Chapter 51 Successful divorce 1

   Feeling the cold and terrifying death eyes of Si Yu, Song Zhao shrank his neck very nervously.

  What's the matter, did the little pervert discover the truth of her assassination?

  Siyu suddenly said, "Come here."

   "What are you doing?" Song Zhao asked cautiously, but he looked around, thinking about where to run to escape.

   "Hold me a hand." He held out his hand.

  Song Zhao looked at Si Yu as if he was trying to kill her, so he felt at ease, and tentatively grabbed his cuff.

   He suddenly backhanded and squeezed her thin wrist.

  Song Zhao was taken aback.

   The next second, Si Yu lowered his head and bit her finger.

  The tip of the tooth pierced the skin, and the moist touch came along with the pain.

  Song Zhao groaned in pain, his round cat eyes widened, "Why are you biting me?"

   She knew that Siyu would be a murderer in the future. Could it be that he also has a habit of eating people?

  Siyu loosened his mouth and looked at the teeth marks that were bitten out of her delicate fingers, all oozing blood. He suppressed his eyebrows and said coldly, "I wanted to clean up you for a long time."

   This little girl with a heart, while he was unconscious, secretly belittled him, and was thinking of marrying another man, bit her and it was lighter!

  Song Zhao was wronged, "You are a man of kindness and revenge! I gave you ginseng pills worth ten thousand gold, and you not only did not thank me, but also bit me!"

   Ginseng pills?

  Siyu was stunned, and then he remembered that after the race was over, he was unconscious due to a large amount of bleeding from a ruptured wound.

   But at this time he felt it, the wound had stopped bleeding, his energy was recovering, and there was a smell of ginseng in his mouth.

   So... the little girl found out that his condition was wrong and brought medicine to save him?

   This realization made him a little excited, but he turned back to the thought of her staring at him for that **** in Duanziqi during the horse race, and pursed his lips unhappily.

  The boy looks particularly fierce with a straight face.

  Song Zhao was frightened and angry, and he couldn't control his emotions, "You deliberately sabotaged my plan today, I'm not angry, why are you angry with me?"

   Seeing that she was still thinking about that bastard, Si Yu only felt that the anger that had not been dissipated came out again.

   His thin lips pursed into a straight line, warning her, "Being a human being, you should start from the beginning."

  Since she has a skin-to-skin relationship with him, how can she think about another man.

  Song Zhao was stunned, "I ruined my sister's marriage with Duan Ziqi, what does it have to do with following through?"

  Siyu coughed lowly.

   The three views of the little girl have been distorted to the point that she is thinking about two men at the same time, and she still feels righteous?

   She didn't play him as a spare tire, did she?

  Siyu gritted his teeth and said, "Let me tell you straight, he likes girls in the Duanzi period, you can have some snacks, don't be deceived by him."

   was originally afraid of scaring Song Zhao, but he didn't plan to tell the disgusting truth.

   But the little girl was so stubborn that she compared him to Duan Ziqi.

   "Just because I know he likes this, I have to ruin the marriage!"

  Siyu's heart aches.

   I've never seen such a self-inflicted snare to be abused!

   He stretched out his hand and squeezed the little girl's face, squeezing her baby-fat face into various shapes.

it hurts.

  Song Zhao made a vague voice, "Shake, Shake to open the nest!"

Si Yu stared at her coldly, his eyes were filled with violent wind and rain, "Song Zhao, can you have a bottom line, that kind of scumbag, what if you can get this marriage? Years, do you think Duan Ziqi will still like you?"

   Howling, come count the votes and hurt me!嘤嘤嘤QAQ



   (end of this chapter)

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