"Is this psychic power? The energy that can turn a person into a superman?"

Tony looked at the screen. This psychic power looked pretty good.

"Not only can you gain physical fitness beyond ordinary people, but you can also control the power of wind, fire, thunder and lightning. Aren't all the effects of this psychic energy positive?"

Banner was also a little confused. Aren't all the effects of this psychic energy positive?

It can enhance the strength of the body and control the power of the elements. The ability given by this psychic energy is quite versatile.

"Don't be fooled by appearances. The stronger the power obtained through psychic energy, the more dangerous it will be when it gets out of control!"

Thor is a god after all, and his understanding of power is far beyond the reach of mortals.

Although psychic energy looks wonderful, don't forget that there is a description of losing control behind it.

The easier it is to get power, the easier it is to lose control.

And the stronger the power obtained, the greater the damage caused after losing control.

This is the experience Thor has summed up through his experiences in his long life.

Although it seems beautiful now, the stronger the psychic energy displayed, the more terrible it will be after losing control.

"Psychic energy can be continuously absorbed and improved. When the body can allow it, it can be continuously absorbed and controlled to attack."

On the screen, the boy is still getting stronger, and spiritual energy is constantly flowing into his body, and then controlled by him, and transformed into powerful combat power.


The boy punched out, and the spiritual energy turned into a gray dragon, crashing into the mountain. A thousand-meter-high mountain was blown up and exploded into countless rubble.

With the continuous influx of spiritual energy, the boy's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the elemental power he can control is also getting stronger and stronger.


The young man was in mid-air, with his hands open. Endless dark clouds filled the sky, triggering a lightning storm that enveloped the entire world!

The entire planet was covered by dark clouds, as if it had entered the dark night. Thick lightning cut through the dark night, like a sharp sword falling from the sky, tearing through space.

This was a direct attack on the world.

"Although psychic energy can quickly enhance the strength of organisms, it is unstable and can get out of control at any time."

Sure enough, the turning point has come. Although psychic energy is beautiful, it is not stable and can get out of control at any time. The more psychic energy is absorbed, the greater the possibility of losing control.


On the screen, the face of the young man who was bursting with endless lightning changed and showed an uncomfortable expression. Inside his body, there were flashes of lightning.

The psychic energy got out of control in the body and directly tore the boy's body apart. Then it exploded with a loud bang, making a huge noise. The huge energy exploded, like a second sun appeared in the sky.

And the energy fluctuated and exploded like a tide, and the planet under the boy was shattered in the roar.

One person's self-explosion actually destroyed a planet.

"Sure enough, just as we thought, there is something wrong with this psychic energy."

Gu Yi looked at this scene and felt something in his heart. This psychic energy is not so perfect. When it is out of control, it can cause such a strong self-explosion.

"Self-destruction, this out-of-control spiritual energy is indeed much more dangerous than internal force." (To read exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Linghu Chong looked at the picture on the screen. The power of the self-destruction made him feel palpitations. It was too strong. The loss of control of internal force would only make him go crazy. At most, his meridians would be damaged, his internal force would be blocked, and he would suffer from internal injuries that would never heal and be unable to use martial arts.

It looked miserable, but compared to the self-destruction, it was much better.

Moreover, the power of the self-destruction could destroy the planet. It was really terrible.

"Losing control means self-destruction? And it can cause such a big explosion after self-destruction!"

Li Shimin looked at the picture on the screen and understood that this spiritual energy out of control means self-destruction, and the power is so great.

"The more spiritual energy you absorb, the stronger your strength will be, the more likely you are to lose control, and the more powerful your power will be after self-destruction. From this point of view, after absorbing spiritual energy, you will become a bomb that may explode at any time!"

Fang Xuanling stroked his beard. He originally thought that this spiritual energy could give people extraordinary opportunities and benefit the world. Who would have thought that the essence of it was to turn people into bombs?

And it was a bomb that you didn't know when it would explode.

"Is it because of the influx of energy that caused the explosion? Is it because of insufficient control over one's own power?"

Red-haired Shanks looked at the out-of-control explosion of psychic energy and felt a little unbelievable. He couldn't imagine that he would explode because of his own domineering power.

"It was actually blown up by the power of psychic energy. His body is still too weak."

Kaido thought that it might be because his body was too weak.

Although his psychic energy was enhanced, there was still a limit to its capacity. Once this limit was exceeded, it would be blown up.

If it was Kaido's strongest body, this would definitely not happen.

"Only cultivating life without cultivating nature. This is the first disease of cultivation. Having physical strength but no corresponding mind and nature, and being unable to control excessive power, will naturally lead to destruction."The

Taoist ancestral temple, on Longhu Mountain, the old Tianshi chanted softly.

That kind of self-explosion is obviously because the physical strength is too strong, and the body cannot balance or control this power, so it will explode.

This is the result of only cultivating life without cultivating nature.

Strength is not just obtained, but also needs to be controlled before it is your own strength.

"Psychic energy does not need to be cultivated. As long as you have the physique to absorb psychic energy, you can continue to absorb psychic energy, but this process cannot be stopped. Psychic energy will continue to flow into the body.

Different people can control different psychic energy. Once the influx of psychic energy exceeds the limit of the body's tolerance, it will cause psychic energy to go out of control."

The reason for the loss of psychic energy is explained on the screen.

The influx of psychic energy is passive. As long as you have the qualifications to absorb psychic energy, psychic energy will continue to flow in, and there is no need to cultivate the system at all.

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