But thinking that Peter is Spider-Man, dealing with super villains is always unsafe, and he might encounter cruel and disgusting things.

Strange didn't say much.

"This guy is really lucky!"

Even the ancient Yue Buqun could see that Ivan was very lucky and escaped from the hands of death many times.

But his luck was finally exhausted and he died tragically.

"In fact, he had a chance to escape in the end, but unfortunately... he was delayed."

Wuzan shook his head and expressed his pity for Ivan. As a senior in the way of hiding, he knew very well that he should stay away from danger as soon as he had the chance.

Over the years, he would hide whenever he could and never put himself in danger.

And this Ivan was obviously a novice and lacked experience. He had a chance to escape at the last step of the stairs, but unfortunately he missed the chance to escape because he was celebrating and calming down.

Ivan died, and Kimberly was not idle either. She found Claire, the only survivor of Flight 180, and went to the mental hospital to invite Claire out.

At this time, the god of death took another head, and it was a boy who was killed by high-altitude glass.

Claire took Kimberly to find the coroner. This mysterious coroner must know something.

Maybe it can help them fight against the god of death.

But the coroner did not say much, but at Kimberly's request, he told them that new life can defeat death.

As long as there is a new life, the death list will be invalid.

This was unclear, but they could only leave.

But after leaving, I wanted to There was a pregnant woman at the scene of the car accident. Claire thought that perhaps rebirth was a new life. As long as the pregnant woman gave birth to a new life, everyone would be saved.

But during the waiting period, the Grim Reaper was still exerting his strength and killing people according to his plan.

When it is not your turn, even a fully loaded and loaded gun cannot end your life.

But when it is your turn, no matter how you dodge, it is useless. The Grim Reaper is still taking people's lives one after another.

Even Claire, an old player, was tricked by the Grim Reaper.

But at this time, Kimberly also reacted. The pregnant woman was not on the list of deaths in the car accident. She was an outsider, and her child could not offset the death list.

Regarding the coroner's rebirth to defeat death, Kimberly suddenly had a new idea.

That is to be reborn after being put to death. This rebirth may not be a newborn, but a new life.

After realizing this, Kimberly immediately drove the car into the lake and put herself to death before being reborn.

"Very clever! A person is considered dead when their heart stops beating, and their life can be considered taken away by the god of death at that time.

If they are rescued later, they are no longer on the death list. This explanation is at least more reasonable than that of a pregnant woman."

Tony nodded. Kimberly is very smart. This analysis is also very reliable. It is indeed possible to break the death list.

"Indeed, according to previous speculation, if the pregnant woman is also on the death list, then the child in her belly is obviously on the list. A life that is already on the list cannot be considered a new life."

Captain America also agreed with Tony's statement. The idea that the pregnant woman was reborn was indeed a bit difficult to bear.

"What if you get pregnant after being on the death list? Does it count as a new life?" (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Dr. Banner has a tricky angle and proposes an unimagined path.

""Dr. Banner, I didn't expect you to have such an active mind!"

Nick Fury looked at Banner in surprise. He thought Banner would be as old-fashioned as those scholars, but he didn't expect his mind to be so active.

Others also looked at Banner in surprise, which made Banner feel embarrassed.

"But we still need to study this.

Nick Fury said that this is an idea, but it needs further research.

On the screen, Kimberly finally failed to escape the pursuit of the Grim Reaper and fell into the wood chipper and died.

Then the death design of the Grim Reaper continued to play.

Once you are targeted by the Grim Reaper, you will die in a variety of ways. No matter how you struggle, you will eventually die.

The Grim Reaper does not like to be deceived

"Is this Grim Reaper tired?"

Tony sighed as he looked at the content on the screen. The Grim Reaper's designs were becoming more and more sloppy. He even gathered people in the subway and killed them all without leaving any chance of survival. Was it because there were too many people to kill and the workload was too great, so he just gave up?

"It does seem a bit annoying. The first part is a battle of wits and courage with the dying, but the bloody harvest begins later. Some designs are obviously too weak."

Nick Fury naturally saw the problem. The first part was designed with suspense, thriller, and confrontation, which still required thinking.

But the latter part seemed to be just to complete the task, and directly harvested heads.

"Maybe there are too many people to execute, and the work pressure of the God of Death is too high, so he is more efficient (good)"

Natasha understands the mentality of workers. The business indicators of the God of Death have improved, so the speed of harvesting has been accelerated.

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be faster to prevent people from foreseeing the danger?"

Banner said he couldn't understand. Since efficiency is important, wouldn't it be faster and more effective to prevent people from noticing the danger?

"Maybe there is some strange rule."

Barton is not sure, but Death doesn't do that, maybe there is some strange rule.

"Let's not talk about that. Do you have any way to deal with this god of death?"

Nick Fury saw the direction of the topic and felt that there was something wrong. He quickly pulled the topic back and thought about how to deal with it. I don't know if these superheroes can deal with this god of death.

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