The demonic energy gathered quickly, and then a figure formed somewhere.

And that figure is obviously different from the previous demon corpse. It is a real evil demon from outside the territory!

The man stretched out his pale palm, and there seemed to be evil demon patterns emerging from his palm. The next moment, billowing corpse aura roared out like wolf smoke.

"Zombie Demon Qi!"

Tian Chong felt an evil and sinister voice ringing in his ears, and then he didn't have time to think too much, watching the billowing corpse energy sweeping toward him...


Violent spiritual power fluctuations broke out, but the Death Emperor who was guarding the Celestial Insect raised his hand at the critical moment and blasted out a stream of poisonous spiritual power.

The poisonous spiritual power roared out and collided with the billowing smoke-like corpse demon energy, and a harsh sound suddenly erupted. What neither the Heavenly Insect nor the Death Emperor expected was that under the erosion of the corpse energy, the Death Emperor The terrifying poisonous spiritual power that was enough to dissolve the Earth Supreme could not withstand the corpse demon energy, and was resolved one by one by the latter.

boom! boom!

Streams of corpse demon wolf smoke continuously shot out, neutralizing all the Death Emperor's attacks. For a moment, the Death Emperor was actually at a slight disadvantage.

"Zombie Demon Qi...could the other party be from the Corpse Demon Clan?"

In the original work, this zombie demon clan is one of the thirty-two major clans of evil tribes outside the territory, and it is also ranked relatively high. It has a powerful demon emperor sitting at its command. Its unique corpse demon aura is extremely terrifying and can easily erode and restrain spiritual power. .

You know, under the full strength of the Death Emperor, every attack is enough to kill a Dzogchen, but it is easily blocked by the opponent. The main factor is the opponent's terrifying corpse demon energy.

But Tianchong is not worried that the Death Emperor will be in danger. After all, judging from this fight, the real combat power of the corpse demon clan is not as good as the Death Emperor. As long as he can adapt to the opponent's weird zombie devil energy, then the Death Emperor That's enough to take care of this guy.

The reason why Tianchong did not rush to attack the opponent with the Death Emperor was not because of the rules. After all, everyone knows that as a "reputable person", there is no need to talk about the rules of the world when encountering a demon. They just go up side by side. Got it!

Now that he has recognized that the other party is the Corpse Demon Clan, Celestial Chong will naturally not forget the Corpse Demon Clan's most powerful and iconic ability - the control of corpses!

Thinking about it, the demon corpse was a corpse controlled by the zombie demon clan before... But Tianchong didn't think that a corpse demon clan demon king comparable to Dzogchen would dare to come to the Holy Spirit just by controlling such a rubbish demon corpse. Yuan Continent is seeking death...

Sure enough, just when the Death Emperor showed signs of turning around and was about to suppress the Corpse Demon King, another figure suddenly appeared at an incredible speed. His withered palms penetrated the space and clawed directly at the Death Emperor's throat. go.

Under that grasp, the space exploded, and countless space fragments gathered under its claws, with extremely terrifying power.

However, the Death Emperor was already wary of the corpse's sneak attack, so when the space shattered, his eight legs jumped, and his body turned into a series of afterimages and shot away.

At the same time, Tianchong rushed out in the opposite direction, and the dark golden spiritual power on a pair of iron fists quickly condensed, and finally turned into a dazzling golden glove covering the fist surface, and hit the withered palm with a heavy punch. On the palm of your hand.


The two collided head-on, and a loud sound suddenly resounded. The demon corpse that sneaked up on the attack was stunned and was directly repelled by the powerful power of the sky insect. However, Tianchong didn't take much advantage. Even the spiritual glove on his hand had cracks spreading out, and it looked like it would break at any time.

Seeing this, Tian Chong's eyes couldn't help but condense: "Sure enough, this should be the opponent's trump card. Its power is so strong that even those monks at the Half-Step Heavenly Supreme level cannot compare!"

Little did they know that when Tian Chong was surprised by the difficulty of the Corpse Demon Clan, the Corpse Demon King on the opposite side was becoming more and more frightened in the fight with the Death Emperor, and in the end he even had a hint of fear...

"What kind of monster is this and why is it so strong?"

"There is also a great person who is not simple. He is only half-step to the Great Consummation. He can actually compete with the demon corpse that I have carefully refined. How is this possible!"

If the whole world is full of such terrifying guys, then how dare the demon emperors of their holy tribe dare to let their elites come to the Holy Abyss Continent to provoke...

"This person's identity is by no means simple. He may even be a descendant carefully cultivated by a certain super force in the world..."

When I thought of this, the fear that had just appeared in my heart was instantly replaced by excitement.

"A genius...I just like geniuses. It would be a good idea to capture such people and make them into demon corpses."

Thinking of this, a flash of excited blood flashed in the dark eyes of the Corpse Demon King.


After feeling the master's excitement, the demon corpse let out a long roar, and a shocking demonic energy burst out from its skeletal body, raging across the world and making the entire abyss buzz. Tremble.

Faced with such demonic power, even the Death Emperor fighting in the distance couldn't help but look sideways, and as a Celestial Insect facing the monster directly, he didn't dare to be careless.

call out!

The demonic corpse turned directly into a ray of demonic light and rushed towards the heavenly insect again.

When Tianchong saw this, he snorted coldly, knowing that the other party regarded him as a soft persimmon and was going to deal with him first...

As soon as he thought, he saw a terrifying destructive spiritual power rising into the sky, and the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed. The ocean of spiritual power behind the sky insect rolled violently, and an invisible black-armored demonic dragon poked out from it, which made people feel uncomfortable. What’s incredible is that under the dragon’s body there are actually huge claws that are densely packed like blades. When the giant claws are swung, bursts of spatial cracks are caused...

The next moment, the terrifying demon dragon opened its mouth, and the huge dragon breath of destruction roared directly towards the charging demon corpse with a wave that destroyed the world.


The demonic corpse kept roaring, but it still did not flinch. Facing the demonic dragon's breath, it opened its dry mouth and saw a huge demonic smoke roaring out, colliding with the dragon's breath with unparalleled ferocity. .


At the moment of the impact, the world trembled violently, and an indescribable storm raged. Many alienated beasts in the depths of the abyss were implicated and were thrown away, and some were even violently killed directly in the storm. The fluctuations were squeezed into a piece of meat.

The storm lasted for a quarter of an hour, and was finally torn apart from the inside. Then the celestial insect surrounded by the demon dragon and the demon corpse with surging demon energy appeared at the same time, but at this time, both of them retreated thousands of meters from their original positions. distance.

Obviously, this time the battle between the two ended in a deadlock again, which surprised both the Death King and the Corpse Demon King who were fighting in the distance.

Neither of them expected that the fighting power of the Heavenly Insect would be so strong. When they saw the demon corpse erupting, the Death King originally wanted to rescue him, but was blocked by the zombie demon king for a moment.

However, seeing that the sky insect was fine, the Death Emperor suddenly no longer had any scruples. The dark green poisonous spiritual power around him turned into a thick mist and spread to the surroundings. In the vigilant eyes of the Corpse Demon King, a huge creature slowly emerged from the poisonous mist. Slowly appearing, it turned out to be a large dark green spider with a size of 100 feet and a body covered with spikes...

This is the true form of the Death Spider Emperor, and it is also her strongest form.


There was a piercing scream, and the violent poisonous mist was spat out from the mouth of the Death Spider King, and it enveloped the corpse demon king in an instant.

"Poison? Do you want to use poison to deal with our saints?" The Corpse Demon King was obviously very disdainful of the Death Spider King's actions.

The thing he is least afraid of with his zombie demonic energy is this so-called poison...

"Zombie Demon Qi!"

He released a large amount of corpse demon energy again, and quickly blocked the poisonous mist from his body.

But the Corpse Demon King was not happy for long, because he found that the poison of the other party was eroding his own demonic energy bit by bit...

Although his corpse demon energy still resisted tenaciously during the erosion process, this dark green poisonous mist was obviously extraordinary and could actually suppress him with its numerical advantage.

And just when he was about to escape first, in the poisonous mist and demonic energy, a transparent invisible net suddenly fell from the sky, and directly tied up the corpse demon king tightly. Every time he Any struggle would make the big net shrink even tighter. In just a few breaths, the Corpse Demon King was already lying there upright, unable to move even a finger.

"Damn, what the hell is this?!"

The Corpse Demon King was frightened and angry inside. At this moment, he was restrained and could not even use his own escape technique to escape. It could be said that he still had most of the methods he had left unused...

"This damn big spider has no martial ethics!"

The Death Emperor doesn't care what a prey she captures thinks. Originally, according to her habit, the prey bound by her death spider silk only needs to inject venom into the opponent's body, and then it will definitely die.

However, she thought that the opponent was a member of the evil tribe outside the territory, and the demonic energy in her body should not be underestimated. In order to prevent accidents, she only temporarily trapped the opponent, and then slowly eroded the opponent with poisonous mist, and waited for the rest to end on another battlefield. Let’s talk later.

Time returned to a quarter of an hour ago. After Tianchong stabilized his steps, he was very pleasantly surprised by the terrifying performance of the demon dragon behind him.

"Is this the power of the ancient demon dragon centipede? I really love it. I really have to thank Mr. Long this time..."

Yes, the terrifying demon dragon just now was the image of the extinct ancient demon dragon centipede. After being trained by Lord Long, his ancient celestial dragon centipede finally evolved successfully, and even came from behind to be promoted to a higher position. With the supreme realm and the fused bloodline of the ancient demon dragon centipede, its combat power was greatly improved in an instant, and it was even enough to compete with Jin Chan.

In this regard, in Long Ye's words, the dragon centipede at this time has only obtained the form of the ancient demon dragon centipede, and is far from reaching the level of the real ancient demon dragon centipede.

But there is nothing we can do about it. After all, the real ancient dragon centipede family has been completely extinct. Strictly speaking, the ancient dragon centipede and the ancient dragon centipede have no relationship at all, let alone blood inheritance...

If the ancient dragon centipede had not awakened the pure dragon bloodline, allowing him to obtain the ancient genes of the dragon clan, and the ancient dragon centipede was of the same lineage as the dragon clan, I am afraid that the ancient dragon centipede of the sky insect would have simply failed to evolve into the ancient dragon centipede. The impossible.

You know, Lord Long has lived in the Spirit Zerg tribe for tens of thousands of years, and there were many dragon centipedes that he was originally optimistic about, but only this one succeeded.

At the same time, Tianchong also discovered the berserk Death Emperor on the other side. Based on the fear of the Corpse Demon King in his heart, Tianchong saw that the Death Emperor was forced to open the gun directly, and he did not dare to continue. He was so lazy that he immediately used his most powerful secret technique!

"Insect entanglement!"


Violent spiritual power surged out from behind the sky insect, and soon a huge sea of ​​spiritual power appeared.

The next moment, a pitch-black ancient demonic dragon centipede roared into the space, and the deathly destructive spiritual power began to wreak havoc in the space.

At the same time, the golden Holy Butterfly Emperor and the icy blue Ice Spirit Butterfly Emperor slowly flapped their wings in the sky, and golden flames accompanied by infinite sword energy mixed with the ice and snow in the sky and sprinkled into the ocean of spiritual power.

When the snowflakes and flaming sword energy fell below the sea level, suddenly, the originally quiet ocean of spiritual power suddenly started churning, and along with the violent waves, a fiery red figure came from below the sea level.

The Earth Flame Scorpion King, covered in red lava, came from the depths of the sea. The moment he broke out of the spiritual ocean, a huge pillar of fire rose into the sky, stirring the entire space and making it scorching.

Except for the natal spiritual insect Jin Chan, this is the first time that Tian Chong has integrated all the spiritual insects from the four-headed insect emperor realm into himself.

When the ocean of spiritual power returned to the Celestial Insect's body, he already felt as if his entire body was about to be torn apart by the terrifying spiritual power.

At this moment, Tianchong felt that he was full of infinite power. When he raised his hand, a long sword of destruction composed of ice and fire appeared in his hand.

This sword is filled with powerful ice and fire spiritual power, coupled with the terrifying destructive power of the ancient demon dragon centipede and the powerful sword energy of the Holy Butterfly Emperor, the power of this sword at this moment is definitely no less than a high-level holy object!

With the combination of the four most powerful forces in the world, Tian Chong's eyes flashed with excitement. After a sword light flashed under his feet, he had already arrived at the side of the demon corpse, and then struck down with a sword!

The corpse demon king who was tied up with spider silk in the distance was very anxious when he saw this, but he had no choice but to activate all the abilities of the demon corpse, hoping to block the sword.

But the Sky Insect fused with the four-headed Insect Emperor was no longer the same, and its terrifying aura even made the Death Emperor feel the slightest fear.

One sword!

The roaring demonic corpse exploded with all its demonic energy, but was still split in half by the terrifying sword light...

The power of destruction was accompanied by the intertwining of ice and fire, and the split demonic corpse was quickly consumed into nothingness and disappeared.

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