Chapter 42 Face Slap Scene 5

   Late at night, Si Yu returned to his residence, an empty cave.

   He has a special status. Although he can freely enter and leave the banquets of any powerful family, no one will take him seriously, so he will not arrange a place for him.

   But it is also much more convenient, at least you don’t need to be nervous all the time.

  Siyu sat cross-legged on the ground and lifted the hem of his shirt.

   On his well-textured abdomen, an obvious hazy wound was oozing blood.

   This is the injury that Si Yu suffered while practicing martial arts a few days ago. For some unknown reason, the wound has not been able to heal.

   Di Ru appeared quietly and handed Si Yu the plaster and bandage he bought.

He knelt on the ground and said hesitantly, "His Royal Highness, do you really want to help that Song Er girl tomorrow? But there are many people on the racetrack, and the subordinates will be seen by caring people to see His Highness's strength, and His Highness's patience in the past. , is likely to fail.”

   "It's just a horse race. I can't hide in the dark forever. Sooner or later, I will show my bottom." Si Yu wrapped the bandage around the wound without hesitation, and his voice was indifferent and did not fluctuate.

   He's been holding back long enough, it's time to show his edge bit by bit.

  Di Ru was worried, "But the wound on Your Highness's body hasn't healed, and the horseback riding movement is too big, it may crack..."

   "No problem." Si Yu put on his clothes indifferently.

   This little wound will be fine after a night of rest. Don't worry about it.

   Once you promised the little girl, you can't break your promise.


   The next day.

  Song Zhao had something in his heart, he didn't sleep well all night and got up early.

  After washing up under the service of the bell, Song Zhao went to Song Yao's house.

  Song Jin didn't sleep well because of what Song Zhao said last night.

  The two sisters had red rabbit-like eyes at the same time, smiled knowingly at each other, and went to find Song Bin hand in hand.

   Having breakfast with Song Bin, the father and daughter went directly to the racetrack.

  There are not many people at the racecourse, because most of the officials choose to go to the hot springs to enjoy the flowers, and the people who come here are officials from the military department.

   When Song Bin came, he had to socialize with his colleagues.

  Song Zhao and Song Jin found a seat and sat down.

  Song Zhao specially looked for the highest seat, raised his eyes slightly and glanced around, and saw the most dazzling figure on the platform.

  Siyu is wearing an ink-colored slim-fitting brocade robe today, which is very suitable for horse racing attire.

   He stood alone in the crowd, like the brightest star in the night sky.

   The moment Song Zhao saw him, his heart dropped quietly.

   She has good eyesight, and noticed that Si Yu's face was unusually pale.

   After thinking about it for a while, Song Zhao picked up the plate of sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand, and ran up to him with his skirt.

   "Didn't you eat breakfast? Take this pad for your stomach!"

  If you want a horse to run, you have to feed the horse.

  Song Zhao looked at Siyu and was short of qi and blood, worried that he would not be able to hold on.

  Siyu's face was expressionless.

   But his heart is not calm, as he is, everyone is afraid of getting involved with him.

   Song Zhao made a friendly gesture to him in front of everyone's eyes. Aren't you afraid of arousing suspicion?

   "Hurry up and take it~" Song Zhao urged in a low voice, his eyes sparkling.

  Siyu's eyes were turbulent, and he took it slowly, twisting a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake with his fingertips, and his thin lips were slightly curved.

  Little girl, you are so brave.

   But when she thought of what she did, she wanted to marry another man.

  The boy's face darkened again, and the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand was no longer fragrant.

  Song Zhao, "..."

  The sky doesn't change as fast as a little pervert.

   She didn't stay long and turned back to her seat.

  Everyone was doing their own thing and didn't notice this little episode.

  Song Jin looked at his sister inquisitively, "Zhaozhao, why are you talking to Siyu? When did you meet?"

   With Siyu's identity, my sister shouldn't take it seriously.

  Song Zhaotuan covered his face with a fan, and said softly, "Because I have never seen a handsome little man like Siyu~"

  Song Yao, "..."

   Suddenly there is a sense of crisis that my sister is going to be taken away!

   (end of this chapter)

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