Taking his Demon Killing Order in his hand, Tian Chong immediately felt the difference.

This thing is made entirely from pure spiritual power combined with some special weapon refining techniques, and it has its own soul aura, which cannot be used by others.

Thinking about it, this should also be a novelty developed by some powerful person when the Daqian Palace was established.

"If you kill the evil tribe outside the territory, you only need to break a strand of their demon soul and pour it into the Demon-Slaying Order, and you will get the corresponding Demon-Slaying Points. In addition, the Demon-Slaying Order is refined with your blood essence. Only Only you yourself can detect the demon-killing point, so even if others get it, it will be useless." said the old man in gray robe.

His statement also verified Tian Chong's guess, but Tian Chong still asked about the count of Demon Killing Points.

"According to the rules, killing an extraterrestrial strongman with the lowest level of supreme strength can get fifty demon-slaying points, one hundred points for the upper-level extraterritorial strongman with the highest level of supreme strength, and two hundred points for Dzogchen. A Demon Emperor has 3,000 points, a Demon Emperor of Immortal Grade and Supreme Strength has 5,000 points, and if you kill a Heavenly Demon Emperor, you will get 10,000 Demon Killing Points." The old man in gray introduced. .

"According to the rules of the Daqian Palace, as long as the Demon-Slaying Points reach 1,000 points, you can be upgraded from a low-level Demon-Slayer to an Intermediate-level; with 3,000 points, you can be promoted to a Senior Demon-Slayer, and the Senior Demon-Slayer is eligible to be selected by the Daqian Palace. Gong Poge bestows the title of Guest Minister, no matter what your strength is..."

"In addition, this Demon-Slaying Point can also be exchanged for many treasures in the Daqian Palace. As long as you have enough Demon-Slaying Points, you can even get peerless magical powers, the top twenty Supreme Dharma Bodies, etc.!"

"So, little guy, on the premise of ensuring your own life, try your best to hunt..."

Tian Chong played with the Demon-Slaying Order, then cupped his fists at the gray-robed old man and said, "Thank you, senior, for clearing up the confusion!"

After getting his Demon-Slaying Order, Tianchong made some inquiries in the place that looked like a tavern nearby, and found that there was no news about Muchen, Wen Qingxuan, and the others, so he guessed that he had arrived early.

But being unable to enter the Ancient Holy Abyss does not mean that there is nothing else that Skyworm can do in this Holy Abyss Continent.

It's like the place he is in, which is similar to a tavern in the Daqian Building, is actually the location where the Daqian Building releases various information. There are countless monitoring points in the Daqian Building on the Shengyuan Continent. As long as information about evil tribes from outside the territory is detected, they will immediately It will be displayed here, and then the group of demon slayers from Daqian Tower will immediately form a team to encircle and suppress them. Otherwise, if they just try their luck on their own, when will they be able to find traces of those demons?

"Would you like to upgrade your Demon Slayer level first..."

Tianchong didn't hesitate for a long time on this question and had the answer immediately.

Now that his cultivation has reached a bottleneck, he needs a life-and-death battle to stimulate his potential to break through, so this is his best choice.

Afterwards, Tianchong waited in the Daqian Tower for a day. Just when he was wondering why there were so few demons, he suddenly saw a line of text flashing on the spiritual light curtain on the wall.

"Magic Trail Tip: Desert Abyss; Quantity: One; Strength: Earth Supreme Perfection;"

Everyone who was drinking and talking was in an uproar when they saw this, but after seeing the strength prediction marked at the end, many people suddenly stopped.

These people present have all dealt with demons. They know that the combat effectiveness of these guys is much higher than predicted. Coupled with the suppression of their spiritual power by those weird demonic energies, the monks of the world who are in the same realm Five or six people may not be able to defeat one person!

"Damn it, why are the demons appearing now getting stronger and stronger? In the past, they were just some little shrimps who were compared to the lower level of the supreme realm. When they reach the sky, they are the upper level of the supreme realm. In this way, there is still the possibility of encirclement and killing. Now Suddenly a person whose strength is predicted to be Great Perfection appears, and our entire team is probably not enough to kill that demon!"

Several people who were drinking here said angrily.

"Isn't it time to open the ancient holy abyss again? When has it not been like this?" A serious man not far away who was carrying a thick black sword said in a deep voice. "Not to mention just the ordinary Dzogchen Demon King, I'm afraid those demon leaders will also appear next. That kind of combat power cannot be speculated based on the realm, so everyone should be careful when the time comes, don't lose your life in vain !”

As soon as the man finished speaking, the audience fell silent.

No one else, because the person who spoke was a genuine high-level Demon Slayer, and even he said he was dangerous, so wouldn't these other low-level or intermediate Demon Slayers be looking for death?

Moreover, based on past experience, every time the ancient holy abyss is opened, it is indeed the most dangerous time. Even high-level demon slayers may die in battle, and others must be more careful.

Tian Chong has been watching everyone's reactions silently. Although he is not sure what the combat power of the demons in the Dzogchen realm is, he wants to see it in his heart...

Of course, this is not reckless and brainless. Firstly, he has the existence of the Death Emperor by his side. Secondly, his enhanced version of the Demon Suppressing Stone also has great restraint against the demon kings of these evil races outside the territory, so he is still 90% sure. .

"Desert abyss..."

He also bought a spiritual map of the Holy Abyss Continent before, which recorded the entire Holy Abyss Continent in detail, so it was not difficult to find this location.

Thinking of this, Tian Chong took the Death Emperor and left the Daqian Tower silently.

His movements did not attract the attention of others, but just as the two of them walked out of the door of Daqianlou, the old man in gray clothes who had been dozing on the counter suddenly glanced at his back.

"This little guy is quite ambitious. I hope you can succeed..."

As for the details of Tianchong, the old man in gray had already seen clearly the first time he saw him, including the strength of the Death Emperor, the extremely terrifying physical strength of Tianchong, and even the thickness of his spiritual power. etc.

From all aspects, this little guy is a talented monk who can be ranked among the top in the world, and only such a person can grow into a true master of the world in the future only after experiencing the true tempering of blood and fire. pillar!

Tianchong didn't know that the strong man from Daqianlou would be so optimistic about him. At this moment, he and the Death Emperor spent more than an hour arriving in the vast sea sand area where Desert Abyss is located.

The so-called desert abyss is actually a huge underground chasm in the vast sandy sea. It is said that it was also the place where the most powerful people fought against the evil races from outside the territory during the great war.

Although it has been purified for countless years, the abyss is still filled with a lot of demonic energy. Over the years, the demonic energy and spiritual power have been intertwined, forming a strange energy that can invade the monks' bodies and merge into them. The monk's own spiritual power will then continue to erode and spread. Over time, it will directly cause the monk's spiritual power to change. In the least case, he will become possessed, and in the worst case, he will die suddenly!

Therefore, many people who come to explore and hunt for treasures will not stay there for too long. They must leave within three days at most. And after leaving, they must immediately find ways to eliminate the invading weird energy. They cannot come back within a year. Second-rate……

After reaching the sky above the sandy area, Tianchong looked down. There, there was a huge black crack, which was so conspicuous among the rolling yellow sand.

It was like an ancient troll opened its ferocious mouth, ready to devour any creature that dared to come close.

Even just at the entrance, Tianchong can already feel the suppression of his own spiritual power. Obviously, the real situation in this abyss may be more terrifying than the rumors.

"Be careful when you go down, don't get attacked..." Tian Chong turned to the Death Emperor and warned him.

The expression on the dead emperor's cold and pretty face did not change at all, and he just nodded lightly.

While speaking, two streams of light all entered the crack in the ground.

Stepping into this underground world for the first time, Tianchong immediately saw dozens of underground blood wolves coming to kill them. However, this did not surprise the two of them too much. The special environment of this desert abyss also made life here. Many special mutated beasts, like these blood wolves, are as powerful as ninth-grade supreme spirit beasts, but when faced with the two Heavenly Insects, they can naturally be easily destroyed.

Tian Chong just opened his mouth and blew a breath, then swung his sword light around and killed dozens of blood wolves.

After Jade Phoenix Sword Butterfly was promoted to Holy Butterfly Emperor, Tian Chong's sword energy level has also been greatly improved. Nowadays, even those Earth Supremes who specialize in sword training may not have such powerful sword skills as him.

After killing these blood wolves, the two of them continued to move deeper into the abyss without any pause.

Now it's just the outskirts of the desert abyss. Because it has been raided by countless people, there is nothing valuable in these places.

The reason why this desert abyss is so dangerous and so many people come to explore it is precisely because it is actually a huge treasure house.

Let’s not talk about the various inheritances or sacred objects left by the many powerful people in the world who have fallen here. There are various special creatures, ores, crystals, etc. that are endemic to this abyss, as well as some special elixirs. , these are very popular treasures in the outside world, and their prices are high enough to make countless people willing to take risks for them.

For example, this alien pangolin that was just poisoned by the Death Emperor is a very valuable alienated beast. Not only is its scales extremely hard and comparable to a quasi-sacred object, it can even be made into one after being refined. This special body refining elixir can be said to be expensive.

It's a pity that the one in front of him has been corroded by the terrifying poison of the Death Emperor, so even if the Celestial Insect wants to collect materials, it can't be done. This makes the latter suddenly feel that he has lost hundreds of millions...

"Next time you encounter such a small character, you don't have to take action. Just let me do it. It won't pose any danger to me anyway..." Tianchong discussed with the spider woman with a gentle smile on his face.

Nodding casually, the Death Emperor's attention was still focused on the dim environment in the surrounding abyss, and he didn't know if he heard what the Tianchong said.

Seeing this, Tian Chong was helpless.

However, in the following process, the Death Emperor rarely took action, and many of the alien beasts that attacked sneakily were dealt with by the Celestial Insect himself, which actually allowed the Celestial Insect to gain some good things.

"Even if we can't find any trace of the evil tribe outside the territory this time, it's not a bad idea to come to the Desert Abyss this time..."

Putting away a piece of magic crystal again, Tianchong said to himself with a smile.

But before he could finish his words, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the darkness, rushing towards the Celestial Insect at an incredible speed.


The Death Emperor immediately issued a warning when he noticed the danger, but it was too late to stop him.

Seeing that the black shadow's earth-shattering blow was about to fall on Tian Chong, who was still unaware, the latter raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth at the last moment...


A dark golden palm stretched out slightly, blocking the black shadow's decisive punch.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time. I thought you would be patient for a while. It seems that I think highly of you..."

In fact, as early as half an hour ago, Tianchong had already sensed that something was secretly following him around him. He was not sure whether the hidden person was a human or an alienated beast, so he did not show it in order not to alert the snake.

Tianchong has given the opponent several opportunities along the way, but the opponent has always stood still, making Tianchong think that his acting skills were too poor and someone found out...

"Huh? It's an evil tribe from outside the territory!" The moment it came into contact with the opponent's fist, the pupils of the Celestial Insect shrank sharply.

That kind of extremely uncomfortable or even disgusting aura, who else could it be besides the evil tribe from outside the territory? !

But after taking a closer look at the black figure, he discovered that the other person looked like a middle-aged man with a pale face. More importantly, Tianchong did not feel any breath of life on the other person, especially those whitened hands. Hitomi doesn't look like a living person.

"A corpse that was corrupted and transformed by demonic energy?"

Celestial insects have encountered this kind of situation quite a lot, so they immediately made such a guess.

But this is not strange. After all, many powerful people die in this abyss every year. In this special environment, it is normal for such alienated demon corpses to appear.

"In that case, let me help you get rid of it..."

Grabbing the opponent's fist, a fierce golden light rose up all over Tianchong, and then he punched the demon corpse's head with a simple punch...

As if feeling the danger of Tian Chong's punch, the demonic corpse began to struggle violently, but Tian Chong's palm was like an iron clamp to tightly clamp the opponent's arm, and then hit the opponent firmly with a punch. On that pale head.


Without any surprise, the demon corpse’s head couldn’t withstand the full force punch of the Heavenly Insect, which had reached the seventh level of the Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique, and exploded…

And as the head was broken, the demonic energy that originally controlled the corpse spread into the air again, and then, pulled by an inexplicable force, suddenly gathered in one direction!

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