Chapter 43 Face Slap Scene 6

  Song Yao grabbed the veil and was about to politely remind her sister that she should not look good.

   There was a commotion in front of him, and Duan Ziqi came in elegantly with his well-dressed fan swinging.

   He was a jinshi at a young age, and he was born handsome, so talented and beautiful, all the girls around him were all staring at him.

   "杳杳." Duan Ziqi came to Song Yao, but out of the corner of his eye glanced at Song Zhao several times.

  Song Jin's expression was indifferent, "Eldest son Duan, you and I have not yet decided on the date of your marriage, which will cause some gossip. You should call me Miss Song."

  After Song Zhao's reminder last night, Song Yao is now watching Duan Ziqi full of doubts and scrutiny, and lacks the first appreciation.

   Duan Ziqi groaned in his heart.

   Yesterday, Song Yao was still full of tenderness, and he seemed to be easy to handle. How could he be so indifferent?

   In his mother's plan, he had to impress Song Ye today and make Song Ye give up on him.

"Miss Song said that it was me, Meng Lang." Duan Ziqi suppressed his suspicion and looked as gentle as jade, "When I came here, I saw a peony flower blooming very well, I wonder if Miss Song can Enjoy it with me?"

   Maybe he can only show his charm when the two are alone.

  Everyone knows that Song Yao and Duan Ziqi will determine their wedding date tomorrow night, so naturally they have to take advantage of today to cultivate their relationship.

A proposal like    Duan Ziqi is very reasonable.

  Song Yao had no reason to refuse, he could only nod his head.

   "I like peony flowers the most, I'll go with you." Song Zhao said with an innocent face, holding her sister's arm.

   Duan Ziqi's eyes sank.

   Yesterday, Song Zhao interrupted him several times, and he came again today. Did he deliberately go against him?

   "What's the matter, Young Master Duan, don't you welcome me?" Song Zhao's tender voice revealed a bit of grievance.

  If Duan Ziqi really doesn't let her go, it will make people feel that the Duan family has no grace.

   In the distance, Si Yu kept watching Song Zhao's every move.

   Seeing this scene, the boy's eyebrows suddenly became fierce.

   The little girl took the initiative to lean on Duan Ziqi like this, she was simply...not reserved at all!

   "Where, we will be a family soon, how can I not welcome Second Lady Song." Duan Ziqi suppressed his displeasure and smiled gently, "Let's go to enjoy the flowers together."

   He walked beside Song Yao, deliberately paying attention to the hem of Song Yao's skirt, which he wanted to step on quietly.

   As long as Song Jin falls, he can take the opportunity to hug her.

   Having a skin-to-skin relationship in front of everyone's eyes, Song Yao will definitely give up on him.

   Thinking like this, Duan Ziqi's mouth quietly evoked an evil arc.

   However, just as he was about to step on it, Duan Ziqi suddenly felt his knees go numb, his whole body trembled, he fell to the ground with a thud, and fell with all four of his feet upside down.

  Song Zhao quickly pulled Song Yao aside and let out a snort of joy, "Master Duan, are you alright?"

   Fortunately, she moved quickly and hit the numb hole on Duan Ziqi's knee with a stone.

   Duan Ziqi fell stunned and couldn't react for a while.

   The way he fell was really indecent, and there was a faint roar of laughter around him.

  Song Jin looked at Duan Ziqi without words, it was really useless for such a big man to fall while walking.

  Inexplicably, most of his goodwill for him has dissipated.

   After losing such an adult, Duan Ziqi's face was gloomy, and he quickly patted his sleeves and stood up, forcefully saying, "It's okay, I'll change clothes first."

  Song Zhao snickered and bit his ears at Song Yao, "Sister, look, Duan Ziqi's limbs are out of tune, and there may be signs of disability."

  Song Jin's expression became even more indescribable.

  Although I know that my sister is exaggerating, the sense of substitution is too strong, and I feel that Duan Ziqi is already disabled.

   After a while, Duan Ziqi came back. In order to save face, he said loudly, "Miss Song, I learned a new poem yesterday, and I think it suits you very well."

   Jinshi was about to show off his talents, and many people gathered around to listen.

  Song Yao was a little interested.

   Duan Ziqi saw that the momentum was coming, he shook his head and spoke, his voice was clear and meaningful,

   "The coquettish beauty of a beautiful woman is alluring because of her hope."

  The surrounding people are mostly knowledgeable, and as soon as you hear it, you can tell that this is a sentence to praise beauty.

   It’s just that they didn’t read as many books as Duan Ziqi, and it was the first time they heard such exquisite poetry.

  Many girls were amazed.

   "Good poetry, good poetry!"

   "Young Master Duan is really talented!"

   "It is really a blessing for Lady Song to be able to marry Da Gongzi Duan."

"The graceful beauty, the tenderness of childbirth." Song Zhao took the next paragraph, showing a surprised expression, "This is Zhang Hua's eternal love, and it was written to mourn his deceased wife. My sister is still standing there. Here, Master Duan is cursing my sister, right?"

   (end of this chapter)

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