Chapter 198 Big Brother fainted 2

  It was he who misunderstood her for three years.

   He even regarded Xia Qingyao, who took the credit for her as a benefactor, and reprimanded her again and again for that ridiculous repayment.

   She saved his life.

   He knew nothing, thought he was a patient, thought he had sacrificed half his life for Song Zhao, thought Song Zhao owed him...

  So in the three years when Song Zhao ignored him, he began to resent her, ridiculed her, and even called her unworthy to be his sister.

   Little did she know that she had already fought her life to save him.

   Song Zhao, who was misunderstood and resented by him, silently and quietly endured all grievances

   Scenes flashed in my mind.

   How much resentment of Song Zhao's cold blood in the past, how deep is the remorse in the chest at this moment.

  Song Jingxian's mouth was full of blood.

   clenched his hands into fists and pressed them firmly against his chest.

   A hoarse and mournful voice continued to overflow from his throat.


  He, what stupid thing did he do?

   half sound.

   He opened his lips with difficulty and asked, "What is the sequelae of my little sister?"

   Medicine King said, "You can't stay in bed for three years, you can only rest in bed."

   "Sequelae, does it hurt?"

   Medicine King said, "That is to say, you will feel cold all over your body, and at the same time, you will feel like you have been pierced by needles all over your body."

  Song Jingxian remembered that his little sister came back from an illness three years ago.

   At that time, he thought that the little sister was heartless and naughty with his friends when his life was at stake, and blamed her for being cold-blooded.

  Song Jingxian asked tremblingly, "Do you have a needle here?"

   "Yes, there are many."

   Medicine King smiled and handed over a row of silver needles, as if he knew what Song Jingxian was going to do, Le Dian Dian left the house alone and walked out.

  Song Jingxian pulled out a needle and stabbed it into his abdomen without hesitation.

  Rao was prepared, the sharp pain still made him tense.

  Song Jingxian's eyes were dry.

   pulled out the silver needle again and continued to stab himself.

   Compared to this kind of pain, what is the cold poison attack?

   And his little sister endured day and night for three years.

   When he was tormented by illness, she suffered more than him.

   She is only nine years old.

When    is the most carefree, he has already tasted the torture that people may never endure in his entire life.

   When Song Jinfu pushed the door and came in, he found that Song Jingxian had passed out.

  The youth curled up in a ball, his mouth was full of blood, his face was pale and embarrassed.

   is about overstimulation.

  Song Jinfu instantly understood why his grandmother wanted him to accompany him, because he was afraid that Song Jingxian would faint and no one would care.

   He looked at Song Jingxian's tragic appearance and gloated a little.

   couldn't get over it, he raised his leg and gave him a kick, and cursed him again.

After    rushed back to the Song residence, Song Jinfu threw Song Jingxian back into his yard to report the situation to his grandmother.

  The old lady of Song said indifferently, "This is what he deserves, don't let anyone care, and let's be dizzy."


   Next day.

  Song Zhao took a shower under the bell and finished his breakfast.

   took the packed luggage into the carriage and went to the Governor's Mansion alone.

  The Governor's Mansion is not far from the Song Mansion.

   The carriage arrived in half an hour.

  Siyu had instructed the servants in the mansion in advance, so when Song Zhao arrived at the door, the servants came to greet him and take luggage for Song Zhao.

   The one who received Song Zhao was Siyu's maid Xuezhi. She looked beautiful, but her demeanor was a bit mean, and she didn't seem to get along well.

   She greeted her with a lukewarm greeting, "Greetings to Miss Song, this servant girl is Xuezhi, the maid of the Grand Governor. By the order of the Governor, she will serve you personally when you live in the Governor's Mansion."

  Song Zhao followed Xuezhi to the mansion, and asked casually, "Where is the fourth brother?"

  Xuezhi frowned.

   She was a maid who was cultivated by Siyu's secret forces. She thought she was a big celebrity beside Siyu, and was envied in this mansion.

   Ever since she moved into the Governor's Mansion, the dignitaries who came and went had to give three points of courtesy to anyone who saw her.

   She thought that Song Zhao should please her and give her some gifts.

   As a result, how come this serious lady from a noble family doesn't understand the rules at all?

Xuezhi pouted, "The Governor's cold has not yet healed, and she is still recuperating in her room at this time. Miss Song should not be arrogant and arrogant. Relying on the favor of the Governor, she wants to ask him to pick you up regardless of the Governor's body. The servant will take you first. Go and set it up."

  Song Zhao touched his nose.

   She didn't mean to ask the powerful minister to drag her sick body to pick her up.

   This big maid has so many scenes.

   But since she is the maid of the powerful minister, she has no right to say anything.

   Entered the house.

  Song Zhao looked around.

  The Governor's Mansion has seven entrances and seven exits. It is very atmospheric, with pavilions and pavilions, rockeries and flowing water, gardens and fruit trees. It is a luxurious mansion.

   Presumably, Emperor Yuan Chun had broken his silver teeth before he was willing to send it to Lord Quanchen to live there.

  Song Zhao picked a peony to play with while walking.

Xuezhi paused and scolded very severely, "Miss Song, this is the territory of the Great Governor, not your private place. How can you touch and damage every plant and tree here, you know that these flower seeds are all The servants in the house have been resting for a long time before they are arranged, and you will ruin the scenery of the house with your casual movement, which is too rude!"

  Song Zhao pouted.

   I was a little worried, but I still put the peony flowers back.

Xuezhi was not satisfied, and even warned Song Zhaolai on the outline, "Slave is the master's most trusted maid, and everything will be considered by the superintendent. So these days when Miss Song lives in the mansion, Miss Song should listen more. The slave's advice, keep yourselves safe. After all, you live in the Governor's Mansion, and your every move involves the interests of the master."

When    spoke, she looked critically at Song Zhao.

   became more and more dissatisfied.

   is just a yellow-haired girl who has not yet reached the age of 笄. She was born so beautiful that she will grow the face of a demon concubine that will bring disaster to the country in the future.

   No wonder the master was hooked.

   At such a young age, his scheming is really heavy.

  Song Zhao seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

  The whole process was too lazy to pay attention to this person's babble.

   After arriving at the yard where he lived, Song Zhao sat down casually, as relaxed as in his own home.

  Xuezhi frowned.

   She continued to speak with a slightly mocking tone, "Miss Song, my servant heard that because you didn't report to the military area in time, you threatened the people and made the army and the people uneasy. Is there such a thing?"

  Song Zhao raised his eyebrows loosely, "Are you questioning me?"

Xuezhi said sternly, "This servant just wants to persuade Miss Song not to fool the master. You don't know how hard it is for the master to have the status he is today. He can't take a wrong step, but it's because of you that you have suffered a loss. If Miss Song is really the master Well, you should understand the rules. Don't let the master impulsive damage his reputation for you again, the influence you have on the master now is like the evil concubine of the country."

  Song Zhao chuckled.

   Mao'er's eyes were bent, innocent and harmless, "You call yourself a slave, but you are bigger than the fourth brother, what kind of rule is this?"

   (end of this chapter)

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