The Group Pet Sister Became the Petite Bag of the Powerful Minister

Chapter 522: Tonight, you and I have a spring night 3

   Chapter 522 Tonight, you and I have a spring night 3

  The military power of Dasheng was distributed in the hands of various courtiers and families.

   Whoever gets the most has the right to speak.

  Everyone mocked the Song family for being a high-ranking master in public, but in private, who didn't try their best to gather power in their own house?

   There are 200,000 strong men in Nanxun, and the courtiers knew it a few years ago...

  In order to prevent the family from taking advantage of this manpower to strengthen its real power, Emperor Yuan Chun asked the local government to order Nanxun people to join the army, but because few people signed up, it was finally settled.

Now that    is mentioned, Emperor Yuan Chun's heart tightens.

  If these 200,000 people are really taken away by Si Yu... enjoy the real power of a city, and he is already a first-class... If you go up, you will be a super-rank county lord.

   Emperor Yuan Chun did not dare to think further.

   So he agreed to the prince's request without hesitation.

  The art of the emperor lies in checks and balances.

   No matter what Si Yu's idea is, if the prince is watching, it can be considered a restraint... Even if the bamboo basket is empty, it will make him feel at ease.

"If you can really catch Si Yu and expose it in one fell swoop this time, and then conquer the hearts of the people, I think that the 200,000 strong men will definitely be used by you, are you happy?" Emperor Yuanchun said slowly, his tone quite a bit Means unknown.

  Prince knew that Emperor Yuan Chun was suspicious again. He didn't want Si Yu to gain military power, and he also didn't want him, the prince, to get it.

If it wasn't for the prince's departure from the capital and the permission of Emperor Yuanchun, he would have already set off secretly... Now, the prince can only suppress his grievance and say righteously, "This country is the country of the father, and the people are also the people of the father. Since the son is the heir, he will naturally focus on the father and guard every inch of the land for the father."

   The implication is that he will not embezzle manpower.

   Emperor Yuan Chun was relieved, and patted the prince on the shoulder with a smile.

   "Keep a low profile." Before the prince left, Emperor Yuan Chun gave an uneasy command, "Before this is done, don't make a fool of yourself, so as not to make mistakes, do you understand?"

   Emperor Yuan Chun experienced great winds and waves.

  Things like this, when he was still a member of the clan, he watched the royal family do all kinds of stupid things to fight for power.

   One example of this is very similar to the current situation.

   is also one party to engage the other.

  In the case of self-confidence, he made a lot of noise, and he was just empty, but he also helped the other party because of the influence he brought.

   Emperor Yuan Chun felt that Si Yu was very cunning and had to guard against him.

  Prince didn't care.

   He has suffered so many losses... He has already gained experience, this time he will go in person, and he will not miss it.

   As for low-key.

  The prince didn't take Emperor Yuan Chun's explanation to heart at all...

  This time, he was aimed at suppressing Si Yu, elevating himself, and winning the hearts of the people, so as to achieve the goal of 200,000 people.

  How can you keep a low profile?

   Not only can he not be low-key, he also has to be high-profile, so that everyone will be shocked by the demeanor of his crown prince.

  The only way to let the people know that it is to go with the scenery is that surrendering to him is the best choice.

   After this happened, Emperor Yuan Chun was embarrassed to openly beat the autumn wind in the hands of his own son.

  So the prince brought 10,000 personal soldiers and boarded the imperial ship in a hurry, and a flag was erected on the ship to symbolize the identity of the crown prince.

  In this way, on the way to Nanxun by the imperial ship, everyone knew that the crown prince had arrived.

   When Nanxun, cities and towns in all directions will cheer for him... If he tries to be handsome by suppressing Siyu, it will be done.


   At the same time, Song Bin hurried back to the Song family from the military camp and woke up the old lady Song who was about to rest.

   "Mother, there are several Nanxun people under my son. I just heard them say a big thing... Our Zhao Zhaoer, I'm afraid there will be danger."

   (end of this chapter)

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