The Greatest Showman

Chapter 776: Zhongxing Pengyue

"Are you serious?" The young man's face was filled with disbelief, his eyes rounded, and he stared at the baseball cap in Lan Li's hand. The excitement and excitement in his eyes could hardly be hidden; but then he paused for a while. For a moment, he hesitated again, "But, this gift is too expensive, I... uh, my parents have educated me, this is not good."

Lan Li raised her eyebrows unexpectedly, and the smile deepened in her eyes, "This is how things are. I haven't seen the actual poster of'detachment' so far. I have always been looking forward to having one, so , Your gift is very important to me; this hat is my personal item, nothing special, and not expensive. Believe me, it is just a baseball cap bought at random in Brooklyn, New York. Not as valuable as expected."

"But, this is your hat! This is your hat!" The boy's voice began to tremble slightly.

Lan Li laughed happily, "Then you'd better keep it safe. Maybe one day, I will become Michael Jackson or Marlon Brando, this hat has some treasure value." This self-deprecating ridicule makes The fans all around laughed.

Taking the carbon pen from the boy, Lan Li signed his name on the lining of the hat, and then raised his head and asked, "Your name?"

"Nicholas-Hamilton (-Hamilton)," said the boy stumblingly, because he was so nervous that his name was not clear.

After signing the signature, Lan Li handed the hat to the teenager, then carefully rolled up the poster and placed it in his palm, "Nicholas, thank you for your support. This is very important to me. I hope this Berlin movie The "detachment" of this festival will not let you down."

"Of course. I mean, of course not!" Nicholas waved his hand again and again, seeing Lan Li was about to leave, but still reluctant to give up, could not help but announce loudly, "I also want to be an actor, an image An actor like you!"

This is an unexpected surprise.

In the previous life, because of movies and performances, the boring life regained its color, so he had a dream, the dream of moving forward and running wild, which made him stand on the stage of the Berlin Film Festival; this Once, without expecting it, he became the person who inspired dreams, he became the person who lit up inspiration, and he became the person who changed someone's life.

This is really amazing.

I have been chasing dreams and running desperately all my life. At this moment today, for the first time outside of Lan Li himself, other meanings have been derived. Just like the "detachment" filmed by Tony Kaye, the progress of society and the advancement of history require the strength of everyone who accumulates little. Everyone is constructing the entire society in his own way, and everyone is building the whole society in his own way. Contribute to your own actions. Now, it's Lan Li's turn.

Looking at the hopeful, dynamic, and bright face of the young man in front of him, the weight of his dreams was heavily pressed on his shoulders.

The smile at the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and Lan Li's mood rose slightly, "Nicholas Hamilton, right? I hope that one day in the future, we can stand on the same stage and perform, then, this is mine. I'm honored." After a short pause, Lan Li took a step forward, gave the young man a hug carefully, and patted his back lightly.

There was a slight struggle deep inside. Although Lanly knows that the grand occasions at Kennedy Airport and Lincoln Center are only a small probability event. After all, there is still a difference between movie fans and movie fans. It is obviously the most stupid way to stop eating because of choking; but that kind of fear and resistance cannot be contained. Rising up, Lan Li would rather confront reporters and paparazzi than enthusiastic movie fans. Some things are a threshold after all.

But after the struggle, Lan Li still took this half step.

Not only because of these fanatics, these supports, these shouts, it is an affirmation of him; also because behind these cheers and excitement, there are also the stories of every independent fan. He can win the love of these audiences. This is his It's an honor; because of this young man named Nicholas, his body is shining with the light of dreams, and in a trance, Lan Li seems to see who he once was.

Therefore, Lan Li embraced Nicholas, just as he embraced Lauren Messler.

Hug gently, politely, and kindly, then, let go, take a half step back, Lan Li clenched his fist, waved it lightly, and said with a smile, "Come on!"

After speaking, Lan Li turned around and strode towards the hotel lobby. The screams and shouts still lingering behind him, Lan Li's footsteps involuntarily brisk, his heavy heart, It started to get hot again. The winter in Berlin seems to be getting better.

Nicholas stood on the spot, watching Lan Li's figure disappear. Finally, without holding back, he jumped up high and shouted with joy, "Yeah!" Lan Li said, looking forward to their ability to stand on the same stage in the future! Lan Li said, come on! "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

But before the cheering was over, a man with black-rimmed glasses appeared in front of Nicholas. He was wearing a rumpled suit and a sloppy appearance, "Hello, I am the manager of Lanly, Luo I-Rockley. Tomorrow morning, remember to come to the hotel lobby, and the Blue Ly will re-sign a poster of “detachment” and put it at the lobby manager. You remember to pick it up. What is your name? Can you tell me again? ?"

Nicholas's brain has completely crashed, repeating his name, and then he nodded his head, "No problem. You can just report the name directly. Also, I hope that the day after tomorrow can be premiered in "Beyond" I'll see you again in the ceremony." The other party patted him on the shoulder, and then stepped on unhurried steps, Shi Shiran entered the hotel lobby, and finally disappeared completely. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"Jesus Christ!" When Nicholas thought that today could not be more perfect, the surprise appeared again. Full of joy and happiness, Nicholas felt that this might be the happiest day in his life, even though he was only twelve years old.


For a long time, among the three major European film festivals, the madness and enthusiasm of the Cannes Film Festival has always been talked about by people. The bright sunshine of the French Riviera has opened its arms to welcome film lovers from all over the world; but people mention Berlin films. During the festival, the subject matter of the movie, the discussion of art, the dilemma of the society, the changes in politics/governance, the development of local German films... These are the key words. In Berlin in the cold winter of February, even if the fans are more enthusiastic, even if the audience To join in again, but the cold weather and sub-zero temperature still prevented the frenzy from making waves.

However, in the twelve hours after Lan Li arrived in Berlin, this film festival, which has always been known for its coldness and seriousness, showed a different style.

The grand welcome upon arrival at the airport and the crowds of people arriving at the hotel are just the beginning; that night, Lan Li left the hotel and went to the cinema, as per usual practice, personally immersed in the atmosphere of the film festival——

This is already the fifth day after the opening of the Berlin Film Festival. A large number of films have appeared on the stage, and senior film fans can be said to be treasured by all the works. Before leaving, Lan Li did not do his homework in advance, but went straight to the Sony Center on the other side of the street, where there is an official cinema of the festival, ready to choose a movie to watch; as a result, he was recognized by fans in the cinema hall. Then...they started a lively discussion of the movie.

Regarding the new German director Christian-Petzold (Christian-Petzold), regarding his new work "Barbara", this may be the most watchable work of the film festival so far, with rave reviews; about Billy -Billy-Bob-Thornton, about his fourth director's work "Jane Mansfield's Car", how disappointing, how old-fashioned, and how complacent; about Meryl- Streep, about the lifetime achievement award she is about to be awarded; about the "light up the lights" that shined at the Sundance Film Festival not long ago. What a surprise and how outstanding...

Such a scene in a trance, reminds Lanly of the Telluride Film Festival. However, it is somewhat different from Telluride. The fans here are more professional. Whether they like it or hate it, they may express their own opinions, and they are well-founded. Their opinions on movies can be called semi-professional; The fans are more calm. Almost every viewer who sees Lan Li will take the initiative to say hello, but that's all. They don't ask for autographs, handshake or filming, but are happy to stop and chat for a few words.

Despite this, the cinema hall is still tightly enclosed. Lan Li almost began to wonder, did he remember the time incorrectly because of the jet lag? When he left the hotel room, it was already early eleven o'clock. Why is the cinema still so lively now? Why is the audience still in constant flow?

In order to avoid disturbing everyone's viewing of the movie, Lan Li bought a ticket for the "War Wizard" and entered the auditorium, which allowed the discussion to come to a halt for the time being.

However, at the end of the movie watching, a large crowd of people still gathered in the movie hall, standing or sitting. The moment they saw Lan Li, they all surrounded them—not screaming or screaming, or signing a photo. Yes...asked about Lan Li's views on "War Wizards", everyone stood in place, rolled up their sleeves, and discussed the whole night posture.

This feeling is very strange. It seems that the stars are holding the moon. Everyone revolves around Lan Li. But it seems that they are co-existing on an equal footing. Everyone is expressing their own views. Even if it is Lan Li’s views, it may be. Will be rebutted decently.

On this cold winter night, a group of movie lovers gathered together. A cup of coffee, a doughnut, and a topic were enough.

This kind of Berlin Film Festival seems a bit unusual.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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