The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 162 The true identity of the tomb owner

Looking at the densely packed lava rock beetles rushing over, the sky insect had a premonition that he would be submerged in the sea of ​​​​insects like the first layer.

However, the number of these lava rock beetles is not too large, just like a thousand heads, so it is far from compared with the first level. Moreover, the lava rock beetles are very large, and it is impossible to truly form a dense formation of the sea of ​​​​insects. .

But similarly, the combat effectiveness of the two is not the same.


Huge waves of magma rose into the sky, and sharp roars spread. One after another, beams of hot magma were seen penetrating the space and shooting towards the sky insects overwhelmingly.

Faced with an attack of this scale, Tian Chong did not dare to neglect at all. With a thought, the five-turn golden body of the Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique that he had previously used was condensed. The golden light surged, and the magma beams were allowed to flow. Bombarded on the huge body.

There was no way, his Bafang Liuhe Mirror could not block the attack of these lava rock beetles, and was quickly broken. The helpless Tianchong could only choose to resist with a powerful golden body, while he himself was a spear-dancing one. As graceful as a startling giant, as graceful as a swimming dragon...

One after another, the lava rock beetles fell under the spear. At this time, Tianchong felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling, and his whole body was like a small furnace. The Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique was rapidly running in the body, and spiritual power was rapidly accumulated. , actually made the Celestial Chong's cultivation level slowly but surely continue to improve.

"Sure enough, it is not wrong at all to say that this is a treasure land for cultivation. In just such a short period of time, my cultivation level feels like it is about to break through to the middle stage of the seventh level..." Celestial Insect's eyes lit up in surprise as he thought during the battle.

This was actually one of the reasons why he didn't summon his own spiritual insects to help.

You know, this place can not only improve spiritual power, but also be of great benefit to body refining. Therefore, Tian Chong is currently tempering his body while fighting in order to see his Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique. Can the body refining method be improved here...

The final result did not disappoint Tianchong. During the battle, he could clearly detect his changes.

Just as the heavenly insects were fighting and tempering and improving, a violent vibration came from the earth...

The crimson lava river surged into huge waves during this vibration. A single wave swept the sky insect into it, and then reappeared under the baptism of magma.

Tianchong ignored the magma and looked at the huge black mountain peak that he had originally targeted.

At this moment, in the eyes of Tianchong, the huge mountain peak actually stood up...

Yes, I stood up. The six Optimus Prime-like legs below supported a mountain peak. In front of me seemed to be the head. A huge crater was still emitting thick black smoke, and the rolling magma inside was clearly visible. It looked like it might erupt at any time.

Under the crater, on the side that Tianchong saw, a row of three huge blood-red eyes stared closely at this side, and a sound like a train whistle sounded throughout the space.

Woo woo woo...

In this whining sound, the entire space shook instantly, and all the lava rock beetles sleeping at the bottom of the magma were awakened and began to gather in the direction of the sky insects.


The giant peak-like lava stone Beetle King also turned his body with one earthquake step after another, and it seemed that he was ready to take action himself.

This scene made Tianchong feel a little troublesome.

Because he has discovered that this lava stone beetle emperor is a genuine ninth-grade supreme Dzogchen limit existence. It is estimated that it is sleeping in this magma, which is absorbing the heat energy from the deepest part of the magma and storing it in its own body. Accumulate your own final transformation.

But now after being awakened by the sky insect, this big guy is obviously a little angry, so he is ready to use all his strength to crush this little ant who has intruded into his territory for unknown reasons, and then continue his sleep. road.

"We can't get entangled with these guys, we have to find the passage to the lower level first!"

Tian Chong made a decision quickly.

After all, he is here to hunt for treasure, not to fight. As long as he can pass this level, the simpler the method, the better.

Using the Cicada Silence Technique to restrain all his aura, and then using the Invisible Sword Escape, the sky insect's figure instantly disappeared from the spot, and even his aura disappeared within this space.

The rioting lava rock beetles were stunned when they saw this scene...

All the brothers on their side were mobilized and were about to fight violently, but the target suddenly disappeared, which made their simple brains unable to turn around for a while.

Similarly, at this time, the Lava Stone Beetle King, who was awakened by being disturbed, was "angry" when he woke up. He was full of anger and was ready to find someone to vent his anger, but the daring little guy disappeared unexpectedly. How could he bear this? !

Woo woo woo...

The sound of the train whistle sounded again, and the originally confused insect swarm felt the emperor's anger, and immediately rioted again, starting to search all over the world.

This is their world. As the owner here, how can you allow a little mouse to sneak into your home and cause mischief?

But what they didn't know was that the invisible sky insect had already arrived on the mountain-like body of the lava stone beetle emperor. However, in order to avoid alerting the snake, it did not appear or land on the ground. It was just exploring in secret. Entrance to the next level.

Of course, it is said to be the next level, but it is actually on top, just like the staircase to the sky on the second level, so Tianchong thinks that the passage to the sixth level is most likely to appear in this world. The highest point.

Tianchong had already checked some other peaks, but couldn't see them, so he set his target on this moving mountain... This is the highest mountain in the world, and it's also safer, so Tianchong felt very There is a high probability that the entrance to the passage is on the lava stone beetle emperor!

Sure enough, Tianchong's guess was right. At the highest point on the lava stone beetle king's back, a sky-reaching spiritual light penetrated into the dark clouds in the sky.

The location where this spiritual light emitted was a volcanic crater. The energy in the crater was so violent that it actually gave the Celestial Insect the feeling that it could penetrate directly into the lava stone Beetle Emperor's body.

"Tsk tsk, the owner of this tomb is really good at playing. Not only was he able to get this lava stone beetle emperor to guard his tomb, but he also set up such exquisite control methods. As long as he can control this sky-reaching aura, he can take it in a moment. The life of the Lava Stone Beetle King can be said to be controlled by this thing."

Recalling what he had seen before, Tian Chong suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart...

Now that he had found the passage, Tian Zhong no longer wanted to waste time here. After he appeared, he jumped directly into the spiritual light and slowly floated upward along with the light.

Woo woo woo...

After discovering that the Sky Insect had actually found the passage and was already heading upwards along the passage, the Lava Stone Beetle King became furious.

He was actually tricked by an ant. At this time, the crater around it had begun to emit thick smoke, and it seemed that the volcano was about to erupt in the next moment.

But no matter how angry it is, it can't do anything against the sky insect, because it can't stop the opponent from passing through the passage to the next level.

But at this stall, the teleportation array that entered the fifth layer lit up again, and then a group of more than ten people suddenly appeared in the fifth layer of the world.

At this moment, the Lava Beetle King, who had almost lost his mind because of losing his target, immediately found an outlet. With a roar, endless lava beetles rushed over in an instant.

Before everyone who had just entered the fifth floor could figure out what was going on, they saw lava arrows coming through the air one after another...

"what's the situation?!"

A young man in the lead was a little confused. Is this fifth level already so intense? He had just entered and faced such a powerful attack without even giving him a moment to breathe. This shouldn't happen...

Of course, although he was doubtful in his heart, with the strength of the young man, he would not be stunned at such a critical moment. As soon as he raised his hand, a spiritual light flew out, directly knocking away several lava rock beetles that rushed towards him.

"Everyone, be careful. This is a lava rock beetle. It has amazing defense and powerful fire attack capabilities." At this time, a person behind the young man said loudly.

After hearing his reminder, the dozen or so young people around them immediately took up positions, protected the leading young man in the middle, and began to continuously attack the lava rock beetles that were desperately rushing towards them.

"Lord Holy Son, lava rock beetles are gregarious insects. Such a large number must be commanded by an insect king. We'd better not alert that big guy, otherwise it won't be that easy to find a passage safely."

The leading young man, the tenth Holy Son of the Spirit Insect Tribe, glanced at him lightly, and then motioned for him to look forward...

In an instant, the young man who spoke froze.

Because he saw, in the distant sky, a huge mountain peak moving slowly amidst thick black flames...

As it fell, there would be a trembling sound from the ground beneath their feet. He had just been suddenly attacked by this group of lava rock beetles, and he had ignored such a big movement, which made the young man a little ashamed.

"Okay, it's just a group of lava rock beetles. I don't take them seriously."

"But these guys will slow us down, and that big guy is indeed a trouble. Even this Holy Son is not sure of taking it down..."

The weakest of the ten or so people in their group are all seventh-grade supreme cultivators. Even the Tenth Saint Son and the young man who spoke are both ninth-grade supremes. Together with their own powerful spiritual insects, their team is enough. Attack these lava rock beetle swarms head-on.

While the Tenth Son and his party were fighting with the lava rock beetle, the sky insect had already entered the sixth floor through the passage.

As soon as he entered here, Tianchong felt a familiar feeling...

so cold……

Isn't this exactly the same as the ice and snow world in the tomb of the Butterfly Emperor?

It's just that the power of ice here is even more terrifying. Even the Celestial Insects feel that the spiritual power in their bodies is affected by the cold air, and there are slight delays in their operation. It can be seen that the horror of this sixth level is no less than that of the fifth level. world of fire.

"Sure enough, the spiritual energy concentration in this sixth level has doubled again compared to the fifth level, and is already thirty-two times that of the outside world!"

It's just that compared to the vastness of the first and second floors, the space area of ​​the sixth floor is much smaller at this time, probably only half of the first floor...

Of course, since this is the case, Tianchong can still notice that this is an independent plane space, but it seems that because the area is too small, the lack of this plane is very serious. If it were not within this tomb, , I'm afraid it has already collapsed.

"Is it possible that each layer of space is a directly captured plane space? This is too terrifying..."

Tian Chong himself was shocked by his own thoughts, because this kind of method can only be possessed by powerful people at the level of Tian Zhizun, right?

Anyway, he never believed that an Earth Supreme could do this, not even someone like the Fourth Hall Master who had reached the limit of Earth Supreme!

Suddenly, Tian Chong became even more curious about the identity of the owner of the tomb.

After some observation, Tianchong still did not find any breath of life around it.

In fact, he discovered this as early as the fifth level. Due to special environmental reasons, his consciousness was severely affected.

And even if there are creatures living here, because their aura is completely integrated with the environment here, it is extremely difficult to be discovered unless they take the initiative to expose themselves...

After crossing the continuous icebergs, Tianchong did not encounter any danger, nor did anything suddenly emerge from the icebergs to attack him like on the fifth level.

This makes Tian Chong very confused... Is there really no danger here?

With such doubts, Tianchong turned around an iceberg, and was suddenly shocked by the scene in front of him...

He saw a huge iceberg appearing in his field of vision, and a huge body wrapped around the iceberg. Although he couldn't see the original appearance of the body clearly because he was only on one side, what he saw was enough to shock his heart.

"Looking at it like this, it should be a multipod spiritual insect. Is it a dragon centipede?"

There are also many types of multipod Zerg, and the strongest among them are naturally the various dragon centipedes. Although ice-type dragon centipedes are somewhat rare, they are not without them.

In addition to centipedes, there is another large category of millipedes. This is also a very powerful insect race, and it is also a purer insect race than the dragon centipede...

"Is this the gatekeeper on the sixth floor?"

The Heavenly Insect's brows furrowed deeply. The lava stone beetle emperor on the fifth level was already the ninth-level Supreme Great Perfection cultivation. The sixth level looked even more terrifying. Could there really be an earth-supreme level insect? Royal guard?

How is this possible!

"Perhaps, this is not the guard on the sixth floor, but a remains...the remains of the owner of this tomb?!"

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