Ancestral Stone Peak is the highest mountain in the Martial Realm, where the spirit of the Ancestral Stone resides, and is the core of the entire Martial Realm.

Inside this Ten Thousand Ren peak, in a huge space, a golden figure sits there, the Eight Ancestor Glazed Bowl representing eight different primitive powers shrouding the figure, constantly emitting light.

At this time, inside the huge golden giant, the sky insect was sitting cross-legged in a world of golden light. Not far in front of him was a golden silkworm cocoon that was completely wrapped in crystallized energy. At this time, there was a bright light inside the cocoon. A flickering golden light extinguished like breathing.

A strange energy continued to seep in from the outside world, and then helped the heavenly insects and golden cicadas to continuously purify the spiritual thoughts belonging to the six-winged golden cicadas of the previous generation.

"Thanks to the help of Martial Ancestor this time, otherwise it would have taken me a lot of time just to completely wipe out the six-winged golden cicada's spiritual thoughts." Tianchong slowly opened his eyes, feeling the The mysterious power, I couldn't help but sigh.

"Moreover, this ancestral stone is truly unique. It is worthy of being used by the Martial Ancestor to build a powerful divine object that supports the entire martial realm."

Tianchong was in a very good mood at the moment, and this time it was considered a near miss. Of course, more importantly, the harvest was huge.

You must know that the Golden Chan Emperor is a true late-stage saint, and his body is different from that of the fallen saint. It also contains complete vitality and spiritual power. It can be said that except that he has no soul, he is just like a saint. The strong ones in the later period are no different.

After all, the Six-Winged Golden Cicada was originally going to be reborn in this body, so it would naturally protect it so that its power would not be lost.

If you can completely devour and refine such a physical body, then it is not impossible to directly advance to the holy level. Moreover, Jin Chan has completely absorbed all the origins left by the previous generation of Six-winged Golden Chan, and it is certain to complete this eighth transformation. In this way, they are two powerful saints...

Although they are only in the early stages of the Saint Stage, if the two of them are fused, they may be able to fight in the later stages of the Saint stage!

Of course, the body of a late-stage saint, especially one with complete vitality and spiritual power, would not be able to be harmed by an ordinary Heavenly Supreme, let alone devoured, even by a full-out attack.

The Golden Cicada Emperor is also a cultivator of the Six-winged Golden Cicada's unique devouring attribute spiritual power. You may not have devoured him, but he will instead devour you.

In the entire world, I am afraid that only Tian Chong can achieve this step. Just like how only Muchen, who has mastered the eternal immortal body, can obtain the legacy of the Immortal Emperor, the two are connected.

Taking a deep breath, Tian Chong waved his hand directly, and the body of Emperor Jin Chan came to him.

"Get ready to start..."

After finishing speaking, Tian Chong raised his palms, a traction force was emitted, and Emperor Jin Chan's hands also slowly rose.

"Senior, I'm offended."

Tianchong took a deep breath, and his expression became extremely solemn. After all, the complete spiritual power of a late-stage saint-grade strongman is too powerful, not to mention that for him who is an immortal-grade person, even a saint-grade strongman, I am afraid, No one dares to receive such vast spiritual power easily.

If he were not careful, his body would be blown away!


The moment the two palms came into contact, Tian Chong's pupils suddenly contracted, because he felt an indescribably vast spiritual power pouring out like billions of tons of sea water at this moment, with an unparalleled arrogance. The posture rushed directly into his body.


At that moment, the skin of Tianchong's arms was directly torn, and blood flowed out. The flesh and blood in his body was vibrating crazily, and at the same time, he began to frantically absorb the incoming spiritual power.

These spiritual powers had lost the will they once contained when the soul of Emperor Jin Chan dissipated, and had become extremely pure, but the devouring power within them still made the Celestial Insect palpitate, and even almost caused a backlash.

Just when Emperor Jin Chan's physical instincts started to react, halos suddenly emerged from the void one by one, and then tightly wrapped around his body, directly suppressing the devouring power.

Seeing this, Tianchong let out a long sigh of relief.

He knew that this was when the Eight Ancestor Liuzu Bo from outside began to play a role.

Boom boom!

Sounds like thunder kept coming from the body of Tianchong. In just a few dozen seconds, he had turned into a bloody man. He looked extremely miserable. His body was almost completely destroyed by the vast spiritual power. Brutal tearing.

Obviously, the immortal body is still too fragile when facing the spiritual power of the later stage of the holy body.

I'm afraid that only by upgrading his physical body to the holy level can he ensure that he can quickly absorb these spiritual powers... But it doesn't matter, after all, the golden cicada emperor's physical body still contains complete vitality, and the golden cicada reincarnation technique he practiced is exactly the same. It is a special technique for practitioners of spiritual power and physical training.

With a thought, in the endless torrent of terrifying spiritual power, the rich vitality also began to flow into the body of the Celestial Insect. Under the repair of these vitality, his body, which was already covered with bruises, healed in a very short time. It was repaired within.

Then it was cracked by the spiritual impact again, repaired again, cracked again...

The cycle repeats endlessly.

It's like a person who has been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. When all the flesh and blood on his body is cut off, it grows again. The pain is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Of course, the effect is also very obvious. The body of the sky insect is growing at an extremely terrifying speed...

While Tian Chong was in seclusion, news about him spread from the Martial Realm to the ears of forces with extraordinary connections to Celestial Chong, such as Spirit Insect Continent and Endless Fire Realm, in the shortest possible time.

In a world of flames, Emperor Yan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the gorgeous fire lotus floating in front of him. He couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth slightly.

"After all these years, have you finally surrendered to me..."

What responded to him was the hum emanating from the fire lotus.

"After merging the Burning Sky Spiritual Fire, I should be qualified to touch that realm..."

As the Daqian Covenant approaches, Xiao Yan also has an inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart, which also makes him have to conquer the flame that supports the existence of the entire Fentian Continent in advance, and is also the strongest flame of Daqian. His own Emperor Yan.

And when the Burning Sky Spiritual Fire merged into the Emperor Flame, he also touched the final height of this world.

At this moment, a small flame flew from the outside world, fell directly into Xiao Yan's hand, and dissipated the next moment.

At the same time, a message was transmitted to Xiao Yan's mind.

"Well, why did this kid end up in the martial arts realm... But listening to Brother Lin's words, is it possible that this brat really found a chance to break through to the Holy Grade? It's really amazing..."

When he was practicing before, he secretly felt a sense of crisis coming from another Emperor Flame.

Xiao Yan immediately understood that Tian Chong must have encountered some unsolvable problem, so he remotely used his connection with Emperor Yan to help him. This was also the reason why Tianchong suddenly erupted in the Liangyi Dust Formation.

At that time, Xiao Yan was still thinking about what kind of crisis the other party had encountered, but he didn't expect that it was related to breaking through the Holy Grade.

The same scene also happened in the insect world.

At this time, Zongzu was leading the Dragon Demon and the Death Emperor to practice hard in the chaotic space of the Insect Realm. Because of the existence of the fate contract, when the Celestial Insect was in danger before, he could sense it more clearly than Xiao Yan.

It's just that unlike Xiao Yan who can directly use Emperor Yan to transmit power, although Zongzu is more closely connected with the Celestial Insects, his strength is far behind, and in the end he can only use the power of the Heart of the Insect Realm to transmit it. After a burst of chaotic energy passed by, as to how much it could help the Celestial Insects, to be honest, Zongzu himself was not sure.

However, the ability of the two to share their lives still let Zongzu know that the Celestial Insect finally survived and is even becoming stronger and stronger now...

It was under this situation that he received news from the outside world from the leader of the Spirit Insect Clan, and learned that Tian Insect was currently practicing in the martial realm.

This made Zongzu feel relieved a lot.

However, compared to the happiness of Xiao Yan and the Zerg, several people in the Mu Mansion had completely different feelings.

Mandala looked at Muchen with a teasing look on his face and couldn't help but snorted and said, "Don't be too happy too early. This time I came here and brought some not-so-good news..."

"Uh, what's the news?" Muchen suddenly said confused. Is it possible that someone is still looking for trouble in Mufu at this time?

At this time, Jiuyou said with a serious face: "There was news from the Lingzong tribe before that your good brother is currently in retreat in the martial realm. I am afraid that he will not be able to leave the retreat in a short time. Therefore, I am afraid that this trip to Eternal City will not be successful." Don’t fuck him anymore.”

"Brother Tianchong is in seclusion?" Muchen was slightly surprised, then he said happily: "Maybe he has found a chance to break through again, that would be really great!"

Seeing Muchen whose reaction was obviously different from what he imagined, the two women suddenly looked stunned.

"What? Do you think I will be angry because of this news?" Muchen couldn't help but shake his head and smile. "It is true that if Brother Celestial Chong is accompanying me on this trip to Eternal City, it will indeed be of great help to me. But you also know what the real purpose of this Eternal Meeting is, so the help of outsiders is of great help to me. It’s not really important.”

"Besides, the stronger Brother Celestial Chong is, the more help he will have to me in the future, right? If this time of eternity really leads to an enmity with the Maha Ancient Clan, I may not be able to count on Brother Celestial Chong to help me in the future, so for I am naturally happy to see him improve his strength."

The two women couldn't help but shake their heads when they heard this. They couldn't figure out how there could be such a strange friendship between two men. If they didn't each have their own significant other, they might have misunderstood.

"Okay, let's talk about this Eternal Meeting..." Muchen looked at the two women with a slightly solemn expression and said.

After all, it is a major event regarding the ownership of one of the top supreme dharma bodies in the world. Even the top forces from all parties will always pay attention to it, and even many holy beings are watching.

"Here." A scroll appeared in Jiuyouyu's hand, handed it to Muchen, and said: "During your retreat, the world has made a hot list for winning the "Eternal Immortal Body", and these You should also be aware of the intelligence and take precautions.”


Muchen took it with interest and opened the scroll, only to see that the first name was a very familiar name.

The first one is from the ancient Maha clan, Maha You, the peak of the later stage of immortality. He is the younger brother of the patriarch of the ancient Maha clan, Maha Tian, ​​and the next person from the ancient Maha clan who is qualified to reach the holy level.

"This guy!"

Muchen narrowed his eyes slightly, this Mahayou is indeed a person. His strength at the peak of the late stage of Immortal Grade, in terms of cultivation alone, is stronger than that of Huang Xuanzhi, Ao Lie, Tian Chong and others. As long as he does not meet the Holy Grade Tian Zhizun, I'm afraid there are really not many people who are his opponents, no wonder he can be ranked first.

Even Muchen himself at this moment did not intend to have a head-on confrontation with Mahayou before he broke through to the late spiritual stage.

The second one, Shura Spear Ye Qing, is in the late stage of Immortal Grade.

"Ye Qing..." Muchen looked at the name and felt a murderous aura rushing towards his face just by looking at it.

"This Ye Qing is the second hall master of Ximing Palace. He is invincible with a Shura Spear. It is said that he has experienced thousands of battlefields and tempered himself in the blood and fire. He can be called a battlefield Shura. He is extremely famous and is not inferior to Maha. How quiet." Jiuyou sighed.

Only by true contact can we know how terrifying the powerful people in this world are. Fortunately, these people are already hundreds or thousands of years old and cannot be considered as the younger generation. Otherwise, Muchen and Tianchong would have been given the title of peerless twins by others.

Muchen just nodded slightly and continued to read without saying anything.

The third place is Vajra King Shiluo, chief protector of Dalingshan, late stage immortal.

This Daling Mountain is also one of the top superpowers in the world. It is said that the cultivators in Daling Mountain are all like ascetics. Their bodies are strong and domineering, and they are extremely powerful. The fact that Shi Luo can be the chief protector naturally has its own extraordinary qualities. .

The fourth one, Sword Saint Tuo Bacang, was in the late stage of immortality. He was running rampant across the world with a broken sword. He once had a feud with a super power, and finally destroyed his clan with a single blow.

Although this person does not have a super strong background like the first three, he is obviously a super strong person, especially one who can destroy a super force with one sword. Not many people in the same realm can do this.

But when he continued to look down, Muchen was surprised. He didn't expect that the fifth name was actually his own name.

It also records that he made a big fuss with the Ancient Buddha Clan, defeated the Phoenix Clan's genius Huang Xuanzhi twice, and even single-handedly swept through the entire younger generation of the Bird Clan, and defeated the Ghost Emperor in Tianluo Continent with one against five. Waiting for the five powerful immortals...

It can be said that these are Muchen's highlight moments. I didn't expect that the above records were so clear. It seems that he was also carefully investigated.

Muchen put away the scroll and did not look at it any more.

Although there are still a few people behind him, in his opinion, the biggest threat to this "Eternal Meeting" should be the first four.

And my opponents are only these four...

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