Chapter 50 Second Assassination 3

  Song Zhao also remembered that Qiu Siyu had destroyed her plan. Seeing Siyu's half-dead appearance at this moment, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

   This is the so-called devil's own harvest!

   She squatted in front of Siyu and looked at it with a smile.

   As expected of a petty pervert, even if he is half-dead, the chilling aura radiating from his bones and blood is still terrifying.

  Song Zhao checked Si Yu's pulse and determined that this person only had his last breath left.

   "What a pitiful little!" Song Zhao smiled lightly, "Seeing that you only have one breath left, I'll give you a treat~"

  Song Zhao knew that she didn't have the strength to kill Si Yu, but she couldn't bear God's repeated assassination opportunities.

   The current assassination conditions are much easier than the first time.

   If you don’t kill him today, he will kill him tomorrow!

  Song Zhao looked left and right, saw a river behind him, and decided—

   Drag into the lake and drown!

  She grabbed Si Yu's arm and walked towards the lake, but she overestimated her physical strength.

   This little pervert looks thin, why is it so heavy?

   Hey, hey.

  Song Zhao exerted his strength to **** the milk, and barely dragged a few millimeters.

   "I'm so tired~" Song Zhao panted, her face flushed red, she walked step by step.

   After dragging a few steps, she felt it was too laborious, she passed her hand under Siyu's arm, hugged Siyu's upper body instead, and tried to lift it up.

  Keep going!

   "It's really not easy to kill someone!"

  Song Zhao was half-tired, sweat dripped from his face in a string, and his clothes were wet, sticky and uncomfortable.

   Seeing victory in sight, we will reach the lake in a few meters.

  Song Zhao faltered, took a snake-like position, and fell down uncontrollably.


  Song Zhao pressed Si Yu firmly under him.

   "Hmm..." The comatose teenager was a little bit conscious of the pain, and opened his eyes in a trance.

   A very familiar sweetness floated between the wings of his nose, which stimulated him to see the scene in front of him.

  Song Zhao gasped for breath and slumped in front of Si Yu, suddenly meeting his eyes.

   In an instant, Song Zhao jumped up in fright.

   The cloth pocket embroidered on her body trembled, and a black pill leaked out, and by accident, it was sent into Si Yu's slightly parted thin lips.

   melts at the entrance.

   In the blink of an eye, Si Yu felt that the missing blood in his body had been replenished.

   "My ginseng pills!" Song Zhao only felt that a piece of his heart had been dug out, and he was bleeding painfully.

  O old swan!

   That was something she spent a lot of time researching, and one grain was worth thousands of dollars, yet was eaten by a little pervert?

  Siyu's missing qi and blood instantly recovered, and he sat up with one hand.

   The black hair like ink hangs down, and the ends of the hair wind and twist on the grass.

  The boy stared at Song Zhao, "What were you doing to me just now?"


Song Zhao, who saved Si Yu once again, didn't want to say anything, only showed an embarrassed but polite smile.

  Siyu gasped softly, raised his hand and stroked his chin.

   The moment he was awake, he was pinned down by Song Zhao.

   Could it be that she secretly underestimated him while he was unconscious?

  Thinking of this, Si Yu's pale face suddenly turned red with blood.

   He coughed, was silent for a long time, and squeezed out two words, "Naughty." This is in the wild!

  Song Zhao: What the **** am I?

   Song Zhao, who suffered heavy losses, buried Si Yu on the spot.

   She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and muttered, "I, I am saving you, and you are still murdering me!"

   There is no way, everyone has survived, she can't waste ginseng pills, she has to ask for a favor.

  Siyu's eyes gradually darkened.

   Save him and use it to ooxx him?

   is clearly greedy for his body!

   In the next chapter, the abusive scum will break off the marriage~ darlings, remember to vote and vote~



   (end of this chapter)

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