After hearing Tian Chong's request, Xue Hao became slightly silent.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "I do have information about the Insect Emperor's Tomb here, but I don't know if you have the courage to go there with me..."

Xuexuan's purpose of coming here is different from others. After exploring two Insect Emperor Tombs, she didn't get what she wanted, so she had no choice but to come here to try her luck.

After all, her goal this time was too dangerous. It was rumored that after three explorations, countless talented people entered it, but they still could not pass the test and obtain the inheritance.

There are some records about the Insect Emperor's Tomb in the Snow Veins, but the clan also warned her when she came in that unless she had the eighth-grade supreme level combat power, she must not enter the Emperor's Tomb rashly. This is also the reason why Xue Hao has been reluctant to leave.

Tian Chong's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing the words of the Xuemei woman in front of him.

Isn't this a coincidence? I am worried about not being able to find a truly powerful imperial tomb. As long as there are really good things, danger doesn't matter...

"Okay, as long as what you say is true, then I don't mind cooperating with you, but how will the gains be distributed?"

Xue Hao shook his head secretly. This guy was really blinded by greed. He spoke about the allocation without even asking about the specific situation. Such a person would probably die without knowing how he died. Thinking of this, Xue Hao suddenly I don’t want to join forces with such a guy anymore, so as not to drag myself down in time.

She wanted to turn around and leave directly, but when she saw the Snow Soul Bead that she desperately needed in the other person's hand, she couldn't move at all.

He sighed helplessly, and finally said: "When the time comes, whoever gets it will be his, no need to divide..."

"Very good, that's it!" Tianchong also agreed very much. If he didn't want the information on the other party, he wouldn't want to cooperate with other people. This was just to find a way to frustrate himself.

Since this girl is so knowledgeable, there is no problem.

"Don't say I didn't warn you in advance. That place is very dangerous. If you don't have the combat power of the Eighth Grade Supreme, it's best not to take the risk. I can use the Supreme Spiritual Liquid in exchange for these Snow Soul Beads in your hand. Please think about it. .”

After hesitating for a moment, Xue Hao finally spoke.

Tian Chong glanced at the girl in slight surprise. Unexpectedly, this girl looked cold and cold, but she was still quite kind. No matter what the purpose of the other party's words was, Tian Chong accepted her favor.


"Eighth-grade supreme combat power... I happen to have..."

As he spoke, a small centipede crawled out from his arm, then raised its head towards the snow clover, showing off its power.

Although it was small and looked quite cute, the Snow Clover opposite it had never thought of it that way...

Because just now, the terrifying aura released from this little centipede at that moment directly made Xue Hao feel like his body was melting.

"Dragon Centipede at the eighth level of supreme realm?!"

With her eyes widened, she squeezed out this sentence from Xue Hao's mouth. She finally realized that she had definitely underestimated the person in front of her just now.

To be able to possess an eighth-grade supreme realm dragon centipede to protect him, the opponent's identity and strength are definitely not simple, and judging from his own aura, he is not weaker than himself. Could it be that he also comes from a certain high-ranking branch? People, or the four main veins?

After a while, Xue Hao put away his surprise and regained his previous indifference, saying: "Very good, it seems that our cooperation can continue."

"But I need your Snow Soul Bead to help my spirit insects break through to the eighth level, so I may have to wait a few days before I can set off..."

"That's no problem, I can wait for you..." Tianchong has already thought of this. The other party who wants to get his Snow Soul Pearl so eagerly must be preparing to improve the strength of the spirit insect.

After discussing it, Tianchong immediately closed the stall and followed Xuexuan away.

On the way, Tian Chong asked: "By the way, since we have decided to cooperate, I still don't know your name. My name is Tian Chong, and I come from Tianmai."

"Snow Clover, as you can see, comes from snow veins." Snow Clover said calmly.

But at this time, the doubts in her heart disappeared. It turned out that it came from the strongest of the four main veins, the Heavenly Vein. No wonder it had such terrifying strength.

The two of them chatted for a while, and got to know each other a lot. After all, they would need to cooperate in the future, and they would probably need to join forces to fight. If they didn't even have a basic understanding of each other, then why not cooperate? What a chicken feather.

After finding an uninhabited place on the floating island, Xue Hao began to prepare for the breakthrough of his spiritual insects.

Of course, the first step is to set up the spiritual formation, which is what all spiritual insect masters need to do.

But when he saw that this girl had just arranged a simple black ice spiritual formation and a basic evolutionary spiritual formation and was about to start, Tian Chong suddenly couldn't stand it...

"Stop, stop, stop for a moment..." Tian Chong raised his hand to stop the other party.

Xue Hao was confused and looked at him with a slight frown, looking puzzled.

"You are counting on two simple magic circles to help your spirit insects break through to the eighth level?" Tian Chong asked with a glare.

If you can increase the chance of breakthrough by 20%, that's a lot!

Moreover, if the level of the spiritual formation is too low, it will also waste a lot of ice power in the Snow Soul Orb. It will consume at least 50% more materials, and the time required for breakthrough will also be lengthened. It can be said that the auxiliary effect is extremely low!

After understanding what Tian Chong meant, Xue Hao's pale and pretty face was actually stained with a rare blush. After a while, he said helplessly: "But I only know these two spiritual formations..."

Well, after meeting Xuan Chong and Xue Hao, two of the most favored sons of heaven, Tian Chong suddenly felt a sense of superiority. It turned out that his spiritual array talent was really very strong.

"Forget it, let me help you... But it won't be free. When you get to the Imperial Tomb, you need to give me something no less than the value of a top-grade artifact as compensation."

"Exquisite artifact? You really dare to speak!" Xue Hao's eyes widened, and the expression on his face became a little unbearable.

"Do you know how much a top-quality artifact is worth? You just helped set up the spiritual array..."

Tian Chong smiled softly: "This is already a friendly price. After all, if you want to invite a Tianpin Spiritual Formation Master to take action, if it were placed outside, I'm afraid the price would need to be doubled!"

"Tianpin Spiritual Formation Master? You?" Xue Hao looked unbelieving.

"Okay, you'll know if it's worth it when the spiritual array is laid out...Give me the things, and put your basic spiritual arrays away..."

Xue Hao felt a little bitter in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on his face. He just quickly put away his spirit array, and then handed over the Snow Soul Beads and Snow Beads that had not been warmed in his hands to the sky. insect.

Tian Chong was not polite, and after taking it directly, he said while doing it: "It just so happened that I embedded these Snow Soul Beads and Snow Beads in the formation. This will also ensure that your spirit insects can break through faster and more stably. Some."

Xue Hao opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. Especially when he saw Tian Chong's skillful look, he knew that the other party was not lying.

But she was curious, how could the guy in front of her go so far along the spiritual formation while ensuring his own cultivation and cultivation of spiritual insects?

After half a day, Tian Chong finally completed the layout of the spiritual array, and it was still a superposition of multiple composite spiritual arrays, leaving Xue Hao next to him stunned.

"Okay, let your spirit insects come out. It will take up to three days for your spirit insects to break through to the eighth level!" Tian Chong was full of confidence.

But after seeing Snow Clover's spiritual insect, he was also surprised.

"Snow Worm, I didn't expect it to be such a rare spiritual insect. Its cultivation value is very high. It is expected to be promoted to the Insect King in the future!"

Although this Snow Worm Demonic Insect is the fourth generation of the Insect Queen and can no longer be regarded as the bloodline of the Insect King, there is still a certain probability that the bloodline will be awakened. Even if this probability is less than 10%, it is definitely much more worth cultivating than ordinary spiritual insects. !

And it seems that this spiritual insect is the native spirit insect of the girl opposite. The two complement each other. As long as one of them can break through the Earth Supreme, the other will also be tempered by the other's Earth Supreme origin due to their blood connection, and promotion is appropriate. of.

"As expected, she is indeed the most powerful genius in Xuemei. It seems that her family has directly cultivated her as its heir."

In the following time, Tianchong found a nearby building to live in and began to practice silently to adjust his condition, while Xuehao was worried about the improvement of his spirit worm day and night.

In this regard, Tianchong didn't care about her, and actually didn't believe in her ability to arrange a large array...

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the Snow Clover Demonic Insect that had been silent for three days finally made some movement.

After being promoted successfully, with the blessing of several large formations, and so many Snow Soul Beads and Snow Beads providing energy, this Snow Bug was directly promoted to the peak of the early stage of the Eighth Grade Supreme, if it were not for the exhaustion of the power of ice. If so, it would be impossible to break through to the mid-term directly, which makes Xue Hao feel a little regretful.

"Okay, let's rest for half a day to adjust, and then we should set off." Tian Chong couldn't help but remind him as he looked at Xue Hao, who was getting intimate with his spirit worm with a happy expression.

"Yeah, thank you very much." Xue Hao showed a rare bright smile, which made Tian Chong couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Of course, it's just a flash of light. After all, in this world, in terms of appearance, there are very few people who can compare with Xiao Xiao. Therefore, there are basically no people who want to seduce the Celestial Insect with their beauty.

Soon, the two set off.

Because the two parties were already in a state of cooperation, Xue Hao also introduced all the information he knew about the Insect Emperor Tomb to Tian Chong in detail.

"The Insect Emperor's Tomb looks like a nine-story tower, so everyone judged that there should be nine levels of tests in it. We need to break through them layer by layer from the bottom. As far as I know, everyone is trapped in it now. The third floor and even the fourth floor cannot be passed, so it will be very difficult to clear this imperial tomb..."

Tian Chong was a little surprised when he heard this. According to Snow Clover, this imperial tomb has been explored at least three times, but even so, did it only reach the third level?

"What level did your Xuemei senior enter at the beginning, and how strong was he?"

A solemn look flashed across Xue Hao's face, and he said: "That senior was already at the eighth-grade supreme realm at that time, and owned an eighth-grade spiritual insect, but he only broke through the second level. The five of them had just After entering the third floor, I was defeated by the creatures inside, and finally had to return to the second floor, and finally left with regret."

This time, Tianchong was really surprised. The eighth-grade supreme being and an eighth-grade spiritual insect couldn't even rush into the third floor?

Is the difficulty of the Insect Emperor Tomb too high?

Xue Hao naturally thinks so, or everyone thinks so.

However, it is common sense that the more difficult the imperial tomb is, the higher its value will be. Therefore, instead of stopping these people, these difficulties have led to more and more people coming together to break through this imperial tomb. Tsukasa, let’s see what’s so special.

"Do you know how many people will come this time?" Tian Chong asked seriously.

Shaking his head, Xue Hao replied: "I don't know, but there will definitely be no less, and maybe even more than just people from our main line and branch lines will come..."

Does that mean you might meet a certain saint or a few saints?

Tian Chong nodded. After all, it has been done so many times. The location of this imperial tomb is no longer a secret. Everyone who can know it probably knows it.

I just don’t know if so many people gathered together can really unlock the secret of this imperial tomb.

Two days later, Tianchong and the two finally arrived at the target location.

Being in the dark void, Tian Chong had already seen the huge nine-story tower suspended in the void in the distance. In terms of scale, it was even larger than the butterfly tower that Tian Chong and the others had seen. The imperial tomb is too big.

This actually reminded Tian Chong of the Star Demon Suppressing Tower that he saw when he was inside the Fourth Hall Master's Spirit Store. You must know that the Star Demon Suppressing Tower at that time also stood just like this in the Fourth Hall Master's Spirit Store. In the supreme space, at first glance, people might think it is just an ordinary majestic building.

"Do you think it's possible that this nine-story tower could be an artifact or something like that?" Tian Chong chuckled and said to Xue Hao next to him.

Xue Hao, who was still a little shocked when he saw the tower, couldn't help but glance at Tian Chong when he heard this, and then said expressionlessly: "I don't think anyone would have the luxury of using such a treasure as their own mausoleum... If If someone really gets it, won’t the people there die without their bodies intact, and there won’t even be a burial place in the end?”

"Well, that makes sense!" Tian Chong pondered for a moment, nodded in agreement.

"Okay, stop talking so much nonsense, let's go in first. I don't know how many people have entered the giant tower now, and what level these people have entered..."

With that said, Snow Clover took the lead in flying towards the giant tower, and Sky Insect quickly followed.

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