Under everyone's expectant gaze, the screen began to introduce the disaster.

"Psionic energy is a special kind of extraordinary energy. Absorbing psychic energy can make people step into the extraordinary realm, and can make rapid progress and quickly gain extraordinary powers that can destroy the world."

Psionic energy is indeed a kind of extraordinary energy, and it is also a kind of extraordinary energy that can be quickly acquired.

It can make people quickly possess powerful strength.

On the screen, a figure appeared. This is an ordinary boy, without any cultivation, just an ordinary person.

But as gray psychic energy appeared around him, the boy also absorbed these psychic energies into his body.

The originally ordinary body immediately changed, and the strength and speed were both improved.

In just a few short breaths, the boy's strength increased by a hundred times, and he easily broke a boulder with one punch.

He jumped dozens of meters high. 27 degrees.

In front of the boy, a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex slowly appeared. This was a strong adult Tyrannosaurus Rex, more than ten meters tall, with thick skin and flesh, like a mobile fortress.

Although the two short hands are a bit cute, the head and bloody mouth are not for show.

This extinct ancient beast is still very impactful when standing in front of humans.


The Tyrannosaurus roared, and a fishy wind blew in his face. Although its thick teeth had never been brushed, they were still bright and sharp.

It opened its big mouth, ready to swallow the boy into its mouth. The upper and lower rows of sharp teeth would bite down, and the fragile human body would be completely bitten off and torn into pieces.

Facing the threat of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the boy's eyes were steady, and his body shook, appearing dozens of meters away, avoiding the attack of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. With his legs bent and using the ground for leverage, the boy's body was like a swimming dragon, like a flash of lightning, approaching the head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


A punch was thrown, hitting the head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex hard. A gray light flashed by, and the huge body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex fell to the ground.

"In addition to powerful strength and speed, psychic energy can also enable people to master various magical abilities, such as fire, water, lightning, hurricanes, etc."

The role of psychic energy is not only to strengthen the body, but also to give people strange abilities.

After the boy knocked down the Tyrannosaurus Rex, a gust of wind appeared, holding the boy's body suspended in the air.


As the boy waved his hand, a thunderbolt fell and hit the Tyrannosaurus Rex fiercely.

Even the ancient giant Tyrannosaurus Rex could not resist the thunderbolt, and the surface of its body was scorched.


The young man fell down, using his hands as a knife, slashing at the Tyrannosaurus Rex, cutting out pieces of dragon meat.

The tough skin and flesh of the Tyrannosaurus Rex were easily cut open by the young man's knife. His hands were like the sharpest divine weapon. After cutting off the flesh of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the young man spread out his palms, and flames appeared out of thin air, burning in the void. The flesh of the Tyrannosaurus Rex was roasted on the flames.

"What kind of disaster is this? Isn't this a benefit?"

Lu Xiaoqian was stunned. What kind of disaster is this? It allows ordinary people to gain such strong power. It can't be a disaster, right? (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Brother Xiaoqian, what is being demonstrated now should be the effect of psychic power, and the subsequent loss of control has not been demonstrated yet."

Silly girl told Lu Xiaoqian not to worry, what is being demonstrated now should be the effect of psychic power, and the loss of control is the real disaster, it just hasn't been demonstrated yet.

""The knights broke the law with their martial arts, let alone letting ordinary people gain such power in a short time, it will definitely cause a shock to the world."

Li Shimin frowned. As an emperor, he saw more.

This spiritual power is not to mention out of control, even if it is not out of control, it is not a good thing for him.

Even those so-called martial arts masters have times when they disregard the court law and kill people in anger, let alone ordinary people?

If ordinary people gain powerful power in a short time, I am afraid that their mentality will change immediately, and the order of the entire society will probably collapse in an instant.

The world that has finally settled down will fall into chaos again.

"Your Majesty is worried that if psychic power really appears, it will probably cause a huge chaos."

The ministers in the court are not mediocre people. Naturally, they can also think that if psychic power really appears, it will definitely cause a huge change in the whole world.

"What is there to worry about? Psychic energy is not exclusive to certain people. Even if it really appears, all of us can absorb psychic energy. If there is any chaos, we can just suppress it when the time comes."

Cheng Yaojin didn't care. If psychic energy appears, it will be everywhere in the world. If everyone can become stronger, doesn't that mean that no one has become stronger?

Even if there is some chaos, can't they solve it if they take action?

It has to be said that Cheng Yaojin's words opened up a new idea. Psychic energy belongs to everyone. As long as everyone becomes stronger, the role of the army will still be there.

The so-called chaos is only temporary, and they will be able to suppress it soon, but by then the rules of the world may have to change a little.

"What a powerful flame. It would be very convenient to use it for cooking."

Little Chef World.

Little Chef Liu Maoxing looked at the flame on the boy's palm on the screen with shining eyes.

This ability is really suitable for cooking.

"You are really obsessed with cooking. Shouldn't you pay more attention to other aspects?"

Dudu reminded Xiao Dajia from the side. Even a girl like her knew that she should pay more attention to the powerful fighting power brought by spiritual energy. The flame is obviously used for fighting, not for cooking.

"Right, how should the meat of the Tyrannosaurus Rex be cooked? Should it be steamed, fried, or stewed?"

The little chef turned his attention to the Tyrannosaurus Rex meat as an ingredient. How should this new ingredient be cooked? Dudu slapped his head beside him, it's hopeless, it's really hopeless..

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