The closer they got to the ice peak and the huge mysterious spiritual insect, the more certain the Celestial Insect was that it was a corpse.

But even though it was just a corpse, Tianchong found that when he was close to a hundred miles away, he was already suppressed by a terrifying pressure and did not dare to go any closer.

"He didn't run away. Such a terrifying corpse must be the owner of this tomb!"

Tian Chong doesn't believe that anyone would put the corpses of other Earth Supremes in their tombs. Is it possible that they will share the same cave after death? This is too bloody.

If it couldn't get closer, the sky insect would start to circle around the iceberg until he saw the front of the corpse...

"It turned out to be an ancient clover? This is really unexpected..."

Ancient Han Hao, one of the powerful insect emperors in the ancient times is rumored to have devoured countless earthly supreme powerhouses. It is said that even the heavenly supreme powerhouses in the world could not kill it, but were instead killed by it. He managed to escape.

"It is said that this ancient clover has six heads, nine bodies, and 48,000 legs. It is so huge that it can swallow a hundred thousand troops in one bite, and one insect can defeat a million troops..."

It makes sense that such a tomb of a terrifying and powerful man would have such an exquisite layout.

But this left a problem for Tianchong... What should he do next?

Continue exploring? But the body of the tomb owner is here? And based on so much experience, there is no need to guess. The passage to the seventh floor must be above the Wanren Ice Peak, but how should I get there?

With the terrifying pressure of the corpse of the ancient cold clover, even the Celestial Insect cannot come within a hundred miles of it. Then the Celestial Insect dares to assert that no one in the Supreme Realm can approach the ice peak within ten miles!

"Is this the last test left by the tomb owner? Let's see who can get close to his corpse and find the final passage?"

Tian Chong guessed this in his heart, but he couldn't be sure.

Helpless, he could only search the entire ice and snow world bit by bit...

The result is also obvious. There is no information about the passage at all, so Tianchong's previous guess about the location of the passage is probably correct, but this is also what he least wants.

I have no choice but to grit my teeth and decide whether my guess is right or wrong. I still have to try it myself.

With the decision made, Tianchong didn't hesitate anymore and started charging towards the ice peak a hundred miles away!



At the moment when the Celestial Insect took the first step into the hundred-mile range, a thunderous roar suddenly resounded, followed by an overwhelming surge of terrifying pressure as if it were real.

Tian Chong's body shook, and he felt as if a mountain was pressing down on his body.

He gritted his teeth. Although the veins on his neck were already bulging, this level was still within the range he could bear.

Then continue to take the second step, the third step...

Finally, after getting used to such pressure, the speed of the sky insect became faster and faster.

However, this speed was instantly destroyed by the pressure that nearly doubled again after it approached ten miles away... Even the Celestial Insect, because it was too fast before, did not expect that the pressure would suddenly double, so the whole person was directly powerful. The pressure pressed down on the ground, forming a Tai Z shape and clinging to the ice, and even his whole body was slightly embedded in the ice.

"I'll wipe it! I was careless..."

He reluctantly stood up and half-knelt on the spot, holding his hands on the ground. Tianchong's face was covered with sweat, and even the muscles in his body were constantly experiencing severe pain like tearing.

The moment he was hit by stronger pressure, Tianchong instinctively used his spiritual power to help him stabilize his body...

Unexpectedly, just as his spiritual power surged out, the pressure suddenly increased again, causing him to be knocked to the ground. The spiritual power in his body could not be condensed under this collision and collapsed. …

This time, Tianchong finally understood the rules of this test. It turned out that he could not use spiritual power, but had to rely solely on his own body to bear it.

"Ma Dan, you don't even give any hints, you have to figure it out all by yourself, so you won't be afraid of directly trapping the breaker to death?"

Even if the fifth-turn physical body as tough and powerful as the Celestial Insect was torn apart and injured by this sudden change, wouldn't it be even worse for the others?

Fortunately, the laceration of the Sky Insect was quickly repaired by the Ten Thousand Years Blood Thunder Heart in his body, so not only was his physical body uninjured, but it was also constantly undergoing tearing and repairing under this terrifying pressure, slowly. Slowly, it started to improve again...

Sure enough, all body training methods tend to be masochistic. The more severe the pain one endures, the greater the physical improvement.

Of course, the premise is that you have an incredible recovery ability like the Sky Insect. Otherwise, if the injuries continue to accumulate, let alone improving your physical strength, you may suddenly die suddenly at any time.

After resting for about an hour, Tianchong felt that his body had adapted to the strong pressure. Then he slowly stood up and began to move deeper step by step like a walk.

He didn't dare to increase his speed this time, and in the process, he also felt the pleasure of his body slowly increasing, and it was actually a little bit...

This ten-mile Celestial Insect took five times as long as before, but this also allowed his body to quickly adapt to the ubiquitous terrifying pressure. Even because the Celestial Insect's physical talent is so outstanding, he has been able to do it here. If you can move freely within a certain range, even fighting won't be a big problem.

After feeling that he has completely adapted to this coercion, Tianchong also knows that it is time to challenge the next level...

That's right, Tianchong, who had suffered a loss once, finally understood that the pressure within a hundred miles range was set according to the rule of increasing every ten miles.

He is now within the range of the twentieth mile, so when he steps into the thirtieth mile, the pressure will definitely increase again... I just don't know whether this increase will be directly doubled, or directly doubled. Ascension, the gap between the two is huge.

Standing on the edge of the thirtieth mile, Tianchong took a deep breath and was ready before taking this step firmly.


There was still a sudden increase in pressure, hitting Tianchong's back like a mountain.

But this time, Tian Chong, who was prepared, would not be as embarrassed as before. His body only swayed slightly, and then stabilized his body, but his body was slightly bent, which proved that he was not feeling well at this time.

Tianchong, who has completely understood the sixth level of testing, has a calm face at this time. Even though his whole body is trembling slightly at this time, and every step gives people a shaky feeling, he is still strong. every step of the way.

After an unknown amount of time, Tian Chong felt that his body was overdrawn, so he stopped and began to let his body get some rest.

At this moment, he turned his head with difficulty and looked behind him, realizing that he had only walked halfway through the third ten miles...

And it was at this time that Tianchong saw several black figures approaching rapidly in the distant sky.

This scene only made Filling frown, but it didn't show much surprise.

After all, there are some truly strong people among the people who come to explore this place. Even though I took a shortcut to get to the front, those behind me will always catch up.

The only thing that surprised Tianchong was that there were so many people coming to the sixth floor, there were more than ten people!

Like the Celestial Chong before, those people quickly discovered the huge corpse wrapped around the ice peak. Then, as they approached, they also discovered the Celestial Chong who was slowly approaching the mountain like a walk.

"No, Lord Holy Son, someone actually came here before us! We must not let him get close to the corpse. Let's catch up quickly..."

The group of people who came were none other than the Tenth Holy Son, but they were not the only ones. There were also Tianpeng who had seen the Celestial Insects before on the second level, and even four or five people who had never seen them before. The people who had appeared were all catching up at this time.

These people are all talented and powerful people from the four main lineages, as well as people from some powerful branch lines. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as Snow Clover...

But this is normal. Although Xue Mai can be regarded as a top existence among the branches, the strength of Snow Clover is actually quite inferior. Even if it weren’t for meeting the Sky Insect and getting the Snow Soul Bead, she would not even be able to Don’t dare come and participate in the exploration.

Seeing the anxious and domineering look of the Tenth Holy Son, Tianpeng and the others were silent from behind.

After all, there are even two Ninth Grade Supremes in their team. With their little strength, they can only compete with their younger brothers, so they are not qualified to compete with them.

As for why you didn’t choose to join the thigh-hugging team since you knew you were not strong enough...

After all, they are also the first geniuses in their respective clans, and they still have to be proud. Their self-esteem does not allow them to lick their faces and treat others as dogs... Even if this person is the Holy Son!

Regarding the anxiety of his subordinates, the Tenth Holy Son raised his hand to stop them.

"Don't worry, let's observe it first before talking."

This is the Tenth Holy Son. Although he is young, he has a stable character and will never disrupt his plans due to other external factors. He will only act after making plans.

After listening to their boss's words, those few people could only suppress their eagerness, and then, under the command of another ninth-grade supreme, began to move forward slowly and tentatively.

After all, the slow appearance of Tianchong at this time is very abnormal. Shouldn't the first reaction of a normal person when seeing the treasure right in front of him be to rush forward as quickly as possible?

But the person opposite has obviously discovered them, but he is still so unhurried, so the only explanation is that he cannot move forward quickly...

Sure enough, the moment the testers stepped into the test range of Baili, a huge pressure fell on them.

They are almost the same as the Celestial Chong. Even without any preparation, they are even worse than the Celestial Chong, because although they both have eighth-grade supreme cultivation, they do not have as terrifying and powerful bodies as the former...

Therefore, at the moment of sudden pressure, the first thing these people think of is to rely on spiritual support.

Then they felt an even more terrifying coercion descending from the sky, and they immediately slapped everyone to the ground, leaving deep human-shaped marks.

Two of the unlucky ones were so seriously injured that they passed out immediately. If the companions behind them hadn't immediately dragged them out when they saw the situation was bad, otherwise those two people might have been suppressed by the terrifying pressure. die!

"It seems that the test of this level is already obvious. It is to withstand the pressure emanating from the corpse, and then move forward to approach it..." The Tenth Holy Son saw everything clearly and thought to himself.

"And you can't use spiritual power during this process. You can only rely on your own body to bear it."

Such rules are very disadvantageous for spiritual insect masters who rarely practice physical training...

Of course, as the Holy Sons of the Spirit Insect Tribe, their cultivation is different from that of ordinary Spirit Insect Masters. Their cultivation has almost no blind spots, and it is impossible to leave weaknesses for themselves. Therefore, the Tenth Saint Son also has a very good practice. It is an excellent body-refining spiritual technique.

After understanding the rules, the Tenth Holy Son stopped wasting time and said directly to the people around him: "You all should be careful. If you are not confident in the strength of your body, don't try it rashly, otherwise you will be in danger." It’s worth it.”

Just like the two unlucky guys just now, they can only stay here to recover slowly, and with the terrifying icy spiritual power in this space, their recovery process will even become very slow, slightly You may even be injured by the cold if you are not careful...

After the Tenth Holy Son reminded them, several people immediately came out, saying that they and others would not show off their shame, and they could just practice outside and take care of the wounded.

In response, the Tenth Holy Son just nodded, and then led the rest of the people into the test range...

On the other side, Tianpeng and others also took a rough look and saw how difficult the test was.

You know, the guys who were directly slapped on the ground were all as strong as him, but they still ended up in such an embarrassing end. It seemed that they couldn't use their spiritual power during this test, which was a bit fucked up...

"I'm here now, but I won't be willing to do it if I don't even give it a try!"

With this idea in mind, Tianpeng also embarked on the road of testing.

The pressure at the beginning is actually not too strong. As long as you can spend a little more time to let your body adapt to the pressure, then as an eighth-grade supreme powerhouse, you can still get through it.

But in the second ten miles, the pressure doubled again, which was a bit scary, and people with different physical strength were clearly distinguished.

As a fellow cultivator of physical and spiritual power, the Tenth Holy Son simply adapted to the pressure of the second ten miles and was able to move normally quickly. This was even faster than the Celestial Insects...

And behind him is the young man who is also a ninth-grade supreme being and is the number one confidant of the Tenth Holy Son... Although he does not have any powerful body-refining methods, as a ninth-grade supreme, his physical strength is still very impressive. Yes, at least he is qualified to continue to accept the test.

As for the remaining people at the back, including the younger disciples of the Tenth Holy Son, as well as Tianpeng and other strong men from the main lineage, they were all persuaded to retreat by their strength...

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