Chapter 44 Face Slap Scene 7

  In an instant, there was silence all around.

   The astonishment on the faces of the girls turned into horror before they faded.

   Duanzi period, "..."

   Almost out of breath, it exploded on the spot!

   He knew it, Song Zhao was here to demolish him.

  Song Yao also glanced at Duan Ziqi with a bad expression on her face. She took a deep breath and asked her sister curiously, "Zhao Zhao, how do you know this is to mourn your deceased wife?"

   She knew that her younger sister did not like to read since she was a child, and she had never read a few of the Four Books and Five Classics.

   This Yonghuai Fu is obviously only known to those who are familiar with poetry and books.

  Song Zhao opened wide innocent eyes, "I heard the Master read it when I was in school, and I thought this poem was very good, so I wrote it down."

   Duan Ziqi said with a smile on his face, "When I read this poem, I only felt that the poem was superb, but I didn't know there was such an allusion."

  Song Zhao showed a surprised expression, "Learning poetry naturally requires a thorough understanding of all aspects. You are a jinshi, and you usually don't even check allusions when you read poetry?"

   To be honest, many scholars read poems only to understand the superficial meaning, and very few people pay attention to allusions.

   But Song Zhao is a famous scumbag. Even she knows allusions, but Duan Ziqi, who is a jinshi, does not know.

   is inexplicably given to people. I am afraid that he did not buy it as a jinshi.

   Duanzi period, "..."

   Cold sweat broke out on my back.

  Song Er girl's mouth is too poisonous, just a few words will kill him.

   After all, people's words are terrifying. If it reaches the ears of Emperor Yuan Chun, the entire Duan family will be targeted.

"Second Lady Song really knows how to make a joke!" Madam Duan hurried over, suppressing her almost hideous expression, and said like a gentleman, "Ziqi lost her head when she saw Yaoyao's joy, and said Ah, it's all the fault of youth and frivolity."

  Song Jin said lightly, "No matter how dazed you are, you should know that Duan Da Gongzi and I are not married, and it is really inappropriate to read this kind of poem to my wife."

   Madam Duan was annoyed, but she was powerless to refute.

   At this point, the Duan family really broke the rules.

   It's just that Song Yao is about to get married, but she doesn't know how to protect her husband's family. It's really hateful.

   Mrs. Duan thought that after Song Yao got married, she would definitely let out a sigh of relief.

   Duan Ziqi said shyly, "Ashamed, ashamed, I will read more carefully in the future. It's my fault if I offend Miss Song, and I hope everyone will forgive me."

   Mrs. Duan held back her anger and forced a smile and said, "It's all trivial matters. It's going to be an equestrian event soon, so don't affect everyone's good mood."

   Duan Ziqi stretched out his sleeves and clasped his fists, and said sincerely, "The horse racing is about to start, and I will do my best to show my horsemanship in a while to make amends for Miss Song."

   He apologized so earnestly, if Song Yao still cares about it, it is not the Song family.

   Just after this incident, the fervour in the eyes of the girls who thought Duan Ziqi was very talented was much lighter.

  Song Zhao touched his chin and said carelessly, "In the past, horse races were all about showing off horsemanship. I think it's boring. Why don't we have a horse race this time."

   Everyone was aroused and chatted.

   Duan Ziqi urgently needs to show his personal charm and regain his lost dignity, so he immediately went down the slope, "Miss Song Er is right, let's have a horse race, whoever finishes a lap first is the winner."

   The news here spread out, and soon three young people from aristocratic families with similar backgrounds to the Duan family came to participate.

   Others with lower backgrounds are tacitly waiting for the next round.

  Song Zhao picked up a black arm and ran to invite Siyu, "Siyu, we are still one person away from this round, so come and play with us."

   Like this kind of Marseille, only people of equal background can share the same round, so as not to offend people.

  Siyu's identity doesn't need to be considered too much. Ask him to fill in a position, and no one has any opinion.

  Si Yuhao glanced at Song Zhao's well-dressed lap with a neat look, and said coldly, "I want pink."

  Song Zhao, "..."

   Little perverts like pink?

  What's wrong!

   She secretly complained, but she also cooperated and brought a pink one to him.

   "He's a waste, can he ride a horse?" Duan Ziqi glanced at Siyu with a look of contempt in his eyes, "Horse racing is no joke. If you break an arm or leg in the process, don't blame us."

  Siyu put on the pink thong with an expressionless face, revealing a powerful forearm.

   He moved his wrist and looked up at Duan Ziqi.

   (end of this chapter)

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