Chapter 47 Face Slap Scene 10

  Siyu didn't pay any attention to him, and only gave him a very contemptuous look.

   Duan Ziqi suddenly felt a sense of insult from Wang Zhi's contempt.

   He tightened the reins and stabbed the horse again with the silver needle.

   But he was a step too late.

  Siyu's brows were cold, like an unsheathed sword cutting through the sky.

   left him directly behind.

   Song Zhaoxin raised his throat and immediately intercepted it, forcing Siyu to slow down.

   Her eyes widened in disbelief, "What's the matter with you? Didn't you agree to force him to do something to you first?"

   The Duan Ziqi was forced to be irrational just by looking at it, the little pervert won directly, didn't she plan in vain?

   Si Ruan gritted his teeth.

   The little girl actually murdered him for Duan Ziqi.

   Obviously he has proved with his strength that he is more powerful than Duan Ziqi, is she still reluctant to give up Duan Ziqi?

   Duan Ziqi took the opportunity to chase after him, anxiously looking at Song Zhao who was standing in front of him, "Second Lady Song, how could you not follow the rules? Get out of the way!"

   "I don't know, my horse has its own thoughts, and I can't control it." Song Zhao said nonsense in a serious and innocent manner.

   Duanzi period, "..."

   If you still can't see that Song Zhao intends to make trouble with him, he is really stupid.

   There was a lot of discussion in the venue.

  The girls were all amazed by Si Yu's heroic figure, and couldn't help showing admiration.

   It's a pity that Kong has a knack for riding, and his status is too low, so he can only be seductive.

   The good lady deliberately mocked, "It seems that the equestrian skills of the eldest son of Duan are not comparable to that of Si Yu. The rumors of his talent are exaggerated."

   Mrs. Duan stared at Song Zhao angrily.

   This damned stinky girl is clearly blocking her son's way on purpose.

   After successfully winning the Song family, she will be the first to clean up Song Zhao.


  The road was blocked, and Duan Ziqi was red-eyed by Song Zhao.

   He suddenly raised his hand and took advantage of the blind spot to quickly stab the silver needle into Song Zhao's horse.

  Song Zhao didn't expect Duan Ziqi to do something to her, but he didn't notice for a while, and the startled horse trembled and was about to fall.

  Siyu's pupils shrank, he quickly approached Song Zhao, and stretched out his arms to embrace the little girl's body from behind.

   Even though it was early spring, after exercising, my body had a scorching body temperature that I couldn’t keep my clothes off.

  Song Zhao's back slammed into the boy's arms.

  Siyu almost subconsciously put his palm on Song Zhao's waist.

very close.

  The sweetness on the girl's body became stronger and more fragrant after exercise, and went straight to Si Yu's sense of smell.

  Siyu was in a trance, bowed his head slightly, his chin brushed the little girl's soft hair, itching and tingling.

   The boy's Adam's apple rolled down gently and helped her back to the horse, "Be careful."

   A slightly hoarse voice was sprayed thinly on her neck.

  The situation was urgent, Song Zhao did not realize that such a move was rude.

   She lay on the horse, exhaled like the rest of her life, looked up at Si Yu and said, "Thank you."

  Siyu's eyes turned red.

   He rubbed his palm with his fingers, as if he was reminiscing about the tenderness that passed by.

  Little girl, good waist~


   This series of actions is only a few seconds long, and Duan Ziqi is about to take the opportunity to rush to the end.

   However, his Maxima probably lost his energy after being poked by his needle too many times, and ran erratically.

  Siyu calmly galloped from behind and was about to pass him.

   Duan Ziqi's brain was congested, and he didn't care that he would be seen from such an angle, so he had to stab the silver needle into Siyu's belly.

   shot, shot!

  Song Zhao's eyes lit up, and he took out a medicinal powder from his pocket that could shock the horse, and was about to sprinkle it on Siyu's horse following Duan Ziqi's movements.

   said it was too late, Si Yu didn't wait for Duan Ziqi to finish the action, he raised his hooves and rushed to the finish line.


The    whistle sounded, and Si Yu won.

   There was applause from the hall.

  Siyu rode on a steed and deliberately turned to stare at Song Zhao.

   Those pitch-black eyes seemed to be flickering with silver light, like a peacock who had won a battle, and was in urgent need of praise.

  Song Zhao's face was blue with anger, and he didn't want to look at him.

   We've lost the ranking, and we haven't recommended it yet. If the word count is too long, the book will be scrapped.

   So temporarily unable to update 4 [helpless], wait for me for a few more days, I will make up.

   A humble request for a ticket.



   (end of this chapter)

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