Because the scene was so delicious, it flashed by and then came to the fog outside.

Bang, bang, bang!

In the white fog, it seemed that some kind of huge creature was walking, and a huge outline was vaguely outlined.

In this thick white fog, it can be seen that there is not only one giant monster.

Some monsters have endless tentacles around their bodies, and some monsters have huge pincers. They walk in the fog and their true faces cannot be seen, but it makes people feel more mysterious and dangerous.

"These are the followers of the evil god, and also the followers of the creatures that have been polluted and distorted by the evil god."

The evil god is not just a single god. As a god, it has its own followers and religions.

Although these believers are crazy, whether humans are crazy or not is meaningless to the gods.

Anyway, they can be transformed into monster followers.

Even the followers of the evil god are not something that ordinary people can deal with.

For example, the huge monster hidden in the white fog cannot be resisted by ordinary artillery fire.

Just when the people on the screen were about to fall into despair, the white fog suddenly dissipated, and armored vehicles appeared one after another to clean up the monster's corpse.

The white fog came quickly and went quickly, and soon disappeared into the mountains and forests.

"It's a bit confusing. Why does this white mist appear? And why does it leave?"

Captain America was a bit confused. He had no idea why this white mist appeared and why it disappeared.

"Maybe the evil god behind the scenes dispersed the white mist?"

Tony licked his lips and made a guess. Although he didn't make it clear, the white mist must have come from the evil god, and the creatures in the white mist were the evil god's followers. This was very telling.

"I think something is wrong. According to the previous description, those evil gods have no special needs or feelings for humans, so they shouldn't have taken actions specifically for humans, whether it's spreading the white fog or dispersing the white fog."

Banner felt that things might not be as Tony said.

"These white mist evil gods should be controllable, but he may not be able to control them, but just let them spread and disappear calmly."

Banner said this with a strange look on his face.

"It's like the natural scent of perfume on a person's body. It can't be controlled and is just for decoration, but for ants, it can be a deadly white mist."

Nick Fury made a metaphor. Although it was a bit strange, everyone here understood it.

"If that's the case, there's no difference between us and bugs. This is the evil god... No, is this the power of God?"

Natasha looked solemn. Those monsters and the white fog were not the real enemies. The real scary thing was the evil god behind the scenes.

"Even if they are bugs, so what? Think about the cosmic Zerg, we may become that kind of existence."

Shi Qiang didn't care. What if he was regarded as a bug by those aliens and evil gods?

For them, being weak now does not mean being weak forever. Even if there is more suffering, it cannot stop them from becoming stronger.

Just like the cosmic Zerg, although they are bugs, they are also a powerful disaster in the universe, a terrifying existence of endless evolution.

"It's not that easy to become a cosmic Zerg, but we won't be easily defeated."

Wang Miao also agreed with Shi Qiang's words, just like when he first knew about the Trisolarans, this police officer always gave him confidence and faith. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Those with tentacles are not necessarily evil gods. I hope everyone will not misunderstand."

In a temple in Bilgewater on Rune Continent, Illaoi was looking at the screen in the sky. She did not have a good feeling about the evil gods in it.

But she did not have too much hostility.

The god she believed in, Nagacabros, also had tentacles, but this god was more like a cosmic rule rather than an entity. However,

Illaoi, who borrowed the power of Nagacabros, could also summon tentacles, so she had to be careful. In case she was misunderstood as a believer in the evil god, it would not only be an insult to her, but also to Nagacabros.

On the screen, the white fog shrank towards a mountain, and a helicopter followed into the mountain, sending a team of soldiers to escort a group of death row prisoners for investigation.

The white fog shrank into a crack in the mountain and disappeared. The team drove the death row prisoners into the crack to explore. These people entered the crack tremblingly.

"No! Don't! Run!"


"We will all die!"

A creepy voice came from the crack, followed by silence. No one knew what happened to those people.

But it was obvious that they had been wiped out.

The soldiers had no choice but to enter by themselves.

After putting on their equipment, a group of people carefully entered the crack.

There was a cave inside the crack. The space was not small, and a group of people did not feel crowded when walking in it. On the stone wall of the cave, there was an unknown mucus.

Continuing to move forward, they saw a skeleton whose flesh had not been eaten. It was the people who had entered before.

The team continued to move forward and soon found The corpses of other people, these people seemed to have been devoured by some wild beasts, leaving only skeletons.

But they had just come in a few minutes, how could they be devoured so quickly?

The team continued to move forward, but soon encountered danger. A silver-white spider that looked like a machine fell from the mountain wall and landed on one person's shoulder.

Soon a large number of fluorescent spiders poured in from the entrance of the mountain crack, like a fluorescent sea.

Da da da!

The team immediately opened fire and attacked the mountain wall. After being hit by the bullets, the spiders would immediately shatter and burst out a stream of mucus that stuck to the ground..

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