The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 267 The Spirit of the Continent

The final depth of the Endless Fire Domain is also the starting point of the entire continent, the center of the Fentian Mountains.

Where the volcanoes are connected, an extremely majestic city stands impressively, like a lotus, with a strange beauty.

At this time, in a completely isolated space in the city, there were flowers and green trees. It was completely opposite to the red world outside. Infinite vitality spread here.

In a flower hall by the lake, three figures, one man and two women, were sitting in the flower hall, admiring the surrounding spring scenery of the lake.

"The news just came from Youquan, saying that the boy Tianchong is here to find your husband. I will go and have a look later." Xiao Yan, dressed in black, said with a chuckle to the two wives beside him.

"Oh, is this the young man Xiao'er is interested in? Then I'm going to see what kind of young talent both your father and daughter are interested in." The person who spoke was wearing a light green dress and had a beautiful face. , with a light temperament, like a woman who was banished to an immortal, she is naturally one of the mistresses of the Endless Fire Territory, Gu Xun'er.

"In that case, let's all go and have a look. I'm also very curious about what kind of person this girl Xiao Xiao can fall in love with..."

On the side, there is a woman with a slender body, a colorful skirt that outlines breathtaking curves. She is extremely enchanting. Her face is also extremely charming, her eyes are full of charm, and her voice is also full of charm. , can be called a peerless beauty.

This woman in the colorful skirt is naturally the other mistress of the Endless Fire Territory and the Cai Lin of Xiao Xiao's biological mother.

Xiao Yan immediately smiled bitterly and shook his head when he heard this, and said: "Don't make trouble. Now the matter is just a matter of words. Wouldn't it scare that kid if you meet so rashly..."

Seeing Cai Die, the queen, raising her eyebrows and preparing to say something else, Xiao Yan quickly comforted him: "And this little guy came here to ask me about my cultivation. It seems that he is about to make a breakthrough. Here, At this time, it’s better not to distract him too much.”

After hearing this, the two women also pondered for a while, and finally Gu Xun'er, who was more gentle, said: "In that case, sister Cailin and I will disappear for now. Brother Xiao Yan, you can go alone."

Seeing this, Cai Lin no longer insisted.

At the same time, Tianchong, Xiao Yi and others followed Youquan out of the space passage. They couldn't help but admire the city in front of them in the mountains.

"It's really a majestic city!"

Xiao Yi smiled slightly when he heard this and said: "The people living in Fentian City are all people who are closely related to my Xiao family. In addition to the main city in the center, there are star cities guarding the surroundings. There are many strong people and countless Guarded by a large array, even if the Supreme Saint of Heaven comes, he will not be able to break in without his consent!"

Tian Chong nodded silently, because he could sense the terrifying auras surrounding them that were paying attention to them at the moment. There were no fewer than dozens of them, and many of them were even closer to the Heavenly Supreme Being than he was now.

"Let's go, the teacher is already waiting for you." Youquan said nothing and took Tianchong directly in one direction.

With Youquan's leadership, the Celestial Insects naturally flowed unimpeded in Fentian City, and they soon met the Flame Emperor.

At this moment, Xiao Yan was dressed in black, standing with his hands behind his back, looking free and easy, looking at Tian Chong with a gentle smile on his face.

"You are very good. I originally thought how long it would take you to reach this point. I didn't expect your talent to be so powerful, far beyond my expectations."

Hearing this, Tianchong quickly raised his hands and saluted, saying: "Senior, you are so complimentary. If it weren't for your care back then, I wouldn't have been able to reach this point so smoothly."

"Haha, don't be humble anymore. I heard Youquan say before that you came here this time to ask me about the Heavenly Supreme Being?"

Speaking of business, Tianchong immediately became solemn and said in a deep voice: "Yes. Now I can only initially touch the realm of the unity of heaven and man, but if I want to truly master this world, I need to be more in tune with the world. , but now I am completely confused about this, I can’t see it, I can’t touch it..."

"When I was in the Ancient Holy Abyss, I was lucky enough to get the approval of Ancestor Qingtian and inherit it. At that time, the ancestor said that if I couldn't find the way, I could look for the person who gave me the fire to find a solution, so The juniors are here.”

"You are lucky enough to have inherited the inheritance from ancestor Qingtian. I have heard of this senior. The magical power he created, 'Heaven and Earth in the Palm', has reached a high level of thirty-six peerless magical powers. You If you can obtain his inheritance, it will be easier to gain a foothold in the world in the future."

Xiao Yan still knows a lot about the things in the ancient holy abyss, but the inheritance of the Four Saint Ancestors is not so easy to obtain. No one has succeeded in the tens of thousands of years before, so things like the Endless Fire Domain The top superpowers don't care much about it.

But no one expected that in everyone's eyes, it was just an ordinary opening of the ancient holy abyss, but three peerless magical powers were born. After this incident spread, many people regretted it.

"As for what you said about breaking through to the Heavenly Supreme, I did have a plan for a long time. Since you have cultivated to this point now, it is time for you to try to break through..."

"Calm down, I'll take you to a place..."

As he spoke, a mysterious power suddenly rose up around Xiao Yan, and then he pointed on the forehead of Tian Chong.

When Xiao Yan's fingertips landed on the center of Tian Chong's eyebrows, Tian Chong felt countless light points pouring in from the sky and the earth, finally covering him completely, and as his eyes closed, it seemed as if There is a consciousness that rises into the sky and rushes into the endless void with the support of countless mysterious light points.

I don't know how long it took, but Tian Chong suddenly felt something. When he opened his eyes, he seemed to have entered a state of chaos. It was like when the world first opened, with no top and no bottom. Even time became incomparable here. of slowness.

"This is……"

Tianchong was a little confused, not knowing what state he was in at the moment and where he was.

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded in Tianchong's ears.

"This is the core of the continent where the Endless Fire Domain is located, and it is also the chaotic space where the spirit of the continent can only exist in the super continent!"

Tian Chong was shocked, and then quickly looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a figure completely condensed by flames slowly emerge, and finally turned into the appearance of Yan Emperor Xiao Yan.


He actually came to the chaotic space of the continent where the Endless Fire Domain is located. This is the core secret of a continent. Only those who truly control this continent can truly master the ability to enter this place.

The most important thing is that the spirit of this continent has the same ability as the Yuan Fei of those planes. It can help the monks understand and control this world...

Xiao Yan would actually bring himself to such a place. It seemed that he really treated himself as a son-in-law.

Thinking of this, Tian Chong was still a little touched...

"Why, are you so moved?" Xiao Yan said with a slight smile. "Don't be too happy yet. Although I can bring you into this place, whether you can gain the recognition of the spirit of this continent still depends on you."

Taking a deep breath, Tian Chong looked at Xiao Yan firmly and said, "Senior, don't worry, I will definitely not let you down!"

"Haha, since you are so confident, then I will wait for your good news..."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Yan's figure turned into a gorgeous flame again, and then slowly disappeared from the place.

Seeing this, Tianchong began to look at the chaotic world, and his consciousness slowly spread, spreading bit by bit, sensing the spirit of the continent hidden in the chaos.

There was no response at first to his induction. After thinking about it, Tian Chong remembered what Patriarch Qingtian said before, that his chance would fall on the Emperor Flame Fire Seed, and the Emperor Flame was Xiao Yan's. Origin flame, then will the hidden spirit of the continent be connected with his own imperial flame fire?

With this thought in mind, Tian Chong began to mobilize the Emperor Flame fire within his body, and slowly sensed the surrounding space with the Emperor Flame's breath. As the aura of Emperor Yan around him became stronger and stronger, he finally felt that a strange wave suddenly came from the chaos.

The consciousness of Tianchong quickly followed, and then he saw a violent crimson light surging in the chaos. The light bloomed, like a sea of ​​red flames that rippled in the chaos.

The flames in the light of chaos seemed to contain endless vitality. The vast vitality shocked the hearts of the Celestial Insects. The power, incomparably pure and ancient, seemed to come with the formation of this continent. Birth...

Tian Chong stared at the chaotic light that was like a sea of ​​red flames. He could sense that there was a vast and vast fluctuation in the sea of ​​fire. Obviously, that should be the spirit of the continent in this endless fire domain.


As the Celestial Insect stared, the sea of ​​red flames suddenly surged into huge waves, as if there was a huge sound of water. In the center of the sea of ​​​​fire, a huge whirlpool was formed, followed by a terrifying golden flame dragon slowly exploring Get ahead...

The huge dragon eye turned and soon landed on the sky insect.

At the moment he was targeted, Tianchong felt as if he was being targeted by an ancient demon. His whole body and even his soul were completely imprisoned. Huge fear enveloped his whole body, making his consciousness almost collapse. …

At this critical moment, a gorgeous flaming lotus rose slowly from the depths of Celestial Chong's consciousness, and then dropped down rays of light to cover Celestial Chong's whole body.

For a moment, Tianchong, who originally thought he was going to die here, finally breathed a sigh of relief. At that moment, he really felt that he was going to die...

"What on earth is this Golden Flame Divine Dragon? It is definitely not the continental spirit of the Endless Fire Domain!"

Although the spirit of the continent is the most important and core existence of a super continent, it will never be born with such intelligence, otherwise this continent may become a Jedi. The terror of the Golden Flame Divine Dragon on the opposite side was far greater than that of the real Heavenly Sovereigns, so the Heavenly Chong could not even figure out what kind of existence it was.

For a long time, a bright light flashed in Tianchong's mind, and he suddenly had a guess.

"Could it be that the golden flame dragon in front of me is the spirit of the sky-burning spiritual fire, the legendary number one divine fire in the world?"

This is very possible, after all, the entire Endless Fire Domain was formed by the continuous eruptions of the Burning Sky Mountain Range, and the reason why the Burning Sky Mountain Range has been able to last for hundreds of millions of years is because of the existence of the Burning Sky Spiritual Fire.

"Hell, if that's the case, then this Heaven-burning Spiritual Fire is even more terrifying than the Supreme Saint. With it guarding here, I'm looking for a ghost of the continent's spirit!"

Just when Tian Chong was depressed, he saw the golden flame dragon opposite him seeing the flaming lotus above his head. A humanistic look of thought flashed through his eyes. A moment later, in Tian Chong's surprised eyes In the middle, the golden flame dragon slowly opened its mouth, and then a huge ball of chaotic light about a thousand feet slowly rose from it.

The chaotic light ball was like a heart, beating slightly, and with every beat of it, the entire continent trembled.

When it breathes, there are winds and clouds gathering, volcanoes rising, tides rising and falling, the sun rising and the moon setting...

"Is this the continental spirit of the Endless Fire Realm?"

Looking at the chaotic light ball, although the Celestial Insect did not feel the slightest consciousness from it, it could feel a spiritual energy.

Taking a deep breath, Tian Chong suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Although he found the spirit of the continent, Tianchong knew that if he could not get the other party's approval, then everything would be successful.

Tianchong remembers that Muchen in the original work swore to bear the safety of the entire White Dragon Continent, and only then was he recognized by the plane spirits of the White Dragon Continent and obtained their help.

But this method is of no use to me. After all, the current Endless Fire Territory is guarded by Emperor Yan. It can be said to be impregnable. There is no existence that can threaten it. So, is the other party willing to pay attention to a little shrimp like Tianchong? Maybe.

"Oh, I still have to rely on my father-in-law's face..."

Afterwards, Tianchong immediately used all his strength to destroy his Emperor Flame Fire Seed, continuously releasing the Emperor Flame's aura.

"If this continues, even if it cannot be recognized by the spirit of the continent this time, I am afraid that we can take this opportunity to completely generate the Emperor's Flame and become a real Emperor's Flame, which will also be the second Emperor's Flame in the entire world. !”

Thinking of this, Tian Chong was suddenly filled with energy.

Finally, I don’t know how long it took, the spirit of the continent finally burst out into the light of vast chaos. There seemed to be a fairy sound in the chaos, and the boundless red territory loomed inside the chaos, as well as the people living in this territory. The shadow of billions of creatures.

When Tian Chong saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel violent emotions in his heart, and uncontrollable joy surged into his heart. He knew that this was the spirit of the continent responding to him.

At this moment, Tian Chong suddenly felt blessed. With a thought, the physical body that had stayed in the outside world with Xiao Yan disappeared out of thin air. In the next moment, it had already appeared in the chaos.

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