew up. As its wings danced, the endless cold air spread out, forming thousands of waves around it. In the white mist within a meter range, any creature that dares to come close, even a seventh-grade supreme being, will be instantly frozen.

"Is this the ice realm that comes with the Ice Spirit Butterfly Emperor? It's really terrifying!"

The moment Tian Chong gently touched the ice mist with his finger, he felt that his finger had lost all feeling, and it seemed that his blood had solidified.

Very good, let’s have a big fight next!

Well, that's what I thought, but the reality is a bit skinny.

When Tian Chong stood in front of a completely dead tomb, his whole body felt bad...

"This is already the third one. Is it possible that these guys who entered the Insect Emperor's Tomb are so powerful that they have already plundered all the surrounding tombs in such a short time?"

This shouldn't be the case...

Although there were thousands of people entering the Insect Emperor's Tomb this time, how could it be possible that all the powerful Insect Emperors who had been buried in the Insect Emperor's Tomb since ancient times could be explored so easily.

In fact, what Tianchong doesn't know is that there are indeed countless tombs in the Insect Emperor Tomb space. However, since ancient times, the Insect Emperor Tomb space has been opened once every hundred years, and it has been opened an unknown number of times. Therefore, it belongs to the periphery of the space. The tomb has already been mostly explored.

Most of the ones that still exist today were returned to this place after the war. The earliest ones were only ten thousand years old, and there were even the Insect Emperors who returned to hide here thousands of years ago.

"It seems that we need to collect information about the Insect King's space..."

After marking the dead insect emperor's tomb, four marks have been recorded on the spirit plate map in Tianchong's hand. This information is also the harvest of this exploration, and can even be passed down among the twelve branches. .

It is a pity that over the years, Tianchong was the first of the twelve tribes to enter the Tomb of the Insect Emperor to explore, so he did not get any help from his predecessors at all. This is the main reason why he is now unable to move forward.

For those who have many exploration experiences in the clan, they can use the information left by previous explorations to find their goals more easily. This not only saves a lot of time, but also allows them to do it before they come in. Be prepared, so that exploring the Tomb of the Insect King will be easier for them.

Of course, sometimes unexpected situations happen.

Just like the woman in green who was with Xuan Jie before, although she did not come from the four main bloodlines, her ancestors had a glorious past. She participated in several explorations of the Insect Emperor's Tomb and left some precious information for the family.

But because of her lack of strength, the woman could only place her hopes on those who were stronger, and tried every means to win over some people for her own use.

It's a pity that her bargaining chips are too small. A truly strong person may take advantage of her, but he will never be willing to be a pawn for others, so the final result is that she dies...

As for the spirit plate on his body that recorded the blood of several generations of his clan, it also became someone else's property.

Maybe Xuan Ye can gain huge gains by relying on the opponent's spirit plate, but all this has nothing to do with her. She is just an innocent soul in a silent insect emperor's tomb, and may never see the light of day again.

Although Tianchong didn't know about these dirty things, he could guess a little bit. Although there was no other useful information on his spirit plate, there was one thing that had already been marked, and that was a space node located in the space. , is also the exit for them to leave the Insect Emperor Tomb.

It was an island floating in the void. It was quite large, with a radius of hundreds of miles.

It is precisely because of the specialness of this place that many people regard it as a trading market or a place to collect information. When the bugs arrived, they even found that there were dusty buildings above. Stone buildings…

Obviously, after countless years of development, there is already something like a city here.

"It's just that there are fewer people..." Tianchong's spiritual consciousness swept over and found that most of these buildings were empty, with only a few hundred people gathering in an open space.

The sky insect turned into a stream of light and rushed into the floating island, and then went directly to the crowd gathering place without stopping.

After a few breaths, a stream of light fell on the empty place.

The arrival of the heavenly insects naturally attracted the attention of many people, and the next moment several men and women joined in enthusiastically.

"Brother, do you want to find out information about the Insect Emperor's tomb in this space? I have several powerful information about the Insect Emperor's tomb in my hand, but they have not been explored by anyone. They are valuable. I don't know. Brother, are you interested?" A thin young man with a slightly wretched face came over and asked anxiously.

"Panyou, you are talking nonsense here again. The information about the two insect emperor tombs of yours has been sold to more than ten people. Maybe they have been explored by others by now. You are still here to fool people. It's really embarrassing. Face!" Another man shouted loudly, pushing the thin man named Panyou away.

"Brother, I have information about a tomb of the Titled Insect Emperor here. There are countless treasures inside. Only the outer parts have been explored. If brothers are willing to team up with me to explore, we will get 64 points for what we get by then, and I will get 60 points. You four, after all, I provided this information, so I deserve an extra 10%. I wonder what you think, brother?"

Okay, this is how you calculate this success?

Tian Chong is a little speechless. You, a sixth-grade supreme, are exploring with me and you still want to take the majority. What do you think?

However, this also gave him a preliminary understanding of these people. Nowadays, most of the people on the floating island are not very strong, so they want to exchange the information in their hands for some benefits.

This is also a safe and fast way to make money. At least you don't have to worry about being killed and cheated here.

Of course, there are also some people who are like the man behind and want to find a few companions to explore together. However, such people must find those who are equal in strength to themselves. Otherwise, if they find the treasure, they will directly rob you. What else can be done?

The man who invited Tian Chong probably rushed up blindly without noticing Tian Chong's cultivation. If he knew that he was a seventh-grade supreme, he would definitely not dare to do this.

For the time being, Tianchong chose to refuse to accept these people who came forward, because he planned to get to know the situation here from a distance, otherwise it would be bad if he was deceived.

Walking into this open space like a square, Tianchong also found that there were many people setting up stalls inside...

And judging from the strength of these stall holders, they are probably the ones who have gained something from entering the Tomb of the Insect Emperor. They just chose to come here for various reasons, and then wanted to give the harvest that they could not use to others. Dispose of it.

This is also a very good approach. At least you can quickly convert these gains into your own strength, and then continue to explore.

Tianchong looked at each one one by one. There were quite a lot of good things on these stalls. Many of them were special materials only available in ancient times. Unfortunately, none of them could be used by him...

After all, the uniqueness of a spiritual insect master is too strong. The types and attributes of spiritual insects cultivated by different spiritual insect masters are different, so what he needs must match him, otherwise, no matter how rare it is, it will only be wasted in his hands. , that’s why so many precious items have been put on the shelves.

After thinking about it, Tianchong also found a place and took out dozens of snow beads and a few snow soul beads. He was also ready to become a small stall owner and enjoy the pleasure of setting up a stall.

The few people who had been rejected by Tianchong before saw this and suddenly felt a secret contempt in their hearts.

I originally thought that a big customer was coming, but I didn’t expect that it was also a little Karami who was selling goods at a stall. It was obvious that he didn’t dare to risk exploring the Tombs of the Insect Emperor anymore, so he came here. He was probably attracted by that insect. The dangerous test in the imperial tomb must have frightened you...

Thinking about it, they stopped paying attention to the sky insects and continued to wait to see if any other fat sheep would come to their door.

Of course, this kind of waiting method seems very unreliable, but it is safe... Not everyone who enters here is ambitious, many people have already made plans when they come, and everything is based on their own Your life is the most important thing!

Tianchong originally thought that he would be like the others and would have to wait here for a long time before someone came to his door. However, he did not expect that as soon as he took out the Snow Soul Bead, someone would be attracted to his door.

This is a woman who is all white, even her hair and eyebrows are white.

People with this kind of appearance are still very rare among the Spirit Zerg tribe. After all, although the Spirit Zerg tribe has its own special bloodline, its appearance is still the same as that of ordinary people in the world.

As for the woman who looks like ice and snow in front of me, she should be a person with snow veins in the spirit insect tribe...

"Are you a member of the Snow Vein? I heard that this vein mainly cultivates spirit insects with ice attributes. Although there are not many people in the entire spirit insect clan, their strength is very strong. It is one of the branch veins second only to the four main veins. One." Tianchong recalled the information about the other party's veins in his mind.

For the Snow Vein, which is dominated by ice-attribute spiritual insects, these snow beads and snow soul beads of the Sky Insects indeed have great appeal.

"I want your Snow Beads and Snow Soul Beads. What do you need in exchange? Or I can directly give you the Supreme Spiritual Liquid..." The woman's voice was very cold, but it was not as bone-chilling as her appearance.

Tianchong looked at this woman in surprise, but he didn't expect that she was so generous and was about to pack all his things. Doesn't this mean that his career as a stall owner has just begun and is about to end?

Of course, Celestial Insect would not refuse a guest. He chuckled and said, "Okay, but I want information about some tombs in the Insect Emperor's Tomb space. Do you think you have the same value as these Snow Soul Beads?" Information?"

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