Chapter 199

Xuezhi frowned, "The slaves are all for the sake of the master, not like Miss Song, who uses the master to show off for you. You are the daughter of a general, and the master is the prince of the previous dynasty. The sage has already suspected that your family is conspiring against the master. Heart. It stands to reason that you should stay away from the master to avoid suspicion, it is for the sake of each other's good. The slaves think that it is better for Miss Song to call the governor together with the slaves. "

  Song Zhao sat on the high chair and shook his legs, "Is this what the fourth brother thinks?"

   "Of course it is." Xue Zhi said solemnly, "Master wants to do great things, and the woman around him must be his inner helper. You will only hold him back, and Master certainly hopes that you can be wise."

   The words fall.

   A burst of laughter came from behind him.

   "I don't even know that the Governor, you can still make decisions for the Governor?"

  Siyu didn't want to wait for a moment after learning that Song Zhao was coming, and came to see people first.

   Today, he is wearing a large black robe with dark gold patterns, and his walking robes meander across the ground. He has the dignified and arrogant demeanor of a high-ranking person.

  Xuezhi stiffened.

   Feeling the master's anxiety, he didn't even dare to raise his head, so he threw himself to his knees on the ground.

"Fourth brother," Song Zhao said as he lifted up his skirt and stepped forward, his eyebrows curved, "your eldest maid said, ask me not to call you fourth brother in the future, and she also said that I was a demon concubine who harmed your country. Let me go."

   The little girl looked at him with bulging cheeks, and there was a bit of grievance between her charming brows and eyes.

  Siyu quickly reached out and grabbed Song Zhao's hand, and lifted his eyelids lazily.

   laughed in a low voice, "I've already arrived at my brother's place, where do I want to go?"

   He said, and then lightly swept over Xuezhi who was kneeling on the ground, and said impersonally, "Come on here, slap your mouth."

  Xuezhi only made a big statement in Song Zhao, saying that the governor trusts her the most.

   As a result, the next second, he was disgraced.

  Xuezhi only felt hot on her face, her teeth clenched her lower lip hard.

   She felt very aggrieved and couldn't help defending herself,

   "The slave maid is not the following. The slave maid is also for the sake of the master's future. The master and Miss Song are both sensitive. In order to prevent the sage's suspicion, they should keep a distance from each other, which is good for you."

  Siyu looked at her with cold eyes, "Are you teaching the Governor to do things?"

  Xuezhi didn't dare to speak again.

   Honestly raised his hand and hit his face.

  Siyu took Song Zhao's hand and sat down beside the book desk by the window.

   He threw the prepared account book and abacus to Song Zhao for processing.

   The two sat opposite each other.

  Siyu was dealing with military affairs.

  Song Zhao is the process of arranging the tail burning banquet.

   She bit the pen, suddenly raised her eyes and asked, "Fourth brother, how is your cold?"

  Siyu stared at her, his jet-black pupils darkened a bit, "You can come and feel it."

  Song Zhao pursed his lips.

   I suddenly remembered the thrill of my heart beating faster yesterday.

   It seems that every time his heart beats faster, it is because he touches the powerful minister.

  This boy is poisonous and cannot be touched.

  Siyu stretched out his hand, touched Song Zhao's head, and said regretfully, "Why don't you continue to care? My brother is really sad."

  Song Zhao felt sorry, and whispered forcefully, "There are so many servant girls in your house, so it's not like you can't take good care of you, a big man."

  Siyu twitched his fingertips.

   Put it under the tip of the nose and sniff.

The    is stained with the smell of a little girl, and the fragrance is terrible.

  The thin lips are lightly hooked, which is meaningful,

   "They are just outsiders, and you are my darling, no comparison."

  Song Zhao was shy.

   She rubbed the tip of her nose, very embarrassed.

   Lord Quanchen is really... too good at sweet words.

  Siyu's eyes didn't mean anything, and his voice was hoarse, "Forgot to mention that little Ah Zhao's ability to bring disaster to the country is unclear for the time being, but his ability to bring trouble to brother is not small."

   His voice was a little hoarse when he was sick, but at this time he deliberately lowered his voice, as if an electric current had passed through the eardrum and entered the deepest part of the cochlea, almost reaching the apex of the heart.

  Song Zhao was in a trance for a while.

   I feel that the sick minister is a bit tempting.

   She stared at the round cat eyes and retorted in a low voice, "I'm sitting here, why trouble you, how can you arbitrarily charge me with a crime?"

  Siyu's eyes were so dark that he couldn't tell, "When you're here, my brother can't concentrate."

  Song Zhao thought he was being disliked.

   stood up rather angrily, "Then I'll go to another place."

   The movement of getting up was a little big, and his elbow accidentally touched the ink on the table, and all the military affairs that Si Yu was doing was destroyed.

  Song Zhao swallowed.

   asked cautiously, "This, this, this is not an important copy, is it?"

  The descendant of Siyu came in to clean up. Seeing that the little girl was nervous, he shook his head amusingly, "No problem,"

  It was Xuezhi who came in to clean up.

   Her face was swollen and she was very aggrieved.

   Seeing the mess on the table, he raised his eyes in shock, "Captain, this is the military account you dealt with overnight, how did it become like this?"

  Song Zhao was also very shocked.

  It turns out that this thing is so important.

   She apologized extremely guilty, "I'm sorry, fourth brother, I didn't mean to."

Xuezhi looked at Song Zhao with obvious dissatisfaction in her eyes, and said with anger, "It's understandable for Miss Song to be a stubborn servant at a young age, but when the chief governor is dealing with military affairs, it would be good to ask Miss Song to be more disciplined. The Governor is still ill and can't stand your toss."

  Song Zhao felt ashamed and lowered his head in sorrow.

   She reached out and brushed the black ink on the military account, trying to see if she could remedy it.

  Siyu grabbed her hand and wiped off the stained ink marks, and said indifferently, "If it's dirty, do it again, why do you need to be so nervous."

  Xuezhi heard the words, and the expression on her face became even more dissatisfied.

   When did the master become so ignorant?

   She has been with her master for so long, even if she accidentally made a small mistake, she would be severely punished.

   And Miss Song messed up the military accounts that the master spent all night doing, so she didn't need to be punished, how could she still be comforted by the master?

   She looked at Song Zhao.

   Seeing that little girl drooping her head, she felt very sorry.

   was very disdainful inside.

   This daughter of an aristocratic family, who does not know the sufferings of the world, will only show off her pity and seduce her master.

   She wanted to remind her a few words, but she was afraid that her master would be unhappy, so Xuezhi could only endure it.

   She stepped forward to clean up and said seriously, "Master, don't be mad, this servant has learned a few sets of stain removal skills, and you can clean it with 50% confidence."

  Song Zhao suddenly remembered something, and his eyes lit up, "Fourth brother, I know an ancient recipe, and I can guarantee that it will be completely restored to its original state."

  Xuezhi showed mockery in her eyes, but her tone was still respectful, "Miss Song, don't play around. You have made such a big trouble, and the servants can barely clean up the mess for you. If you keep messing around, the servants will not be able to save you."

  Siyu said without hesitation, "Let the military account be handled by Ah Zhao."

   (end of this chapter)

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