When entering the second ten miles, there was no one else except the Tenth Holy Son who could really continue to move forward.

Raising his head slightly, the Tenth Holy Son, who had always been elegant, was now sweating profusely. Especially when he looked at the back of the Celestial Insect that was far ahead of him, he couldn't help but feel an incredible feeling in his heart.

"Why is this person's body so powerful? How can he walk so calmly within the third ten miles..."

Well, actually, he just didn't see the embarrassment that Tian Chong was in at the beginning.

After mastering the rules, Tianchong also tempered and improved his body while moving forward, so he can now behave so calmly.

But even so, if you look carefully, you can find that the speed of the sky insect is always constant. Even if the body has adapted, it does not accelerate, and it just keeps moving forward.

At this time, except for the three people, everyone else had retreated a hundred miles away. Everyone looked at the three figures, wanting to know who would win in the end!

In this way, when the two Tenth Holy Sons finally arrived at the intersection of the second ten miles and the third ten miles, looking at the invisible boundary in front of them, they both hesitated at the same time.

According to the previous urine behavior, if I take this step, I will definitely bring them an unexpected surprise.

There is a high probability that the pressure will double again in the future, which will be a huge test for both of them.

"Aqing, can you continue?" The Tenth Holy Son looked at the right-hand man he valued most, and said with an ugly smile.

The young man known as Ah Qing nodded, but did not say anything, because speaking at this time had become a very difficult thing for him.


Although the Tenth Holy Son was in a sorry state, his eyes shone with a stunning light of confidence.

"Then let's continue!"

The next moment, he stepped out again.


A trace of blood emerged from his shoulder, and blood suddenly gushed out, then flowed down the legs of the Tenth Son to the edge of his feet, leaving dazzling bright red footprints on the white ice below.

Feeling that all the muscles in his body were being torn apart, the Tenth Holy Son staggered, and finally stood tremblingly.

"Have you reached your limit..." The Tenth Holy Son's heart has sunk to the bottom.

He knew very well that at this moment, his body was really on the verge of collapse, and he might be severely injured in the next moment.

Of course, as a ninth-grade supreme powerhouse, death is inevitable, but if the origin of the body is really injured, then all his future will become a dream.

But no matter how reluctant the Tenth Holy Son was, he was still much better than A Qing...

Because Ah Qing, who had also taken a step at this time, had collapsed, and he was stuck to the ground like a bloody man, almost losing half his life.

Seeing this, the Tenth Holy Son looked extremely ugly, and finally gritted his teeth, turned around and took Ah Qing back a step, then took out a blood-red pill and stuffed it into him without giving the latter any reaction. into his mouth.

After the elixir entered the body, all the wounds on Ah Qing's body, which was almost drained of blood, were healing rapidly, and even the blood on his body surface flowed back into the body...

In the blink of an eye, Ah Qing, who had just been dying, was out of danger. Although his breath was still a little weak, there was nothing serious.

"Holy Son, you..." Ah Qing's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He knew very well that the elixir just now was one of the last trump cards prepared by the Holy Son for himself. It was something that could save lives at the last moment. For the Tenth Holy Son at this time, it was also of great significance.

"Okay, stop talking so much!" The Tenth Holy Son raised his hand to stop him from continuing, and then said nonchalantly: "That elixir was originally intended to save lives, but now it's time to make the best use of it. ?"

"Okay, you can rest here for a while and then go out by yourself. I'm going to move on!"

As he said that, the Tenth Holy Son couldn't help but turn his eyes to the figure in front of him.

At this moment, Tianchong is less than 300 meters away from completing the third ten miles...

Without any time to hesitate, the Tenth Holy Son turned around and walked into the coercive range again.

In fact, after experiencing so much, both the Celestial Insect and the Tenth Holy Son have understood the truth of this test... It seems that every level of pressure is very terrifying, but the most dangerous thing is actually the first step. .

As long as you hold on in the first step, the remaining nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps will be a process for you to adapt to the pressure.

Only by truly improving in this process will you be qualified to accept the more powerful test at the next level. If not, then for the sake of your own life, give in as soon as possible.

The Tenth Holy Son walked forward step by step. He had already felt that his vision was blurred, and his body collapsed far faster than it could recover. In desperation, he could only take out a life-saving pill again. The elixir...

"There is only one of the Xuansheng Supreme Pills left. If I can't make a breakthrough in my Nether Phoenix Body Tempering Technique during this journey, there will definitely be no hope for the next journey."

But so what, is it possible to let him give up at this time?

Gritting his teeth, the Tenth Holy Son took a sip of the elixir, and then under the influence of the medicine, his entire injured body recovered quickly. The Tenth Holy Son took this opportunity to sit down cross-legged and began to quickly absorb the coldness around him. Spiritual energy can temper the body with cold air and quickly increase the strength of one's physical body.

Now he no longer cares about whether he can catch up with Tianchong. The most important thing now is whether he can enter the next stage.

In fact, what these people don't know is that Tianchong's journey is also extremely difficult now.

Although his body was not about to collapse like the Tenth Holy Son, cracks appeared on his body at this moment, like exploding porcelain.

Standing at the last step of the third ten miles, Tian Chong hesitated for a long time and did not make up his mind to take this last step.

In fact, in his current state, if he wants to continue, there is a 70% chance that he will not be able to hold on...

It was at this time that he suddenly saw the Tenth Holy Son behind him sitting on the spot practicing, which instantly reduced the pressure on him by more than half.

"Fortunately, that guy seems to be worse off than me. This way, it can give me some practice time..."

Tian Chong felt that he only needed to give himself a period of time, and with the help of this special cold energy, he was definitely not far away from pushing the Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique to the sixth turn.

In the following time, under the astonished eyes of everyone outside, two people one behind the other in the distance actually started practicing at the same time, which made the onlookers blind...

"Should we also practice cultivation? The concentration of spiritual energy here is quite high, and this cold spiritual energy is similar to the fifth-level flame spiritual energy. It is of great benefit to cultivators." Some people saw that this test was not a short one. There will be results within the time, he couldn't help but said.

His words were immediately approved by others, and then everyone found an open place and began to practice cross-legged.

For a moment, the entire sixth floor became quiet.

As time goes by, the days pass quickly.

Not to mention, this sixth floor is indeed a holy land for cultivation, or the entire tomb is a holy land for cultivation. In a few days, everyone felt that it was better than the usual months of cultivation.

As for the two people who are still under test...

It was seen that the injuries on the body of the Tenth Holy Son at the rear had completely disappeared, and the terrifying pressure was not so difficult to resist at this time.

"it's time!"

The Tenth Holy Son opened his eyes and felt that the pressure on his body seemed to be reduced by half. At this time, he felt that his whole body was full of strength.

Standing up and looking at the still motionless Celestial Insect in the distance, the Tenth Holy Son also breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to move forward step by step, evenly and quickly.

Just when he was less than a kilometer away from the Celestial Insect's position, suddenly, a terrifying spiritual energy suddenly burst out from the front.

I saw that the Celestial Insect at this time had been completely submerged in the dazzling golden light...

Within the golden light, Tian Chong felt that the six-winged golden cicada in his body was suddenly mobilized, and then quickly moved around his body.

During this process, the strength of the Celestial Insect's physical body increased rapidly at an extremely terrifying speed. Under the surface of his skin, a dark golden film formed rapidly, as if it was formed directly in the Celestial Insect's body. Like a layer of tough armor.

"Sixth turn...!!!"

Tianchong's eyes slowly opened, and two rays of golden light shot out a hundred feet away, and then slowly converged.

The sixth turn of Jin Chan's Reincarnation Technique is a huge turning point for Tian Chong.

Because this means that the Celestial Insect's physical defense alone is already comparable to a true holy object...

After clenching his fists and feeling the changes in his body, Tian Chong thought to himself: "The strength and physical strength that I have now are dozens of times what I was a few days ago!"

Only by practicing the Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique can the Celestial Insect undergo such earth-shaking changes in just one breakthrough. In this regard, even if someone is lucky enough to be able to refine the body with the essence and blood of a true dragon, it will definitely not be able to match it.

"The Endless Light Body of the Ancient Buddha Clan is said to have invincible defense. If my Golden Cicada's Reincarnation Technique can reach the level of Dacheng, I'm afraid it won't be weaker than the Endless Light Body... It's just that the former is a spiritual body, and the Golden Cicada The Reincarnation Technique is just the physical body."

Thinking of this, Tian Chong couldn't help but bring up a smile. He originally wanted to restrain himself and pretend to be a cold and arrogant genius, but in the end he failed because he was not a professional...

The most shocking thing among them is the Tenth Holy Son who is not far from Tianchong at this time.

The huge aura suddenly aroused around the Celestial Insect, and even wrinkles appeared in the surrounding space as it moved. This change directly frightened the Tenth Holy Son.

"No, this person actually made a breakthrough, and it seems that it is not a small breakthrough, but a big breakthrough? Or a physical breakthrough..." If any of this happens in front of his eyes, the Tenth Holy Son will be surprised, and all of this If they were all concentrated on one person, it would be a shock to him.

The Tenth Holy Son, who was originally happy that he was about to catch up with the opponent, was hit hard, and he instantly remembered the figure of the sky insect firmly in his heart.

After the breakthrough, Tianchong could no longer feel the pressure around him. What was originally a huge challenge for him suddenly became easier.

Turning his head and looking at the Tenth Holy Son who was approaching step by step, Tianchong gave the former a bright sunny smile, and then flew out like a sharp arrow...

"Fuck me!"

Even with the character of the Tenth Son, he lost his grace when he saw this scene and started swearing.

In everyone's astonished eyes, the Celestial Insect passed the test of the fourth stage at the fastest speed, then the fifth stage, the sixth stage...

The original distance of a hundred miles had already passed halfway in the blink of an eye, and the terrifying pressure that had been continuously increasing exponentially seemed to have completely lost its effect on the Celestial Insect at this time.

It was when they entered the seventh stage that the Celestial Insect slowed down and began to walk at a slow pace again in the ice and snow.

"This person, this person, this person..."

"Isn't it really scary?!"

Even the Tenth Holy Son, who had always maintained confidence in himself, was completely conquered by the demonic insurance of the Celestial Insect.

At this moment, in the heart of the Tenth Holy Son, how can he be considered a Holy Son... Not even just himself, even those other Holy Sons are included. Except for the two who have already broken through to the Supreme, everyone else is there. In terms of talent and strength, he is probably inferior to Tian Chong.

"I must make friends with such a person in a while!"

Regarding the Heavenly Chong's incredible performance, the Tenth Holy Son felt envy, admiration, and fighting spirit in his heart, but there was no jealousy...

From this, it can be seen that the character of this tenth holy son is definitely the best choice among the entire spirit insect race.

Tian Chong didn't know how big a blow his performance had to the group of people behind him. After taking a rest, Tian Chong had already stood up again and was ready to continue his journey.

After the Golden Chan Reincarnation Technique broke through to the sixth level, this test was actually not too difficult for him.

After all, it is just a corpse that has been around for who knows how many years. Even if it was extremely powerful during its lifetime, everything will disappear after death...

It is because of the special nature of this tomb that the corpse retains some special power over time.

Raising his head and looking at the ice peak that had reached the foot of the mountain and the huge corpse wrapped around the ice peak, Tian Chong already felt that success was right in front of him.

Just when he was about to continue going up, the entire ice peak suddenly started to tremble, and then he saw a dazzling spiritual light bursting out from the giant clover corpse, and then converging on the six heads of the ancient clover... …

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