But Thor is different. As a god, his essence is higher than mortals like Tony.

Although because of the God system, Thor looks like a stronger alien, and does not have the terrible mental pollution of the evil god of the Kr system.

But he is a god after all, and not an evil god, but a righteous god, so it is normal that he is different from the evil god.

But God is God, the mental pollution of the evil god is useful to humans, but it is useless to gods of the same status, not to mention that there is a screen between them, and the power of the evil god is attenuated, so naturally it cannot have any effect on Thor.

"Ah! My head is going to split open!"

In the Kung Fu world, Brother Chen covered his head and felt a needle piercing directly into his brain, stirring it violently.

Frequent opium smoking had already hollowed out his spirit and body. When he was polluted by the evil spirit, the impact he suffered was naturally greater.

"It's a bit disgusting!"

Lu Xiaoqian looked away from the screen. Those evil gods and sacrificial rituals made him feel a bit disgusted.

"It is indeed an evil god, emitting spiritual pollution all the time."

Sun Wukong beside Lu Xiaoqian snorted coldly. What mortals cannot look directly at gods is just the spiritual pollution of gods.

He can also do this level of spiritual influence, but he will not do so.

This is the difference between gods.

"There is a huge gap between gods and humans, and they should not have contact with each other, but humans try to use the power of gods to help themselves, and try to get close to gods again and again regardless of danger.

For example, in the sacrifice to gods."

Crazy and distorted sacrificial scenes appear, killing their own families, transforming their own bodies, and performing rituals with various abstract movements.

These exaggerated sacrificial rituals make people feel physically uncomfortable.

"To God, humans are nothing but a group of ants, and these crazy and evil sacrificial rituals are like a group of ants crawling in front of you and posing in a strange posture. You will also take a few more glances out of curiosity, right?

What attracted the evil god's attention was not the human sacrificial rituals, but the evil god's curiosity about why humans make such sacrifices."

The evil god is not interested in human sacrifices, perhaps it is just the sacrificial actions that make him curious, so he cast his eyes.

But even curious eyes are not something humans can bear. As the evil god's gaze fell, the dead human flesh and blood on the altar of sacrifice grew granulations, the flesh and blood fragments condensed together, sticky liquid was secreted, and tentacles grew out.

The bodies of the living sacrificers were also deformed and fused with the huge flesh and blood fragments. Disgusting flesh and blood tentacles and slippery scales grew out.

A strange life was born.

"Is it like this just by looking at it? This evil god is really scary."

Nick Fury looked at the crazy humans and bloody remains on the screen, and the feeling of dark collapse made him feel very complicated.

From the performance, this evil god is much more powerful than the previous god of death and Leviathan, the lord of hell. Just a glance caused such destruction.

Facing such an evil god, humans have less power and chance to resist.

Just looking at the evil god will make people go crazy. Ordinary people have no chance to resist such an existence.

"Isn't it just a god? We have gods here too."

Tony looked at Thor. Isn't it just an evil god? They have gods here too. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ordinary people naturally have no resistance to the evil god, but a god like Thor would not be killed instantly, right?

Even if Thor can't beat the evil god, isn't there still the real Asgard?

After taking a look at Thor, Nick Fury felt a little relieved. Indeed, with Thor and the Asgard, if the evil god comes, it will be the start of a war between gods.

At that time, with the Asgard in front of him, he doesn't have to worry.

Just when Nick Fury felt a little relieved After that, new changes appeared on the screen.

A white fog appeared from nowhere and enveloped the entire town. The white fog was as sticky as a sticky mass, and one could not see one's hand in front of one's face. A group of people hid in a supermarket, looking at the fog in front of them, not knowing what to do.

In the fog, there were indescribable sounds and the sound of monsters walking on the ground.

Someone opened the door and went to explore in the fog.

But as the door opened, the fog seemed to have consciousness and spread into the interior of the supermarket.

And in the fog, tentacles appeared one by one, and these tentacles were like octopuses. Tentacles, but with sharp teeth, can easily drag people into the fog and kill them.

Although the supermarket blocked the fog, it could not stop the monsters in the fog.

A huge strange insect appeared, like a combination of a fly and a scorpion. The front half was like a fly, but it had a long scorpion tail behind it.

The appearance of this scorpion-tailed fly seemed to be a signal. More scorpion-tailed flies followed. They gathered on the glass and slapped the glass with their claws and tails.


The glass of the supermarket could not withstand the attack of these scorpion-tailed flies and exploded into pieces. A large number of Scorpion-tailed flies flew into the supermarket.

Panicked people immediately began to look for a safer place.

But where is the safe place in the supermarket at this moment?

Even in the underground warehouse, some monsters appeared. They were spider monsters with skull faces.

The spider silk they spit out is highly corrosive and can easily corrode the human body.

And this kind of gray widow spider does not eat people. They catch people and use them as living nests to lay eggs in the human body, and then the hatched little spiders will break through the human body epidermis.

The whole scene looks very disgusting, it is simply a cult monster..

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