Chapter 41 Face Slap Scene 4

  Song Zhao's neck was inexplicably cold, and he took a few steps back.

  Siyu remained silent.

  Song Zhao waited silently for a while, only to see the boy's eyebrows half-drooping.

  Long lashes cast a blue-grey line under his pale eyelids.

  The bridge of the nose is straight and straight, and because of the lowering of the eyes, it outlines a cold and hard line.

   The lips are very thin, and they pursed tightly but did not speak.

  Song Zhao studied his expression and thought that he looked like, not very happy?

   She couldn't figure it out, and asked tentatively, "Can't you?"

   The little girl showed a puzzled expression, like an ignorant deer lost in the forest.

  The cat blinked and blinked, extremely... cute.

   But when she thought that she actually adored another man in her heart, she would not hesitate to ruin her sister's marriage for that man.

  How deep is this love?

  Siyu pressed the tip of his tongue against his cheeks in annoyance, narrowed his eyes slightly, his jaw line tightened, "It's too immoral, you can't."

  Song Zhao, "?" You seem to be making me laugh?

   She heard right, the little pervert actually said she was immoral?

   This devil who will destroy the world in the future, the guy who has lost his humanity, even said that she has no morals?

  Song Zhao almost laughed.

   She didn't force it, she just waved her hand and said, "It's okay if you don't want to, I'll find someone else."

  Siyu's face instantly turned green.

   He said that there is no morality, the little girl not only does not reflect, but is still determined to destroy?

   That joke period also deserves her to be so deliberate?

   "Stop for me!" Seeing that Song Zhao was about to leave, Si Yu's cheek hurt from clenching his teeth, and every word was squeezed out between his teeth.

  Song Zhao looked at him, "Do you have anything else to do?"

  The corners of the boy's long and narrow eyes drooped slightly, revealing a fierce chill.

   He said, "Duanzi period is not a good thing, you have to think about the consequences of what you do, are you sure?"

  This marriage is a trap, once the little girl jumps into it, there is no good fruit to eat.

   "Of course I do!" Song Zhao went to sabotage just because Duan Ziqi was not a good thing.

   It's just this kind of thing, she can't tell Siyu directly, otherwise it will expose the fact of her rebirth.

  Siyu narrowed his eyes dangerously, an unbearable dryness welling up in his heart.

   He didn't want to help Song Zhao ruin the marriage, and he didn't want Song Zhao to marry the scumbag Duan Ziqi.

   But he didn't want her to find someone else to do it.

  Song Zhao felt that Si Yu was on the verge of being irritable and frantically tested. She didn't understand why Si Yu was suddenly twitching, but for the sake of her life.

   She said timidly, "If the deal can't be done, don't get angry, I'm just a weak woman with no power..."

   The little girl played with her fingers, and her eyes were full of wet fragility.

  Siyu couldn't stand her looking at him like that.

   Just, I really want to hug the little girl and smooth the hair~

   He tried hard to control this kind of animal thoughts that shouldn't be there, his brows moved slightly, and he said rather arrogantly and unreasonably, "Why don't you smile at me?!"

  Song Zhao, why did the topic of "..." jump so much?

  Siyu was still thinking about the first time we met, she showed his affection to him and smiled so cutely.

   But he bullied her because he suspected her uneasy good intentions.

   Is it because of this that she never smiles at him again?

  Siyu was inexplicably concerned.

  Song Zhao felt inexplicable, but she thought about it and asked hopelessly, "If I smile at you, will you agree?"

  Siyu glanced at her with the end of his eyes, and touched the little girl's watery eyes, which were cleaner than the surface of the lake, reflecting his appearance, sincere and pious.

   He stretched out his hand and flicked the red gold bell on Song Zhao's temples,

"you try."

The sound of    ding ding dong is very nice.

  Song Zhao paused, then, obediently, sketched a smile.

   Her brows and eyes were curved, and a smile appeared on her cheeks.

  The dryness in Siyu's heart was inexplicably gone.

   The boy's Adam's apple moved, his voice squeezed out of his teeth, "I promise."

   (end of this chapter)

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