Seeing the sudden transformation of the "Golden Cicada Emperor", Tian Chong was not surprised at all.

In other words, from the beginning, he never believed that the other party had good intentions, no matter what his identity was!

"Oh, it seems that you are not surprised at all by my appearance now?" "Emperor Jin Chan" looked at Tianchong's appearance at this moment and asked with some surprise.

"What's so surprising about this? From the moment you appeared, I had already guessed this scene and was mentally prepared."

"Hmph, that's nice to say, but it's a pity that you still walked into my trap on your own!"

He chuckled and shook his head. Tian Chong felt that there was no need to talk nonsense with the other party. After all, the purpose of their visit this time was to improve Jin Chan, and now that his purpose has been achieved, as for what tricks the other party has, he can take care of it himself!

It's just that the appearance of Tian Chong made "Emperor Jin Chan" feel a little unstable.

At this moment, the latter is like a child who is eager to show off, but when he meets a parent who refuses to look at him, he feels like he is in a hurry...

"You know, I am not the Golden Cicada Emperor at all, I am the six-winged Golden Cicada of the previous generation!" The angry "Golden Cicada Emperor" directly chose to reveal his identity.

"Oh, what next?" Tian Chong rolled his eyes slightly and said indifferently.

No matter what you are, you are a guy who only has your true spirit, how can you make any waves?

Of course, that's what I thought, but Tianchong's vigilance has always been maintained at the highest level. If the opponent makes any changes, he will receive his full blow.

As for his current attitude, he just saw that the other party was so impatient and wanted him to tell more information.

And the six-winged golden cicada disguised as the golden cicada emperor lived up to expectations and directly revealed his old background...

"Jiejie, that old guy from Tianxing discovered my existence after he was promoted to the holy rank. Then he tried every means to destroy my true spirit, and I just wanted to use his body to get rid of my body and be reborn..."

"I have discovered this formation space a long time ago. I originally thought that with the great reputation of the old man, the formation ancestor, his formation space could truly be independent from the universe and become its own world. Unfortunately, it did not. It occurred to me that I was looking down on that old thing."

At this time, the Six-winged Golden Cicada seemed to have completely regarded the Celestial Cicada as its loyal audience, as if it wanted to recount all its experiences over the countless years.

"Tsk, tsk, look at how much the child has been holding back. He has been huddled in such a chaotic space for tens of thousands of years. This guy must be a little bit mentally ill now..." Tian Chongming was expressionless, but there was already a twinge in his heart. Lost sympathy.

"After I came here, I found that it was impossible to isolate me from the world, so that a new six-winged golden cicada could not be born. And the old thing tried his best to prevent me from controlling his body, and even ended up risking his own life At the cost of my soul, I completely sealed this body..."

"For countless years, I have been thinking of ways to obtain a new body. For this reason, I even gave up the golden cicada armor refined from my body and exiled it to the void, just hoping to attract people to find it here."

"It's a pity, I didn't expect that this wait would take tens of thousands of years..."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Jin Chan, who was about to form a cocoon at this time, with a look in his eyes as if he was looking at a rare treasure.

"Finally, I found a way, even if I gave up all the origins of the six-winged golden cicada, and even I only had this little bit of true spirit left... I finally succeeded! I cut off myself Due to the cause and effect of this vast world, a new six-winged golden cicada was born. And this will be the most perfect container for my rebirth!"

After listening to the other party's crazy self-report, Tianchong smiled coldly.

"You think you have a chance to win. Do you think you can definitely occupy Jin Chan's body?"

"Jie Jie Jie, human boy, it seems that you are very confident. But it's no wonder. With your current strength at this age, you are indeed qualified to be confident. Unfortunately, your human race has nothing to do with the six-winged golden cicada. You know too little, even if you have a close relationship with this generation of six-winged golden cicadas, it’s useless..."

"Now you, see what I can't do to help him..."

As soon as the words fell, the golden old man instantly turned into a ball of light mist, heading towards the huge cocoon that the golden cicada turned into.

Seeing this, Tian Chong frowned, raised his hand, and a glazed flame suddenly rose directly from under the golden silkworm cocoon, completely wrapping the golden cicada inside.

Emperor Yan, this is a terrifying flame that can burn even spiritual power and soul. In the eyes of Tianchong, no matter what means the six-winged golden cicada has, it is impossible to break through his own Emperor Flame.

And the reason why Tian Chong is so confident now is because as his strength continues to increase explosively, the power of the Emperor Flame he possesses becomes more and more terrifying, although it is still not comparable to Xiao Yan's genuine Emperor Flame. , but 80% of the power is still there.

What Tianchong didn't expect was that although some of the golden light mist was burned and evaporated when it passed through the Emperor's Flame, most of it still passed through the Emperor's Flame's protection and integrated into the Golden Cicada's cocoon. Inside.

"not good!"

Tian Chong's expression changed. He did not expect that the six-winged golden cicada's true spirit was so powerful.

And this would probably do a lot of damage to it, but the opponent did not hesitate to rush forward at the risk of being burned to death. It seems that he was already prepared to cut off his tail to survive.

The moment the opponent merged with Jin Chan, his own Emperor Yan lost its original function. After all, he couldn't refine Jin Chan too.

Taking a deep breath, Tian Chong's expression was extremely solemn.

"It seems that we can only use the last resort..."

He made a mysterious handprint with his hands, and the next moment, two rays of light rushed out from the Celestial Chong, and then turned into two figures, which were the two clones of the Celestial Chong.

Tianchong and the two clones looked at each other, then opened their mouths slightly and an indifferent voice sounded.


The next moment, the two figures merged into the Celestial Chong's body again, and at the same time, the aura around the Celestial Chong's body surged wildly, and finally stayed in the middle stage of the Immortal Stage, only one step away from reaching the peak state of the Late Stage Celestial Stage.

But this was not over yet, Tian Chong's eyes quickly turned to the golden silkworm cocoon.

At this time, I don't know if the six-winged golden cicada has begun to compete with the golden cicada for control of the body. The originally quiet golden light of the cocoon disappeared, and it was beating rapidly like a golden heart inside.

Tian Chong knew that Jin Chan might not be able to truly suppress the opponent at this moment. After all, he was an old fox who had existed for tens of thousands of years and had been planning for tens of thousands of years. He didn't know how many back-ups the opponent had left behind.

"But no matter what back-ups you have, we can only win in the end!"

With a murmur in his mouth, Tian Chong's eyes became extremely firm, and then he quickly formed seals with his hands...

"Destiny contract, fusion!"

At this moment, Tianchong was very glad that he had re-signed life contracts with all his spirit insects under the teachings of Zongzu, even Jin Chan, the natal spirit insect, was no exception. Otherwise, he really didn’t know how to help now. Jin Chan went to fight against the enemy together.

As the voice of Tianchong fell, a force of destiny rules descended on him and Jin Chan. Then under the influence of the rules, the two connected lives turned into the most essential thing in the world. The life force of chaos slowly merges, merges, and even becomes the only one!

At this moment, there were only two figures left on the entire floating platform...

A holy body that has had its seal removed but has completely lost its soul.

There is also a golden human-shaped light and shadow between reality and reality.

At this moment, the surroundings became dead silent.

a long time……

Or maybe just for a moment...

The golden human-shaped light and shadow suddenly swayed rapidly, like a candle that was about to be blown out by the wind.

But the next moment, a fierce flame suddenly rose, and the terrifying high temperature directly melted the entire platform, leaving only a little bit under the holy body of Emperor Jin Chan.

But this is not the end.

Along with the flames, there was a chaotic spiritual light that traveled through time and space, crossed the endless void, and directly submerged into the swaying light and shadow.

With the blessing of these two powers, the light and shadow that was about to be extinguished finally stabilized, and then the light around it became brighter and brighter. A terrifying aura came from the light and shadow, and there were even signs of tearing this space apart. .

"Heaven is unfair!"

"Heaven is unfair!"

"Let's destroy it together, let's destroy everything..."

Crazy and tragic roars suddenly resounded throughout the space, and then the small black tower that was originally suspended above the holy body suddenly released billions of spiritual lights.

Densely packed spiritual patterns flickered on and off the tower, eventually creating mysterious and powerful formations. With this change, outside the tower, the original dark space became completely violent.

Endless storms began to gather, destructive thunder continued to gather in the sky, and space cracks that spread thousands of miles began to appear...

The disillusionment of life and death, the four rules of heaven and earth began to condense in this space, then became violent, and then destroyed!

At this moment, the world is in catastrophe and the world is destroyed.

At this moment, even the powerful saints may only be able to protect themselves in the face of such a terrifying disaster, and no one below the saint level will survive!

At the critical moment, the humanoid light and shadow transformed into the appearance of a celestial insect, and then its mouth opened wide, and the already crumbling holy body was directly swallowed by him.

"Vajra is indestructible!"

Under the magical power of the physical body, the sky insect transformed into a golden man of 100 feet.

At this time, when he used this physical magical power again, its power was no less powerful than the thirty-six peerless magical powers such as One Qi Transforming Three Purities and Holding Heaven and Earth in the Palm.

At this moment, the Celestial Insect is a fusion of One Qi, Three Purities, and the terrifying spiritual power of the eight-turn six-winged golden cicada. Therefore, even if he faces the attack of the real Holy Grade Heavenly Supreme, as long as his spiritual power is not exhausted, then this The indestructible body is enough to withstand any destructive force.

Just after he made all the preparations, the formation space constructed by the first ancient formation, the Liangyi Dust Formation, finally began to be destroyed...

The Great Thousand World, Ice Spirit Continent, Ice Spirit Clan, ancestral land.

In a blue ice crystal hall, the sound of bamboo lingers, and singing and dancing are in full swing.

At this time, many strong men from the Ice Spirit Clan gathered in this hall, and the majestic spiritual power rippled, causing turmoil in the space. However, among this group of strong clouds, there was a figure at the top of the hall who deserved the title. Focus, his every word and action brought an unspeakable sense of oppression to many strong men in the hall.

It was an old man wearing a blue robe.

The old man's face was azure, and a terrifying cold air emanated from his movements, causing the surrounding space to freeze. Even once the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered around him, it would freeze due to that terrifying cold air. As colorful broken crystals.

Whenever the spiritual power was frozen into ice crystals, the old man would inhale and swallow it into his body in one breath, with majestic spiritual power faintly surging in his eyes.

"The Ancestor's Bingming Divine Art has become more and more proficient!"

When the old man displayed such a domineering method of absorption, many of the Ice Spirit Tribe's senior leaders in the hall suddenly burst into admiration, sending out flattering words one after another without blushing.

And the reason why this group of people can do this is because this old man is the second strongest person in the Ice Spirit Tribe and the strongest person in the Ice Spirit Continent today, the Ice Spirit Ancestor!

There is no way, since that incident, the number one strongman of the Ice Spirit Tribe has been replaced.

It's just that that person has always lived in the martial realm, so it is said that the current Ice Spirit Ancestor is still the strongest person on the Ice Spirit Continent.

"Ancestor, the clan leader has sent a message, asking us Ice Spirit Tribe experts to get ready and head to the martial realm." A middle-aged man with a strong aura drank all the Ice Spirit wine in his hand and looked at Ancestor Bing Ling said in a deep voice.

Ancestor Bingling's expression remained unchanged, he still looked at the singing and dancing in front of him, and said calmly: "Okay, Bingxuan, please inform me. This time, Bingyu will be responsible for guarding the clan. Everyone else is ready, and I will lead the team. , ready to go at any time!”

Ever since he chose to embrace the martial arts realm, Patriarch Bingling had made his identity very clear. He would never obey or disobey the orders of the clan leader, Ying Huanhuan.


The middle-aged Ice Spirit Tribe strongman named Bingxuan agreed and immediately disappeared.

The Ice Spirit Ancestor withdrew his gaze at this time and looked into the distance. Although the conflicts between the Martial Realm and the group of extraterrestrial evil tribes continued, it was always a small fight, and there were few opportunities for the Ice Spirit Tribe to intervene. .

And every time they need to mobilize manpower, it means that a big war is about to happen.

It's not that the Suo Martial Realm can't solve it on its own, but the high-level combat power of the Martial Realm will not all take action. For example, the Martial Ancestor will not take action unless the opponent also sends out the powerful Heavenly Demon Emperor.

Although the martial realm has a lot of high-end combat power, its number of people is not large. After all, most of these people come from the lower plane, which is very similar to the endless fire realm.

But Martial Realm guards the south of Daqian. Although it has a small number of people, it has many continents, top forces and even super forces under its jurisdiction. Therefore, as long as Martial Realm sends out signs, countless terrifying and powerful armies can easily be gathered.

"Those like Qian Lie and Jin Xuan have been very active these days. A few juniors who have just entered the immortal realm want to compete with me from the Ice Spirit Tribe. It is simply wishful thinking!"

You must know that it is not without benefits for them to surrender to the martial realm. Because of their strong strength and having a martial realm mistress as the clan leader, the Ice Spirit Clan has always been the largest force under the martial realm and has received the most help from the martial realm. Therefore, this position But there are countless people watching...

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