Not only the people within the Holy Palace were helpless about the Celestial Insect's behavior that was always out of touch, but the Spirit Insect Tribe was also full of opinions.

"Clan Leader, it is now rumored that our Spirit Zerg Clan has obtained the great magical power of the ancient Holy Abyss. The young Clan Chief Tian Zhong even exchanged countless treasures from the Daqian Palace. This may not be of any benefit to our clan..."

Some elders with conservative personalities, headed by the great elder, felt very uneasy about the uproar from the outside world.

"Yes, and it is said that the young patriarch is also on good terms with the sinner of the Ancient Buddha Clan. If the Ancient Buddha Clan is unhappy because of this, won't we, the Spirit Insect Clan, suffer a disaster?"

"That's right, I think it's better to recall the young patriarch and seal off the continent again to avoid disaster..."


The chatter among a group of people made many young elders who were determined to make progress feel angry, and even the head of the Spirit Insect Clan frowned.

"What the Great Elder said is wrong. It is precisely because the Young Patriarch has been practicing outside that he has been able to continuously gain opportunities and become stronger. Only then can he reach the Great Perfection level of strength in just a few years. May I ask if the Spirit Insect Tribe has any Who dares to say that any young patriarch can grow at such a speed?"

"As for the Ancient Buddha Clan you are talking about, what does it have to do with our Spirit Zerg Clan since they want the criminals in their own clan? If being friends with Muchen would be regarded as offending the Ancient Buddha Clan, that would be too overbearing. Well, I, the Spirit Zerg Clan, are not soft persimmons, let alone be scared to go out just because of a name!"

"That's right, the clan has just decided how long it will be open for, and you are just waiting to ask for the mainland to be closed again. Doesn't this mean that we, the Spirit Zerg clan, will go back on our words in front of tens of millions of clans and make people laugh?"

Most of those who stood up to refute were people who had good relations with the Celestial Insects. Of course, there were also some far-sighted people who chose to join their side.

There is no way around it. The Spiritual Insect Continent has been closed for thousands of years, and many people have already developed the habit of living behind closed doors. Facing the treacherous world of Bo Yun, they have no sense of security at all.

"Is the tenth elder saying this because the Wen family's caravan has given you any benefits?" A sinister voice sounded, targeting the tenth elder who had the best relationship with the Celestial Chong.

However, the Tenth Elder was not alarmed by the question he asked, and said disdainfully: "Why, are you jealous? I heard that Sixth Elder, you have also met with people from the Wen family, but it's a pity that they didn't sell you face."

"What I do is fair and aboveboard. Do I need an old guy like you to show off my anger? The heir to the head of the Wen family and the young patriarch are close friends. Otherwise, do you think the Wen family's caravan would take the initiative to bring elixirs to our Spirit Insect Tribe for sale? ? Do you think that the Wen family’s elixirs can’t be sold in the world?”

"Furthermore, if the Wen family's caravan had not taken the lead to set an example, how could the outside trading firms have settled in our Spiritual Insect Continent in such a short period of time? Whose credit is this all due to, don't you understand?"

If the Spirit Zerg Tribe wants to lift the seal, it cannot be done with words. After all, without enough trust, how can those outsiders easily set foot in a strange continent.

"By the way, Fourth Elder, I heard that your son once bought an Earth Supreme God Pill from the Wen family at a high price, and then he broke through to the Earth Supreme. Is what I said correct?"

High-grade elixirs have always been in hot demand. This is the consensus of the world, so the status of the three major alchemy holy places is so high, and the same is true for the Wen family.

The words of the ten elders silenced many people, because they all benefited more or less from this opening.

Seeing this, the tenth elder couldn't help but smile.

"Everyone, I hope you can remember that our Spirit Zerg tribe is no longer what it used to be. We have a Clan Leader who is at the Heavenly Supreme level. We are also a super power in the world. The timid days of the past are gone forever. , we will eventually stand among the tens of millions of people again!"

These words directly made the 80% of the Zerg leaders present feel excited.

The reason why the ten elders can say these words with such confidence is because they have a demonic backing behind them who is rising rapidly.

As long as their young clan leader is promoted to Heavenly Supreme, then their Spirit Zerg tribe will be able to become a middle-to-upper level force among many super forces, and their sphere of influence will also directly cover the surrounding continents.

Just when all the senior leaders of the Spirit Zerg tribe were enjoying their own bright future, suddenly, a terrifying pressure descended on the main hall. The next moment, a jade post fell from the sky with the rays of light, and fell on the person who had already appeared. In the hands of the Spirit Insect Clan Leader high in the sky outside the main hall.

"I, Gao Tianzun, have been entrusted by someone to come here to discuss important matters with the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan. Please come and see me!"

The words on the jade post seemed polite, but the other party's behavior was full of provocation.

The leader of the Spirit Insect clan held the jade post and frowned. He didn't know who this so-called Gao Tianzun was, but judging from the aura emanating from him, this person was definitely an experienced Spiritual Heaven Supreme, and his strength should be as high as I am much stronger.

This is also the reason for the solemn look on the head of the Spirit Insect Clan. It is obvious that the other party is coming with bad intentions...

"You wait here to stabilize the tribe, I will come as soon as I go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the leader of the Spirit Insect clan disappeared from the sky above the main hall and reappeared on a barren mountain in the Spirit Insect Continent.

On the top of the barren mountain, a white-haired old man wearing a black robe was sitting cross-legged. In front of him, there was a jade platform and a jade stool.

Looking at the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan, the old man in black clothes smiled softly, raised his hand and made an invitation gesture, and said: "Clan Leader of the Spirit Insect, please sit down. I have a cup of tea here, and I would like to invite the leader to have some tea." .”

The leader of the Spirit Zerg clan frowned. He could not understand the intention of the person in front of him now. The Spirit Zerg clan had never interacted with a strong man of this level, and although the other party seemed kind at this time, after all, It is indeed impossible to determine whether it is an enemy or a friend.

"There's no need to drink tea. I just don't know why you, Gao Tianzun, came to my Spiritual Insect Continent for no reason and invited me to come."

The old man smiled softly and said: "Don't get me wrong, leader of the Spirit Insect Clan, I came here just because I heard that the Spirit Insect Tribe was reborn, so I wanted to come and make friends."

The leader of the Spirit Insect Clan was confused by these words.

For no reason, a stranger suddenly came over to you and said he wanted to make friends. What are you doing?

However, the other party has always been polite, so he had no choice but to give him face, so he could only sit down and talk nonsense to Gao Tianzun.

But soon, Gao Tianzun's words were related to Tian Zhong, and he greatly praised the latter for killing many demons in the ancient holy abyss and becoming the senior demon slayer of the Daqian Palace. This moment made the leader of the Ling Zhong clan wary. stand up.

"The noble Celestial Insect boy was able to kill many demon kings with his Dzogchen cultivation. It seems that he has received the inheritance from a certain saint ancestor in the ancient holy abyss. He will definitely have a bright future in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, the spiritual insect clan leader already had a guess about the purpose of the person in front of him, and the look on his face suddenly turned cold.

However, Gao Tianzun opposite didn't seem to see it. He sipped the tea in his cup and said calmly: "Although little friend Tianchong has deep luck and good strength, in the end he is just a supreme earth. For Saint The peerless magical powers inherited from our ancestors cannot be fully exerted even if we think about it, so walking outside like this is very dangerous..."

"What do you mean by this?" the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan said coldly.

"Haha, it's nothing, I just want to make a deal with that little Celestial Insect friend."

"As long as he is willing to hand over the inherited magical power, I promise to protect him for ten years. During this period, no matter who dares to covet this inheritance, I can help him take over it."

"As the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan, your Excellency, as long as you agree, I don't think little Celestial Insect will object. So, I wonder what you think of my proposal, Leader of the Spirit Insect Clan?"

At this moment, the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan finally understood why the other party came to the Spirit Insect Clan.

It was obvious that the other party was testing the strength of the Spirit Insect Tribe. If the Spirit Insect Tribe did not have the strength to protect the Heavenly Insects from the other party, then the other party would definitely take action.

As for the Heavenly Insect himself, he is just an Earth Supreme. Even if he is strong, what can he do? Although the difference between Heavenly Supreme and Earth Supreme is only one word, the difference between them can be said to be worlds apart. No matter how powerful the Earth Supreme is, Heavenly Supreme Lord is like an ant in his hands, he can kill them with his backhand!

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that someone really treated my Spirit Insect Tribe as a soft persimmon!" The leader of the Spirit Insect Tribe laughed angrily, and the aura belonging to the Heavenly Sovereign rolled away. In an instant, the sky above the entire Spirit Insect Continent turned pale. The wind and thunder rolled.

"What, does the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan want to take action?" As he spoke, Gao Tianzun, the old man in black clothes, also stood up, and suddenly billions of spiritual lights surged out, shaking the entire Spirit Insect Continent.

At this time, the spirit insect tribesmen scattered all over the place were stunned.

This kind of doomsday-like aura was something they had never encountered before...

Of course, apart from seeing the huge change in the sky, the ordinary Spirit Zerg tribe had no other impact. On the contrary, the powerful Spirit Zerg tribe senior executives were all sweating on their foreheads at this moment, and almost fell to their knees in battle.

"What happened?! What happened?! Could it be that one day the Supreme Power came to cause trouble, and did the clan leader fight with him?" Many elders of the Spirit Insect Tribe were horrified.

In these countless years, they have never encountered such a thing.

"I just said we can't open up, we can't open up. We, the Spirit Zerg tribe, have been living peacefully on our ancestral land for thousands of years. Why do we want to get involved in the muddy water of the world? Aren't the lessons learned back then not enough? ?”

The Great Elder trembled and shouted with a heartbroken expression.

Under this situation, his words were recognized by many people, but they made the ten elders and other elders sad and angry...

I'm sorry for his misfortune, and I'm angry that he doesn't fight!

For thousands of years, I didn’t expect that the spirit insect race had been reduced to the point where they had no blood left at all.

"So what if there are powerful enemies from Heavenly Supreme? Don't forget that our patriarch is also Heavenly Supreme. What are you afraid of?!"

The tenth elder shouted angrily.

"Even if the leader is defeated, our Spirit Zerg Tribe still has Zong Zu as our backer. Who in this world dares to act arrogantly in front of Zong Zu? You cowards are really pretending to be the elders of our Spirit Zerg Tribe!"

There were lamentations and angry scoldings. At this moment, the hall of the Spirit Insect Clan was already a mess.

In this situation, let alone a super force, even the original Da Luo Tianyu was thousands of times stronger than it!

Deep in the insect world, a small, jade-like cyan beetle lay prone there quietly, but its spiritual thoughts had penetrated through the layers of space and had a panoramic view of everything that happened on the spirit insect continent.

Although Zongzu has lost nearly 80% of his strength over the past tens of thousands of years due to old injuries, his spiritual thoughts are still strong, so as long as he thinks about it, nothing that happens in the entire Spirit Insect Continent can escape his eyes.

"Old friend, I didn't expect that your descendants would have fallen to such an extent today..."

Zongzu's heart was filled with sorrow. The decline of the Spirit Zerg clan and the withering of the insect world. Everything happened before his eyes, but he was unable to change it. This kind of suffering had already caused Zongzu to be riddled with wounds for tens of thousands of years. It's full of holes.

Fortunately, the appearance of the Celestial Insects gave Zongzu a glimmer of hope. In addition, the appearance of a Celestial Supreme Powerhouse in the Spirit Insect Tribe once again made the entire Spirit Insect Tribe seem to be back to a somewhat prosperous appearance.

But along with it, various challenges will definitely follow, so Zongzu has already been mentally prepared. Maybe at some point, he also needs to burn his old body and hold up a sky for the younger generations...

Spirit Insect Continent, a desolate land.

Billions of spiritual lights were poured into the body of the spiritual insect clan leader, and as the vast spiritual power entered the body, his original flesh and blood body gradually transformed into a body of spiritual power like a bright crystal.

At this moment, it was as if the flesh and blood of the spiritual insect clan leader had been transformed into pure spiritual power, and every move and every move exuded indescribable terrifying power.

"Tianzun Spiritual Body... Yes, it seems that although you have just broken through, you already have the strength of the early stage of the Supreme Spiritual Grade Tianzun."

Gao Tianzun, the old man in black clothes, looked at this scene and actually had time to comment.

Don't blame him for being too big. After all, facing a person who has just broken through to the early stage of Lingpintian Supreme, a veteran strongman like him who has reached the peak level of Lingpintian Supreme is enough to crush the opponent.

"By the way, didn't you say that you, the Spirit Insect Clan, all control spirit insects to fight? Why, as the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan, why don't you hand over your Heavenly Supreme Level Spirit Insects so that I can open my eyes?"

This is a bit heart-wrenching!

Although the Spirit Insect Tribe likes to bully the smaller ones in battle, it is extremely difficult to cultivate a Heavenly Supreme Level Spirit Insect. It is even more difficult than one's own breakthrough. Otherwise, how could the Spirit Insect Tribe and the Insect Realm have been fighting for tens of thousands of years? Even the supreme combat power cannot be gathered together, so I can only rely on an ancestor to support...

I’m busy these two days, so I’ll update today, and I won’t be sure what to say tomorrow.

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