The Greatest Showman

Chapter 775: Juvenile fans

"Wow!" The door of the van was opened, and a tall and mighty pedestrian walkway appeared in front of you. Twelve security guards in black suits, all uniforms, all sunglasses, and all men were tall and majestic. With his hands folded behind his back, he stood with his feet open in the posture of a soldier, with a solemn expression, his head held high, and his temperament cold. Just standing on the two sides separately, the alienated and bitter temperament is like a dripping wall of people, opening a passage leading all the way to the hotel door.

At this moment, the enthusiastic fans are standing behind the security guards, waving their hands vigorously, cheering and shouting in excitement, but they did not step over the mine pool, or even approach the security guards, standing behind them properly. The space for one or two steps was opened, only to express the most sincere and warm welcome in the way of screaming and roaring.

The moment Lan Li walked out of the van, the scene suddenly boiled, everyone was jumping and screaming, and then couldn't help turning around, hugging each other, high-fiving, and celebrating wildly; then again Turning his head, his face was filled with incredible excitement, and the shouting gradually became clear, "Master! Master!"

The shouts after the shouts gradually spread, like ripples, the boiling crowd spread, and finally, the whole street in front of the hotel was completely boiling.

Passing the security and the crowd, it was clearly visible to the naked eye. The fans who were close to the rear gathered one after another, raised their hands high and waved vigorously, trying to attract Lan Li's attention; more interestingly, they looked at the far end of the line of sight. , There are fans of blockbuster movies, standing in twos and threes, constantly jumping, screaming, and even dancing, but they have no intention of going forward, just immersed in the carnival of self-entertainment. It seems that this is enough.

In just a short time, the entrance of the Grand Hyatt Hotel became a jubilant ocean, and even the spilt rice and snowflakes began to fly randomly, joining the ranks of "celebration", and the sky was full of noisy scenes. In the cold and lonely Berlin, at this moment, a touch of heat and intensity was added to the cold winter.

Vaguely, Lan Li could see someone waving a "detached" poster among the surging crowd.

That was the first wave of posters in the pre-publicity. The whole poster was a close-up of Lan Li’s face. His eyes were calm and deep, without special tears, but immersed in the loneliness, loneliness, sadness and bitterness of large films, as fragile as if only A light breeze will wipe out.

This poster, even Lan Li himself did not have time to see the entity, only saw it once in the email sent by Andy. Unexpectedly, I saw it at the Berlin Film Festival today.

What is certain is that these fans are not here to wait for Lan Li. Since the "Edge of Tomorrow" is not certain about the finalization time, Nathan prepared three sets of plans, with different departure times, to ensure that Renli could arrive in Berlin before midnight today and participate in tomorrow's press conference. Only at the last minute did he decide which one to choose. Set of programs. In other words, even Lan Li himself didn't know when he would arrive.

Then, these movie fans appeared randomly, but they could see the "detached" posters. This is definitely an unexpected surprise.

The nervous and uneasy mood was slightly relaxed again, and Lan Li was even a little impulsive, wanting to come forward and communicate with the audience holding the poster, but then the black suit standing on the right took the initiative to greet him, "Huo Mr. Er, please." He stretched out his right hand and placed it behind Lanly in a clear space, and at the same time began to explain, "Today's fans are a little more than expected. For your safety and the safety of the audience, please enter as soon as possible. Hotel."

Lan Li retracted his gaze, nodded politely to the security guard, indicating that he understood, and then walked forward under his escort. Immediately afterwards, there were a few more people behind him. The turbulent aura was very obvious. Lan Li turned his head and saw four black suits strictly protecting behind him, and the security guards standing on both sides approached further. , Like a wall surrounded on all sides, airtightly protecting Lan Li in the middle, completely isolating it from chaos.

Such a posture makes people admire. The official security measures of the Berlin Film Festival are in place; but it also makes Lan Li a little bit dumbfounded. This is just his first landing in Berlin and the first time on the stage of the three major European film festivals. There is really no need for such a standard treatment. Isn't this the standard for top world superstars?

In addition to the security guards, both Nathan and Roy were squeezed out. Only a handful of hair on Nathan's head could be vaguely seen, closely following behind, and the others could not be seen again. This... a bit of joy, involuntarily, the smile on the corner of his mouth rose. This is definitely the first time in an actor's career.

Now Lan Li finally understands what it's like to be surrounded by security guards. Mariah Carey needs the protection of eight security guards every time she travels. Is it because she likes the feeling of being a birdie? Keke, Lan Li absolutely didn't think so.

"Master! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) Unable to restrain her excitement, the excitement made Lan Li couldn't help but smile, raised her hand and waved it as a greeting, but the next second, the girl screamed and cried, with tears streaming down her face. It was really uncontrollable, and even the screams of the surrounding crowd took another step.

With such a grand occasion, Lan Li has the illusion of traveling to Toronto. Are you sure this is Berlin?

Immediately afterwards, "Be careful!" Amid the noise, there were a few fragmentary shouts, and Lan Li reflexively looked at the other side, and then saw two black suit security guards rushing up and grabbing There lived a figure of... a young man, he looked only thirteen or four years old, his body was thin, his face was immature, just a piece, and he could even see the red cheeks and the acne that had not faded.

"Lan Li! Lan Li!" The boy kept yelling and struggling. Two security guards hugged him tightly and pulled him away.

At the same time, the other six security guards surrounded Lan Li and continued to move forward. Gradually, the distance between the two sides widened. However, Lan Li couldn't help turning his head again and looked at the young and energetic teenager. He kept waving his hands and struggling hard, "Let go of me, I just want to talk to Lan Li. "

"Wait." Lan Li shouted loudly, and stopped at the same time. After speaking, Lan Li realized that his heart was softened, but what's the problem? The smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help raising, and he shouted to the two security guards, "It's okay. Gentlemen, it's okay, let him come over."

"Mr. Hall, are you sure?" the lead security asked worriedly.

Lanly laughed blankly, "I am not Angela Merkel, nor George Clooney. I think I can handle it." This self-deprecating way of ridicule seems to be in line with the Germans. Humorous, you can see that the corners of the security guard's mouth rose up, and then they collectively stopped.

The two security guards did not continue to stop, the young man broke free from the restraints, and trot towards Lan Li excitedly. At the same time, he didn't forget to turn his head and wave his hands and fists to other fans behind him. He jumped into the air and jumped into the air. There was a round of applause cheers, and Lan Li couldn't help but smile.

"Lan Li!" The boy dashed all the way to Lan Li and said breathlessly, "Lan Li-Hall, **** Christ, you are taller than you think!"

The boy's height only reached Lan Li's chest, and he had to raise his head when talking, which made Lan Li helplessly spread his hands, "If I squat down, it would look like a spy meeting." The boy laughed heartily.

The young man standing in front of him has messy blond hair, stubbornly growing toward the sky; his freckled nose and blushing cheeks are full of immaturity and greenness; his eyes are so bright that they seem to be full of moonlight. , "Len Li, you are a great actor! I really like your performance in'Buried alive', and...and the'anti-cancer me'! You are so outstanding!'Crazy Love "It's excellent, but it's a love movie, I don't like it that much, but alive' is definitely my favorite!"

There was an accident in Lan Li's eyes. The teenager had actually seen all his movie works-no, "Speed ​​and Excitement/Emotion 5" did not exist, which is even more unexpected! I have actually seen all three works of art! "Wait, if I remember correctly, these are R-rated movies. How did you get into the cinema?"

The boy shrugged, did not speak, but his expression was a bit shy.

Lan Li suddenly realized it, and nodded with a chuckle, but did not continue to question. The teenager also quickly changed the subject, "Can you sign me? My parents and I came to Germany specifically to see your latest movie at the Berlin Film Festival! **** Christ, I can’t believe it, I actually did. it's your turn!"

The teenager took out the poster in his hand. It was a "detached" poster, but at this time the poster was crumpled because of the push and pull just now, which made the teenager show an expression of chagrin, "Oh, it's really bad. I don't want you to be so tattered. Sign on the poster of. Sorry, I'm so sorry."

"No, no, you don't have to be sorry." Lan Li waved his hand again and again, reached out and took the poster, and thought about it seriously, "Otherwise, give this poster to me. In exchange, I will give you another gift. Do you think How?"

The boy opened his mouth wide and looked at Lan Li in disbelief, "Really? Really? God! You are the greatest actor in the world! I mean it!"

Lan Li raised his head and looked around, finally falling on the baseball cap in his hand. This is a very ordinary baseball cap. It is black, has no pattern or trademark. It is not a sponsor or fashion item, but just a blue gift. He raised the baseball cap, "What do you think of this gift?"

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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