The Greatest Showman

Chapter 777: Mystery gift

"Lan Li?" Nathan stood in the bedroom of the hotel room, looking at the dazzling array of clothes in the closet. He was dazzled and shouted, but he didn't hear Lan Li's response. He couldn't help but yelled again, "Lan Li? "Be quiet, listen carefully, there is no sound at all, he can't help but walk out quickly, enter the hall, and then see-

Lan Li, in a bathrobe, lay down on the sofa and fell asleep again; his wet hair was still dripping. After the shower, he didn't even have time to blow his hair, and his slightly flushed cheeks still remained. The crimson after bathing and the laziness after getting up in the morning.

Standing still, Nathan laughed blankly.

Every morning, leaving the bed is a challenge, especially in the cold winter. Over the past three months, the shooting schedule of "Edge of Tomorrow" has been a normal commuting mode, and filming is like a normal office worker. The daily filming work is so hard, it can be called a contest of physical strength and experience. In addition to filming, Lan Li also needs to train in the basic martial arts, and then memorize the next day's script and filming schedule. There is no rest time at all.

Lazy actors have a lazy way of filming; diligent actors have a diligent way of filming.

Finally, "Edge of Tomorrow" finally came to an end, but then came to the Berlin Film Festival, the intensive publicity schedule, and even asked to get up earlier, and the schedule is full of density, there is no such thing as going to get off work and leaving work. Before the interview is over, work must go on even overnight.

Nathan knew how tempting/confusing it was for Lan Li to sleep.

Knowing that Gui knows, but Nathan still had to interrupt Lan Li's dream, and today there is still a whole day of schedule waiting. "Lan Li!" Nathan's voice burst like thunder, and then he saw Lan Li burying his head heavily in the sofa pillow, looking like he didn't want to get up, Nathan couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's talk." Lan Li's voice came from the pillow dullly. Obviously, Lanly also heard Nathan's cry just now, just pretending not to hear it.

"Uh, I want to ask, which outfit to choose today?" Nathan pointed to the bedroom behind him, and then realized that Lan Li was still buried in the pillow and could not be seen at all. "Before we set off, the ones made by Eaton The tags are all messed up and can’t be identified at all. Next time, it’s better to put the tags in your pocket so they won’t fall out. Lanly? Can you breathe?"

Lan Li did not respond. One second, two seconds, three seconds. He sat up straight again, his shoulders straightened slightly, the lazy posture was dissipating bit by bit, and his usual etiquette was restored, but his eyes were still tightly closed. "Eaton has prepared four sets... No, five formal attire, which will be worn at the premiere and subsequent press conferences. If I remember correctly, did Roy say there will be a dinner party? Formal attire is fine for those formal occasions."

After several collaborations, Renly now officially hires Eaton Dormer as his personal stylist.

The so-called stylist, the job is not simple.

Every week or every two weeks, they need to travel to fashion names such as Paris, Milan, New York, London, Tokyo, etc., to constantly select, browse, and expand their clothing collections; secondly, major brands launch a new season of promotional catalogs. Or maybe there is a new product catalog for private designer brands. Before the official launch, they need to conduct the first round of screening and book their favorite designs in advance; again, every fashion week, every issue of fashion magazines, and even top editors in the fashion industry , Designers’ private parties, they must all attend, and constantly update their fashion warehouse.

Through these tasks, stylists need to update the wardrobes of their partners on a regular basis, as often as once every two weeks, as little as once a month, including formal and private clothes, including clothing and shoes, as well as accessories such as glasses, hats, brooches, and cuffs...

If it’s a female artist, then there are jewelry that is worth recommending—not provided by the stylist, but the stylist recommends the brand and style, and then see if the artist is qualified enough to allow the jeweler to sponsor. It's the second best thing; if it's a male artist, it's a watch-the price of a top-level watch is not much lower than that of jewellery.

As an upper class in London, Eaton’s biggest advantage lies not in connections, but in vision. Eaton is very well aware of the temperament and taste of Lanli, and can often recommend the most suitable design.

Of course, Lan Li himself has received similar education from a young age. Even if he does not know how to design, he is very good at matching. A real nobleman should know clearly what dress is appropriate, what match is appropriate, and what color is taboo. . These qualities and foundations can't be seen or touched, and they can't be learned by the rich, but they form part of the temperament.

The above work is just the daily work of the stylist. For special occasions like the Berlin Film Festival, they also need to update the corresponding formal wear at any time; if it is the Oscars ceremony, the female artist may start preparing three months in advance. The duel of stylists is a battlefield without gunpowder. .

For this trip to Berlin, Eaton prepared five formal suits and ten private suits. You know, Lan Li just stayed here for four days. However, Lanly’s luggage has been very constricted-when the female artist attends the Cannes Film Festival, it is just clothes. Eight to twelve boxes are just a normal level. Maria-Kelly’s personal luggage can reach two levels. Eleven boxes. And they are all big boxes, not small boxes.

"It's fine to wear a private suit today." Lan Li pondered for a moment, and seemed to be thinking about what clothes Eaton had prepared. "Smoky gray shirt, black jeans, and navy blue windbreaker. That set is fine."

Nathan recalled ignorantly, and then confirmed it again, "Are you sure? Today is the press conference..."

Lan Li didn't answer, but closed his eyes and gently closed his jaw. The sleepworm seemed to have not completely left; Nathan didn't say anything more, turned and walked towards the closet, and began to organize Lan Li's clothes today.

As one of the three major European film festivals, the Berlin Film Festival's status in the world is not trivial, and the specifications and pomp are naturally not simple.

Before the film work of a competition unit is officially released, an official press conference will be held. The crew will also hold an informal reporter interview, and then open some simple and relaxed interviews; next is the formal premiere, reporters Meet-ups, audience meetings, interviews after the premiere; then time for intensive media interviews.

In just three or four days, there may be more than 200 interviews in popular movies, and at least 60 or 70 interviews in popular movies. This is still such a "cold" film festival in Berlin, and the lively Cannes, absolutely nothing more. This is also the reason why every work is eager to squeeze into the three major film festivals. The publicity effect is remarkable, and it is an international stage that does its part!

Such specifications, even Toronto, Sundance, Telluride can not compare.

However, the European Film Festival always puts art first and respects every art creator. On the contrary, there are not too many requirements for etiquette and rules. Even the closing ceremony and awards ceremony, the three major film festivals have no hard and fast rules, you must wear a suit and evening dress to attend, many actors or directors may be a simple shirt, directly on the red carpet.

As for the press conference, this is even more so.

At nine o'clock this morning, "Aloof" will hold its first press conference in Berlin. Lan Li did not choose a formal dress, but a relatively comfortable and light private dress; however, the organizing committee arranged the press conference at such an early time, and Lan Li also expressed a daunted look.

"Hmm", the hotel room door was pushed open, Roy's voice rang with the sound of footsteps, "Yes, just put it next to the dining table in the living room, thank you. Hey, haven't you changed your clothes? The hair stylist and makeup artist will be there in five minutes. Are you sure you don't want to start preparing?"

However, Roy already knew enough about Lanli. Although he asked questions, he didn't expect to get an answer. He turned around, took out his wallet, paid the tip, thanked the waiter who pushed in, and said again, "Thank you." Then he walked to the dining table and sat down, "Early in the morning, someone sent a gift, which was specially given to you, aren't you curious?"

"..." This is Lan Li's answer.

Roy shook his head with a chuckle, "An orthodox traditional English bunch of...Calla lilies?" Roy's voice raised slightly, not sure, why would anyone choose Calla lily as a gift, "Then there is a square evening dress. A card is also attached. Are you sure you don't want to see it? Maybe, which admirer gave it to you?

The smile at the corner of Lan Li's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a touch of helplessness and joking, "You can open the card to see, there is nothing in it, the signature should be "AGH".

Roy's expression was a little weird, he tilted his head curiously, and looked seriously. Because this mysterious gift was apparently delivered this morning suddenly. The information the hotel knows is very limited. A guest booked a related gift on the phone and put forward strict and detailed requirements. They just implemented it; It is also because Lan Li never opened his eyes, did not see the gift on the cart at all, but was able to directly make such an accurate judgment. What is going on?

After getting the approval, Roy picked up the card on the bouquet and opened it to see that it was handwritten with a pen, with only two lines of words.


AGH. "

Roy frowned slightly, looked at the card, and looked at Lan Li again, "Frankly explain, is this a secret sign? Or is it a secret?"

Lan Li chuckled slightly, "If I said, this is an unkind apology gift, do you believe it?" Then Lan Li opened his eyes and ignored Roy, who was confused, and went straight to the room. . Roy couldn't help but shouted out, but Lan Li did not intend to explain, "Didn't it mean that the hairdresser and makeup artist will arrive in five minutes?"

Lan Li's figure disappeared in the room, leaving Roy sitting alone, eyes blank.

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