Chapter 46 Face Slap Scene 9

  Siyu actually caught up.

   This is something Duan Ziqi never imagined. From his heart, he felt that Si Yu was a waste and would definitely break his arms and legs in the process.

   In the end, the trash can catch up with his Maxima?

   Everyone in the venue was sighing.

  Siyu has always been low-key, never showing up, and everyone subconsciously thought he was a useless piece of junk.

  I didn’t expect that the waste material could ride a horse, and it was so good.

   But after thinking about it, Si Yu has been the prince's companion since he was a child.

   Mrs. Duan squeezed the handkerchief into a ball, and glanced gloomily at Song Yao with a cold face.

  If the eldest son loses to Si Yu, this waste, it will greatly reduce the perception of the Song family, and it will also be a big resistance to her tomorrow's arrangements.


   Duan Ziqi was about to be overtaken by Si Yu, so he gritted his teeth, took out the prepared silver needle and stabbed his horse hard.

  The horse raised its head and let out a neigh, speeding up and running forward, instantly opening the distance from Siyu.

   Just when everyone thought Si Yu would also speed up, his horse gradually slowed down.

The    boy seemed very uncomfortable, and covered his stomach with his hand holding the reins.

   The palm of my hand was **** and damp, and the wound had cracked.

   was so far away that everyone couldn't see Si Yu's movements, and they only thought that it was because of stage fright at the moment.

   Mrs. Duan was slightly relieved when she saw this. It seemed that the eldest son had won.

  Siyu, nothing to be afraid of.

  Song Zhao caught up from behind and looked at Siyu eagerly, "Are you uncomfortable?"

  Siyu was indeed quite uncomfortable, but he didn't want to show weakness in front of Song Zhao, and as if nothing had happened, he removed his hand from his abdomen and said lightly, "No problem."

   "Can you really do it?" Song Zhao looked at him suspiciously, "Are you exhausted? If you can't, you should leave first, I can do it myself."

   She took it for granted, thinking that if Si Yu could ride a horse, he would definitely catch up with Duan Ziqi.

   But he forgot that Si Yu had not had a good life since he was a child, and his body was definitely malnourished, so how could he bear strenuous exercise?

  Siyu, "…"

no? Will he not?

  The boy's face cracked for a moment, he took a deep breath and held the reins again.

   He moved the horse a few steps closer to Song Zhao, and called out in a low voice, "Song Zhao."

  Song Zhao looked at him sadly.

   Taking advantage of the angle that everyone couldn't see clearly, Si Yu turned his body, his thin lips were close to Song Zhao's ear, the bulging Adam's apple rolled down,

   "Open your eyes and see, is my physical strength good enough?"

   After saying that, his legs squeezed the horse's belly, and the horse galloped forward.

   is like a lightning that has been accumulating for a long time, trying to break through the dark clouds, and swept forward to the end of the sky.

  Song Zhao, "…"

  The rain has stopped, the sky is clear, and you think you can do it again.

   But the key is,

   Don't go too far!

   She glanced at the distance that opened up in an instant, turned the direction without hesitation, and walked slowly from the middle of the racecourse to the end.

   Damn, her small arms and calves can't handle the physical strength of those men no matter how awesome they are.

   Naturally, we have to cut corners to intercept it.

   It wasn't an official game anyway, so Song Zhao felt relieved to cheat.


   It was getting closer and closer to the finish line, Duan Ziqi felt that he was going to win, and smiled proudly.

No matter how bad   Siyu is, he is still the prince of the previous dynasty.

   can easily crush him, giving Duan Ziqi a perverted sense of satisfaction.

   At this moment, he heard the sound of hooves behind him again.

  Siyu once again caught up with the Duanzi period.

   Inside the venue.

  Everyone was very surprised, Si Yu was still able to catch up after so much distance just opened up?

   Even Song Bin couldn't hide his surprise and looked at Siyu more.

  This boy is definitely not as wasteful as he looks on the surface.

   Duan Ziqi's face was gloomy, "How did you catch up?"

   (end of this chapter)

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