The Great Overlord: The Insect Eats the Thousand

Chapter 308 Martial Ancestor Helps

When the Ice Spirit Tribe was preparing to assemble its army, a violent energy fluctuation came from the sky. The terrifying impact even directly flattened countless peaks in the Ice Spirit Continent.

"There are enemies?!"

At this moment, countless strong men from the Ice Spirit Tribe panicked.

After all, the only enemies that can bring such horrific damage to the Ice Spirit Continent from outside are at least Heavenly Sovereign level enemies.

"Don't panic!"

An old and deep voice instantly spread throughout the Ice Spirit Continent, causing the originally panicked Ice Spirit clansmen to calm down a little.

"Ancestor, are there any enemies?" A middle-aged man named Bingxuan rushed over and looked at the Bingling Ancestor and asked in shock.

The Ice Spirit Ancestor's face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "The impact came from the void outside the sky. I don't know whether the other party is deliberately attacking our Ice Spirit clan, or it was an accident. You and Bingyu are guarding the clan here, and I will go to the sky to see it myself. look!"

"This... Ancestor, please be careful." Bingxuan said worriedly.

Nodding, the Ice Spirit Ancestor's whole body was covered with ice and snow, and then his whole body turned into snowflakes and disappeared.

The void outside the sky.

When the Ice Spirit Ancestor entered the void, what he saw was that hundreds of millions of miles away, a terrifying crack in the void was releasing its power wantonly to the surroundings. Within thousands of miles, I am afraid that even the most powerful people in the sky would be destroyed. That terrifying space storm will tear it into pieces...

"What kind of terrifying existence can leave such terrifying scars in the void space? Could it be that there was a strong fight with a holy person over there just now?"

As a strong person in the late stage of the Immortal Stage, Ancestor Bing Ling could tell at a glance that the terrifying degree of space fragmentation could not be caused by the Supreme Immortal Stage Heaven.

It's just that a strong man of that level would be noticed even if he was close to the Ice Spirit Continent, but he didn't feel anything before.

Moreover, saints are not cabbage. Within the sphere of influence of this martial realm, there can be no other saints except Martial Ancestor.

Just when the Ice Spirit Ancestor was hesitating whether to pass on the matters here to the clan leader first, he suddenly saw golden light shooting out of the terrifying space crack...

This golden light was originally just a few sparse rays, but soon, there were more and more rays of light, and it became more and more dazzling. He even had the idea of ​​raising his hand to block it.

Under the gaze of the Ice Spirit Ancestor, a ten thousand-foot-long golden man appeared in the space bathed in billions of golden lights. A terrifying aura suddenly spread, and even the Ice Spirit Patriarch had to withdraw thousands of miles away again. .

"Holy product?!"

At this moment, the Ice Spirit Ancestor was finally sure that the golden figure had definitely reached the level of a saint!

It's just that the opponent's condition doesn't seem to be good at this moment. A terrifying energy seems to be gestating in his body, and the golden figure is trying his best to suppress the explosion of this power.

"No! If that power is allowed to explode, the Ice Spirit Continent will definitely be affected."

Thinking of this, the Ice Spirit Ancestor became fierce and prepared to go and take a look in person. Otherwise, if he really broke out, he might not be able to save them even if he asked for help from the Martial Realm now.

But before the Ice Spirit Ancestor could make any move, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Is the person coming here a strong person from the Ice Spirit Tribe?"

The Ice Spirit Ancestor paused, but he did not expect that the other party would take the initiative to communicate with him. In this case, he must have no malicious intentions.

It's just that the other party's current situation...

"I am the Ice Spirit Ancestor of the Ice Spirit Clan. Who are you, do you need help?"

The golden figure at this moment, the Tianchong who resisted the self-destruction of the Liangyi Dust Formation, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Since the opponent is the Ice Spirit Ancestor, the place he wants to come here should be near the Ice Spirit Continent. This place is not far from the Martial Realm. It seems that he is quite lucky.

"I am a Celestial Insect. Due to some reasons, I am unable to move at the moment and cannot mobilize my spiritual power. I have the Martial Ancestor stone talisman. I also ask the ancestor to destroy the stone talisman and invite the Martial Ancestor to come!"

As he spoke, a black shadow emerged from the golden light, and then flew into his hand with a move from the Ice Spirit Ancestor.

"This... is really the Martial Ancestor Stone Talisman!" Ancestor Bing Ling looked at the seemingly ordinary stone talisman in his hand, but it actually contained a mysterious aura.

"Little friend Tianchong, wait a moment, I'm going to ask Martial Ancestor to show up!"

As he spoke, a ray of ice power poured into the stone talisman, and the stone talisman instantly shattered into a piece of stone powder, slowly spreading along his fingers.

At this time, the space outside the void was torn apart, as if a sea of ​​thunder roared out from it. Above the sea of ​​thunder, a stalwart figure holding a thunder staff stepped out of the void and appeared in front of the Ice Spirit Ancestor. .

"Ice spirit?"

Lin Dong was obviously surprised when he saw that the person standing in front of him was the Ice Spirit Ancestor.

Because he remembered that the owner of his stone talisman was someone else...

But the next moment, Lin Dong knew the reason, and his majestic face couldn't help but reveal a look of solemnity.

"Boy Celestial Insect, how did you end up like this?"

Facing the surging golden figure, Lin Dong naturally recognized its identity at a glance, but this only made the confusion on his face even greater.

Tianchong could only smile bitterly when he heard this, and then said: "It's hard to explain in words. Senior Lin, please help me calm down these powers and help me refine them."

Lin Dong nodded slightly. He could also see the plight of the Celestial Insect at this moment. If he could not calm down the energy, he might not be able to bear it with his physical body.

But he knows better that as long as the Celestial Insects can refine these things and come up with that, I'm afraid it's not impossible to reach the sky in one step!

I saw the thunder staff in Wu Zu's hand tap lightly, and the infinite power of thunder gathered in an instant. A stream of light flew out from his hand, and instantly came to the top of the sky insect's head, turning into a gorgeous glazed bowl.

"Eighth Ancestor Glazed Bowl!"

Ice Spirit Ancestor looked at the colorful glass bowl with thousands of streaks, and was completely surprised. He didn't expect that this heavenly insect would be so valued by the Martial Ancestor. Not only did it have a stone talisman that could summon the Martial Ancestor at any time, but it could also Let Martial Ancestor not hesitate to use the Eight Ancestor Glazed Bowl for him!

Obviously, the Ice Spirit Ancestor did not know how close the relationship between Tianchong and Wujing was.

After the Eight Ancestor Glazed Bowl came to the top of Tian Chong's head, eight different kinds of light flowed rapidly in an instant, and finally turned into a light wheel, which was directly placed on the golden body of Tian Chong and quickly integrated into its body.

As the light wheel entered the body, the terrifying energy in Tianchong's body began to slowly calm down, but it was only forcibly suppressed by the Eight Ancestor Liulibo. Whether the crisis can be completely resolved next depends on Tianchong. Own.

Frowning, Lin Dong said: "It seems that it will take some time for you to resolve this crisis. During this time, the demons outside the territory are not honest. I can't stay away from the martial arts realm for a long time. Why don't you and I Let's go back together. It just so happens that my martial realm was transformed by me with the ancestral stone, so it will be helpful for you to absorb these energies there."

Hearing this, Tian Chong was naturally overjoyed and said quickly: "Then I'll trouble you, senior!"

"It doesn't matter!"

After saying that, Lin Dong nodded to the Ice Spirit Ancestor, then raised his hand and made a move. The Eight Ancestor Glazed Bowl immediately released infinite light, and even captured the Heavenly Insect's ten thousand feet golden body directly into it, and then turned into a stream of light and returned. Lin's hand.

The next moment, Lin Dong raised his hand to tear open a space passage and stepped into it.

Looking at this scene, the Ice Spirit Ancestor couldn't help but feel lucky for the boy named Tianchong... If he saw it right, as long as the other party survives this crisis, the realm of the Holy Grade will be within easy reach...

Think about yourself, after countless years of hard work, in the end, you haven't even touched the threshold of a saint. Sure enough, the gap between people is really too big!

The Martial Realm is located in the south of Bingling Continent and was created by Lin Dong using the ancestral stone.

From a distance, Wujing looks like a huge rock standing in the sea of ​​clouds, capped by green plants and surrounded by cliffs.

Since the martial realm is built on ancestral stones, and the ancestral stones can continue to grow, the output of ancestral spirit stones in the martial realm is very abundant. In addition to personal use, most of the ancestral spirit stones are distributed to all parts of the world. The ore trade here is extremely prosperous. In just a few decades, Tiandu, the main city of Wujing, has become the number one ore trading market in the world.

When Lin started to carry the glass bowl back to Zushi Peak where he was practicing, Ling Qingzhu, Ying Huanhuan, Lin Diao and other real high-level officials in the martial arts realm had already gathered together, and they were a little worried about Lin Dong's sudden departure.

"Brother, what just happened?" Lin Diao, who was as handsome as a demon, was the first to ask when Lin Dong appeared.

Especially when they saw Lin Dong holding a glass bowl in his hand, the expressions of everyone present changed.

What enemy could make Martial Ancestor even use the Eighth Ancestor Glazed Bowl? Could it be that the Demon Emperor appeared?

Lin Dong looked at everyone's expressions and could naturally guess what they were thinking, and immediately said: "Don't worry, it's not a big deal..."

After simply sensing that the stone talisman was broken, and then talking about seeing the sky insect, Lin Diao and others immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you're not an enemy..."

After a pause, Lin Dong looked at the woman with long icy blue hair next to him. Her skin was as white as transparent and could be broken by blows. She looked like a young girl and said: "This is where the little friend Celestial Insect appears. There was a lot of movement in the void on top of the Ice Spirit Continent, so it might have caused some damage to the Ice Spirit Continent. Huanhuan, if you are worried, you can go back and take a look..."

This girl-like woman is none other than Ying Huanhuan, one of the two mistresses in the Martial Realm. Because she was resurrected from the Ice Spirit Monument, she has always maintained her appearance as a girl.

After listening to Lin Dong's words, Ying Huanhuan did not show too much concern. After all, she was not willing to be the leader of the Ice Spirit Clan. If the martial realm had not just been established and she needed the help of some strong people, she would not have done it. Agree to Patriarch Bingling’s request to take the position of clan leader.

She has rarely returned to the Ice Spirit Clan in recent years, so this clan leader is only in name only.

Of course, the Ice Spirit Tribe would faithfully carry out any of her orders, which allowed Ying Huanhuan to never take off the title of clan leader.

"Brother, what are you going to do with this little guy next?" Lin Qingtan, who was wearing a black dress, asked on the other side.

She had met Tian Chong, and she admired this young man very much, especially his unparalleled cultivation talent.

Similarly, she could also feel her niece's inner thoughts, but unfortunately the two of them were not destined to each other. Lin Qingtan had also experienced this feeling, so she felt even more distressed.

"There's not much I can do. Everything still depends on him." Lin shook his head and said. "I plan to let him practice at Ancestral Stone Peak. With the help of the Eighth Ancestor Glazed Bo and Ancestral Stone, I think it will give him a greater chance of success."

The Ancestral Stone was the strongest divine object in the Xuantian Continent at the time, except for the Plane Fetus, and had the strongest power of purification. It had the patterns of the eight Ancestral Talisman and the power of the eight Ancestral Talisman, which could balance the power of the Ancestral Talisman. There is the Infinite Divine Prison Disk to hone one's spiritual power, and it can also be used for suppression and sealing.

Therefore, with the assistance of the ancestral stone, it will be much easier for the Sky Chong to completely purify the true spirit of the six-winged golden cicada of the previous generation. Moreover, it could also temporarily suppress the terrifying energy in the holy body that he swallowed in one gulp, and also give the Celestial Chong a chance to refine it.

And just when Tian Chong was left at Zu Shi Peak by Lin Dong, and he personally asked Zu Shi's tool spirit "Yan" to assist Tian Chong, in Mu Mansion far away in the northern region of Tianluo Continent, Muchen had already ended his life. The retreat...

Looking at the two Qiankun bracelets in front of him that had been consumed by him, Muchen shook his head helplessly. Even though he had prepared a large amount of supreme spiritual liquid for this retreat, he still failed to reach the late spiritual level as expected.

After all, time is limited, and he is not like the Celestial Insect. His own spiritual power has the terrifying devouring attribute, and he is assisted by a golden cicada who completely controls an origin, so even tens of billions of supreme spiritual liquid can be used in the process. Swallowed and absorbed in a short period of time.

Even though Muchen had a grand master-level spirit gathering array and his own Saint Buddha Tower, there was still a huge gap.

But fortunately, these supreme spiritual liquids were not in vain. The pure spiritual power was refined and entered into the body. At this time, the endless majestic spiritual power in Muchen's flesh and blood was constantly vibrating, and then mixed with the flesh and blood. Gradually merge.

As long as the spiritual power filling his body is completely integrated with flesh, blood and bones, that will be the day he breaks through to the late spiritual stage.

And next, he will go to attend the Eternal Meeting!

With a movement of his body, Muchen's figure appeared on the top of the mountain where he was practicing, and then he saw two lights and shadows coming from the distance.

One of them is naturally Jiuyou with a delicate body and exposed curves, while the other one is actually a girl in a purple skirt...

I saw this girl's black hair hanging down to her delicate buttocks, fluttering in the wind, her delicate little face glowing with a faint luster like porcelain, but her expression was rather cold and solemn, and a pair of golden pupils shone with a mysterious and profound light.

"Mandala?" Muchen looked at the girl in the purple skirt and couldn't help but uttered a voice of surprise.

In the past, Mandala always looked like a little girl, but now she has transformed into a graceful girl. However, judging from the powerful spiritual power fluctuations emanating from Mandala's body, it is obvious that this time she has successfully broken through to the sky. Supreme.

Mandala's golden eyes glanced at Muchen, and said calmly: "Our Mandala tribe has a slow growth cycle, and this breakthrough to the Heavenly Supreme has also allowed me to escape from the infancy stage."

Muchen nodded, suppressing a smile and said, "That's good, lest others think that our Mufu is run by a little girl."

"You look down on my previous form?" Mandala narrowed his golden eyes and said.

"Don't dare, don't dare." Muchen said quickly. Now that the affairs of the Mu Mansion are complicated, and he is about to leave again, if he offends Mandala at this time and causes her to give up, then the Mu Mansion will really be in chaos.

Mandala snorted softly, rolled his eyes at Muchen angrily, and then said: "Don't be too happy too early. This time I came here and brought some not-so-good news..."

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