The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 274 Changes in the Spirit Zerg Tribe

Seeing that Xiao Yan was so disrespectful, the Blood Emperor and the Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor were secretly angry.

"Hmph! You are really arrogant. I want to see what you can do to our two Heavenly Demon Emperors... If you really want to provoke an all-out war between the world and my saint clan, then you can try it!"

Xiao Yan's expression remained calm and he said: "It seems that you are very confident. If so, let's go to the void starry sky and fight."

After these words surprised the Blood Emperor and the Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor, they also felt a surge of anger in their hearts.

"This person is really arrogant. He actually wants to fight one against two, so let's help him. Over the past hundreds of years, the Flame Emperor has killed quite a few of our Holy Tribe's Demon Emperors. It's just a lesson for this person." The Blood Emperor's demonic thoughts sent a message to the Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor.

If we go to fight in the void starry sky, no matter how loud the movement is, it will not affect the entire world, and even if it is discovered by the top experts on both sides, it will not lead to irreparable consequences. They will all choose the empty starry sky as their battlefield.

After reaching a consensus, the Blood Emperor and the Black Corpse Demon Emperor looked at each other, and then simultaneously tore apart the space and entered the void.

Xiao Yan nodded towards the Celestial Chong, and then followed suit.

Although the top experts from both sides have left, the remaining ones, both the Demon Clan and the Endless Fire Domain, have chosen to stand still.

They all knew that the direction of the next battle was no longer up to them. Everything would have to wait until the three of them had a victory or defeat.

Tian Chong also entered the Demon Suppressing Pass at this time and saw Xiao Li.

"You are Tian Chong, the boy Xiao Yatou likes?" After hearing Tian Chong's self-introduction, Xiao Li suddenly looked surprised.

Tianchong smiled slightly when he saw this. He could naturally understand Xiao Li's surprise. After all, it had only been a few years since he and Xiao Xiao had known each other. But at this moment, he had gone from the young boy who had just set foot on the Supreme to become a person in the world. He is considered a very important and powerful person in the entire world. This kind of growth process is probably even more incredible than that of the original Emperor Yan.

"It's the boy who met the senior."

"Haha, what do you call me Senior? Just call me Second Uncle!" Xiao Li laughed and patted Tian Chong on the shoulder.

After all, his third brother had even passed the Emperor Yan on to him. If he didn't know about it, he would have thought that he was his biological son. As for Xiao Lin, who was Xiao Lin?

"You little guy is very good. You can have such cultivation at such a young age. You are much better than those brats like Xiao Yi, and you are worthy of my girl!"

Tianchong is also very happy, it seems that he will not have any problems with the Xiao family.

But it is estimated that Xiao Yi and the others will be in trouble in the future. After all, even he has broken through to the Heavenly Supreme. So Xiao Yi and the other brothers are much older than the Heavenly Chong. Now they are still just wandering around the Earth Supreme... …

It is not difficult to figure out that since he, someone else's child, is being insulted, Xiao Li will definitely have some activities of fatherly kindness and filial piety when he comes home.

"By the way, how did you deal with that blood demon? I didn't expect that even the Heavenly Demon Emperor was attracted in the end. The identity of that guy is very complicated." Xiao Li suddenly thought of this. Before, the blood demon and Xiao Yanzhi The people in the formation didn't know what happened, so they immediately asked.

Tian Chong said: "That blood demon is very cunning. I can only suppress it with my magical power, and then slowly wear away its demon soul later. As for his identity, he should be a prince of the blood demon clan... "

Xiao Li suddenly realized: "No wonder that old guy from the Blood Emperor came here in person. It turned out that his son was arrested. Haha, it seems that the old devil is going to feel bad for a while now..."

It can also be seen from Xiao Li's performance that he is not worried that his third brother will lose. Perhaps this is the absolute trust he developed when he was in Dou Qi Continent.

"But you don't have to go to such trouble. When the time comes, you can return to Fentian City and throw it directly into the demon refining furnace. It will be completely refined in just a few months!"

This Demon Refining Furnace was originally set up by Xiao Yan himself. Not only does it contain the eternal Emperor Flame, but the power of the Burning Sky Spiritual Fire is directly extracted from below, and it is continuously heated and roasted. It can be said that even if a Heavenly Demon Emperor is thrown into it, as long as it It can be refined even if given enough time!

"That's not necessary!"

Tian Chong shook his head.

"Although this demon is fierce, it can't escape from my grasp even with the Demon-Sealing Mirror in my hand. Moreover, the demon possesses extremely strong blood evil energy. I plan to use it to temper my demon-killing spear. Maybe it can be used in the future." Let this gun go one step further and become a truly peerless holy object!"

While talking, Tian Chong also took out his demon-killing gun and placed it in front of Xiao Li's eyes.

Xiao Li's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the red-glow spear in Tianchong's hand.

"What a gun!"

He is a gun user himself, so he can naturally see the extraordinary power of the demon-killing gun at a glance.

"The killing power of this gun is not inferior to that of my Purple Thunder Spear. It's a pity that the evil spirit has not yet been fully developed, and it still needs countless killings to cultivate it."

The Demon-Slaying Spear itself was refined for the purpose of slaying demons, but it has been put on the shelf since the refining was completed. Until now, it has not really drank the blood of the demon, so it is naturally far behind in terms of evil spirit.

"But if we can completely absorb the blood demon's blood evil energy, we can also make this demon-killing gun take shape in advance, and its name will be worthy of its name by then!"

With a Blood Demon Emperor as a weapon, only the Celestial Insect could think of such a heretical technique.

Of course, this is also his own strength that allows him to have such conditions...

"Since you already have a plan, I won't say more."

"But your boy has just broken through to the Heavenly Supreme Lord. How about it? Have you ever fully controlled the Heavenly Lord's spiritual body and the spiritual power? This is also one of the reasons why the Heavenly Supreme Lord is so powerful. Don't be careless."

Xiao Li knew that there seemed to be no Heavenly Supreme Being in the Spirit Zerg tribe, so he specifically gave some instructions to the Heavenly Zerg to save him from making detours.

Tian Chong was naturally very grateful for this, and it was also what he needed now.

After all, although the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan has broken through, he has only broken through for a few years. His understanding of the Heavenly Sovereign Realm may not be as strong as the current Heavenly Insect's, so don't expect him to give guidance.

Although Xiao Li is not from the Spirit Insect clan, many things are similar, especially at the Heavenly Supreme level. In the end, they all reach the same goal through different paths, so he listened very seriously to Xiao Li's advice.

Of course, the most important thing among them is the spiritual power...

Regarding the theory of spiritual veins, people in the world are very familiar with it, because every first-time practitioner will be very important when they first start practicing, because the higher the level of spiritual veins, the faster their cultivation will be. Faster.

But later, as the strength reached a certain level, the theory of spiritual veins gradually disappeared. Many people believed that spiritual veins only had an initial effect during cultivation, but in the future, the effect would become smaller and smaller, or even nonexistent.

In a sense, this does make some sense. After all, the vast majority of people in the entire world will only stop at the realm of the Supreme in this life, and even those who can break through to the Supreme are only one in a billion. , let alone Heavenly Supreme.

And precisely, apart from the very beginning, this spiritual vein will only have an effect when you reach the realm of Heavenly Sovereign...

Only by transforming between the physical body and the spiritual body can one sense the spiritual veins deep in the body, and then refine them to achieve a perfect level of spiritual transformation.

The Celestial Insect has also sensed this, but it has not yet reached perfection in refining the spiritual veins.

"My spiritual veins are only at the level of fifth-grade heavenly veins. Not to mention compared to a pervert like Muchen, I am even inferior to most ordinary heavenly supreme beings!"

This was brought about by the original body. Even if his body was reshaped, this spiritual vein could not be changed.

The main reason why Tianchong is able to achieve his current level of cultivation is simply because he is not only a bad guy, but also has noble people supporting him...

As for who this noble person is, it goes without saying.

"Refining the spiritual veins and replenishing the Tianzun's spiritual body is not difficult for me. However, the magical powers of the spiritual veins that can be awakened by the fifth-grade spiritual veins may not be very strong. However, I have my own spiritual insects, which makes it difficult for me. I have some other options. It seems that after this incident, I have to return to the clan and study the ancient books of the clan. There should be records of my Spirit Zerg Clan Heavenly Supreme. If that doesn't work, I can also go to the Zhong Zong. Old man Zuta..."

Only then did we realize how correct this sentence is: "A family with an elder is like a treasure."

After the long wait, the battle in the void starry sky finally came to an end. As a result, the Endless Fire Domain naturally won...

Not only did Yan Emperor win this battle, he also won so much that the two Heavenly Demon Emperors lost their temper. Because they were suppressed and beaten by Xiao Yan from the beginning to the end.

In the end, the Blood Emperor used the secret method of the Blood Demon Clan to escape from the scorching flames of the Emperor, otherwise he would have been burned directly.

As for the Black Corpse Heavenly Demon Emperor, although he was not as miserable as the Blood Emperor, he was still severely damaged. I am afraid he will be raised in his home for a while.

The direct impact of this was naturally a huge victory for the side of the Endless Fire Territory. The demons retreated hundreds of millions of miles away and no longer dared to cause friction with the Endless Fire Territory. They could only rely on the endless territory of the Demon Territory to ensure their own safety.

And this indirectly also made many demon emperors once again realize the terror of the most powerful people in the world, and they all immediately became more honest. They all shrank in their own lairs and did not dare to wander around the territory of the world again...

The result was that when Muchen became the Heavenly Supreme in the White Dragon Continent and suppressed the Blood Evil Emperor, the demon-drawing talisman used by the latter did not attract even a demon emperor. Later, he was unwillingly defeated by Muchen. One Qi transformed into three pure beings and was beaten to death.

Of course, this is all a thing for the future. After all, Muchen has just finished his battle with the three overlords of the Northern Territory, and he has the idea of ​​going to the White Dragon Continent...

As for the Endless Fire Territory, Xiao Yan, who returned, gave instructions on the cultivation and use of Emperor Flame by Heavenly Chong, but did not keep him and directly let him leave and return to Spirit Chong Continent.

But before that, Tian Chong may have made a promise to visit again in a year, because by that time, the sleeping Xiao Xiao has woken up, and it is time for Tian Chong to officially meet everyone in the Xiao family...

Although he is still a little nervous in his heart, Tianchong doesn't have time to think so much now.

After all, there is only one year left, and he still needs to finish everything he needs to do during this time, so that his cultivation will reach its most perfect state and he can exert 100% of his combat power.

The Spirit Insect Continent is still ancient and secretive.

Although the Spirit Zerg Clan no longer prohibited contact with the outside world after the leader of the Spirit Zerg Clan broke through to the Heavenly Supreme, the habits developed over tens of thousands of years have made few people in the entire Spirit Zerg Clan want to go to the outside world...

Of course, many people from the outside came here out of curiosity, and they were able to somewhat unravel the mystery of the Spirit Insect Tribe.

At the very least, many caravans have begun to connect the Spiritual Insect Continent with the outside world for trade. Even the Wen family's elixirs have entered the Spiritual Insect Continent very early and are very popular.

Naturally, Tian Chong's contribution is indispensable here. As for the Wen family, he did not suffer any loss. While he was making a lot of money, it also brought a huge amount of supreme spiritual liquid income to Tian Chong's Holy Palace.

These are temporarily under the control of Su Qingyin, the great butler, and with more resources in hand, the strength of everyone in the Holy Palace has also been greatly improved. Even Su Qingyin, who has just broken through to the lower level of the Supreme for a few years, Now they have reached the supreme peak of the lower level, and have begun to prepare to break through to the supreme realm of the upper level.

As for the veteran masters like the ancestor of all insects, they have now reached the supreme peak of the upper level, but they are still far away from the Great Consummation.

In addition to these old men in the palace, there were also many large branches that chose to join the Celestial Chong. The strongest among them was the Snow Vein, which caused quite a sensation at the time.

However, long before leaving, the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan had already determined the identity of the next successor to the Heavenly Insect Clan Leader, so even if there were many people who couldn't stand it, they would not dare to really confront the Holy Palace head-on. At most, they would do so secretly. Just another stumbling block.

These have no impact on the current Holy Palace at all.

"Sister Xuehao, when do you think the Holy Lord will come back?"

The somewhat bored butler Su Qingyin found Xuemei Master Xue Hao who had joined the Holy Palace. During the conversation, he unknowingly mentioned the homeless master again and couldn't help but say.

Because the current Celestial Chong has determined the identity of the heir to the patriarch, in order to distinguish it from other holy sons, people in the Holy Palace now directly call him the Holy Lord.

Although many people in the Spirit Zerg Clan were dissatisfied with this, the leader of the Spirit Zerg Clan didn't think anything of it, so in the end no one bothered with this kind of thing anymore, and the title naturally continued.

As for the Snow Clover, when she was in the Tomb of the Insect Emperor, she received the ancient clover essence given by the Celestial Insect, which allowed her Snow Clown Demonic Insect to evolve into an ancient spiritual insect like the Six-Headed Cold Clover. After so many years, its cultivation level has improved. He has already broken through to the supreme level, and has even advanced all the way to the upper level of the supreme level, and naturally became the new pulse master.

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