The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 268 Breaking the Sky Barrier

When the consciousness returned to the body, Tianchong looked at the huge chaotic light ball in front of him. With a movement of his body, he had penetrated the thick chaotic light curtain and landed on the chaotic light ball without any hindrance.

Feeling the mysterious power under his feet, Tian Chong became slightly addicted.

He quickly sat down cross-legged, his eyes slightly closed, and his body sank into the chaotic light ball little by little.

In this chaos, time has no meaning, so no matter how long the sky insects stay here, it may only be a short time to the outside world.

The moment the body was submerged into the chaotic light ball, the Celestial Insect's body shook slightly.

The next moment, Tianchong felt like he was in a sea of ​​chaos. The vast and vast power of chaos continued to pour in from all directions, and finally turned into a sky-reaching chaotic aura and slowly poured into his body from his Tianling Cap.


These chaotic auras are the primitive power born when this continent was formed. They are vast and vast. In terms of grade, they are much more advanced than all the spiritual powers in the world, and can be regarded as the top level. The ancient power can even completely suppress the evil spirits of evil tribes outside the territory...

It's a pity that this kind of power is too rare. It can only be born when a large continent is formed, or it may be born when a plane is formed.

Therefore, there are really too few people who can get it. Even the Celestial Insects. If it weren't for Xiao Yan's generosity, I'm afraid they would have had such an opportunity only by snatching Mu Chen's chance.

Most of the powerful people who want to break through to the Heavenly Supreme can only rely on hundreds or even thousands of years of accumulation to cross this threshold, just like the previous leader of the Spirit Insect Tribe.

Feeling the influx of such vast power, Tian Chong had no extra thoughts, and immediately started to use his skills to absorb, or it could be said to devour these powers and turn them into his own use. In the process, the flesh and blood in his body trembled, like Like opening countless greedy mouths, he continued to increase his swallowing speed.

However, in just a few tens of breaths, Tianchong felt as if he had swallowed billions of supreme spiritual fluids. This terrifying speed also shocked his heart. He did not expect that this primitive power of chaos could be so precise. Pure and infinite, it is indeed a powerful spiritual creature born from heaven and earth.

In this chaotic space, time slowed down, and the Celestial Insect was not in a hurry. He just allowed the light of chaos to pour in continuously, and the spiritual power in his body was also increasing at an astonishing speed.

In this way, the Celestial Insect's physical body sat quietly in the chaos as if tens or hundreds of years had passed. Its body was as motionless as a rock, and even its breathing gradually became weak and non-existent.

In this lifeless environment.

In the whole chaos, only the chaotic spiritual light is still pouring into the Tianchong Tianling Cap.

This state lasted until a certain moment, and finally there was a change.

One day, Tianchong's stone statue-like body seemed to tremble slightly, and then the eyes that had been closed for an unknown length of time finally slowly opened at this time.


The moment the Celestial Insect opened its eyes, a golden ray of light suddenly shot out from its eyes. The ray of light was so dazzling that it was indescribable. It penetrated the thick chaotic aura and finally disappeared into the chaos.

Tian Chong slowly clasped his hands together, and he felt the indescribable surge of spiritual power in his body. His body shook slightly, as if countless thunderbolts were exploding in his body.


Billions of spiritual lights erupted from the Celestial Chong's body, and while the spiritual light was shining, the Celestial Chong's body began to expand in circles.

In just a few breaths, the sky insect had transformed into a figure the size of a thousand feet, sitting cross-legged among the chaos.

You must know that this is his flesh and blood body, not the Supreme Dharma Body like others...

At this moment, Celestial Insect's body exuded a holy light, making him look like a big sun, releasing light in this chaos.

Tian Chong looked at his body, which was about a thousand feet long, and he could detect that at this time, almost every part of his flesh, every bone, and even every drop of blood contained indescribably powerful spiritual power.

That kind of spiritual power had completely filled his entire body, and he could no longer bear even a little more.

After the Heavenly Insect was chopped off, his spiritual power had already reached the limit below that of the Heavenly Sovereign. According to his own estimation, with the terrifying spiritual power in his body, if it were his previous self at this time, he would probably be able to do it with just one palm. Turn your previous self into a pulp.

At this point, Tian Chong could already feel the existence of a shackles barrier in the dark at this moment, tightly imprisoning all his promotion paths, preventing him from taking another half step forward.

"Is this what people often call the Heavenly Lord and Heavenly Barrier..."

At this moment, Tian Chong felt an extremely depressing feeling in his heart, which made him want to completely explode his whole body and destroy that layer of sky barrier at all costs.

But he knew very well that he absolutely could not do this.

The Heavenly Supreme Barrier is the first test that every strong person who wants to break through the Heavenly Supreme must face. If he really obeys the desire for destruction in his heart, he will rush to the tower regardless of it.

Then the only outcome for you at that time will be to run away with your spiritual power and go crazy. At the lowest price, your body will be exploded and your spiritual power will backfire; in the worst case, you will die directly...

But if the Celestial Insect is afraid of danger and cowers away, then he will be trapped in front of this barrier for the rest of his life, and will never be able to cross it or break through.

Cultivation is a matter of going through hardships. If you want to reach the peak, you need indomitable sharpness and courage and perseverance!

Therefore, barriers still need to be broken, but it requires complete preparations.

After a moment, Tianchong raised his head, looked into the void, and said in a deep voice: "Please also ask the spirit of the mainland to help me break the sky barrier!"

There was silence in the chaotic space.

A few breaths later, the chaotic light erupted again, and a thousand-foot chaotic light ball rose into the sky, quickly shrunk during the rotation, and finally shot down, turning into a wisp of chaotic light and falling into the heavenly spirit cover of the heavenly insect.

Obviously, the spirit of the continent heard the sky insect's prayer and responded to him.

This scene made the corners of Tian Chong's mouth curl up, and then he slowly closed his eyes again.

Success or failure, it all depends on this!

At the same time, when Tian Chong was brought into the chaotic space by Xiao Yan, something was happening in Fentian City.

Located in the Legion Hall, the headquarters of the Burning Sky Army, three figures are sitting directly above the hall. Sitting below are the generals of the major legions. The powerful aura fills the entire hall with a Terrifying momentum.

The middle one among the three figures is a young man wearing black armor. His face is as sharp and angular as a knife or an axe. His black eyes are majestic and majestic. Occasionally, there will even be black lightning sweeping past. It makes people feel frightened when they look at it.

Needless to say, this person is the controller of the entire Burning Heaven Army, Xiao Li, known as Emperor Li, and the second brother of Emperor Yan Xiao Yan.

Next to him, sat Youquan and another Heavenly Supreme. The three of them were the supreme controllers of the entire Burning Heaven Army.

What could bring these three people together must be something very serious happening in the Endless Fire Territory that could even threaten the security of the Endless Fire Territory...

This is indeed the case, and the news was brought by Youquan from outside.

As an important force protecting Fentian City, the Burning Sky Army actually shoulders a very important task, which is to hunt down those evil races from outside the territory that are lucky enough to invade from the border...

Of course, sometimes they will directly work with the army stationed in the border areas to deal with small-scale invasions by evil tribes from outside the territory.

And this time, the big event that alarmed Xiao Li and the other three people was also related to the evil tribe from outside the territory!

"The news has been confirmed. This time, the Demon Realm has mobilized a lot of troops to gather on Tianyuan Continent. The signs of invasion are already very obvious." Youquan said with a solemn expression.

"Do you know the reason?" Xiao Li's voice was a bit sharp, and every word seemed to be filled with the tyranny and destruction of Thunder.

"It seems to be related to the previous ancient holy abyss. I heard that this time the ancient holy abyss was opened, many young talents of the demon clan were killed in it, and the losses were not small."

"What does this have to do with us? The ancient holy abyss is hundreds of millions of miles away from the Endless Fire Realm. Are those demon bastards crazy or stupid? Instead of going to the west to cause trouble in Daqian Palace, they came to our far north. Acting wild?" The other Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse among the three people was confused.

Youquan explained: "This invasion seems to be planned behind the scenes by the Corpse Demon Clan and the Fire Demon Clan. These two demon clans usually deal with us the most, so it is not surprising that they chose to attack us."

"After all, they just want to vent their anger. It doesn't matter to them whether they go to the far west to kill people or the far north..."

"So, what about the scale? What level of powerful Demon Emperors did the Demon Clan dispatch this time?" Xiao Li asked again.

"Three Xuan Demon Emperors lead the army. As for the number of You Demon Emperors, the number is unknown, but it should exceed the number of two palms..."

"Haha, it seems that the movement of the demons this time is not small. In this case, we in the Endless Fire Territory cannot show weakness. Youquan, next you lead the second legion to stay in Fentian City. Gu Lie and I will lead The remaining four legions will go to Tianyuan Continent for support." Xiao Li ordered directly.

Gu Lie was the other Heavenly Supreme Power besides Xiao Li and Youquan, and he was also the Black Annihilation King of the ancient tribe in Dou Qi Continent.

After both the Xiao Clan and the Ancient Clan entered the Great Thousand World, the two clans began to slowly integrate. The strength of the former Black Annihilation King also increased rapidly, reaching the realm of Heavenly Supreme within a hundred years.

There are many strong men from the two races who are similar to him. Being able to practice to the peak height in Dou Qi Continent has proved their talent and perseverance. Therefore, after fully adapting to the cultivation system of the world, these former strong men also Still able to reach the same height in the shortest time.

And now these strong men have become the mainstay of the Endless Fire Territory as a barrier against the evil races outside the territory in the northern part of the world!

After the order was issued, the Fentian Army quickly took action. Xiao Li and Gu Lie led the army directly to the battlefield the next day.

At this moment, in the chaotic space, the heavenly insects attacking the sky barrier have also reached a critical juncture...

When that ray of chaotic light shot into the Heavenly Insect's Heavenly Spirit Cap, his gigantic body trembled violently at this moment.

The next moment, countless spiritual lights were seen gushing out from the pores of his body, turning into spiritual rain all over the sky, spraying in the chaos.

This is a manifestation of the spiritual power in the body reaching its extreme level. Because it can no longer bear it, the physical body will eject some spiritual power out of the body out of self-protection...

But compared with the infinite power brought by the spirit of the continent, this little dissipation is nothing more than a drop in the ocean, and it has no effect at all.

Therefore, at this moment, cracks have begun to appear on the huge body of the sky insect, and then spread quickly...

In just a few dozen breaths, the Celestial Insect's body was like porcelain covered with cracks, looking extremely miserable.

There is no change in Tianchong's face at this moment...

As the saying goes, if you don't break, you won't stand, break and then stand!

If you want to create a heavenly spirit body, then this process is inevitable. This is so similar to when you broke through to the earth supreme!

"it's time……"

Tian Chong murmured in a low voice, a look of determination flashed across his face.

The next moment, he formed a seal with his hands, and no longer suppressed the rioting spiritual power in his body, allowing the energy that was even more terrifying than before to rage freely in his body.


Billions of spiritual lights burst out from the many cracks on the Celestial Insect's body, and then the light gradually expanded. After a moment, a loud sound was heard.


The thousand-foot-long body of the Heavenly Insect exploded into pieces, but no blood was seen splattering. All the fleshy bodies were turned into powder all over the sky, floating quietly like stars that filled the sky.

Billions of rays of light were floating, and after an unknown amount of time, a breeze suddenly arose, whistling, and constantly sucking in the countless spiritual light powders, trying to reshape them...

As time went by, the aura powder gradually gathered, and there was already a figure looming in it, as if a new body was being reborn.


At this moment, a strange vibrating sound suddenly sounded in this chaotic space. Under the vibration of this mysterious sound, the body that was condensing seemed to be pulled by some kind of force and began to tremble. Even the gathering speed couldn't help but be three points slower.

At this moment, the bodyless Celestial Chong relied on his spiritual thoughts to look in the direction of the vibrating sound above his head...

In the chaos, where the void shook, a large number of pitch-black clouds quickly surged out, covering the world in just a short moment.

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