"Isn't this too weird? Is it really a coincidence?"

Lu Xiaoqian felt his hair stand on end. Isn't this too weird?

Although the final result was that those people died in an accident, after watching the whole process, Lu Xiaoqian found it difficult to classify it as an accident.

Damn, how could there be such a coincidence?

"Brother Xiaoqian, those accidents are all possible, but the probability is too small. A series of small probability events together become an accident that doesn't seem like an accident."

Silly girl's purely rational thinking, for those accidents that survived death, although the probability is very small, it is still possible.

Of course, so many small probability events gathered together, in the calculation of silly girl, the probability of occurrence is almost zero.

But for silly girl, no matter what, she still has to explain it to Lu Xiaoqian.

"It looks like nothing will happen if you're careful."

In the Marvel world, Barton looked at the content on the screen. It didn't seem that it was difficult to defend. As long as you were careful, you could avoid the attack of the god of death.

This was the case for ordinary people, not to mention that they were superheroes who far surpassed humans. It should be easier to fight them.

"That is, as long as I put on the armor, he can't do anything to me."

Tony is very confident in his technology.

The armor's defense is absolutely amazing. Even guns can't penetrate it, not to mention some scissors and kitchen knives. He can survive even a plane crash.

"But there are always times when you don't wear armor, and your armor also has gaps and wires. When it collides, it may short-circuit, malfunction, or leak energy. A life-saving suit may very well become a cage for death."

Nick Fury told Tony not to be too confident. He could think of a hundred possibilities of death due to a malfunction of the iron suit in a minute. He told Tony not to be too confident.

Tony wanted to refute, he was not that careless, that kind of thing would never happen.

But think about the operation of the Grim Reaper shown on the screen, isn't the probability of that one incredibly small?

Thinking of this, Tony couldn't utter the words of rebuttal when they came to his lips.

"Trust my skills, and I have Jarvis here."

Tony said it stubbornly, but his words were not very confident, and he even brought up Jarvis.

On the screen, the picture continued, this time it was a blonde girl driving on the road, and in the car in the lane next to it, children were playing with two cars colliding.

After passing it, it was a school bus. The students inside were shouting mischievously about crashing the car, and turned on the radio, which was playing the memorial of the crash of Flight 108.

All of this was foreshadowing that something ominous was about to happen.

And this was indeed the case. A major car accident happened in the blink of an eye. The steel cable of a train pulling logs broke, and a large number of logs rolled down, causing a huge traffic accident.

Including the blonde girl Kimberly, everyone died in the car accident.

But the picture changed, the fire disappeared, and Kimberly had a premonition of this. The car accident happened again.

The scenes that were predicted were played out one by one again. Kimberly realized the danger and quickly blocked the middle of the road to prevent people from passing.

But the police came and asked her to move the car away. Even if Kimberly reminded her again, it was of no avail. The disaster happened again. The log truck had an accident and a large number of logs fell, causing huge damage.

Another group of people survived. They gathered together. Kimberly told them about Flight 180, but no one believed it. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After all, it is really hard for an abstract god of death to make people believe. They prefer to believe that they are lucky.

But the first one to die was the lucky Ivan. He won the lottery and got a lot of money. Now he has escaped from death. It can be said that luck always accompanies him.

Put the leftover noodles in the pot. He casually threw it out of the window and continued to heat the food.

A cool breeze came and the refrigerator magnet fell into the leftovers.

Alvin didn't notice it. He put the leftovers in the microwave and couldn't wait to try on the big gold watch and admire the diamond ring.

The impurities in the leftovers caused a noise in the microwave. Alvin immediately turned his head and saw that the diamond ring in his hand had fallen into the sewer. He subconsciously reached out to get it.

But the big gold watch on his wrist was stuck in the sewer. At this moment, the stove suddenly caught fire and flames burst out.

Alvin picked up a towel and tried to put out the fire, but he knocked over the pan. The flames spread in the room, and cracks appeared on the microwave. It seemed that it could not hold on.

At this critical moment, Alvin pulled his hand out with a sudden force, picked up the fire extinguisher and He sprayed wildly, but the fire extinguisher did not cooperate. Before he could spray twice, the 870 broke down.


The surrounding windows automatically closed and locked, blocking the room.


In order to escape, Irvin broke the glass, flipped out, and climbed up the escape stairs outside the window.


Just as Irvin climbed downstairs, an explosion occurred in his room. If he was a step slower, he would either be killed by the explosion or fall downstairs. After successfully reaching the downstairs, Irvin was sighing at his luck, but he stepped on the noodles that had been thrown down before and fell on his back.


The escape stairs made an unpleasant sound, and the sharp iron stairs suddenly fell down, but stopped above his eyes.

Irvin widened his eyes. The stairs stopped, but his heart was still beating violently, and he felt like he had escaped from death.


At a moment, the stairs suddenly fell and shot Irvin in the head in an instant.

"Oh! How disgusting!"

In the Marvel world, Spider-Man Peter Parker suddenly realized that this scene was too disgusting.

"It 's too bloody, it's not suitable for children to watch."

Strange also felt that this scene was not suitable for children to watch.

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