The Group Pet Sister Became the Petite Bag of the Powerful Minister

Chapter 521: Tonight, you and I have a spring night 2

   Chapter 521 Tonight, you and I have a spring night 2

   "What did you say? The Governor is selling illicit salt to cooperate with the Nanxun County magistrate?"

  Prince was shocked.

  Selling illicit salt is the most lucrative business... Si Yu suddenly dared to do this kind of thing, does he want to recruit more troops?

  The spy said, "The night when the subordinates followed their team to the inn, a group of men in black attacked the inn and snatched their goods...

   However, the subordinates overheard that the goods were not real smuggled salt. Later, they were afraid of being discovered, so the subordinates could only leave quickly and come back to explain to His Highness. "

  Prince pursed his lips and felt that this matter was very tense. He didn't want to be as impulsive and bad as before. After thinking about it, he left the East Palace and rushed straight to the Jiaofang Palace.

   Jiaofang Hall.

   Queen Gu was losing her temper at this time... All kinds of antiques and treasures in the house were thrown over and over.

  The maids and eunuchs who were kneeling all around were afraid to take a breath.

   Actually, this is not the first time that the Empress has lost her temper... Ever since Rongbi was born, Emperor Yuan Chun stayed in Rongbi's room every night, completely forgetting Empress Gu.

   Even the rule set by the ancestors that the emperor must come to Jiaofang Palace to rest with the queen on the night of the full moon, Yuan Chundi also forgot.

"What a slut, he knows how to seduce the saint all day long, and even dares to **** the favor of this palace!" Queen Gu's eyes were red with anger, looking at the exquisite food that had been cold in front of her, she kicked all over the ground with one kick. Yes.

  The maid and **** are worried and don't know how to comfort him.

  The arrival of the prince rescued them.

   "Tan'er, it's so late, what's the matter with the mother?" Empress Gu reluctantly returned to normal when facing the prince because of her anger and distorted face.

The prince told Empress Gu what the spy discovered, and Empress Gu was overjoyed, "Dan'er, are you sure this is true? If Si Yuzhen colluded with the county magistrate to sell illicit salt, his future would be over. You can also take the opportunity to pull the Song family into the water and make them suffer bad luck."

  The prince was certain, "The secret agent has seen it with his own eyes, and there is no falsehood in this matter. It's just that my son cannot get the evidence in his hands. He needs to tell the father and emperor that he will go to Nanxun to check in person."

"Let's go, the queen mother will take you to see the sage," Empress Gu said in a low voice, excited, "your grandfather said that there are 200,000 strong men in Nanxun. As long as you dismantle his conspiracy, expose his face, and add your identity as a crown prince, you will surely be sought after by the people."

   200,000 strong men, whoever sees it is not envious.

  If they develop into their own sergeants... they are equivalent to having the strongest main force of a family who has surrendered.

  Emperor Yuan Chun was about to applaud love after washing up with Rong'er, but he was disappointed by his cheating son.

   put on his clothes and came out with a dark face, looking at Empress Gu and the prince and mother and son standing there, angry.

   Before he could scold, the crown prince told about Si Yu's collusion with the Nanxun magistrate, and also applied for Emperor Yuan Chun to open the imperial ship, agreeing that he would go to Nanxun to go to sea.

   "What you there any evidence?" Yuan Chundi had been tricked by the prince too many times. Hearing about this type of thing again, he was no longer as excited as he was at first, and he doubted its authenticity for the first time.

   It is not a trivial matter for the prince to drive the imperial ship to the south, and it will surely disturb the courtiers...

  If the bamboo basket is empty, it wastes resources, makes jokes for nothing, and damages the face of the royal family.

  The prince nodded and said, "The spy doesn't dare to deceive the solitary, just want evidence, and the son and the minister have to go south to check clearly before they can give the father an explanation.

  I am not afraid of 10,000, but I am afraid of what happens. If the chief governor really went to the 200,000 strong men, wouldn't it be a big deal? "

  The Prince's words touched the sensitive point of Emperor Yuan Chun.

   Compared to selling illicit salt, the 200,000 strong men are his biggest worry.

   (end of this chapter)

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